blob: e8025c0a4595d9e129bb4917a937f39da64d0553 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- TypeDecoder.h - Decode mangled type names --------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides facilities to \c TypeDecoder, which decodes a mangled
// type name into a structured type representation.
#include "swift/ABI/MetadataValues.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/Demangler.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Unreachable.h"
#include "swift/Strings.h"
#include <vector>
namespace swift {
namespace Demangle {
enum class ImplMetatypeRepresentation {
/// Describe a function parameter, parameterized on the type
/// representation.
template <typename BuiltType>
class FunctionParam {
StringRef Label;
BuiltType Type;
ParameterFlags Flags;
FunctionParam(StringRef label, BuiltType type, ParameterFlags flags)
: Label(label), Type(type), Flags(flags) {}
explicit FunctionParam() {}
FunctionParam(BuiltType type) : Type(type) {}
StringRef getLabel() const { return Label; }
BuiltType getType() const { return Type; }
ParameterFlags getFlags() const { return Flags; }
void setLabel(StringRef label) { Label = label; }
void setType(BuiltType type) { Type = type; }
void setVariadic() { Flags = Flags.withVariadic(true); }
void setAutoClosure() { Flags = Flags.withAutoClosure(true); }
void setValueOwnership(ValueOwnership ownership) {
Flags = Flags.withValueOwnership(ownership);
void setFlags(ParameterFlags flags) { Flags = flags; };
FunctionParam withLabel(StringRef label) const {
return FunctionParam(label, Type, Flags);
FunctionParam withType(BuiltType type) const {
return FunctionParam(Label, type, Flags);
FunctionParam withFlags(ParameterFlags flags) const {
return FunctionParam(Label, Type, flags);
enum class ImplParameterConvention {
/// Describe a lowered function parameter, parameterized on the type
/// representation.
template <typename BuiltType>
class ImplFunctionParam {
ImplParameterConvention Convention;
BuiltType Type;
using ConventionType = ImplParameterConvention;
static Optional<ConventionType>
getConventionFromString(StringRef conventionString) {
if (conventionString == "@in")
return ConventionType::Indirect_In;
if (conventionString == "@in_constant")
return ConventionType::Indirect_In_Constant;
if (conventionString == "@in_guaranteed")
return ConventionType::Indirect_In_Guaranteed;
if (conventionString == "@inout")
return ConventionType::Indirect_Inout;
if (conventionString == "@inout_aliasable")
return ConventionType::Indirect_InoutAliasable;
if (conventionString == "@owned")
return ConventionType::Direct_Owned;
if (conventionString == "@unowned")
return ConventionType::Direct_Unowned;
if (conventionString == "@guaranteed")
return ConventionType::Direct_Guaranteed;
return None;
ImplFunctionParam(ImplParameterConvention convention, BuiltType type)
: Convention(convention), Type(type) {}
ImplParameterConvention getConvention() const { return Convention; }
BuiltType getType() const { return Type; }
enum class ImplResultConvention {
/// Describe a lowered function result, parameterized on the type
/// representation.
