blob: 944b6ef44d4fa8652a3bd7c841e80115c51750b1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- CSSolver.cpp - Constraint Solver ---------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements the constraint solver used in the type checker.
#include "CSStep.h"
#include "ConstraintGraph.h"
#include "ConstraintSystem.h"
#include "TypeCheckType.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeWalker.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
using namespace swift;
using namespace constraints;
// Constraint solver statistics
#define DEBUG_TYPE "Constraint solver overall"
#define JOIN2(X,Y) X##Y
STATISTIC(NumSolutionAttempts, "# of solution attempts");
STATISTIC(TotalNumTypeVariables, "# of type variables created");
#define CS_STATISTIC(Name, Description) \
STATISTIC(Overall##Name, Description);
#include "ConstraintSolverStats.def"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "Constraint solver largest system"
#define CS_STATISTIC(Name, Description) \
STATISTIC(Largest##Name, Description);
#include "ConstraintSolverStats.def"
STATISTIC(LargestSolutionAttemptNumber, "# of the largest solution attempt");
TypeVariableType *ConstraintSystem::createTypeVariable(
ConstraintLocator *locator,
unsigned options) {
auto tv = TypeVariableType::getNew(TC.Context, assignTypeVariableID(),
locator, options);
return tv;
Solution ConstraintSystem::finalize() {
// Create the solution.
Solution solution(*this, CurrentScore);
// Update the best score we've seen so far.
if (!retainAllSolutions()) {
assert(TC.getLangOpts().DisableConstraintSolverPerformanceHacks ||
!solverState->BestScore || CurrentScore <= *solverState->BestScore);
if (!solverState->BestScore || CurrentScore <= *solverState->BestScore) {
solverState->BestScore = CurrentScore;
for (auto tv : TypeVariables) {
if (getFixedType(tv))
switch (solverState->AllowFreeTypeVariables) {
case FreeTypeVariableBinding::Disallow:
llvm_unreachable("Solver left free type variables");
case FreeTypeVariableBinding::Allow:
case FreeTypeVariableBinding::UnresolvedType:
assignFixedType(tv, TC.Context.TheUnresolvedType);
// For each of the type variables, get its fixed type.
for (auto tv : TypeVariables) {
solution.typeBindings[tv] = simplifyType(tv)->reconstituteSugar(false);
// For each of the overload sets, get its overload choice.
for (auto resolved = resolvedOverloadSets;
resolved; resolved = resolved->Previous) {
= { resolved->Choice, resolved->OpenedFullType, resolved->ImpliedType };
// For each of the constraint restrictions, record it with simplified,
// canonical types.
if (solverState) {
for (auto &restriction : ConstraintRestrictions) {
using std::get;
CanType first = simplifyType(get<0>(restriction))->getCanonicalType();
CanType second = simplifyType(get<1>(restriction))->getCanonicalType();
solution.ConstraintRestrictions[{first, second}] = get<2>(restriction);
// For each of the fixes, record it as an operation on the affected
// expression.
unsigned firstFixIndex = 0;
if (solverState && solverState->PartialSolutionScope) {
firstFixIndex = solverState->PartialSolutionScope->numFixes;
solution.Fixes.append(Fixes.begin() + firstFixIndex, Fixes.end());
// Remember all the disjunction choices we made.
for (auto &choice : DisjunctionChoices) {
// We shouldn't ever register disjunction choices multiple times,
// but saving and re-applying solutions can cause us to get
// multiple entries. We should use an optimized PartialSolution
// structure for that use case, which would optimize a lot of
// stuff here.
assert(!solution.DisjunctionChoices.count(choice.first) ||
solution.DisjunctionChoices[choice.first] == choice.second);
// Remember the opened types.
for (const auto &opened : OpenedTypes) {
// We shouldn't ever register opened types multiple times,
// but saving and re-applying solutions can cause us to get
// multiple entries. We should use an optimized PartialSolution
// structure for that use case, which would optimize a lot of
// stuff here.
assert((solution.OpenedTypes.count(opened.first) == 0 ||
solution.OpenedTypes[opened.first] == opened.second)
&& "Already recorded");
// Remember the opened existential types.
for (const auto &openedExistential : OpenedExistentialTypes) {
assert(solution.OpenedExistentialTypes.count(openedExistential.first) == 0||
== openedExistential.second &&
"Already recorded");
// Remember the defaulted type variables.
for (auto &e : CheckedConformances)
solution.Conformances.push_back({e.first, e.second});
return solution;
void ConstraintSystem::applySolution(const Solution &solution) {
// Update the score.
CurrentScore += solution.getFixedScore();
// Assign fixed types to the type variables solved by this solution.
llvm::SmallPtrSet<TypeVariableType *, 4>
knownTypeVariables(TypeVariables.begin(), TypeVariables.end());
for (auto binding : solution.typeBindings) {
// If we haven't seen this type variable before, record it now.
if (knownTypeVariables.insert(binding.first).second)
// If we don't already have a fixed type for this type variable,
// assign the fixed type from the solution.
if (!getFixedType(binding.first) && !binding.second->hasTypeVariable())
assignFixedType(binding.first, binding.second, /*updateState=*/false);
// Register overload choices.
// FIXME: Copy these directly into some kind of partial solution?
for (auto overload : solution.overloadChoices) {
= new (*this) ResolvedOverloadSetListItem{resolvedOverloadSets,
// Register constraint restrictions.
// FIXME: Copy these directly into some kind of partial solution?
for (auto restriction : solution.ConstraintRestrictions) {
std::make_tuple(restriction.first.first, restriction.first.second,
// Register the solution's disjunction choices.
for (auto &choice : solution.DisjunctionChoices) {
// Register the solution's opened types.
for (const auto &opened : solution.OpenedTypes) {
// Register the solution's opened existential types.
for (const auto &openedExistential : solution.OpenedExistentialTypes) {
// Register the defaulted type variables.
// Register the conformances checked along the way to arrive to solution.
for (auto &conformance : solution.Conformances)
// Register any fixes produced along this path.
Fixes.append(solution.Fixes.begin(), solution.Fixes.end());
/// Restore the type variable bindings to what they were before
/// we attempted to solve this constraint system.
void ConstraintSystem::restoreTypeVariableBindings(unsigned numBindings) {
auto &savedBindings = *getSavedBindings();
std::for_each(savedBindings.rbegin(), savedBindings.rbegin() + numBindings,
[](SavedTypeVariableBinding &saved) {
savedBindings.erase(savedBindings.end() - numBindings,
bool ConstraintSystem::simplify(bool ContinueAfterFailures) {
// While we have a constraint in the worklist, process it.
while (!ActiveConstraints.empty()) {
// Grab the next constraint from the worklist.
auto *constraint = &ActiveConstraints.front();
assert(constraint->isActive() && "Worklist constraint is not active?");
// Simplify this constraint.
switch (simplifyConstraint(*constraint)) {
case SolutionKind::Error:
if (!failedConstraint) {
failedConstraint = constraint;
if (TC.getLangOpts().DebugConstraintSolver) {
auto &log = getASTContext().TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
log.indent(solverState ? solverState->depth * 2 : 0)
<< "(failed constraint ";
constraint->print(log, &getASTContext().SourceMgr);
log << ")\n";
if (solverState)
case SolutionKind::Solved:
if (solverState) {
// This constraint has already been solved; retire it.
