blob: dea2c6f047bb8edb03d21b54566207f8a249c710 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Enum.h - Runtime declarations for enums ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Swift runtime functions in support of enums.
#include "swift/Runtime/Config.h"
namespace swift {
struct OpaqueValue;
struct InProcess;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetValueWitnessTable;
using ValueWitnessTable = TargetValueWitnessTable<InProcess>;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetMetadata;
using Metadata = TargetMetadata<InProcess>;
template <typename Runtime> struct TargetEnumMetadata;
using EnumMetadata = TargetEnumMetadata<InProcess>;
struct TypeLayout;
/// Initialize the type metadata for a single-case enum type.
/// \param enumType - pointer to the instantiated but uninitialized metadata
/// for the enum.
/// \param flags - flags controlling the layout
/// \param payload - type metadata for the payload of the enum.
void swift_initEnumMetadataSingleCase(EnumMetadata *enumType,
EnumLayoutFlags flags,
const TypeLayout *payload);
/// Initialize the type metadata for a single-payload enum type.
/// \param enumType - pointer to the instantiated but uninitialized metadata
/// for the enum.
/// \param flags - flags controlling the layout
/// \param payload - type metadata for the payload case of the enum.
/// \param emptyCases - the number of empty cases in the enum.
void swift_initEnumMetadataSinglePayload(EnumMetadata *enumType,
EnumLayoutFlags flags,
const TypeLayout *payload,
unsigned emptyCases);
using getExtraInhabitantTag_t =
SWIFT_CC(swift) unsigned (const OpaqueValue *vaue,
unsigned numExtraInhabitants,
const Metadata *payloadType);
/// Implement getEnumTagSinglePayload generically in terms of a
/// payload type with a getExtraInhabitantIndex function.
/// \param value - pointer to the enum value.
/// \param payloadType - type metadata for the payload case of the enum.
/// \param emptyCases - the number of empty cases in the enum.
/// \returns 0 if the payload case is inhabited. If an empty case is inhabited,
/// returns a value greater than or equal to one and less than or equal
/// emptyCases.
unsigned swift_getEnumTagSinglePayloadGeneric(const OpaqueValue *value,
unsigned emptyCases,
const Metadata *payloadType,
getExtraInhabitantTag_t *getTag);
using storeExtraInhabitantTag_t =
SWIFT_CC(swift) void (OpaqueValue *value,
unsigned whichCase,
unsigned numExtraInhabitants,
const Metadata *payloadType);
/// Implement storeEnumTagSinglePayload generically in terms of a
/// payload type with a storeExtraInhabitant function.
/// \param value - pointer to the enum value. If the case being initialized is
/// the payload case (0), then the payload should be
/// initialized.
/// \param payloadType - type metadata for the payload case of the enum.
/// \param whichCase - unique value identifying the case. 0 for the payload
/// case, or a value greater than or equal to one and less
/// than or equal emptyCases for an empty case.
/// \param emptyCases - the number of empty cases in the enum.
void swift_storeEnumTagSinglePayloadGeneric(OpaqueValue *value,
unsigned whichCase,
unsigned emptyCases,
const Metadata *payloadType,
storeExtraInhabitantTag_t *storeTag);
/// Initialize the type metadata for a generic, multi-payload
/// enum instance.
void swift_initEnumMetadataMultiPayload(EnumMetadata *enumType,
EnumLayoutFlags flags,
unsigned numPayloads,
const TypeLayout * const *payloadTypes);
/// Return an integer value representing which case of a multi-payload
/// enum is inhabited.
/// \param value - pointer to the enum value.
/// \param enumType - type metadata for the enum.
/// \returns The index of the enum case.
unsigned swift_getEnumCaseMultiPayload(const OpaqueValue *value,
const EnumMetadata *enumType);
/// Store the tag value for the given case into a multi-payload enum,
/// whose associated payload (if any) has already been initialized.
void swift_storeEnumTagMultiPayload(OpaqueValue *value,
const EnumMetadata *enumType,
unsigned whichCase);