blob: c28d1fbbf15c60d06833a53412052cb4f1f81fc6 [file] [log] [blame]
Func _SmallString.computeIsASCII() has been removed
Func _SmallString.withMutableCapacity(_:) has been removed
Struct _StringObject.Discriminator has been removed
Struct __swift_stdlib_UErrorCode has been removed
Var _SmallString.discriminator has been removed
Var _StringObject.CountAndFlags._storage has declared type change from UInt to UInt64
Var _StringObject.CountAndFlags.countMask has declared type change from UInt to UInt64
Var _StringObject.CountAndFlags.countMask is now static
Var _StringObject.CountAndFlags.flagsMask has declared type change from UInt to UInt64
Var _StringObject.CountAndFlags.flagsMask is now static
Var _StringObject.Nibbles.discriminatorShift has been removed
Var _StringObject.discriminator has been removed
Var _StringObject.objectRawBits has been renamed to Var _StringObject.discriminatedObjectRawBits
Var _StringObject.undiscriminatedObjectRawBits has been removed
Constructor _StringObject.CountAndFlags.init(count:) has been removed
Constructor _StringObject.CountAndFlags.init(count:isASCII:) has been removed
Func BinaryInteger.addWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func BinaryInteger.divideWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func BinaryInteger.multiplyWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func BinaryInteger.remainderWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func BinaryInteger.subtractWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.<<(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.<<=(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.>>(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.>>=(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.addWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.divideWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.multiplyWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.remainderWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.subtractWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int.<<(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int.<<=(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int.>>(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int.>>=(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int.toUIntMax() has been removed
Func Int16.<<(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int16.<<=(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int16.>>(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int16.>>=(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int16.toUIntMax() has been removed
Func Int32.<<(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int32.<<=(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int32.>>(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int32.>>=(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int32.toUIntMax() has been removed
Func Int64.<<(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int64.<<=(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int64.>>(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int64.>>=(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int64.toUIntMax() has been removed
Func Int8.<<(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int8.<<=(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int8.>>(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int8.>>=(_:_:) has been removed
Func Int8.toUIntMax() has been removed
Func _StringObject.Nibbles.largeSharedMortal() has been removed
Var _StringGuts.hasNativeStorage has been removed
Var _StringGuts.isNFC has been removed
Var _StringGuts.isNFCFastUTF8 has been removed
Var _StringObject.hasNativeStorage has been removed
Var _StringObject.isNFC has been removed
Var _StringObject.largeFastIsNative has been removed
Var _StringObject.largeFastIsShared has been removed
Var _StringObject.largeIsCocoa has been removed
Var _StringObject.objCBridgeableObject has been removed
Var _StringObject._countAndFlags is no longer a stored property
Var _StringObject._countAndFlagsBits is added to a non-resilient type
Class _DictionaryStorage has changed its super class from _RawDictionaryStorage to __RawDictionaryStorage
Class _EmptyDictionarySingleton has been renamed to Class __EmptyDictionarySingleton
Class _EmptyDictionarySingleton has changed its super class from _RawDictionaryStorage to __RawDictionaryStorage
Class _EmptySetSingleton has been renamed to Class __EmptySetSingleton
Class _EmptySetSingleton has changed its super class from _RawSetStorage to __RawSetStorage
Class _RawDictionaryStorage has been renamed to Class __RawDictionaryStorage
Class _RawSetStorage has been renamed to Class __RawSetStorage
Class _SetStorage has changed its super class from _RawSetStorage to __RawSetStorage
Constructor Dictionary._Variant.init(cocoa:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaDictionary to __CocoaDictionary
Constructor Dictionary.init(_cocoa:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaDictionary to __CocoaDictionary
Constructor Int.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor Int16.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor Int32.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor Int8.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor Set._Variant.init(cocoa:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaSet to __CocoaSet
Constructor Set.init(_cocoa:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaSet to __CocoaSet
Constructor UInt.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor UInt16.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor UInt32.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor UInt8.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor _CocoaDictionary.init(_:) has return type change from _CocoaDictionary to __CocoaDictionary
Constructor _CocoaSet.init(_:) has return type change from _CocoaSet to __CocoaSet
Constructor _NativeDictionary.init(_:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaDictionary to __CocoaDictionary
Constructor _NativeDictionary.init(_:) has parameter 0 type change from _RawDictionaryStorage to __RawDictionaryStorage
Constructor _NativeDictionary.init(_:capacity:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaDictionary to __CocoaDictionary
