blob: eecb9d25b7aebeca94cc0406673e9f849e0d3bd3 [file] [log] [blame]
import TestsUtils
// This benchmark aims to measuare heapSort path of stdlib sorting function.
// Datasets in this benchmark are influenced by stdlib partition function,
// therefore if stdlib partion implementation changes we should correct these
// datasets or disable/skip this benchmark
public let SortIntPyramids = [
name: "SortIntPyramid",
runFunction: run_SortIntPyramid,
tags: [.validation, .api, .algorithm],
legacyFactor: 5),
name: "SortAdjacentIntPyramids",
runFunction: run_SortAdjacentIntPyramids,
tags: [.validation, .api, .algorithm],
legacyFactor: 5),
// let A - array sorted in ascending order,
// A^R - reversed array A, + - array concatenation operator
// A indices are in range 1...A.length
// define the pyramid as A + A^R
// define pyramid height as A[A.length]
// On 92% of following dataset stdlib sorting function will use heapSort.
// number of ranges sorted by heapSort: 26
// median heapSort range length: 198
// maximum -||-: 1774
// average -||-: 357
// pyramid height
let pH = 5000
let pyramidTemplate: [Int] = (1...pH) + (1...pH).reversed()
// let A - array sorted in ascending order,
// A^R - reversed array A, + - array concatenation operator,
// A indices are in range 1...A.length.
// define adjacent pyramid as A + A^R + A + A^R,
// defne adjacent pyramid hight as A[A.length].
// On 25% of following dataset stdlib sorting function will use heapSort.
// number of ranges sorted by heapSort: 71
// median heapSort range length: 28
// maximum -||-: 120
// average -||-: 36
// adjacent pyramids height.
let aPH = pH / 2
let adjacentPyramidsTemplate: [Int] = (1...aPH) + (1...aPH).reversed()
+ (1...aPH) + (1...aPH).reversed()
public func run_SortIntPyramid(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 1...5*N {
var pyramid = pyramidTemplate
// sort pyramid in place.
// Check whether pyramid is sorted.
CheckResults(pyramid[0] <= pyramid[pyramid.count/2])
public func run_SortAdjacentIntPyramids(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 1...5*N {
var adjacentPyramids = adjacentPyramidsTemplate
// Check whether pyramid is sorted.
adjacentPyramids[0] <= adjacentPyramids[adjacentPyramids.count/2])