blob: cc842d3f26b6634515c4a79d646112720c3152ad [file] [log] [blame]
Func Collection.makeIterator() has self access kind changing from NonMutating to __Consuming
Func tryReallocateUniquelyReferenced(buffer:newMinimumCapacity:) has been removed
Protocol SIMD has added inherited protocol Decodable
Protocol SIMD has added inherited protocol Encodable
Protocol SIMD has generic signature change from <Self : CustomStringConvertible, Self : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, Self : Hashable, Self : SIMDStorage, Self.MaskStorage : SIMD, Self.MaskStorage.Scalar : FixedWidthInteger, Self.MaskStorage.Scalar : SignedInteger> to <Self : CustomStringConvertible, Self : Decodable, Self : Encodable, Self : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, Self : Hashable, Self : SIMDStorage, Self.MaskStorage : SIMD, Self.MaskStorage.Scalar : FixedWidthInteger, Self.MaskStorage.Scalar : SignedInteger>
Protocol SIMDStorage has generic signature change from <Self.Scalar : Hashable> to <Self.Scalar : Decodable, Self.Scalar : Encodable, Self.Scalar : Hashable>
Func Sequence.count(where:) has been removed