// Remove the constraint from the constraint graph.
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
if (solverState)
// This constraint is not active. We delay this operation until
// after simplification to avoid re-insertion.
// Check whether a constraint failed. If so, we're done.
if (failedConstraint && !ContinueAfterFailures) {
return true;
// If the current score is worse than the best score we've seen so far,
// there's no point in continuing. So don't.
if (worseThanBestSolution()) {
return true;
return false;
namespace {
/// Truncate the given small vector to the given new size.
template<typename T>
void truncate(SmallVectorImpl<T> &vec, unsigned newSize) {
assert(newSize <= vec.size() && "Not a truncation!");
vec.erase(vec.begin() + newSize, vec.end());
} // end anonymous namespace
Expr *const expr, ConstraintSystem &cs,
FreeTypeVariableBinding allowFreeTypeVariables)
: CS(cs), AllowFreeTypeVariables(allowFreeTypeVariables) {
assert(!CS.solverState &&
"Constraint system should not already have solver state!");
CS.solverState = this;
if (expr)
ExprWeights = expr->getDepthMap();
SolutionAttempt = NumSolutionAttempts;
// Record active constraints for re-activation at the end of lifetime.
for (auto &constraint : cs.ActiveConstraints)
// If we're supposed to debug a specific constraint solver attempt,
// turn on debugging now.
ASTContext &ctx = CS.getTypeChecker().Context;
LangOptions &langOpts = ctx.LangOpts;
OldDebugConstraintSolver = langOpts.DebugConstraintSolver;
if (langOpts.DebugConstraintSolverAttempt &&
langOpts.DebugConstraintSolverAttempt == SolutionAttempt) {
langOpts.DebugConstraintSolver = true;
llvm::raw_ostream &dbgOut = ctx.TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
dbgOut << "---Constraint system #" << SolutionAttempt << "---\n";
ConstraintSystem::SolverState::~SolverState() {
assert((CS.solverState == this) &&
"Expected constraint system to have this solver state!");
CS.solverState = nullptr;
// Make sure that all of the retired constraints have been returned
// to constraint system.
// Make sure that all of the generated constraints have been handled.
// Re-activate constraints which were initially marked as "active"
// to restore original state of the constraint system.
for (auto *constraint : activeConstraints) {
// If the constraint is already active we can just move on.
if (constraint->isActive())
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Make sure that constraint is present in the "inactive" set
// before transferring it to "active".
auto existing = llvm::find_if(CS.InactiveConstraints,
[&constraint](const Constraint &inactive) {
return &inactive == constraint;
assert(existing != CS.InactiveConstraints.end() &&
"All constraints should be present in 'inactive' list");
// Transfer the constraint to "active" set.
CS.InactiveConstraints, constraint);
// Restore debugging state.
LangOptions &langOpts = CS.getTypeChecker().Context.LangOpts;
langOpts.DebugConstraintSolver = OldDebugConstraintSolver;
// Write our local statistics back to the overall statistics.
#define CS_STATISTIC(Name, Description) JOIN2(Overall,Name) += Name;
#include "ConstraintSolverStats.def"
// Update the "largest" statistics if this system is larger than the
// previous one.
// FIXME: This is not at all thread-safe.
if (NumStatesExplored > LargestNumStatesExplored.Value) {
LargestSolutionAttemptNumber.Value = SolutionAttempt-1;
#define CS_STATISTIC(Name, Description) \
JOIN2(Largest,Name).Value = Name-1; \
#include "ConstraintSolverStats.def"
ConstraintSystem::SolverScope::SolverScope(ConstraintSystem &cs)
: cs(cs), CGScope(cs.CG)
resolvedOverloadSets = cs.resolvedOverloadSets;
numTypeVariables = cs.TypeVariables.size();
numSavedBindings = cs.solverState->savedBindings.size();
numConstraintRestrictions = cs.ConstraintRestrictions.size();
numFixes = cs.Fixes.size();
numDisjunctionChoices = cs.DisjunctionChoices.size();
numOpenedTypes = cs.OpenedTypes.size();
numOpenedExistentialTypes = cs.OpenedExistentialTypes.size();
numDefaultedConstraints = cs.DefaultedConstraints.size();
numCheckedConformances = cs.CheckedConformances.size();
PreviousScore = cs.CurrentScore;
assert(!cs.failedConstraint && "Unexpected failed constraint!");
ConstraintSystem::SolverScope::~SolverScope() {
// Erase the end of various lists.
cs.resolvedOverloadSets = resolvedOverloadSets;
truncate(cs.TypeVariables, numTypeVariables);
// Restore bindings.
cs.restoreTypeVariableBindings(cs.solverState->savedBindings.size() -
// Move any remaining active constraints into the inactive list.
if (!cs.ActiveConstraints.empty()) {
for (auto &constraint : cs.ActiveConstraints) {
// Rollback all of the changes done to constraints by the current scope,
// e.g. add retired constraints back to the circulation and remove generated
// constraints introduced by the current scope.
// Remove any constraint restrictions.
truncate(cs.ConstraintRestrictions, numConstraintRestrictions);
// Remove any fixes.
truncate(cs.Fixes, numFixes);
// Remove any disjunction choices.
truncate(cs.DisjunctionChoices, numDisjunctionChoices);
// Remove any opened types.
truncate(cs.OpenedTypes, numOpenedTypes);
// Remove any opened existential types.
truncate(cs.OpenedExistentialTypes, numOpenedExistentialTypes);
// Remove any defaulted type variables.
truncate(cs.DefaultedConstraints, numDefaultedConstraints);
// Remove any conformances checked along the current path.
truncate(cs.CheckedConformances, numCheckedConformances);
// Reset the previous score.
cs.CurrentScore = PreviousScore;
// Clear out other "failed" state.
cs.failedConstraint = nullptr;
/// Solve the system of constraints.
/// \param allowFreeTypeVariables How to bind free type variables in
/// the solution.
/// \returns a solution if a single unambiguous one could be found, or None if
/// ambiguous or unsolvable.
