blob: fe198c710012571aa6e5ad7f5a9222d44cf1776e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift -emit-executable %s -g -o %t/ASTSection -emit-module
// RUN: %lldb-moduleimport-test -verbose %t/ASTSection | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// The test ASTSection_linker.swift builds this code with separate
// compile and link steps.
// The test ASTSection_ObjC.swift builds this code with -DOBJC.
// A type that should be serialized.
class Foo {
init() { }
func bar() -> Int64 { return 42 }
// Some toplevel code that should not be serialized.
var foo: Foo = Foo()
#if OBJC
func objCUser(_ obj: ObjCClass) {}
// CHECK: - Target: {{.+}}-{{.+}}-{{.+}}
// CHECK: Importing ASTSection... ok!