blob: ef73438409a0a3ebdc7ea510dae0de2ae53c7d42 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-stdlib-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
var FilterTestSuite = TestSuite("HashedCollectionFilter")
FilterTestSuite.test("Dictionary.filter(_:) -> [Key: Value]") {
let d = [10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030, 40: 1040]
// filter(_:) should produce a dictionary in Swift 4
let f: Any = d.filter { $0.key > 20 }
expectTrue(f is [Int: Int])
FilterTestSuite.test("Dictionary.filter(_:) -> [(Key, Value)] available") {
let d = [10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030, 40: 1040]
// The Array-returning version from Sequence should still be accessible
let f: [(Int, Int)] = d.filter { $0.key > 20 }
expectEqual(2, f.count)
FilterTestSuite.test("Set.filter(_:) -> Set<Element>") {
let s: Set = [10, 20, 30, 40]
// filter(_:) should produce a set in Swift 4
let f: Any = s.filter { $0 > 20 }
expectTrue(f is Set<Int>)
FilterTestSuite.test("Set.filter(_:) -> [Element] available") {
let s: Set = [10, 20, 30, 40]
// The Array-returning version from Sequence should still be accessible
let f: [Int] = s.filter { $0 > 20 }
expectEqual(2, f.count)
FilterTestSuite.test("Dictionary.keys -> Keys") {
let d = [10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030, 40: 1040]
// .keys should produce a Dictionary.Keys in Swift 4
let f: Any = d.keys
expectTrue(f is Dictionary<Int, Int>.Keys)
FilterTestSuite.test("Dictionary.values -> Values") {
let d = [10: 1010, 20: 1020, 30: 1030, 40: 1040]
// .values should produce a Dictionary.Values in Swift 4
let f: Any = d.values
expectTrue(f is Dictionary<Int, Int>.Values)