blob: 1db9947a294e1a032551f7d33c57e19945697bf5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- RaceTest.swift ---------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// This file implements support for race tests.
/// Race test harness executes the given operation in multiple threads over a
/// set of shared data, trying to ensure that executions overlap in time.
/// The name "race test" does not imply that the race actually happens in the
/// harness or in the operation being tested. The harness contains all the
/// necessary synchronization for its own data, and for publishing test data to
/// threads. But if the operation under test is, in fact, racy, it should be
/// easier to discover the bug in this environment.
/// Every execution of a race test is called a trial. During a single trial
/// the operation under test is executed multiple times in each thread over
/// different data items (`RaceData` instances). Different threads process
/// data in different order. Choosing an appropriate balance between the
/// number of threads and data items, the harness uses the birthday paradox to
/// increase the probability of "collisions" between threads.
/// After performing the operation under test, the thread should observe the
/// data in a test-dependent way to detect if presence of other concurrent
/// actions disturbed the result. The observation should be as short as
/// possible, and the results should be returned as `Observation`. Evaluation
/// (cross-checking) of observations is deferred until the end of the trial.
import SwiftPrivate
import SwiftPrivateLibcExtras
import SwiftPrivateThreadExtras
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux) || os(FreeBSD) || os(PS4) || os(Android) || os(Cygwin) || os(Haiku)
import Glibc
#elseif os(Windows)
import MSVCRT
import WinSDK
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import ObjectiveC
func autoreleasepool(invoking code: () -> Void) {
// Native runtime does not have autorelease pools. Execute the code
// directly.
/// Race tests that need a fresh set of data for every trial should implement
/// this protocol.
/// All racing threads execute the same operation, `thread1`.
/// Types conforming to this protocol should be structs. (The type
/// should be a struct to reduce unnecessary reference counting during
/// the test.) The types should be stateless.
public protocol RaceTestWithPerTrialData {
/// Input for threads.
/// This type should be a class. (The harness will not pass struct instances
/// between threads correctly.)
associatedtype RaceData : AnyObject
/// Type of thread-local data.
/// Thread-local data is newly created for every trial.
associatedtype ThreadLocalData
/// Results of the observation made after performing an operation.
associatedtype Observation
/// Creates a fresh instance of `RaceData`.
func makeRaceData() -> RaceData
/// Creates a fresh instance of `ThreadLocalData`.
func makeThreadLocalData() -> ThreadLocalData
/// Performs the operation under test and makes an observation.
func thread1(
_ raceData: RaceData, _ threadLocalData: inout ThreadLocalData) -> Observation
/// Evaluates the observations made by all threads for a particular instance
/// of `RaceData`.
func evaluateObservations(
_ observations: [Observation],
_ sink: (RaceTestObservationEvaluation) -> Void)
/// The result of evaluating observations.
/// Case payloads can carry test-specific data. Results will be grouped
/// according to it.
public enum RaceTestObservationEvaluation : Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
/// Normal 'pass'.
case pass
/// An unusual 'pass'.
case passInteresting(String)
/// A failure.
case failure
case failureInteresting(String)
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .pass:
return "Pass"
case .passInteresting(let s):
return "Pass(\(s))"
case .failure:
return "Failure"
case .failureInteresting(let s):
return "Failure(\(s))"
public func == (
lhs: RaceTestObservationEvaluation, rhs: RaceTestObservationEvaluation
) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.pass, .pass),
(.failure, .failure):
return true
case (.passInteresting(let s1), .passInteresting(let s2)):
return s1 == s2
return false
/// An observation result that consists of one `UInt`.
public struct Observation1UInt : Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
public var data1: UInt
public init(_ data1: UInt) {
self.data1 = data1
public var description: String {
return "(\(data1))"
public func == (lhs: Observation1UInt, rhs: Observation1UInt) -> Bool {
return lhs.data1 == rhs.data1
/// An observation result that consists of four `UInt`s.
public struct Observation4UInt : Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
public var data1: UInt
public var data2: UInt
public var data3: UInt
public var data4: UInt
public init(_ data1: UInt, _ data2: UInt, _ data3: UInt, _ data4: UInt) {
self.data1 = data1
self.data2 = data2
self.data3 = data3
self.data4 = data4
public var description: String {
return "(\(data1), \(data2), \(data3), \(data4))"
public func == (lhs: Observation4UInt, rhs: Observation4UInt) -> Bool {
lhs.data1 == rhs.data1 &&
lhs.data2 == rhs.data2 &&
lhs.data3 == rhs.data3 &&
lhs.data4 == rhs.data4
/// An observation result that consists of three `Int`s.
