blob: c2f223cc0d85eb7b79c441d86ef0d7bc34c524b0 [file] [log] [blame]
Semantically, ``@_transparent`` means something like "treat this operation as
if it were a primitive operation". The name is meant to imply that both the
compiler and the compiled program will "see through" the operation to its
This has several consequences:
- Any calls to a function marked ``@_transparent`` MUST be inlined prior to
doing dataflow-related diagnostics, even under ``-Onone``. This may be
necessary to *catch* dataflow errors.
- Because of this, a ``@_transparent`` function is implicitly inlinable, in
that changing its implementation most likely will not affect callers in
existing compiled binaries.
- Because of this, a public or ``@usableFromInline`` ``@_transparent`` function
MUST only reference public symbols, and MUST not be optimized based on
knowledge of the module it's in. [The former is caught by checks in Sema.]
- Debug info SHOULD skip over the inlined operations when single-stepping
through the calling function.
This is all that ``@_transparent`` means.
.. _transparent-attribute:
When should you use ``@_transparent``?
- Does the implementation of this function ever have to change? Then you can't
allow it to be inlined.
- Does the implementation need to call private things---either true-``private``
functions, or ``internal`` functions that might go away in the next release?
Then you can't allow it to be inlined.
- Is it okay if the function is *not* inlined? You'd just prefer that it were?
Then you should use ``@inlinable``, rather than ``@_transparent``. (If you
really need this, you can add ``@inline(__always)`` as well.)
- Is it a problem if the function is inlined even under ``-Onone``? Then you're
really in the previous case. Trust the compiler.
- Is it a problem if you can't step through the function that's been inlined?
Then you don't want ``@_transparent``; you just want ``@inline(__always)``
(and probably ``@inlinable`` as well, for cross-module inlining).
- Is it okay if the inlining happens after all the dataflow diagnostics? Then
you don't want ``@_transparent``; you just want ``@inline(__always)``.
If you made it this far, it sounds like ``@_transparent`` is the right choice.
Interaction with other annotations
- As mentioned above, putting ``@_transparent`` on a function that is
``public`` or ``@usableFromInline`` exposes its body to other modules. It is
not necessary to additionally include ``@inlinable``.
- Unlike ``@inlinable``, however, ``@_transparent`` does not imply
``@usableFromInline``. It is possible to have functions marked
``@_transparent`` that are only meant for use within the current module or
even the current file.
Current implementation limitations
- When compiling in non-single-frontend mode, no SIL is generated for any
functions but those in the primary file (for each frontend invocation),
including ``@inline(__always)`` and ``@_transparent`` functions, which means
they will not be inlined. This is semantically a bug. rdar://problem/15366167