blob: f6c47b1874db524949ee28e8199edb44a0746cb5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CharacterProperties.swift ----------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
% # Ignore the following warning. This _is_ the correct file to edit.
// WARNING: This file is manually generated from .gyb template and should not
// be directly modified. Instead, make changes to CharacterProperties.swift.gyb
// and run scripts/generate_harness/ to regenerate this file.
import TestsUtils
import Foundation
public let CharacterPropertiesFetch = BenchmarkInfo(
name: "CharacterPropertiesFetch",
runFunction: run_CharacterPropertiesFetch,
tags: [.validation, .api, .String],
setUpFunction: { blackHole(workload) },
legacyFactor: 10)
public let CharacterPropertiesStashed = BenchmarkInfo(
name: "CharacterPropertiesStashed",
runFunction: run_CharacterPropertiesStashed,
tags: [.validation, .api, .String],
setUpFunction: { setupStash() },
legacyFactor: 10)
public let CharacterPropertiesStashedMemo = BenchmarkInfo(
name: "CharacterPropertiesStashedMemo",
runFunction: run_CharacterPropertiesStashedMemo,
tags: [.validation, .api, .String],
setUpFunction: { setupMemo() },
legacyFactor: 10)
public let CharacterPropertiesPrecomputed = BenchmarkInfo(
name: "CharacterPropertiesPrecomputed",
runFunction: run_CharacterPropertiesPrecomputed,
tags: [.validation, .api, .String],
setUpFunction: { setupPrecomputed() },
legacyFactor: 10)
extension Character {
var firstScalar: UnicodeScalar { return unicodeScalars.first! }
% Properties = { "Alphanumeric": "alphanumerics", \
% "Capitalized": "capitalizedLetters", \
% "Control": "controlCharacters", \
% "Decimal": "decimalDigits", \
% "Letter": "letters", \
% "Lowercase": "lowercaseLetters", \
% "Uppercase": "uppercaseLetters", \
% "Newline": "newlines", \
% "Whitespace": "whitespaces", \
% "Punctuation": "punctuationCharacters" \
% }
// Fetch the CharacterSet for every call
% for Property, Set in Properties.items():
func is${Property}(_ c: Character) -> Bool {
return CharacterSet.${Set}.contains(c.firstScalar)
% end
// Stash the set
% for Property, Set in Properties.items():
let ${Set} = CharacterSet.${Set}
func is${Property}Stashed(_ c: Character) -> Bool {
return ${Set}.contains(c.firstScalar)
% end
func setupStash() {
% for Property, Set in Properties.items():
% end
// Memoize the stashed set
% for Property, Set in Properties.items():
var ${Set}Memo = Set<UInt32>()
func is${Property}StashedMemo(_ c: Character) -> Bool {
let scalar = c.firstScalar
if ${Set}Memo.contains(scalar.value) { return true }
if ${Set}.contains(scalar) {
return true
return false
% end
func setupMemo() {
% for Property, Set in Properties.items():
% end
// Precompute whole scalar set
func precompute(_ charSet: CharacterSet, capacity: Int) -> Set<UInt32> {
var result = Set<UInt32>(minimumCapacity: capacity)
for plane in 0...0x10 {
guard charSet.hasMember(inPlane: UInt8(plane)) else { continue }
let offset = plane &* 0x1_0000
for codePoint in 0...0xFFFF {
guard let scalar = UnicodeScalar(codePoint &+ offset) else { continue }
if charSet.contains(scalar) {
return result
%{ #// Reduce wide memory range. Capacities from `print("${Set}:…` below.
precomputed_capacity = dict(
controlCharacters=24951, alphanumerics=122647, lowercaseLetters=2063,
punctuationCharacters=770, whitespaces=19, letters=121145,
uppercaseLetters=1733, decimalDigits=590, newlines=7,
% for Property, Set in Properties.items():
var ${Set}Precomputed: Set<UInt32> =
precompute(${Set}, capacity: ${precomputed_capacity[Set]})
func is${Property}Precomputed(_ c: Character) -> Bool {
return ${Set}Precomputed.contains(c.firstScalar.value)
% end
func setupPrecomputed() {
% for Property, Set in Properties.items():
%#// print("${Set}: \(${Set}Precomputed.count)")
% end
// Compute on the fly
// TODO: If UnicodeScalars ever exposes category, etc., implement the others!
func isNewlineComputed(_ c: Character) -> Bool {
switch c.firstScalar.value {
case 0x000A...0x000D: return true
case 0x0085: return true
case 0x2028...0x2029: return true
default: return false
let workload = """
the quick brown 🦊 jumped over the lazy 🐢.
Π² Ρ‡Π°Ρ‰Π°Ρ… юга ΠΆΠΈΠ»-Π±Ρ‹Π» цитрус? Π΄Π°, Π½ΠΎ Ρ„Π°Π»ΡŒΡˆΠΈΠ²Ρ‹ΠΉ экзСмпляр
Lorem ipsum something something something...
public func run_CharacterPropertiesFetch(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 1...N {
for c in workload {
% for Property, Set in Properties.items():
% end
public func run_CharacterPropertiesStashed(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 1...N {
for c in workload {
% for Property, Set in Properties.items():
% end
public func run_CharacterPropertiesStashedMemo(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 1...N {
for c in workload {
% for Property, Set in Properties.items():
% end
public func run_CharacterPropertiesPrecomputed(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 1...N {
for c in workload {
% for Property, Set in Properties.items():
% end
// TODO: run_CharacterPropertiesComputed
// ${'Local Variables'}:
// eval: (read-only-mode 1)
// End: