blob: 8a33588b493246194956f9b20bcf69c1841e5846 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
func localFunc(_ x: Int) -> Int {
func addToX(_ y: Int) -> Int {
return x + y
return addToX(1)
func localFunc2(_ x: Int) -> (_ y: Int) -> Int {
func addToX(_ y: Int) -> Int {
return x + y
return addToX
// FIXME global vars
func test() {
// CHECK: 3
// CHECK: 5
var lf = localFunc
// CHECK: 8
var lf2 = localFunc2
var lf2_ = lf2(5)
// CHECK: 13
// <rdar://problem/19776288>
func map<T>(_ fn: (T) -> ()) {
print("Void overload")
func map<T,U>(_ fn: (T) -> U) {
print("Non-void overload")
// CHECK: Void overload
map({(x: Int) -> Int in x})
// CHECK: Non-void overload
// This used to assert in runtime assert builds.
protocol Initializable {
func f2<T: Initializable>(_ x: T) -> T? { return nil }
func c<T: Initializable>(_ x: T) {
guard var b = f2(x) else { print("success") ; return }
let c = { b = T() }
_ = (b, c)
extension Bool : Initializable {
init() {
self = true
// CHECK: success
func f() -> Bool? { return nil }
// CHECK: success
guard var b = f() else { print("success") ; return }
let c = { b = true }
_ = (b, c)
// This used to crash at one point in optimized mode because we had the wrong
// memory effects on swift_getFunctionTypeMetadata.
func crash() {
let f: (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> Int = { _, _, _, _ in 21 }
let fs = [f, f]
// CHECK: fs: [(Function), (Function)]
print("fs: \(fs)")