blob: 3f397336ad6b494e98ae8d03858af5db05b138bd [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
precedencegroup BindingPrecedence {
higherThan: DefaultPrecedence
infix operator ~>
infix operator ≈> : BindingPrecedence
struct M<L : P, R> {
let f: L
let b: (inout L.B) -> R
init(f: L, b: @escaping (inout L.B) -> R) {
self.f = f
self.b = b
protocol P {
associatedtype A
associatedtype B
func `in`<R>(_ a: inout A, apply body: (inout B) -> R) -> R
static func ~> (_: A, _: Self) -> B
extension P {
static func ≈> <R>(f: Self, b: @escaping (inout B) -> R) -> M<Self, R> {}
// expected-note@-1 {{in call to operator '≈>'}}
extension WritableKeyPath : P {
typealias A = Root
typealias B = Value
func `in`<R>(_ a: inout A, apply body: (inout B) -> R) -> R {}
static func ~> (a: A, path: WritableKeyPath) -> B {}
struct X { var y: Int = 0 }
var x = X()
x ~> \X.y ≈> { a in a += 1; return 3 }
// expected-error@-1 {{generic parameter 'R' could not be inferred}}
// FIXME: Used to be better: "cannot convert call result type 'M<WritableKeyPath<X, Int>, _>' to expected type 'WritableKeyPath<_, _>'"