ConstraintSystem::solveSingle(FreeTypeVariableBinding allowFreeTypeVariables,
bool allowFixes) {
SolverState state(nullptr, *this, allowFreeTypeVariables);
state.recordFixes = allowFixes;
SmallVector<Solution, 4> solutions;
filterSolutions(solutions, state.ExprWeights);
if (solutions.size() != 1)
return Optional<Solution>();
return std::move(solutions[0]);
bool ConstraintSystem::Candidate::solve(
llvm::SmallDenseSet<OverloadSetRefExpr *> &shrunkExprs) {
// Don't attempt to solve candidate if there is closure
// expression involved, because it's handled specially
// by parent constraint system (e.g. parameter lists).
bool containsClosure = false;
E->forEachChildExpr([&](Expr *childExpr) -> Expr * {
if (isa<ClosureExpr>(childExpr)) {
containsClosure = true;
return nullptr;
return childExpr;
if (containsClosure)
return false;
auto cleanupImplicitExprs = [&](Expr *expr) {
expr->forEachChildExpr([&](Expr *childExpr) -> Expr * {
Type type = childExpr->getType();
if (childExpr->isImplicit() && type && type->hasTypeVariable())
return childExpr;
// Allocate new constraint system for sub-expression.
ConstraintSystem cs(TC, DC, None);
cs.baseCS = &BaseCS;
// Set up expression type checker timer for the candidate.
cs.Timer.emplace(E, cs);
// Generate constraints for the new system.
if (auto generatedExpr = cs.generateConstraints(E)) {
E = generatedExpr;
} else {
// Failure to generate constraint system for sub-expression
// means we can't continue solving sub-expressions.
return true;
// If this candidate is too complex given the number
// of the domains we have reduced so far, let's bail out early.
if (isTooComplexGiven(&cs, shrunkExprs))
return false;
if (TC.getLangOpts().DebugConstraintSolver) {
auto &log = cs.getASTContext().TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
log << "--- Solving candidate for shrinking at ";
auto R = E->getSourceRange();
if (R.isValid()) {
R.print(log, TC.Context.SourceMgr, /*PrintText=*/ false);
} else {
log << "<invalid range>";
log << " ---\n";
log << '\n';
// If there is contextual type present, add an explicit "conversion"
// constraint to the system.
if (!CT.isNull()) {
auto constraintKind = ConstraintKind::Conversion;
if (CTP == CTP_CallArgument)
constraintKind = ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion;
cs.addConstraint(constraintKind, cs.getType(E), CT,
cs.getConstraintLocator(E), /*isFavored=*/true);
// Try to solve the system and record all available solutions.
llvm::SmallVector<Solution, 2> solutions;
SolverState state(E, cs, FreeTypeVariableBinding::Allow);
// Use solve which doesn't try to filter solution list.
// Because we want the whole set of possible domain choices.
if (TC.getLangOpts().DebugConstraintSolver) {
auto &log = cs.getASTContext().TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
if (solutions.empty()) {
log << "--- No Solutions ---\n";
} else {
log << "--- Solutions ---\n";
for (unsigned i = 0, n = solutions.size(); i != n; ++i) {
auto &solution = solutions[i];
log << "--- Solution #" << i << " ---\n";
// Record found solutions as suggestions.
this->applySolutions(solutions, shrunkExprs);
// Let's double-check if we have any implicit expressions
// with type variables and nullify their types.
// No solutions for the sub-expression means that either main expression
// needs salvaging or it's inconsistent (read: doesn't have solutions).
return solutions.empty();
void ConstraintSystem::Candidate::applySolutions(
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Solution> &solutions,
llvm::SmallDenseSet<OverloadSetRefExpr *> &shrunkExprs) const {
// A collection of OSRs with their newly reduced domains,
// it's domains are sets because multiple solutions can have the same
// choice for one of the type variables, and we want no duplication.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<OverloadSetRefExpr *, llvm::SmallSet<ValueDecl *, 2>>
for (auto &solution : solutions) {
for (auto choice : solution.overloadChoices) {
// Some of the choices might not have locators.
if (!choice.getFirst())
auto anchor = choice.getFirst()->getAnchor();
// Anchor is not available or expression is not an overload set.
if (!anchor || !isa<OverloadSetRefExpr>(anchor))
auto OSR = cast<OverloadSetRefExpr>(anchor);
auto overload = choice.getSecond().choice;
auto type = overload.getDecl()->getInterfaceType();
// One of the solutions has polymorphic type assigned with one of it's
// type variables. Such functions can only be properly resolved
// via complete expression, so we'll have to forget solutions
// we have already recorded. They might not include all viable overload
// choices.
if (type->is<GenericFunctionType>()) {
// Reduce the domains.
for (auto &domain : domains) {
auto OSR = domain.getFirst();
auto &choices = domain.getSecond();
// If the domain wasn't reduced, skip it.
if (OSR->getDecls().size() == choices.size()) continue;
// Update the expression with the reduced domain.
MutableArrayRef<ValueDecl *> decls(
Allocator.Allocate<ValueDecl *>(choices.size()),
std::uninitialized_copy(choices.begin(), choices.end(), decls.begin());
// Record successfully shrunk expression.
void ConstraintSystem::shrink(Expr *expr) {
if (TC.getLangOpts().SolverDisableShrink)
using DomainMap = llvm::SmallDenseMap<Expr *, ArrayRef<ValueDecl *>>;
// A collection of original domains of all of the expressions,
// so they can be restored in case of failure.
DomainMap domains;
struct ExprCollector : public ASTWalker {
Expr *PrimaryExpr;
// The primary constraint system.
ConstraintSystem &CS;
// All of the sub-expressions which are suitable to be solved
// separately from the main system e.g. binary expressions, collections,
// function calls, coercions etc.
llvm::SmallVector<Candidate, 4> Candidates;
// Counts the number of overload sets present in the tree so far.
// Note that the traversal is depth-first.
llvm::SmallVector<std::pair<Expr *, unsigned>, 4> ApplyExprs;
// A collection of original domains of all of the expressions,
// so they can be restored in case of failure.
DomainMap &Domains;
ExprCollector(Expr *expr, ConstraintSystem &cs, DomainMap &domains)
: PrimaryExpr(expr), CS(cs), Domains(domains) {}
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
// A dictionary expression is just a set of tuples; try to solve ones
// that have overload sets.
if (auto collectionExpr = dyn_cast<CollectionExpr>(expr)) {
visitCollectionExpr(collectionExpr, CS.getContextualType(expr),
// Don't try to walk into the dictionary.
return {false, expr};
// Let's not attempt to type-check closures or expressions
// which constrain closures, because they require special handling
// when dealing with context and parameters declarations.
if (isa<ClosureExpr>(expr)) {
return {false, expr};
if (auto coerceExpr = dyn_cast<CoerceExpr>(expr)) {
if (coerceExpr->isLiteralInit())
ApplyExprs.push_back({coerceExpr, 1});
return {false, expr};
if (auto OSR = dyn_cast<OverloadSetRefExpr>(expr)) {
Domains[OSR] = OSR->getDecls();
if (auto applyExpr = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(expr)) {
auto func = applyExpr->getFn();
// Let's record this function application for post-processing
// as well as if it contains overload set, see walkToExprPost.
