blob: d35a046b2a745893501888a179ec940033027f7d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -primary-file %s -emit-ir
protocol P: AnyObject {}
protocol Foo {
// The compiler crash goes away if you remove the P constraint on this associated type
associatedtype ObjectType: P
protocol UpcastHelper {
associatedtype Sub: Foo
associatedtype Super: Foo
// ObjectIdentifier(object) == ObjectIdentifier(Self.cast(object))
static func cast(_ object: Sub.ObjectType) -> Super.ObjectType
struct AnyFoo<Object: P>: Foo {
typealias ObjectType = Object
class Base {}
final class Derived<Helper: UpcastHelper>: Base where Helper.Super == AnyFoo<Object> {
init(_ foo: Helper.Sub) { = foo
let foo: Helper.Sub
init<Helper: UpcastHelper>
(foo: Helper.Sub, helper: Helper.Type)
where Helper.Super == AnyFoo<Object> {
// This is the expression that causes the crash
_ = Derived<Helper>(foo)