template <typename BuiltType>
class ImplFunctionResult {
ImplResultConvention Convention;
BuiltType Type;
using ConventionType = ImplResultConvention;
static Optional<ConventionType>
getConventionFromString(StringRef conventionString) {
if (conventionString == "@out")
return ConventionType::Indirect;
if (conventionString == "@owned")
return ConventionType::Owned;
if (conventionString == "@unowned")
return ConventionType::Unowned;
if (conventionString == "@unowned_inner_pointer")
return ConventionType::UnownedInnerPointer;
if (conventionString == "@autoreleased")
return ConventionType::Autoreleased;
return None;
ImplFunctionResult(ImplResultConvention convention, BuiltType type)
: Convention(convention), Type(type) {}
ImplResultConvention getConvention() const { return Convention; }
BuiltType getType() const { return Type; }
enum class ImplFunctionRepresentation {
class ImplFunctionTypeFlags {
unsigned Rep : 3;
unsigned Pseudogeneric : 1;
unsigned Escaping : 1;
ImplFunctionTypeFlags() : Rep(0), Pseudogeneric(0), Escaping(0) {}
ImplFunctionTypeFlags(ImplFunctionRepresentation rep,
bool pseudogeneric, bool noescape)
: Rep(unsigned(rep)), Pseudogeneric(pseudogeneric), Escaping(noescape) {}
withRepresentation(ImplFunctionRepresentation rep) const {
return ImplFunctionTypeFlags(rep, Pseudogeneric, Escaping);
withEscaping() const {
return ImplFunctionTypeFlags(ImplFunctionRepresentation(Rep),
Pseudogeneric, true);
withPseudogeneric() const {
return ImplFunctionTypeFlags(ImplFunctionRepresentation(Rep),
true, Escaping);
ImplFunctionRepresentation getRepresentation() const {
return ImplFunctionRepresentation(Rep);
bool isEscaping() const { return Escaping; }
bool isPseudogeneric() const { return Pseudogeneric; }
/// For a mangled node that refers to an Objective-C class or protocol,
/// return the class or protocol name.
static inline Optional<StringRef> getObjCClassOrProtocolName(
NodePointer node) {
if (node->getKind() != Demangle::Node::Kind::Class &&
node->getKind() != Demangle::Node::Kind::Protocol)
return None;
if (node->getNumChildren() != 2)
return None;
// Check whether we have the __ObjC module.
auto moduleNode = node->getChild(0);
if (moduleNode->getKind() != Demangle::Node::Kind::Module ||
moduleNode->getText() != MANGLING_MODULE_OBJC)
return None;
// Check whether we have an identifier.
auto nameNode = node->getChild(1);
if (nameNode->getKind() != Demangle::Node::Kind::Identifier)
return None;
return nameNode->getText();
/// Decode a mangled type to construct an abstract type, forming such
/// types by invoking a custom builder.
template <typename BuilderType>
class TypeDecoder {
using BuiltType = typename BuilderType::BuiltType;
using BuiltTypeDecl = typename BuilderType::BuiltTypeDecl;
using BuiltProtocolDecl = typename BuilderType::BuiltProtocolDecl;
using NodeKind = Demangle::Node::Kind;
BuilderType &Builder;
explicit TypeDecoder(BuilderType &Builder)
: Builder(Builder) {}
/// Given a demangle tree, attempt to turn it into a type.
BuiltType decodeMangledType(NodePointer Node) {
if (!Node) return BuiltType();
using NodeKind = Demangle::Node::Kind;
switch (Node->getKind()) {
case NodeKind::Global:
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
return decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
case NodeKind::TypeMangling:
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
return decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
case NodeKind::Type:
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
return decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
case NodeKind::Class:
if (auto mangledName = getObjCClassOrProtocolName(Node))
return Builder.createObjCClassType(mangledName->str());
case NodeKind::Enum:
case NodeKind::Structure:
case NodeKind::TypeAlias:
case NodeKind::TypeSymbolicReference:
BuiltTypeDecl typeDecl = BuiltTypeDecl();
BuiltType parent = BuiltType();
bool typeAlias = false;
if (!decodeMangledTypeDecl(Node, typeDecl, parent, typeAlias))
return BuiltType();
if (typeAlias)
return Builder.createTypeAliasType(typeDecl, parent);
return Builder.createNominalType(typeDecl, parent);
case NodeKind::BoundGenericEnum:
case NodeKind::BoundGenericStructure:
case NodeKind::BoundGenericClass:
case NodeKind::BoundGenericTypeAlias:
case NodeKind::BoundGenericOtherNominalType: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 2)
return BuiltType();
SmallVector<BuiltType, 8> args;
const auto &genericArgs = Node->getChild(1);
assert(genericArgs->getKind() == NodeKind::TypeList);
for (auto genericArg : *genericArgs) {
auto paramType = decodeMangledType(genericArg);
if (!paramType)
return BuiltType();
auto ChildNode = Node->getChild(0);
if (ChildNode->getKind() == NodeKind::Type &&
ChildNode->getNumChildren() > 0)
ChildNode = ChildNode->getChild(0);
if (auto mangledName = getObjCClassOrProtocolName(ChildNode))
return Builder.createBoundGenericObjCClassType(mangledName->str(),
BuiltTypeDecl typeDecl = BuiltTypeDecl();
BuiltType parent = BuiltType();
bool typeAlias = false;
if (!decodeMangledTypeDecl(ChildNode, typeDecl,
parent, typeAlias))
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createBoundGenericType(typeDecl, args, parent);
case NodeKind::BoundGenericProtocol: {
// This is a special case. When you write a protocol typealias with a
// concrete type base, for example:
// protocol P { typealias A<T> = ... }
// struct S : P {}
// let x: S.A<Int> = ...