{applyExpr, isa<OverloadSetRefExpr>(func) || isa<TypeExpr>(func)});
return { true, expr };
/// Determine whether this is an arithmetic expression comprised entirely
/// of literals.
static bool isArithmeticExprOfLiterals(Expr *expr) {
expr = expr->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (auto prefix = dyn_cast<PrefixUnaryExpr>(expr))
return isArithmeticExprOfLiterals(prefix->getArg());
if (auto postfix = dyn_cast<PostfixUnaryExpr>(expr))
return isArithmeticExprOfLiterals(postfix->getArg());
if (auto binary = dyn_cast<BinaryExpr>(expr))
return isArithmeticExprOfLiterals(binary->getArg()->getElement(0)) &&
return isa<IntegerLiteralExpr>(expr) || isa<FloatLiteralExpr>(expr);
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *expr) override {
auto isSrcOfPrimaryAssignment = [&](Expr *expr) -> bool {
if (auto *AE = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(PrimaryExpr))
return expr == AE->getSrc();
return false;
if (expr == PrimaryExpr || isSrcOfPrimaryAssignment(expr)) {
// If this is primary expression and there are no candidates
// to be solved, let's not record it, because it's going to be
// solved regardless.
if (Candidates.empty())
return expr;
auto contextualType = CS.getContextualType();
// If there is a contextual type set for this expression.
if (!contextualType.isNull()) {
Candidates.push_back(Candidate(CS, PrimaryExpr, contextualType,
return expr;
// Or it's a function application with other candidates present.
if (isa<ApplyExpr>(expr)) {
Candidates.push_back(Candidate(CS, PrimaryExpr));
return expr;
if (!isa<ApplyExpr>(expr))
return expr;
unsigned numOverloadSets = 0;
// Let's count how many overload sets do we have.
while (!ApplyExprs.empty()) {
auto &application = ApplyExprs.back();
auto applyExpr = application.first;
// Add overload sets tracked by current expression.
numOverloadSets += application.second;
// We've found the current expression, so record the number of
// overloads.
if (expr == applyExpr) {
ApplyExprs.push_back({applyExpr, numOverloadSets});
// If there are fewer than two overloads in the chain
// there is no point of solving this expression,
// because we won't be able to reduce its domain.
if (numOverloadSets > 1 && !isArithmeticExprOfLiterals(expr))
Candidates.push_back(Candidate(CS, expr));
return expr;
/// Extract type of the element from given collection type.
/// \param collection The type of the collection container.
/// \returns Null type, ErrorType or UnresolvedType on failure,
/// properly constructed type otherwise.
Type extractElementType(Type collection) {
auto &ctx = CS.getASTContext();
if (!collection || collection->hasError())
return collection;
auto base = collection.getPointer();
auto isInvalidType = [](Type type) -> bool {
return type.isNull() || type->hasUnresolvedType() ||
// Array type.
if (auto array = dyn_cast<ArraySliceType>(base)) {
auto elementType = array->getBaseType();
// If base type is invalid let's return error type.
return elementType;
// Map or Set or any other associated collection type.
if (auto boundGeneric = dyn_cast<BoundGenericType>(base)) {
if (boundGeneric->hasUnresolvedType())
return boundGeneric;
llvm::SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 2> params;
for (auto &type : boundGeneric->getGenericArgs()) {
// One of the generic arguments in invalid or unresolved.
if (isInvalidType(type))
return type;
// If there is just one parameter, let's return it directly.
if (params.size() == 1)
return params[0].getType();
return TupleType::get(params, ctx);
return Type();
bool isSuitableCollection(TypeRepr *collectionTypeRepr) {
// Only generic identifier, array or dictionary.
switch (collectionTypeRepr->getKind()) {
case TypeReprKind::GenericIdent:
case TypeReprKind::Array:
case TypeReprKind::Dictionary:
return true;
return false;
void visitCoerceExpr(CoerceExpr *coerceExpr) {
auto subExpr = coerceExpr->getSubExpr();
// Coerce expression is valid only if it has sub-expression.
if (!subExpr) return;
unsigned numOverloadSets = 0;
subExpr->forEachChildExpr([&](Expr *childExpr) -> Expr * {
if (isa<OverloadSetRefExpr>(childExpr)) {
return childExpr;
if (auto nestedCoerceExpr = dyn_cast<CoerceExpr>(childExpr)) {
// Don't walk inside of nested coercion expression directly,
// that is be done by recursive call to visitCoerceExpr.
return nullptr;
// If sub-expression we are trying to coerce to type is a collection,
// let's allow collector discover it with assigned contextual type
// of coercion, which allows collections to be solved in parts.
if (auto collectionExpr = dyn_cast<CollectionExpr>(childExpr)) {
auto castTypeLoc = coerceExpr->getCastTypeLoc();
auto typeRepr = castTypeLoc.getTypeRepr();
if (typeRepr && isSuitableCollection(typeRepr)) {
// Clone representative to avoid modifying in-place,
// FIXME: We should try and silently resolve the type here,
// instead of cloning representative.
auto coercionRepr = typeRepr->clone(CS.getASTContext());
// Let's try to resolve coercion type from cloned representative.
auto resolution = TypeResolution::forContextual(CS.DC);
auto coercionType =
resolution.resolveType(coercionRepr, None);
// Looks like coercion type is invalid, let's skip this sub-tree.
if (coercionType->hasError())
return nullptr;
// Visit collection expression inline.
visitCollectionExpr(collectionExpr, coercionType,
return childExpr;
// It's going to be inefficient to try and solve
// coercion in parts, so let's just make it a candidate directly,
// if it contains at least a single overload set.
if (numOverloadSets > 0)
Candidates.push_back(Candidate(CS, coerceExpr));
void visitCollectionExpr(CollectionExpr *collectionExpr,
Type contextualType = Type(),
ContextualTypePurpose CTP = CTP_Unused) {
// If there is a contextual type set for this collection,
// let's propagate it to the candidate.
if (!contextualType.isNull()) {
auto elementType = extractElementType(contextualType);
// If we couldn't deduce element type for the collection, let's
// not attempt to solve it.
if (!elementType ||
elementType->hasError() ||
contextualType = elementType;
for (auto element : collectionExpr->getElements()) {
unsigned numOverloads = 0;
// There are no overload sets in the element; skip it.
if (numOverloads == 0)
// Record each of the collection elements, which passed
// number of overload sets rule, as a candidate for solving
// with contextual type of the collection.
