blob: 98ecf53334150bbf0d3b69237150e14fb5e16a57 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -O -module-name=test -enable-resilience -emit-sil -primary-file %s | %FileCheck %s
// Check if GlobalOpt generates the optimal getter for a static property with a resilient type.
// The (resilient) getter should just return the literal (and not lazily initialize a global variable).
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @$s4test15ResilientStructV9staticValACvgZ :
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $*ResilientStruct{{.*}}):
// CHECK: [[L:%[0-9]+]] = integer_literal {{.*}}, 27
// CHECK: [[I:%[0-9]+]] = struct $Int ([[L]] : {{.*}})
// CHECK: [[S:%[0-9]+]] = struct $ResilientStruct ([[I]] : $Int)
// CHECK: store [[S]] to %0
// CHECK: return
public struct ResilientStruct {
var rawValue: Int
public static let staticVal = ResilientStruct(rawValue: 27)