blob: 9a5e396ee8aa7c261941ce2cd7f205659a0c6041 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift %clang-importer-sdk -enable-objc-interop
import ctypes
import CoreGraphics
import Foundation
import CoreFoundation
var cgPointVar: CGPoint
// FIXME: Import arrays as real array-looking things.
func testArrays() {
let fes: NSFastEnumerationState
var ulong: CUnsignedLong
var pulong: UnsafeMutablePointer<CUnsignedLong>
ulong = fes.state
pulong = fes.mutationsPtr
ulong = fes.extra.0
ulong = fes.extra.1
ulong = fes.extra.2
ulong = fes.extra.3
ulong = fes.extra.4
_ = ulong; _ = pulong
// FIXME: Import pointers to opaque types as unique types.
func testPointers() {
let cfstr: CFString?
_ = cfstr as CFTypeRef?
// Ensure that imported structs can be extended, even if typedef'ed on the C
// side.
extension NSFastEnumerationState {
func reset() {}
extension CGRectTy {
init(x: Double, y: Double, w: Double, h: Double) {
origin.x = CGFloat(x)
origin.y = CGFloat(y)
size.width = CGFloat(w)
size.height = CGFloat(h)
extension CGRect {
func printAsX11Geometry() {
print("\(size.width)x\(size.height)+\(origin.x)+\(origin.y)", terminator: "")
func testImportMacTypes() {
// Test that we import integer and floating-point types as swift stdlib
// types.
var a : UInt32 = UInt32_test
a = a + 1
var b : Float64 = Float64_test
b = b + 1
var t9_unqual : Float32 = Float32_test
var t10_unqual : Float64 = Float64_test
var t9_qual : ctypes.Float32 = 0.0 // expected-error {{no type named 'Float32' in module 'ctypes'}}
var t10_qual : ctypes.Float64 = 0.0 // expected-error {{no type named 'Float64' in module 'ctypes'}}
func testImportCFTypes() {
let t1_unqual: UInt = CFTypeID_test
_ = t1_unqual as CoreFoundation.CFTypeID
let t2_unqual: UInt = CFOptionFlags_test
_ = t2_unqual as CoreFoundation.CFOptionFlags
let t3_unqual: UInt = CFHashCode_test
_ = t3_unqual as CoreFoundation.CFHashCode
let t4_unqual: Int = CFIndex_test
_ = t4_unqual as CoreFoundation.CFIndex
func testImportSEL() {
var t1 : SEL // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'SEL'}} {{12-15=Selector}}
var t2 : ctypes.SEL // expected-error {{no type named 'SEL' in module 'ctypes'}}
func testStructDefaultInit() {
let _ = NonNilableReferences() // expected-error{{missing argument}}