Candidates.push_back(Candidate(CS, element, contextualType, CTP));
ExprCollector collector(expr, *this, domains);
// Collect all of the binary/unary and call sub-expressions
// so we can start solving them separately.
llvm::SmallDenseSet<OverloadSetRefExpr *> shrunkExprs;
for (auto &candidate : collector.Candidates) {
// If there are no results, let's forget everything we know about the
// system so far. This actually is ok, because some of the expressions
// might require manual salvaging.
if (candidate.solve(shrunkExprs)) {
// Let's restore all of the original OSR domains for this sub-expression,
// this means that we can still make forward progress with solving of the
// top sub-expressions.
candidate.getExpr()->forEachChildExpr([&](Expr *childExpr) -> Expr * {
if (auto OSR = dyn_cast<OverloadSetRefExpr>(childExpr)) {
auto domain = domains.find(OSR);
if (domain == domains.end())
return childExpr;
return childExpr;
// Once "shrinking" is done let's re-allocate final version of
// the candidate list to the permanent arena, so it could
// survive even after primary constraint system is destroyed.
for (auto &OSR : shrunkExprs) {
auto choices = OSR->getDecls();
auto decls = TC.Context.AllocateUninitialized<ValueDecl *>(choices.size());
std::uninitialized_copy(choices.begin(), choices.end(), decls.begin());
bool ConstraintSystem::solve(Expr *&expr,
Type convertType,
ExprTypeCheckListener *listener,
SmallVectorImpl<Solution> &solutions,
FreeTypeVariableBinding allowFreeTypeVariables) {
// Attempt to solve the constraint system.
auto solution = solveImpl(expr,
// The constraint system has failed
if (solution == SolutionKind::Error)
return true;
// If the system is unsolved or there are multiple solutions present but
// type checker options do not allow unresolved types, let's try to salvage
if (solution == SolutionKind::Unsolved ||
(solutions.size() != 1 &&
ConstraintSystemFlags::AllowUnresolvedTypeVariables))) {
if (shouldSuppressDiagnostics())
return true;
// Try to provide a decent diagnostic.
if (salvage(solutions, expr)) {
// If salvage produced an error message, then it failed to salvage the
// expression, just bail out having reported the error.
return true;
// The system was salvaged; continue on as if nothing happened.
if (getExpressionTooComplex(solutions)) {
TC.diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::expression_too_complex).
return true;
if (TC.getLangOpts().DebugConstraintSolver) {
auto &log = getASTContext().TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
if (solutions.size() == 1) {
log << "---Solution---\n";
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = solutions.size(); i != e; ++i) {
log << "--- Solution #" << i << " ---\n";
return false;
ConstraintSystem::solveImpl(Expr *&expr,
Type convertType,
ExprTypeCheckListener *listener,
SmallVectorImpl<Solution> &solutions,
FreeTypeVariableBinding allowFreeTypeVariables) {
if (TC.getLangOpts().DebugConstraintSolver) {
auto &log = getASTContext().TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
log << "---Constraint solving for the expression at ";
auto R = expr->getSourceRange();
if (R.isValid()) {
R.print(log, TC.Context.SourceMgr, /*PrintText=*/ false);
} else {
log << "<invalid range>";
log << "---\n";
assert(!solverState && "cannot be used directly");
// Set up the expression type checker timer.
Timer.emplace(expr, *this);
// Try to shrink the system by reducing disjunction domains. This
// goes through every sub-expression and generate its own sub-system, to
// try to reduce the domains of those subexpressions.
// Generate constraints for the main system.
if (auto generatedExpr = generateConstraints(expr))
expr = generatedExpr;
else {
return SolutionKind::Error;
// If there is a type that we're expected to convert to, add the conversion
// constraint.
if (convertType) {
auto constraintKind = ConstraintKind::Conversion;
if (getContextualTypePurpose() == CTP_CallArgument)
constraintKind = ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion;
// In a by-reference yield, we expect the contextual type to be an
// l-value type, so the result must be bound to that.
if (getContextualTypePurpose() == CTP_YieldByReference)
constraintKind = ConstraintKind::Bind;
auto *convertTypeLocator = getConstraintLocator(
getConstraintLocator(expr), ConstraintLocator::ContextualType);
if (allowFreeTypeVariables == FreeTypeVariableBinding::UnresolvedType) {
convertType = convertType.transform([&](Type type) -> Type {
if (type->is<UnresolvedType>())
return createTypeVariable(convertTypeLocator);
return type;
addConstraint(constraintKind, getType(expr), convertType,
convertTypeLocator, /*isFavored*/ true);
// Notify the listener that we've built the constraint system.
if (listener && listener->builtConstraints(*this, expr)) {
return SolutionKind::Error;
if (TC.getLangOpts().DebugConstraintSolver) {
auto getTypeOfExpr = [&](const Expr *E) -> Type {
if (hasType(E))
return getType(E);
return Type();
auto getTypeOfTypeLoc = [&](const TypeLoc &TL) -> Type {
if (hasType(TL))
return getType(TL);
return Type();
auto &log = getASTContext().TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
log << "---Initial constraints for the given expression---\n";
expr->dump(log, getTypeOfExpr, getTypeOfTypeLoc);
log << "\n";
// Try to solve the constraint system using computed suggestions.
solve(expr, solutions, allowFreeTypeVariables);
// If there are no solutions let's mark system as unsolved,
// and solved otherwise even if there are multiple solutions still present.
return solutions.empty() ? SolutionKind::Unsolved : SolutionKind::Solved;
bool ConstraintSystem::solve(Expr *const expr,
SmallVectorImpl<Solution> &solutions,
FreeTypeVariableBinding allowFreeTypeVariables) {
// Set up solver state.
SolverState state(expr, *this, allowFreeTypeVariables);
// Solve the system.
if (TC.getLangOpts().DebugConstraintSolver) {
auto &log = getASTContext().TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
log << "---Solver statistics---\n";
log << "Total number of scopes explored: " << solverState->NumStatesExplored << "\n";
log << "Maximum depth reached while exploring solutions: " << solverState->maxDepth << "\n";
if (Timer) {
auto timeInMillis =
1000 * Timer->getElapsedProcessTimeInFractionalSeconds();
log << "Time: " << timeInMillis << "ms\n";
// Filter deduced solutions, try to figure out if there is
// a single best solution to use, if not explicitly disabled
// by constraint system options.
if (!retainAllSolutions())
filterSolutions(solutions, state.ExprWeights);
// We fail if there is no solution or the expression was too complex.
return solutions.empty() || getExpressionTooComplex(solutions);
void ConstraintSystem::solve(SmallVectorImpl<Solution> &solutions) {
// If constraint system failed while trying to
// genenerate constraints, let's stop right here.
if (failedConstraint)
// Allocate new solver scope, so constraint system
// could be restored to its original state afterwards.
// Otherwise there is a risk that some of the constraints
// are not going to be re-introduced to the system.