// The mangling tree looks like this:
// BoundGenericProtocol ---> BoundGenericTypeAlias
// | |
// | |
// --> Protocol: P --> TypeAlias: A
// | |
// --> TypeList: --> TypeList:
// | |
// --> Structure: S --> Structure: Int
// When resolving the mangling tree to a decl, we strip off the
// BoundGenericProtocol's *argument*, leaving behind only the
// protocol reference.
// But when resolving it to a type, we want to *keep* the argument
// so that the parent type becomes 'S' and not 'P'.
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 2)
return BuiltType();
const auto &genericArgs = Node->getChild(1);
if (genericArgs->getNumChildren() != 1)
return BuiltType();
return decodeMangledType(genericArgs->getChild(0));
case NodeKind::BuiltinTypeName: {
auto mangledName = Demangle::mangleNode(Node);
return Builder.createBuiltinType(Node->getText(), mangledName);
case NodeKind::Metatype:
case NodeKind::ExistentialMetatype: {
unsigned i = 0;
Optional<ImplMetatypeRepresentation> repr;
// Handle lowered metatypes in a hackish way. If the representation
// was not thin, force the resulting typeref to have a non-empty
// representation.
if (Node->getNumChildren() >= 2) {
auto reprNode = Node->getChild(i++);
if (reprNode->getKind() != NodeKind::MetatypeRepresentation ||
return BuiltType();
if (reprNode->getText() == "@thin")
repr = ImplMetatypeRepresentation::Thin;
else if (reprNode->getText() == "@thick")
repr = ImplMetatypeRepresentation::Thick;
else if (reprNode->getText() == "@objc_metatype")
repr = ImplMetatypeRepresentation::ObjC;
} else if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1) {
return BuiltType();
auto instance = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(i));
if (!instance)
return BuiltType();
if (Node->getKind() == NodeKind::Metatype) {
return Builder.createMetatypeType(instance, repr);
} else if (Node->getKind() == NodeKind::ExistentialMetatype) {
return Builder.createExistentialMetatypeType(instance, repr);
} else {
return nullptr;
case NodeKind::ProtocolList:
case NodeKind::ProtocolListWithAnyObject:
case NodeKind::ProtocolListWithClass: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
// Find the protocol list.
SmallVector<BuiltProtocolDecl, 8> Protocols;
auto TypeList = Node->getChild(0);
if (TypeList->getKind() == NodeKind::ProtocolList &&
TypeList->getNumChildren() >= 1) {
TypeList = TypeList->getChild(0);
// Demangle the protocol list.
for (auto componentType : *TypeList) {
if (auto Protocol = decodeMangledProtocolType(componentType))
return BuiltType();
// Superclass or AnyObject, if present.
