blob: f6c81c8ef9fee5244db0953c28be5e6218c13568 [file] [log] [blame]
/// other ==> main
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: cp -r %S/Inputs/one-way/* %t
// RUN: touch -t 201401240005 %t/*
// RUN: cd %t && not %swiftc_driver -c -driver-use-frontend-path "%{python};%S/Inputs/" -output-file-map %t/output.json -incremental -driver-always-rebuild-dependents ./main.swift ./other.swift -module-name main -j1 -v 2>&1 | %FileCheck %s
// CHECK: Handled main.swift
// CHECK: Handled other.swift
// CHECK-NOT: error
// CHECK: error: input file 'other.swift' was modified during the build
// CHECK-NOT: error
// RUN: cd %t && %swiftc_driver -c -driver-use-frontend-path "%{python};%S/Inputs/" -output-file-map %t/output.json -incremental -driver-always-rebuild-dependents ./main.swift ./other.swift -module-name main -j1 -v 2>&1 | %FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-RECOVER %s
// CHECK-RECOVER: Handled main.swift
// CHECK-RECOVER: Handled other.swift
// RUN: touch -t 201401240005 %t/*
// RUN: cd %t && not %swiftc_driver -c -driver-use-frontend-path "%{python};%S/Inputs/" -output-file-map %t/output.json -incremental -driver-always-rebuild-dependents ./other.swift ./main.swift -module-name main -j1 -v 2>&1 | %FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-REVERSED %s
// CHECK-REVERSED: Handled other.swift
// CHECK-REVERSED: Handled main.swift
// CHECK-REVERSED: error: input file 'main.swift' was modified during the build
// RUN: cd %t && %swiftc_driver -c -driver-use-frontend-path "%{python};%S/Inputs/" -output-file-map %t/output.json -incremental -driver-always-rebuild-dependents ./main.swift ./other.swift -module-name main -j1 -v 2>&1 | %FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-REVERSED-RECOVER %s
// CHECK-REVERSED-RECOVER-NOT: Handled other.swift
// CHECK-REVERSED-RECOVER: Handled main.swift
// CHECK-REVERSED-RECOVER-NOT: Handled other.swift