SolverScope scope(*this);
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<SolverStep>, 16> workList;
// First step is always wraps whole constraint system.
workList.push_back(llvm::make_unique<SplitterStep>(*this, solutions));
// Indicate whether previous step in the stack has failed
// (returned StepResult::Kind = Error), this is useful to
// propagate failures when unsolved steps are re-taken.
bool prevFailed = false;
// Advance the solver by taking a given step, which might involve
// a prelimilary "setup", if this is the first time this step is taken.
auto advance = [](SolverStep *step, bool prevFailed) -> StepResult {
auto currentState = step->getState();
if (currentState == StepState::Setup) {
currentState = step->getState();
return currentState == StepState::Ready ? step->take(prevFailed)
: step->resume(prevFailed);
// Execute steps in LIFO order, which means that
// each individual step would either end up producing
// a solution, or producing another set of mergeable
// steps to take before arriving to solution.
while (!workList.empty()) {
auto &step = workList.back();
// Now let's try to advance to the next step or re-take previous,
// which should produce another steps to follow,
// or error, which means that current path is inconsistent.
auto result = advance(step.get(), prevFailed);
switch (result.getKind()) {
// It was impossible to solve this step, let's note that
// for followup steps, to propogate the error.
case SolutionKind::Error:
// Step has been solved successfully by either
// producing a partial solution, or more steps
// toward that solution.
case SolutionKind::Solved: {
// Keep this step in the work list to return to it
// once all other steps are done, this could be a
// disjunction which has to peek a new choice until
// it completely runs out of choices, or type variable
// binding.
case SolutionKind::Unsolved:
prevFailed = result.getKind() == SolutionKind::Error;
void ConstraintSystem::collectDisjunctions(
SmallVectorImpl<Constraint *> &disjunctions) {
for (auto &constraint : InactiveConstraints) {
if (constraint.getKind() == ConstraintKind::Disjunction)
// Attempt to find a disjunction of bind constraints where all options
// in the disjunction are binding the same type variable.
// Prefer disjunctions where the bound type variable is also the
// right-hand side of a conversion constraint, since having a concrete
// type that we're converting to can make it possible to split the
// constraint system into multiple ones.
static Constraint *selectBestBindingDisjunction(
ConstraintSystem &cs, SmallVectorImpl<Constraint *> &disjunctions) {
if (disjunctions.empty())
return nullptr;
auto getAsTypeVar = [&cs](Type type) {
return cs.simplifyType(type)->getRValueType()->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
Constraint *firstBindDisjunction = nullptr;
for (auto *disjunction : disjunctions) {
auto choices = disjunction->getNestedConstraints();
auto *choice = choices.front();
if (choice->getKind() != ConstraintKind::Bind)
// We can judge disjunction based on the single choice
// because all of choices (of bind overload set) should
// have the same left-hand side.
// Only do this for simple type variable bindings, not for
// bindings like: ($T1) -> $T2 bind String -> Int
auto *typeVar = getAsTypeVar(choice->getFirstType());
if (!typeVar)
if (!firstBindDisjunction)
firstBindDisjunction = disjunction;
llvm::SetVector<Constraint *> constraints;
typeVar, constraints, ConstraintGraph::GatheringKind::EquivalenceClass,
[](Constraint *constraint) {
return constraint->getKind() == ConstraintKind::Conversion;
for (auto *constraint : constraints) {
if (typeVar == getAsTypeVar(constraint->getSecondType()))
return disjunction;
// If we had any binding disjunctions, return the first of
// those. These ensure that we attempt to bind types earlier than
// trying the elements of other disjunctions, which can often mean
// we fail faster.
return firstBindDisjunction;
// For a given type, collect any concrete types or literal
// conformances we can reach by walking the constraint graph starting
// from this point.
// For example, if the type is a type variable, we'll walk back
// through the constraints mentioning this type variable and find what
// types are converted to this type along with what literals are
// conformed-to by this type.
void ConstraintSystem::ArgumentInfoCollector::walk(Type argType) {
llvm::SmallSet<TypeVariableType *, 4> visited;
llvm::SmallVector<Type, 4> worklist;
while (!worklist.empty()) {
auto itemTy = worklist.pop_back_val()->getRValueType();
if (!itemTy->is<TypeVariableType>()) {
auto tyvar = itemTy->castTo<TypeVariableType>();
if (auto fixedTy = CS.getFixedType(tyvar)) {
auto *rep = CS.getRepresentative(tyvar);
// FIXME: This can happen when we have two type variables that are
// subtypes of each other. We would ideally merge those type
// variables somewhere.
if (visited.count(rep))
llvm::SetVector<Constraint *> constraints;
rep, constraints, ConstraintGraph::GatheringKind::EquivalenceClass);
for (auto *constraint : constraints) {
switch (constraint->getKind()) {
case ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::Bind:
case ConstraintKind::Equal: {
auto firstTy = constraint->getFirstType();
auto secondTy = constraint->getSecondType();
if (firstTy->is<TypeVariableType>()) {
auto otherRep =
if (otherRep->isEqual(rep))
if (secondTy->is<TypeVariableType>()) {
auto otherRep =
if (otherRep->isEqual(rep))
case ConstraintKind::Subtype:
case ConstraintKind::OperatorArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::ArgumentConversion:
case ConstraintKind::Conversion:
case ConstraintKind::BridgingConversion:
case ConstraintKind::BindParam: {
auto secondTy = constraint->getSecondType();
if (secondTy->is<TypeVariableType>()) {
auto otherRep =
if (otherRep->isEqual(rep))
case ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf:
case ConstraintKind::EscapableFunctionOf: {
auto firstTy = constraint->getFirstType();
if (firstTy->is<TypeVariableType>()) {
auto otherRep =
if (otherRep->isEqual(rep))
case ConstraintKind::OptionalObject: {
// Get the underlying object type.
auto secondTy = constraint->getSecondType();
if (secondTy->is<TypeVariableType>()) {
auto otherRep =
if (otherRep->isEqual(rep)) {
// See if we can actually determine what the underlying
// type is.