bool IsClassBound = false;
auto Superclass = BuiltType();
if (Node->getKind() == NodeKind::ProtocolListWithClass) {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 2)
return BuiltType();
auto superclassNode = Node->getChild(1);
Superclass = decodeMangledType(superclassNode);
if (!Superclass) return BuiltType();
IsClassBound = true;
} else if (Node->getKind() == NodeKind::ProtocolListWithAnyObject) {
IsClassBound = true;
return Builder.createProtocolCompositionType(Protocols, Superclass,
case NodeKind::Protocol:
case NodeKind::ProtocolSymbolicReference: {
if (auto Proto = decodeMangledProtocolType(Node)) {
return Builder.createProtocolCompositionType(Proto, BuiltType(),
return BuiltType();
case NodeKind::DynamicSelf: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() != 1)
return BuiltType();
auto selfType = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
if (!selfType)
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createDynamicSelfType(selfType);
case NodeKind::DependentGenericParamType: {
auto depth = Node->getChild(0)->getIndex();
auto index = Node->getChild(1)->getIndex();
return Builder.createGenericTypeParameterType(depth, index);
case NodeKind::ObjCBlock:
case NodeKind::CFunctionPointer:
case NodeKind::ThinFunctionType:
case NodeKind::NoEscapeFunctionType:
case NodeKind::AutoClosureType:
case NodeKind::EscapingAutoClosureType:
case NodeKind::FunctionType: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 2)
return BuiltType();
FunctionTypeFlags flags;
if (Node->getKind() == NodeKind::ObjCBlock) {
flags = flags.withConvention(FunctionMetadataConvention::Block);
} else if (Node->getKind() == NodeKind::CFunctionPointer) {
flags =
} else if (Node->getKind() == NodeKind::ThinFunctionType) {
flags = flags.withConvention(FunctionMetadataConvention::Thin);
bool isThrow =
Node->getChild(0)->getKind() == NodeKind::ThrowsAnnotation;
flags = flags.withThrows(isThrow);
if (isThrow && Node->getNumChildren() < 3)
return BuiltType();
bool hasParamFlags = false;
SmallVector<FunctionParam<BuiltType>, 8> parameters;
if (!decodeMangledFunctionInputType(Node->getChild(isThrow ? 1 : 0),
parameters, hasParamFlags))
return BuiltType();
flags =
Node->getKind() == NodeKind::FunctionType ||
Node->getKind() == NodeKind::EscapingAutoClosureType);
auto result = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(isThrow ? 2 : 1));
if (!result) return BuiltType();
return Builder.createFunctionType(parameters, result, flags);
case NodeKind::ImplFunctionType: {
auto calleeConvention = ImplParameterConvention::Direct_Unowned;
SmallVector<ImplFunctionParam<BuiltType>, 8> parameters;
SmallVector<ImplFunctionResult<BuiltType>, 8> results;
SmallVector<ImplFunctionResult<BuiltType>, 8> errorResults;
ImplFunctionTypeFlags flags;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Node->getNumChildren(); i++) {
auto child = Node->getChild(i);
if (child->getKind() == NodeKind::ImplConvention) {
if (!child->hasText())
return BuiltType();
if (child->getText() == "@convention(thin)") {
flags =
} else if (child->getText() == "@callee_guaranteed") {
calleeConvention = ImplParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed;
} else if (child->getKind() == NodeKind::ImplFunctionAttribute) {
if (!child->hasText())
return BuiltType();
StringRef text = child->getText();
if (text == "@convention(c)") {
flags =
} else if (text == "@convention(block)") {
flags =
} else if (child->getKind() == NodeKind::ImplEscaping) {
flags = flags.withEscaping();
} else if (child->getKind() == NodeKind::ImplParameter) {
if (decodeImplFunctionPart(child, parameters))
return BuiltType();
} else if (child->getKind() == NodeKind::ImplResult) {
if (decodeImplFunctionPart(child, results))
return BuiltType();
} else if (child->getKind() == NodeKind::ImplErrorResult) {
if (decodeImplFunctionPart(child, errorResults))
return BuiltType();
} else {
return BuiltType();
Optional<ImplFunctionResult<BuiltType>> errorResult;
switch (errorResults.size()) {
case 0:
case 1:
errorResult = errorResults.front();
return BuiltType();
// TODO: Some cases not handled above, but *probably* they cannot
// appear as the types of values in SIL (yet?):
// - functions with yield returns
// - functions with generic signatures
// - foreign error conventions
return Builder.createImplFunctionType(calleeConvention,
parameters, results,
errorResult, flags);
case NodeKind::ArgumentTuple:
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
return decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
case NodeKind::ReturnType:
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
return decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
case NodeKind::Tuple: {
SmallVector<BuiltType, 8> elements;
std::string labels;
bool variadic = false;
for (auto &element : *Node) {
if (element->getKind() != NodeKind::TupleElement)
return BuiltType();
// If the tuple element is labeled, add its label to 'labels'.
