blob: ffb6c71f70c3682aefcb3a1b6d919bcf1eb49996 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
#if swift(>=1.0)
let w = 1
// This shouldn't emit any diagnostics.
asdf asdf asdf asdf
#if swift(<1.2)
#if swift(<4.2)
let a = 1
let a = 2
#if swift(<1.0)
// This shouldn't emit any diagnostics.
asdf asdf asdf asdf
#if swift(>=1.2)
#if os(iOS)
let z = 1
let z = 1
// This shouldn't emit any diagnostics.
asdf asdf asdf asdf
#if os(iOS)
// This shouldn't emit any diagnostics.
asdf asdf asdf asdf
// This shouldn't emit any diagnostics.
asdf asdf asdf asdf
// This shouldn't emit any diagnostics.
asdf asdf asdf asdf
#if !swift(>=1.0)
// This shouldn't emit any diagnostics.
#if !swift(<1000.0)
// This shouldn't emit any diagnostics.
#if swift(">=7.1") // expected-error {{unexpected platform condition argument: expected a unary comparison '>=' or '<'; for example, '>=2.2' or '<2.2'}}
#if swift("<7.1") // expected-error {{unexpected platform condition argument: expected a unary comparison '>=' or '<'; for example, '>=2.2' or '<2.2'}}
#if swift(">=2n.2") // expected-error {{unexpected platform condition argument: expected a unary comparison '>=' or '<'; for example, '>=2.2' or '<2.2'}}
#if swift("") // expected-error {{unexpected platform condition argument: expected a unary comparison '>=' or '<'; for example, '>=2.2' or '<2.2'}}
#if swift(>=2.2.1)
_ = 2.2.1 // expected-error {{expected named member of numeric literal}}
class C {
#if swift(>=2.2.1)
let val = 2.2.1 // expected-error {{expected named member of numeric literal}}
#if swift(>=2.0, *) // expected-error {{expected only one argument to platform condition}}
#if swift(>=, 2.0) // expected-error {{expected only one argument to platform condition}}
protocol P {
#if swift(>=2.2)
associatedtype Index
// There should be no warning here.
typealias Index
// There should be no error here.
adsf asdf asdf
func foo(sdfsdfdsf adsf adsf asdf adsf adsf)
#if swift(>=2.2)
func foo() {}
// There should be no error here.
func foo(sdfsdfdsf adsf adsf asdf adsf adsf)
struct S {
#if swift(>=2.2)
let x: Int
// There should be no error here.
let x: @#$()%&*)@#$(%&*
#if swift(>=2.2)
var zzz = "zzz"
// There should be no error here.
var zzz = zzz