Type fixedTy;
auto firstTy = constraint->getFirstType();
if (!firstTy->is<TypeVariableType>()) {
fixedTy = firstTy;
} else {
fixedTy = CS.getFixedType(firstTy->castTo<TypeVariableType>());
if (fixedTy && fixedTy->getOptionalObjectType())
case ConstraintKind::KeyPathApplication:
case ConstraintKind::KeyPath: {
auto firstTy = constraint->getFirstType();
if (firstTy->is<TypeVariableType>()) {
auto otherRep =
if (otherRep->isEqual(rep))
case ConstraintKind::BindToPointerType:
case ConstraintKind::ValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::UnresolvedValueMember:
case ConstraintKind::Disjunction:
case ConstraintKind::CheckedCast:
case ConstraintKind::OpenedExistentialOf:
case ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction:
case ConstraintKind::DynamicCallableApplicableFunction:
case ConstraintKind::BindOverload:
case ConstraintKind::FunctionInput:
case ConstraintKind::FunctionResult:
case ConstraintKind::SelfObjectOfProtocol:
case ConstraintKind::ConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::Defaultable:
void ConstraintSystem::ArgumentInfoCollector::minimizeLiteralProtocols() {
if (LiteralProtocols.size() <= 1)
llvm::SmallVector<Type, 2> defaultTypes;
for (auto *protocol : LiteralProtocols)
defaultTypes.push_back(CS.TC.getDefaultType(protocol, CS.DC));
auto result = 0;
for (unsigned long i = 1; i < LiteralProtocols.size(); ++i) {
auto first =
CS.TC.conformsToProtocol(defaultTypes[i], LiteralProtocols[result],
CS.DC, ConformanceCheckFlags::InExpression);
auto second =
CS.TC.conformsToProtocol(defaultTypes[result], LiteralProtocols[i],
CS.DC, ConformanceCheckFlags::InExpression);
if ((first && second) || (!first && !second))
if (first)
result = i;
auto *protocol = LiteralProtocols[result];
void ConstraintSystem::ArgumentInfoCollector::dump() const {
auto &log = CS.getASTContext().TypeCheckerDebug->getStream();
log << "types:\n";
for (auto type : Types)
log << "\n";
log << "literal protocols:\n";
for (auto *proto : LiteralProtocols)
log << "\n";
// Check to see if we know something about the types of all arguments
// in the given function type.
bool ConstraintSystem::haveTypeInformationForAllArguments(
FunctionType *fnType) {
llvm::SetVector<Constraint *> literalConformsTo;
return llvm::all_of(fnType->getParams(),
[&](AnyFunctionType::Param param) -> bool {
ArgumentInfoCollector argInfo(*this, param);
auto countFacts = argInfo.getTypes().size() +
return countFacts > 0;
// Given a type variable representing the RHS of an ApplicableFunction
// constraint, attempt to find the disjunction of bind overloads
// associated with it. This may return null in cases where have not
// yet created a disjunction because we need to resolve a base type,
// e.g.: [1].map{ ... } does not have a disjunction until we decide on
// a type for [1].
static Constraint *getUnboundBindOverloadDisjunction(TypeVariableType *tyvar,
ConstraintSystem &cs) {
auto *rep = cs.getRepresentative(tyvar);
llvm::SetVector<Constraint *> disjunctions;
rep, disjunctions, ConstraintGraph::GatheringKind::EquivalenceClass,
[](Constraint *match) {
return match->getKind() == ConstraintKind::Disjunction &&
match->getNestedConstraints().front()->getKind() ==
if (disjunctions.empty())
return nullptr;
return disjunctions[0];
// Find a disjunction associated with an ApplicableFunction constraint
// where we have some information about all of the types of in the
// function application (even if we only know something about what the
// types conform to and not actually a concrete type).
Constraint *ConstraintSystem::selectApplyDisjunction() {
for (auto &constraint : InactiveConstraints) {
if (constraint.getKind() != ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction)
auto *applicable = &constraint;
if (haveTypeInformationForAllArguments(
applicable->getFirstType()->castTo<FunctionType>())) {
auto *tyvar = applicable->getSecondType()->castTo<TypeVariableType>();
// If we have created the disjunction for this apply, find it.
auto *disjunction = getUnboundBindOverloadDisjunction(tyvar, *this);
if (disjunction)
return disjunction;
return nullptr;
static bool isOperatorBindOverload(Constraint *bindOverload) {
if (bindOverload->getKind() != ConstraintKind::BindOverload)
return false;
auto choice = bindOverload->getOverloadChoice();
if (!choice.isDecl())
return false;
auto *funcDecl = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(choice.getDecl());
return funcDecl && funcDecl->getOperatorDecl();
// Given a bind overload constraint for an operator, return the
// protocol designated as the first place to look for overloads of the
// operator.
static ArrayRef<NominalTypeDecl *>
getOperatorDesignatedNominalTypes(Constraint *bindOverload) {
auto choice = bindOverload->getOverloadChoice();
auto *funcDecl = cast<FuncDecl>(choice.getDecl());
auto *operatorDecl = funcDecl->getOperatorDecl();
return operatorDecl->getDesignatedNominalTypes();
void ConstraintSystem::sortDesignatedTypes(
SmallVectorImpl<NominalTypeDecl *> &nominalTypes,
Constraint *bindOverload) {
auto *tyvar = bindOverload->getFirstType()->castTo<TypeVariableType>();
llvm::SetVector<Constraint *> applicableFns;
tyvar, applicableFns, ConstraintGraph::GatheringKind::EquivalenceClass,
[](Constraint *match) {
return match->getKind() == ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction;
// FIXME: This is not true when we run the constraint optimizer.
// assert(applicableFns.size() <= 1);
// We have a disjunction for an operator but no application of it,
// so it's being passed as an argument.
if (applicableFns.size() == 0)
// FIXME: We have more than one applicable per disjunction as a
// result of merging disjunction type variables. We may want
// to rip that out at some point.
Constraint *foundApplicable = nullptr;
SmallVector<Optional<Type>, 2> argumentTypes;
for (auto *applicableFn : applicableFns) {
auto *fnTy = applicableFn->getFirstType()->castTo<FunctionType>();
ArgumentInfoCollector argInfo(*this, fnTy);
// Stop if we hit anything with concrete types or conformances to
// literals.
if (!argInfo.getTypes().empty() || !argInfo.getLiteralProtocols().empty()) {
foundApplicable = applicableFn;
if (!foundApplicable)
// FIXME: It would be good to avoid this redundancy.
auto *fnTy = foundApplicable->getFirstType()->castTo<FunctionType>();
ArgumentInfoCollector argInfo(*this, fnTy);
size_t nextType = 0;
for (auto argType : argInfo.getTypes()) {
auto *nominal = argType->getAnyNominal();
for (size_t i = nextType + 1; i < nominalTypes.size(); ++i) {
if (nominal == nominalTypes[i]) {
std::swap(nominalTypes[nextType], nominalTypes[i]);
if (nextType + 1 >= nominalTypes.size())
for (auto *protocol : argInfo.getLiteralProtocols()) {
auto defaultType = TC.getDefaultType(protocol, DC);
// ExpressibleByNilLiteral does not have a default type.