public struct Observation3Int : Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
public var data1: Int
public var data2: Int
public var data3: Int
public init(_ data1: Int, _ data2: Int, _ data3: Int) {
self.data1 = data1
self.data2 = data2
self.data3 = data3
public var description: String {
return "(\(data1), \(data2), \(data3))"
public func == (lhs: Observation3Int, rhs: Observation3Int) -> Bool {
lhs.data1 == rhs.data1 &&
lhs.data2 == rhs.data2 &&
lhs.data3 == rhs.data3
/// An observation result that consists of four `Int`s.
public struct Observation4Int : Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
public var data1: Int
public var data2: Int
public var data3: Int
public var data4: Int
public init(_ data1: Int, _ data2: Int, _ data3: Int, _ data4: Int) {
self.data1 = data1
self.data2 = data2
self.data3 = data3
self.data4 = data4
public var description: String {
return "(\(data1), \(data2), \(data3), \(data4))"
public func == (lhs: Observation4Int, rhs: Observation4Int) -> Bool {
lhs.data1 == rhs.data1 &&
lhs.data2 == rhs.data2 &&
lhs.data3 == rhs.data3 &&
lhs.data4 == rhs.data4
/// An observation result that consists of five `Int`s.
public struct Observation5Int : Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
public var data1: Int
public var data2: Int
public var data3: Int
public var data4: Int
public var data5: Int
public init(
_ data1: Int, _ data2: Int, _ data3: Int, _ data4: Int, _ data5: Int
) {
self.data1 = data1
self.data2 = data2
self.data3 = data3
self.data4 = data4
self.data5 = data5
public var description: String {
return "(\(data1), \(data2), \(data3), \(data4), \(data5))"
public func == (lhs: Observation5Int, rhs: Observation5Int) -> Bool {
lhs.data1 == rhs.data1 &&
lhs.data2 == rhs.data2 &&
lhs.data3 == rhs.data3 &&
lhs.data4 == rhs.data4 &&
lhs.data5 == rhs.data5
/// An observation result that consists of nine `Int`s.
public struct Observation9Int : Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
public var data1: Int
public var data2: Int
public var data3: Int
public var data4: Int
public var data5: Int
public var data6: Int
public var data7: Int
public var data8: Int
public var data9: Int
public init(
_ data1: Int, _ data2: Int, _ data3: Int, _ data4: Int,
_ data5: Int, _ data6: Int, _ data7: Int, _ data8: Int,
_ data9: Int
) {
self.data1 = data1
self.data2 = data2
self.data3 = data3
self.data4 = data4
self.data5 = data5
self.data6 = data6
self.data7 = data7
self.data8 = data8
self.data9 = data9
public var description: String {
return "(\(data1), \(data2), \(data3), \(data4), \(data5), \(data6), \(data7), \(data8), \(data9))"
public func == (lhs: Observation9Int, rhs: Observation9Int) -> Bool {
lhs.data1 == rhs.data1 &&
lhs.data2 == rhs.data2 &&
lhs.data3 == rhs.data3 &&
lhs.data4 == rhs.data4 &&
lhs.data5 == rhs.data5 &&
lhs.data6 == rhs.data6 &&
lhs.data7 == rhs.data7 &&
lhs.data8 == rhs.data8 &&
lhs.data9 == rhs.data9
/// A helper that is useful to implement
/// `RaceTestWithPerTrialData.evaluateObservations()` in race tests.
public func evaluateObservationsAllEqual<T : Equatable>(_ observations: [T])
-> RaceTestObservationEvaluation {
let first = observations.first!
for x in observations {
if x != first {
return .failure
return .pass
struct _RaceTestAggregatedEvaluations : CustomStringConvertible {
var passCount: Int = 0
var passInterestingCount = [String: Int]()
var failureCount: Int = 0
var failureInterestingCount = [String: Int]()
init() {}
mutating func addEvaluation(_ evaluation: RaceTestObservationEvaluation) {
switch evaluation {
case .pass:
passCount += 1
case .passInteresting(let s):
if passInterestingCount[s] == nil {
passInterestingCount[s] = 0
passInterestingCount[s] = passInterestingCount[s]! + 1
case .failure:
failureCount += 1
case .failureInteresting(let s):
if failureInterestingCount[s] == nil {
failureInterestingCount[s] = 0
failureInterestingCount[s] = failureInterestingCount[s]! + 1
var isFailed: Bool {
return failureCount != 0 || !failureInterestingCount.isEmpty
var description: String {
var result = ""
result += "Pass: \(passCount) times\n"
for desc in passInterestingCount.keys.sorted() {
let count = passInterestingCount[desc]!
result += "Pass \(desc): \(count) times\n"
result += "Failure: \(failureCount) times\n"
for desc in failureInterestingCount.keys.sorted() {
let count = failureInterestingCount[desc]!
result += "Failure \(desc): \(count) times\n"
return result
// FIXME: protect this class against false sharing.
