blob: 08fce8100dda98cdf98ef32a143a4b25bdba456d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
var func5 : (_ fn : (Int,Int) -> ()) -> ()
// Default arguments for functions.
func foo3(a: Int = 2, b: Int = 3) {}
func functionCall() {
foo3(a: 4)
foo3(a : 4)
foo3(b : 4)
foo3(a : 2, b : 4)
func g() {}
func h(_ x: () -> () = g) { x() }
// Tuple types cannot have default values, but recover well here.
func tupleTypes() {
typealias ta1 = (a : Int = ()) // expected-error{{default argument not permitted in a tuple type}}{{28-32=}}
// expected-error @-1{{cannot create a single-element tuple with an element label}}{{20-24=}}
var c1 : (a : Int, b : Int, c : Int = 3, // expected-error{{default argument not permitted in a tuple type}}{{39-42=}}
d = 4) = (1, 2, 3, 4) // expected-error{{default argument not permitted in a tuple type}}{{15-18=}} expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'd'}}
func returnWithDefault() -> (a: Int, b: Int = 42) { // expected-error{{default argument not permitted in a tuple type}} {{45-49=}}
return 5 // expected-error{{cannot convert return expression of type 'Int' to return type '(a: Int, b: Int)'}}
func selectorStyle(_ i: Int = 1, withFloat f: Float = 2) { }
// Default arguments of constructors.
struct Ctor {
init (i : Int = 17, f : Float = 1.5) { }
Ctor() // expected-warning{{unused}}
Ctor(i: 12) // expected-warning{{unused}}
Ctor(f:12.5) // expected-warning{{unused}}
// Default arguments for nested constructors/functions.
struct Outer<T> {
struct Inner {
struct VeryInner {
init (i : Int = 17, f : Float = 1.5) { }
static func f(i: Int = 17, f: Float = 1.5) { }
func g(i: Int = 17, f: Float = 1.5) { }
_ = Outer<Int>.Inner.VeryInner()
_ = Outer<Int>.Inner.VeryInner(i: 12)
_ = Outer<Int>.Inner.VeryInner(f:12.5)
Outer<Int>.Inner.VeryInner.f(i: 12)
var vi : Outer<Int>.Inner.VeryInner
vi.g(i: 12)
// <rdar://problem/14564964> crash on invalid
func foo(_ x: WonkaWibble = 17) { } // expected-error{{use of undeclared type 'WonkaWibble'}}
// Default arguments for initializers.
class SomeClass2 {
init(x: Int = 5) {}
class SomeDerivedClass2 : SomeClass2 {
init() {
func shouldNotCrash(_ a : UndefinedType, bar b : Bool = true) { // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'UndefinedType'}}
// <rdar://problem/20749423> Compiler crashed while building simple subclass
// code
class SomeClass3 {
init(x: Int = 5, y: Int = 5) {}
class SomeDerivedClass3 : SomeClass3 {}
_ = SomeDerivedClass3()
// Tuple types with default arguments are not materializable
func identity<T>(_ t: T) -> T { return t }
func defaultArgTuplesNotMaterializable(_ x: Int, y: Int = 0) {}
// <rdar://problem/22333090> QoI: Propagate contextual information in a call to operands
defaultArgTuplesNotMaterializable(identity((5, y: 10)))
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type '(Int, y: Int)' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
// rdar://problem/21799331
func foo<T>(_ x: T, y: Bool = true) {}
foo(true ? "foo" : "bar")
func foo2<T>(_ x: T, y: Bool = true) {}
extension Array {
func bar(_ x: (Element) -> Bool) -> Int? { return 0 }
foo2([].bar { $0 == "c" }!)
// rdar://problem/21643052
let a = ["1", "2"].map { Int($0) }
// Default arguments for static members used via ".foo"
struct X<T> {
static func foo(i: Int, j: Int = 0) -> X {
return X()
static var bar: X { return X() }
let testXa: X<Int> = .foo(i: 0)
let testXb: X<Int> = .bar