Constructor _NativeSet.init(_:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaSet to __CocoaSet
Constructor _NativeSet.init(_:) has parameter 0 type change from _RawSetStorage to __RawSetStorage
Constructor _NativeSet.init(_:capacity:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaSet to __CocoaSet
Func Set._Variant._migrateToNative(_:removing:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaSet to __CocoaSet
Func SignedInteger.&+(_:_:) has been removed
Func SignedInteger.&-(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt.<<(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt.<<=(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt.>>(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt.>>=(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt.toIntMax() has been removed
Func UInt16.<<(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt16.<<=(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt16.>>(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt16.>>=(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt16.toIntMax() has been removed
Func UInt32.<<(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt32.<<=(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt32.>>(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt32.>>=(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt32.toIntMax() has been removed
Func UInt64.<<(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt64.<<=(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt64.>>(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt64.>>=(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt64.toIntMax() has been removed
Func UInt8.<<(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt8.<<=(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt8.>>(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt8.>>=(_:_:) has been removed
Func UInt8.toIntMax() has been removed
Func _CocoaDictionary.isEqual(to:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaDictionary to __CocoaDictionary
Func _CocoaSet.isEqual(to:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaSet to __CocoaSet
Func _DictionaryStorage.convert(_:capacity:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaDictionary to __CocoaDictionary
Func _DictionaryStorage.copy(original:) has parameter 0 type change from _RawDictionaryStorage to __RawDictionaryStorage
Func _DictionaryStorage.resize(original:capacity:move:) has parameter 0 type change from _RawDictionaryStorage to __RawDictionaryStorage
Func _NativeDictionary.isEqual(to:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaDictionary to __CocoaDictionary
Func _NativeSet.isEqual(to:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaSet to __CocoaSet
Func _SetStorage.convert(_:capacity:) has parameter 0 type change from _CocoaSet to __CocoaSet
Func _SetStorage.copy(original:) has parameter 0 type change from _RawSetStorage to __RawSetStorage
Func _SetStorage.resize(original:capacity:move:) has parameter 0 type change from _RawSetStorage to __RawSetStorage
Struct _CocoaDictionary has been renamed to Struct __CocoaDictionary
Struct _CocoaSet has been renamed to Struct __CocoaSet
Var Dictionary._Variant.asCocoa has declared type change from _CocoaDictionary to __CocoaDictionary
Var Dictionary._Variant.object has declared type change from _BridgeStorage<_RawDictionaryStorage> to _BridgeStorage<__RawDictionaryStorage>
Var Int._sizeInBits has been removed
Var Int._sizeInBytes has been removed
Var Int16._sizeInBits has been removed
Var Int16._sizeInBytes has been removed
Var Int32._sizeInBits has been removed
Var Int32._sizeInBytes has been removed
Var Int64._sizeInBits has been removed
Var Int64._sizeInBytes has been removed
Var Int8._sizeInBits has been removed
Var Int8._sizeInBytes has been removed
Var Set._Variant.asCocoa has declared type change from _CocoaSet to __CocoaSet
Var Set._Variant.object has declared type change from _BridgeStorage<_RawSetStorage> to _BridgeStorage<__RawSetStorage>
Var UInt._sizeInBits has been removed
Var UInt._sizeInBytes has been removed
Var UInt16._sizeInBits has been removed
Var UInt16._sizeInBytes has been removed
Var UInt32._sizeInBits has been removed
Var UInt32._sizeInBytes has been removed
Var UInt64._sizeInBits has been removed
Var UInt64._sizeInBytes has been removed
Var UInt8._sizeInBits has been removed
Var UInt8._sizeInBytes has been removed
Var _CocoaDictionary.Index.dictionary has declared type change from _CocoaDictionary to __CocoaDictionary
Var _NativeDictionary._storage has declared type change from _RawDictionaryStorage to __RawDictionaryStorage
Var _NativeSet._storage has declared type change from _RawSetStorage to __RawSetStorage
Var _RawDictionaryStorage.empty has declared type change from _EmptyDictionarySingleton to __EmptyDictionarySingleton
Var _RawSetStorage.empty has declared type change from _EmptySetSingleton to __EmptySetSingleton
Func tryReallocateUniquelyReferenced(buffer:newMinimumCapacity:) has been removed
Protocol SIMD has added inherited protocol Decodable
Protocol SIMD has added inherited protocol Encodable
Protocol SIMD has generic signature change from _0_0 : CustomStringConvertible, τ_0_0 : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, τ_0_0 : Hashable, τ_0_0 : SIMDStorage, τ_0_0.MaskStorage : SIMD, τ_0_0.MaskStorage.Scalar : FixedWidthInteger, τ_0_0.MaskStorage.Scalar : SignedInteger> to _0_0 : CustomStringConvertible, τ_0_0 : Decodable, τ_0_0 : Encodable, τ_0_0 : ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, τ_0_0 : Hashable, τ_0_0 : SIMDStorage, τ_0_0.MaskStorage : SIMD, τ_0_0.MaskStorage.Scalar : FixedWidthInteger, τ_0_0.MaskStorage.Scalar : SignedInteger>
Protocol SIMDStorage has generic signature change from _0_0.Scalar : Hashable> to _0_0.Scalar : Decodable, τ_0_0.Scalar : Encodable, τ_0_0.Scalar : Hashable>
Func Sequence.flatMap(_:) has been removed
Subscript String.UnicodeScalarView.subscript(_:) has been removed
Subscript Substring.subscript(_:) has been removed
Func Collection.makeIterator() has self access kind changing from NonMutating to __Consuming
Func Sequence.count(where:) has been removed
Constructor _Pointer.init(_:) has been removed