class _RaceTestWorkerState<RT : RaceTestWithPerTrialData> {
// FIXME: protect every element of 'raceData' against false sharing.
var raceData: [RT.RaceData] = []
var raceDataShuffle: [Int] = []
var observations: [RT.Observation] = []
class _RaceTestSharedState<RT : RaceTestWithPerTrialData> {
var racingThreadCount: Int
var stopNow = _stdlib_AtomicInt(0)
var trialBarrier: _stdlib_Barrier
var trialSpinBarrier = _stdlib_AtomicInt()
var raceData: [RT.RaceData] = []
var workerStates: [_RaceTestWorkerState<RT>] = []
var aggregatedEvaluations: _RaceTestAggregatedEvaluations =
init(racingThreadCount: Int) {
self.racingThreadCount = racingThreadCount
self.trialBarrier = _stdlib_Barrier(threadCount: racingThreadCount + 1)
for _ in 0..<racingThreadCount {
func _masterThreadStopWorkers<RT>( _ sharedState: _RaceTestSharedState<RT>) {
// Workers are proceeding to the first barrier in _workerThreadOneTrial.
// Allow workers to proceed past that first barrier. They will then see
// stopNow==true and stop.
func _masterThreadOneTrial<RT>(_ sharedState: _RaceTestSharedState<RT>) {
let racingThreadCount = sharedState.racingThreadCount
let raceDataCount = racingThreadCount * racingThreadCount
let rt = RT()
sharedState.raceData.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
sharedState.raceData.append(contentsOf: (0..<raceDataCount) { _ in
let identityShuffle = Array(0..<sharedState.raceData.count)
sharedState.workerStates.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
sharedState.workerStates.append(contentsOf: (0..<racingThreadCount) {
_ in
let workerState = _RaceTestWorkerState<RT>()
// Shuffle the data so that threads process it in different order.
let shuffle = identityShuffle.shuffled()
workerState.raceData = scatter(sharedState.raceData, shuffle)
workerState.raceDataShuffle = shuffle
workerState.observations = []
return workerState
// Race happens.
// Collect and compare results.
for i in 0..<racingThreadCount {
let shuffle = sharedState.workerStates[i].raceDataShuffle
sharedState.workerStates[i].raceData =
gather(sharedState.workerStates[i].raceData, shuffle)
sharedState.workerStates[i].observations =
gather(sharedState.workerStates[i].observations, shuffle)
if true {
// FIXME: why doesn't the bracket syntax work?
// <rdar://problem/18305718> Array sugar syntax does not work when used
// with associated types
var observations: [RT.Observation] = []
for i in 0..<raceDataCount {
for j in 0..<racingThreadCount {
let sink = { sharedState.aggregatedEvaluations.addEvaluation($0) }
rt.evaluateObservations(observations, sink)
observations.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
func _workerThreadOneTrial<RT>(
_ tid: Int, _ sharedState: _RaceTestSharedState<RT>
) -> Bool {
if sharedState.stopNow.load() == 1 {
return true
let racingThreadCount = sharedState.racingThreadCount
let workerState = sharedState.workerStates[tid]
let rt = RT()
var threadLocalData = rt.makeThreadLocalData()
do {
let trialSpinBarrier = sharedState.trialSpinBarrier
_ = trialSpinBarrier.fetchAndAdd(1)
while trialSpinBarrier.load() < racingThreadCount {}
// Perform racy operations.
// Warning: do not add any synchronization in this loop, including
// any implicit reference counting of shared data.
for raceData in workerState.raceData {
workerState.observations.append(rt.thread1(raceData, &threadLocalData))
return false
/// One-shot sleep in one thread, allowing interrupt by another.
#if os(Windows)
class _InterruptibleSleep {
let event: HANDLE?
var completed: Bool = false
init() {
self.event = CreateEventW(nil, TRUE, FALSE, nil)
precondition(self.event != nil)
deinit {
func sleep(durationInSeconds duration: Int) {
guard completed == false else { return }
let result: DWORD = WaitForSingleObject(event, DWORD(duration * 1000))
precondition(result == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
completed = true
func wake() {
guard completed == false else { return }
let result: BOOL = SetEvent(self.event)
precondition(result == TRUE)
class _InterruptibleSleep {
let writeEnd: CInt
let readEnd: CInt
var completed = false
init() {
(readEnd: readEnd, writeEnd: writeEnd, _) = _stdlib_pipe()
deinit {
/// Sleep for durationInSeconds or until another
/// thread calls wake(), whichever comes first.
func sleep(durationInSeconds duration: Int) {
if completed {
var timeout = timeval(tv_sec: duration, tv_usec: 0)
var readFDs = _stdlib_fd_set()
var writeFDs = _stdlib_fd_set()
var errorFDs = _stdlib_fd_set()
let ret = _stdlib_select(&readFDs, &writeFDs, &errorFDs, &timeout)
precondition(ret >= 0)
completed = true
/// Wake the thread in sleep().
func wake() {
if completed { return }
let buffer: [UInt8] = [1]
let ret = write(writeEnd, buffer, 1)
precondition(ret >= 0)
#if os(Windows)
typealias ThreadHandle = HANDLE
typealias ThreadHandle = pthread_t
public func runRaceTest<RT : RaceTestWithPerTrialData>(
_: RT.Type,
trials: Int,
timeoutInSeconds: Int? = nil,
threads: Int? = nil
) {
let racingThreadCount = threads ?? max(2, _stdlib_getHardwareConcurrency())
let sharedState = _RaceTestSharedState<RT>(racingThreadCount: racingThreadCount)
// Alarm thread sets timeoutReached.
// Master thread sees timeoutReached and tells worker threads to stop.
let timeoutReached = _stdlib_AtomicInt(0)
let alarmTimer = _InterruptibleSleep()
let masterThreadBody = {
() -> Void in
for t in 0..<trials {
// Check for timeout.
// _masterThreadStopWorkers must run BEFORE the last _masterThreadOneTrial
// to make the thread coordination barriers work
// but we do want to run at least one trial even if the timeout occurs.
if timeoutReached.load() == 1 && t > 0 {
autoreleasepool {
let racingThreadBody = {
(tid: Int) -> Void in
for _ in 0..<trials {
let stopNow = _workerThreadOneTrial(tid, sharedState)
if stopNow { break }
let alarmThreadBody = {
() -> Void in
guard let timeoutInSeconds = timeoutInSeconds
else { return }
alarmTimer.sleep(durationInSeconds: timeoutInSeconds)
_ = timeoutReached.fetchAndAdd(1)
var testTids = [ThreadHandle]()
var alarmTid: ThreadHandle
// Create the master thread.
do {
let (ret, tid) = _stdlib_thread_create_block(masterThreadBody, ())
expectEqual(0, ret)
// Create racing threads.
for i in 0..<racingThreadCount {
let (ret, tid) = _stdlib_thread_create_block(racingThreadBody, i)
expectEqual(0, ret)
// Create the alarm thread that enforces the timeout.
do {
let (ret, tid) = _stdlib_thread_create_block(alarmThreadBody, ())
expectEqual(0, ret)
alarmTid = tid!
// Join all testing threads.
for tid in testTids {
let (ret, _) = _stdlib_thread_join(tid, Void.self)
expectEqual(0, ret)
// Tell the alarm thread to stop if it hasn't already, then join it.
do {
let (ret, _) = _stdlib_thread_join(alarmTid, Void.self)
expectEqual(0, ret)
let aggregatedEvaluations = sharedState.aggregatedEvaluations
internal func _divideRoundUp(_ lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) -> Int {
return (lhs + rhs) / rhs
public func runRaceTest<RT : RaceTestWithPerTrialData>(
_ test: RT.Type,
operations: Int,
timeoutInSeconds: Int? = nil,
threads: Int? = nil
) {
let racingThreadCount = threads ?? max(2, _stdlib_getHardwareConcurrency())
// Each trial runs threads^2 operations.
let operationsPerTrial = racingThreadCount * racingThreadCount
let trials = _divideRoundUp(operations, operationsPerTrial)
runRaceTest(test, trials: trials, timeoutInSeconds: timeoutInSeconds,
threads: threads)
public func consumeCPU(units amountOfWork: Int) {
for _ in 0..<amountOfWork {
let scale = 16
for _ in 0..<scale {
internal struct ClosureBasedRaceTest : RaceTestWithPerTrialData {
static var thread: () -> Void = {}
class RaceData {}
typealias ThreadLocalData = Void
typealias Observation = Void
func makeRaceData() -> RaceData { return RaceData() }
func makeThreadLocalData() -> Void { return Void() }
func thread1(
_ raceData: RaceData, _ threadLocalData: inout ThreadLocalData
) {
func evaluateObservations(
_ observations: [Observation],
_ sink: (RaceTestObservationEvaluation) -> Void
) {}
public func runRaceTest(
trials: Int,
timeoutInSeconds: Int? = nil,
threads: Int? = nil,
invoking body: @escaping () -> Void
) {
ClosureBasedRaceTest.thread = body
runRaceTest(ClosureBasedRaceTest.self, trials: trials,
timeoutInSeconds: timeoutInSeconds, threads: threads)
public func runRaceTest(
operations: Int,
timeoutInSeconds: Int? = nil,
threads: Int? = nil,
invoking body: @escaping () -> Void
) {
ClosureBasedRaceTest.thread = body
runRaceTest(ClosureBasedRaceTest.self, operations: operations,
timeoutInSeconds: timeoutInSeconds, threads: threads)