blob: b88757c4a1d6376cd0c183eae32cea6cd821aba4 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -primary-file %s
class IndexPath {
let item: Int
let row: Int
init(item: Int, section: Int) {
self.item = item
self.row = section
// Not valid code of course ("[Element]" would need to be "[String]")
// but compiler shouldn't crash
extension Array where Element == (String, [Element]) {
subscript(_ indexPath: IndexPath) -> String {
return self[indexPath.section].1[indexPath.row]
let collection = [("foo", ["first"])]
let indexPath = IndexPath(item: 0, section: 0)
let e = collection[indexPath]