unsigned typeChildIndex = 0;
unsigned nameIdx = 0;
if (element->getChild(nameIdx)->getKind() == NodeKind::VariadicMarker) {
variadic = true;
nameIdx = 1;
typeChildIndex = 1;
if (element->getChild(nameIdx)->getKind() == NodeKind::TupleElementName) {
// Add spaces to terminate all the previous labels if this
// is the first we've seen.
if (labels.empty()) labels.append(elements.size(), ' ');
// Add the label and its terminator.
labels += element->getChild(0)->getText();
labels += ' ';
// Otherwise, add a space if a previous element had a label.
} else if (!labels.empty()) {
labels += ' ';
// Decode the element type.
BuiltType elementType =
if (!elementType)
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createTupleType(elements, std::move(labels), variadic);
case NodeKind::TupleElement:
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
if (Node->getChild(0)->getKind() == NodeKind::TupleElementName) {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 2)
return BuiltType();
return decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(1));
return decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
case NodeKind::DependentGenericType: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 2)
return BuiltType();
return decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(1));
case NodeKind::DependentMemberType: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 2)
return BuiltType();
auto base = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
if (!base)
return BuiltType();
auto assocTypeChild = Node->getChild(1);
auto member = assocTypeChild->getFirstChild()->getText();
if (assocTypeChild->getNumChildren() < 2)
return Builder.createDependentMemberType(member, base);
auto protocol = decodeMangledProtocolType(assocTypeChild->getChild(1));
if (!protocol)
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createDependentMemberType(member, base, protocol);
case NodeKind::DependentAssociatedTypeRef: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 2)
return BuiltType();
return decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(1));
case NodeKind::Unowned: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
auto base = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
if (!base)
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createUnownedStorageType(base);
case NodeKind::Unmanaged: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
auto base = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
if (!base)
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createUnmanagedStorageType(base);
case NodeKind::Weak: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
auto base = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
if (!base)
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createWeakStorageType(base);
case NodeKind::SILBoxType: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
auto base = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
if (!base)
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createSILBoxType(base);
case NodeKind::SILBoxTypeWithLayout: {
// TODO: Implement SILBoxTypeRefs with layout. As a stopgap, specify the
// NativeObject type ref.
return Builder.createBuiltinType("Builtin.NativeObject", "Bo");
case NodeKind::SugaredOptional: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
auto base = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
if (!base)
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createOptionalType(base);
case NodeKind::SugaredArray: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
auto base = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
if (!base)
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createArrayType(base);
case NodeKind::SugaredDictionary: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 2)
return BuiltType();
auto key = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
if (!key)
return BuiltType();
auto value = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(1));
if (!key)
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createDictionaryType(key, value);
case NodeKind::SugaredParen: {
if (Node->getNumChildren() < 1)
return BuiltType();
auto base = decodeMangledType(Node->getChild(0));
if (!base)
return BuiltType();
return Builder.createParenType(base);
return BuiltType();
template <typename T>
bool decodeImplFunctionPart(Demangle::NodePointer node,
SmallVectorImpl<T> &results) {
if (node->getNumChildren() != 2)
return true;
if (node->getChild(0)->getKind() != Node::Kind::ImplConvention ||
node->getChild(1)->getKind() != Node::Kind::Type)
return true;
StringRef conventionString = node->getChild(0)->getText();
Optional<typename T::ConventionType> convention =
if (!convention)
return true;
BuiltType type = decodeMangledType(node->getChild(1));
if (!type)
return true;
results.emplace_back(*convention, type);
return false;
bool decodeMangledTypeDecl(Demangle::NodePointer node,
BuiltTypeDecl &typeDecl,
BuiltType &parent,
bool &typeAlias) {
if (node->getKind() == NodeKind::Type)
return decodeMangledTypeDecl(node->getChild(0), typeDecl,
parent, typeAlias);
Demangle::NodePointer declNode;
if (node->getKind() == NodeKind::TypeSymbolicReference) {
// A symbolic reference can be directly resolved to a nominal type.
