blob: 7b3102389f34e570f8eb70eabe1f889eab2d3632 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- RangeAssignment.swift --------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
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import TestsUtils
public let QueueGeneric = BenchmarkInfo(
name: "QueueGeneric",
runFunction: run_QueueGeneric,
tags: [.validation, .api],
setUpFunction: { buildWorkload() },
legacyFactor: 10)
public let QueueConcrete = BenchmarkInfo(
name: "QueueConcrete",
runFunction: run_QueueConcrete,
tags: [.validation, .api],
setUpFunction: { buildWorkload() },
legacyFactor: 10)
// TODO: remove when there is a native equivalent in the std lib
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: BidirectionalCollection {
public mutating func popLast() -> Element? {
if isEmpty { return nil}
else { return removeLast() }
public struct Queue<Storage: RangeReplaceableCollection>
where Storage: BidirectionalCollection {
public typealias Element = Storage.Element
internal var _in: Storage
internal var _out: Storage
public init() {
_in = Storage()
_out = Storage()
extension Queue {
public mutating func enqueue(_ newElement: Element) {
public mutating func dequeue() -> Element? {
if _out.isEmpty {
_out.append(contentsOf: _in.reversed())
return _out.popLast()
func testQueue<Elements: Collection>(elements: Elements)
where Elements.Element: Equatable {
var q = Queue<[Elements.Element]>()
for x in elements { q.enqueue(x) }
let results = sequence(state: q) { $0.dequeue() }
let i = results.reduce(0, { i,_ in i &+ 1 })
for x in elements { q.enqueue(x) }
let j = results.reduce(i, { i,_ in i &+ 1 })
CheckResults(j == elements.count*2)
let n = 1_000
let workload = (0..<n).map { "\($0): A long enough string to defeat the SSO, or so I hope." }
public func buildWorkload() {
let contents = workload
_ = contents.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.count }
func run_QueueGeneric(_ scale: Int) {
for _ in 0..<scale {
testQueue(elements: workload)
public struct ConcreteQueue {
internal var _in: [String]
internal var _out: [String]
public init() {
_in = Array()
_out = Array()
extension ConcreteQueue {
public mutating func enqueue(_ newElement: String) {
public mutating func dequeue() -> String? {
if _out.isEmpty {
_out.append(contentsOf: _in.reversed())
return _out.popLast()
func testConcreteQueue(elements: [String]) {
var q = ConcreteQueue()
for x in elements { q.enqueue(x) }
let results = sequence(state: q) { $0.dequeue() }
let i = results.reduce(0, { i,_ in i &+ 1 })
for x in elements { q.enqueue(x) }
let j = results.reduce(i, { i,_ in i &+ 1 })
CheckResults(j == elements.count*2)
func run_QueueConcrete(_ scale: Int) {
for _ in 0..<scale {
testConcreteQueue(elements: workload)