blob: 8d753f68748b931248626305b0288b0afec99938 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DictionarySwap.swift ---------------------------------------------===//
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// Dictionary element swapping benchmark
// rdar://problem/19804127
import TestsUtils
let size = 100
let numberMap = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(1...size, 1...size))
let boxedNums = (1...size) { Box($0) }
let boxedNumMap = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(boxedNums, boxedNums))
let t: [BenchmarkCategory] = [.validation, .api, .Dictionary]
public let DictionarySwap = [
BenchmarkInfo(name: "DictionarySwap",
runFunction: swap, tags: t, legacyFactor: 4),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "DictionarySwapOfObjects",
runFunction: swapObjects, tags: t, legacyFactor: 40),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "DictionarySwapAt",
runFunction: swapAt, tags: t, legacyFactor: 4),
BenchmarkInfo(name: "DictionarySwapAtOfObjects",
runFunction: swapAtObjects, tags: t, legacyFactor: 11),
// Return true if correctly swapped, false otherwise
func swappedCorrectly(_ swapped: Bool, _ p25: Int, _ p75: Int) -> Bool {
return swapped && (p25 == 75 && p75 == 25) ||
!swapped && (p25 == 25 && p75 == 75)
class Box<T : Hashable> : Hashable {
var value: T
init(_ v: T) {
value = v
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
static func ==(lhs: Box, rhs: Box) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
func swap(N: Int) {
var dict = numberMap
var swapped = false
for _ in 1...2500*N {
(dict[25], dict[75]) = (dict[75]!, dict[25]!)
swapped = !swapped
CheckResults(swappedCorrectly(swapped, dict[25]!, dict[75]!))
func swapObjects(N: Int) {
var dict = boxedNumMap
var swapped = false
for _ in 1...250*N {
let b1 = Box(25)
let b2 = Box(75)
(dict[b1], dict[b2]) = (dict[b2]!, dict[b1]!)
swapped = !swapped
dict[Box(25)]!.value, dict[Box(75)]!.value))
func swapAt(N: Int) {
var dict = numberMap
var swapped = false
for _ in 1...2500*N {
let i25 = dict.index(forKey: 25)!
let i75 = dict.index(forKey: 75)!
dict.values.swapAt(i25, i75)
swapped = !swapped
CheckResults(swappedCorrectly(swapped, dict[25]!, dict[75]!))
func swapAtObjects(N: Int) {
var dict = boxedNumMap
var swapped = false
for _ in 1...1000*N {
let i25 = dict.index(forKey: Box(25))!
let i75 = dict.index(forKey: Box(75))!
dict.values.swapAt(i25, i75)
swapped = !swapped
dict[Box(25)]!.value, dict[Box(75)]!.value))