declNode = node;
} else {
if (node->getNumChildren() < 2)
return false;
auto parentContext = node->getChild(0);
// Nested types are handled a bit funny here because a
// nominal typeref always stores its full mangled name,
// in addition to a reference to the parent type. The
// mangled name already includes the module and parent
// types, if any.
declNode = node;
switch (parentContext->getKind()) {
case Node::Kind::Module:
case Node::Kind::Extension:
// Decode the type being extended.
if (parentContext->getNumChildren() < 2)
return false;
parentContext = parentContext->getChild(1);
parent = decodeMangledType(parentContext);
// Remove any generic arguments from the context node, producing a
// node that references the nominal type declaration.
declNode = Demangle::getUnspecialized(node, Builder.getNodeFactory());
typeDecl = Builder.createTypeDecl(declNode, typeAlias);
if (!typeDecl) return false;
return true;
BuiltProtocolDecl decodeMangledProtocolType(Demangle::NodePointer node) {
if (node->getKind() == NodeKind::Type)
return decodeMangledProtocolType(node->getChild(0));
if ((node->getNumChildren() < 2 || node->getKind() != NodeKind::Protocol)
&& node->getKind() != NodeKind::ProtocolSymbolicReference)
return BuiltProtocolDecl();
if (auto objcProtocolName = getObjCClassOrProtocolName(node))
return Builder.createObjCProtocolDecl(objcProtocolName->str());
return Builder.createProtocolDecl(node);
bool decodeMangledFunctionInputType(
Demangle::NodePointer node,
SmallVectorImpl<FunctionParam<BuiltType>> &params,
bool &hasParamFlags) {
// Look through a couple of sugar nodes.
if (node->getKind() == NodeKind::Type ||
node->getKind() == NodeKind::ArgumentTuple) {
return decodeMangledFunctionInputType(node->getFirstChild(), params,
auto decodeParamTypeAndFlags =
[&](Demangle::NodePointer typeNode,
FunctionParam<BuiltType> &param) -> bool {
Demangle::NodePointer node = typeNode;
auto setOwnership = [&](ValueOwnership ownership) {
node = node->getFirstChild();
hasParamFlags = true;
switch (node->getKind()) {
case NodeKind::InOut:
case NodeKind::Shared:
case NodeKind::Owned:
case NodeKind::AutoClosureType:
case NodeKind::EscapingAutoClosureType: {
hasParamFlags = true;
auto paramType = decodeMangledType(node);
if (!paramType)
return false;
return true;
auto decodeParam = [&](NodePointer paramNode)
-> Optional<FunctionParam<BuiltType>> {
if (paramNode->getKind() != NodeKind::TupleElement)
return None;
FunctionParam<BuiltType> param;
for (const auto &child : *paramNode) {
switch (child->getKind()) {
case NodeKind::TupleElementName:
case NodeKind::VariadicMarker:
hasParamFlags = true;
case NodeKind::Type:
if (!decodeParamTypeAndFlags(child->getFirstChild(), param))
return None;
return None;
return param;
// Expand a single level of tuple.
if (node->getKind() == NodeKind::Tuple) {
// Decode all the elements as separate arguments.
for (const auto &elt : *node) {
auto param = decodeParam(elt);
if (!param)
return false;
return true;
// Otherwise, handle the type as a single argument.
FunctionParam<BuiltType> param;
if (!decodeParamTypeAndFlags(node, param))
return false;
return true;
template<typename BuilderType>
inline typename BuilderType::BuiltType
decodeMangledType(BuilderType &Builder,
NodePointer Node) {
return TypeDecoder<BuilderType>(Builder).decodeMangledType(Node);
} // end namespace Demangle
} // end namespace swift