blob: 427329ef3c8b68bbb9250750d0ea21ead193065c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) %s -emit-silgen | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
sil_stage raw // CHECK: sil_stage raw
import Builtin
import Swift
import ObjectiveC
@objc protocol ObjCProto {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @protocol_conversion
sil @protocol_conversion : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned Protocol {
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = objc_protocol #ObjCProto : $Protocol
%p = objc_protocol #ObjCProto : $Protocol
return %p : $Protocol
class SomeClass {}
protocol SomeClassProtocol : class {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [ossa] @metatype_to_object
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = objc_metatype_to_object {{%.*}} : $@objc_metatype SomeClass.Type to $AnyObject
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = objc_existential_metatype_to_object {{%.*}} : $@objc_metatype SomeClassProtocol.Type to $AnyObject
sil [ossa] @metatype_to_object : $@convention(thin) (@objc_metatype SomeClass.Type, @objc_metatype SomeClassProtocol.Type) -> @owned (AnyObject, AnyObject) {
entry(%a : $@objc_metatype SomeClass.Type, %b : $@objc_metatype SomeClassProtocol.Type):
%x = objc_metatype_to_object %a : $@objc_metatype SomeClass.Type to $AnyObject
%y = objc_existential_metatype_to_object %b : $@objc_metatype SomeClassProtocol.Type to $AnyObject
%z = tuple (%x : $AnyObject, %y : $AnyObject)
return %z : $(AnyObject, AnyObject)
sil @requires_any_object : $@convention(thin) <T: AnyObject> (@owned T) -> ()
sil [ossa] @foo : $@convention(thin) (@owned ObjCProto) -> () {
entry(%a : @owned $ObjCProto):
%f = function_ref @requires_any_object : $@convention(thin) <T: AnyObject> (@owned T) -> ()
%0 = apply %f<ObjCProto>(%a) : $@convention(thin) <T: AnyObject> (@owned T) -> ()
return %0 : $()