blob: 2e40b916d50222d0c38bbef1cc3bcaf57e6eecea [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t/modulecache)
// Setup builds a module TestModule that depends on OtherModule and LeafModule (built from other.swift and leaf.swift).
// During setup, input and intermediate mtimes are all set to a constant 'old' time (long in the past).
// We then rebuild TestModule a second time, without changing any inputs, and confirm none of the files has a new mtime.
// Setup phase 1: Write input files.
// RUN: echo 'public func LeafFunc() -> Int { return 10; }' >%t/leaf.swift
// RUN: echo 'import LeafModule' >%t/other.swift
// RUN: echo 'public func OtherFunc() -> Int { return LeafFunc(); }' >>%t/other.swift
// Setup phase 2: build modules, pushing timestamps of inputs and intermediates into the past as we go.
// RUN: %{python} %S/Inputs/ %t/leaf.swift %t/other.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -I %t -emit-parseable-module-interface-path %t/LeafModule.swiftinterface -module-name LeafModule %t/leaf.swift -emit-module -o /dev/null
// RUN: %{python} %S/Inputs/ %t/LeafModule.swiftinterface
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -I %t -module-cache-path %t/modulecache -emit-parseable-module-interface-path %t/OtherModule.swiftinterface -module-name OtherModule %t/other.swift -emit-module -o /dev/null
// RUN: %{python} %S/Inputs/ %t/modulecache/LeafModule-*.swiftmodule %t/OtherModule.swiftinterface
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -I %t -module-cache-path %t/modulecache -emit-module -o %t/TestModule.swiftmodule -module-name TestModule %s
// RUN: %{python} %S/Inputs/ %t/modulecache/OtherModule-*.swiftmodule
// Actual test: rebuild output, check no intermediates gets rebuilt.
// RUN: %{python} %S/Inputs/ %t/OtherModule.swiftinterface %t/LeafModule.swiftinterface
// RUN: %{python} %S/Inputs/ %t/modulecache/OtherModule-*.swiftmodule %t/modulecache/LeafModule-*.swiftmodule
// RUN: rm %t/TestModule.swiftmodule
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -I %t -module-cache-path %t/modulecache -emit-module -o %t/TestModule.swiftmodule -module-name TestModule %s
// RUN: %{python} %S/Inputs/ %t/OtherModule.swiftinterface %t/LeafModule.swiftinterface
// RUN: %{python} %S/Inputs/ %t/modulecache/OtherModule-*.swiftmodule %t/modulecache/LeafModule-*.swiftmodule
import OtherModule
public func TestFunc() {