if (!defaultType)
auto *nominal = defaultType->getAnyNominal();
for (size_t i = nextType + 1; i < nominalTypes.size(); ++i) {
if (nominal == nominalTypes[i]) {
std::swap(nominalTypes[nextType], nominalTypes[i]);
void ConstraintSystem::partitionForDesignatedTypes(
ArrayRef<Constraint *> Choices, ConstraintMatchLoop forEachChoice,
PartitionAppendCallback appendPartition) {
auto types = getOperatorDesignatedNominalTypes(Choices[0]);
if (types.empty())
SmallVector<NominalTypeDecl *, 4> designatedNominalTypes(types.begin(),
if (designatedNominalTypes.size() > 1)
sortDesignatedTypes(designatedNominalTypes, Choices[0]);
SmallVector<SmallVector<unsigned, 4>, 4> definedInDesignatedType;
SmallVector<SmallVector<unsigned, 4>, 4> definedInExtensionOfDesignatedType;
auto examineConstraint =
[&](unsigned constraintIndex, Constraint *constraint) -> bool {
auto *decl = constraint->getOverloadChoice().getDecl();
auto *funcDecl = cast<FuncDecl>(decl);
auto *parentDC = funcDecl->getParent();
auto *parentDecl = parentDC->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
for (auto designatedTypeIndex : indices(designatedNominalTypes)) {
auto *designatedNominal =
if (parentDecl != designatedNominal)
auto &constraints =
? definedInExtensionOfDesignatedType[designatedTypeIndex]
: definedInDesignatedType[designatedTypeIndex];
return true;
return false;
forEachChoice(Choices, examineConstraint);
// Now collect the overload choices that are defined within the type
// that was designated in the operator declaration.
// Add partitions for each of the overloads we found in types that
// were designated as part of the operator declaration.
for (auto designatedTypeIndex : indices(designatedNominalTypes)) {
if (designatedTypeIndex < definedInDesignatedType.size()) {
auto &primary = definedInDesignatedType[designatedTypeIndex];
if (designatedTypeIndex < definedInExtensionOfDesignatedType.size()) {
auto &secondary = definedInExtensionOfDesignatedType[designatedTypeIndex];
void ConstraintSystem::partitionDisjunction(
ArrayRef<Constraint *> Choices, SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &Ordering,
SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &PartitionBeginning) {
// Maintain the original ordering, and make a single partition of
// disjunction choices.
auto originalOrdering = [&]() {
for (unsigned long i = 0, e = Choices.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (!TC.getLangOpts().SolverEnableOperatorDesignatedTypes ||
!isOperatorBindOverload(Choices[0])) {
SmallSet<Constraint *, 16> taken;
// Local function used to iterate over the untaken choices from the
// disjunction and use a higher-order function to determine if they
// should be part of a partition.
ConstraintMatchLoop forEachChoice =
[&](ArrayRef<Constraint *>,
std::function<bool(unsigned index, Constraint *)> fn) {
for (auto index : indices(Choices)) {
auto *constraint = Choices[index];
if (taken.count(constraint))
assert(constraint->getKind() == ConstraintKind::BindOverload);
if (fn(index, constraint))
// First collect some things that we'll generally put near the end
// of the partitioning.
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> disabled;
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> unavailable;
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> globalScope;
// First collect disabled constraints.
forEachChoice(Choices, [&](unsigned index, Constraint *constraint) -> bool {
if (!constraint->isDisabled())
return false;
return true;
// Then unavailable constraints if we're skipping them.
if (!shouldAttemptFixes()) {
forEachChoice(Choices, [&](unsigned index, Constraint *constraint) -> bool {
auto *decl = constraint->getOverloadChoice().getDecl();
auto *funcDecl = cast<FuncDecl>(decl);
if (!funcDecl->getAttrs().isUnavailable(getASTContext()))
return false;
return true;
// Collect everything at the global scope.
forEachChoice(Choices, [&](unsigned index, Constraint *constraint) -> bool {
auto *decl = constraint->getOverloadChoice().getDecl();
auto *funcDecl = cast<FuncDecl>(decl);
// Skip anything defined within a type.
auto *parentDecl = funcDecl->getParent()->getAsDecl();
if (parentDecl)
return false;
return true;
// Local function to create the next partition based on the options
// passed in.
PartitionAppendCallback appendPartition =
[&](SmallVectorImpl<unsigned> &options) {
if (options.size()) {
Ordering.insert(Ordering.end(), options.begin(), options.end());
partitionForDesignatedTypes(Choices, forEachChoice, appendPartition);
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> everythingElse;
// Gather the remaining options.
forEachChoice(Choices, [&](unsigned index, Constraint *constraint) -> bool {
return true;
// Now create the remaining partitions from what we previously collected.
assert(Ordering.size() == Choices.size());
Constraint *ConstraintSystem::selectDisjunction() {
SmallVector<Constraint *, 4> disjunctions;
if (disjunctions.empty())
return nullptr;
// Attempt apply disjunctions first. When we have operators with
// designated types, this is important, because it allows us to
// select all the preferred operator overloads prior to other
// disjunctions that we may not be able to short-circuit, allowing
// us to eliminate behavior that is exponential in the number of
// operators in the expression.
if (getASTContext().isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5) ||
if (auto *disjunction = selectApplyDisjunction())
return disjunction;
if (auto *disjunction = selectBestBindingDisjunction(*this, disjunctions))
return disjunction;
// Pick the disjunction with the smallest number of active choices.
auto minDisjunction =
std::min_element(disjunctions.begin(), disjunctions.end(),
[&](Constraint *first, Constraint *second) -> bool {
return first->countActiveNestedConstraints() <
if (minDisjunction != disjunctions.end())
return *minDisjunction;
return nullptr;
bool DisjunctionChoice::attempt(ConstraintSystem &cs) const {
if (ExplicitConversion)
// Attempt to simplify current choice might result in
// immediate failure, which is recorded in constraint system.
return !cs.failedConstraint && !cs.simplify();
bool DisjunctionChoice::isGenericOperator() const {
auto *decl = getOperatorDecl(Choice);
if (!decl)
return false;
auto interfaceType = decl->getInterfaceType();
return interfaceType->is<GenericFunctionType>();
bool DisjunctionChoice::isSymmetricOperator() const {
auto *decl = getOperatorDecl(Choice);
if (!decl)
return false;
auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(decl);
auto paramList = func->getParameters();
if (paramList->size() != 2)
return true;
auto firstType = paramList->get(0)->getInterfaceType();
auto secondType = paramList->get(1)->getInterfaceType();
return firstType->isEqual(secondType);
void DisjunctionChoice::propagateConversionInfo(ConstraintSystem &cs) const {
auto LHS = Choice->getFirstType();
auto typeVar = LHS->getAs<TypeVariableType>();
if (!typeVar)
// Use the representative (if any) to lookup constraints
// and potentially bind the coercion type to.
typeVar = typeVar->getImpl().getRepresentative(nullptr);
// If the representative already has a type assigned to it
// we can't really do anything here.
if (typeVar->getImpl().getFixedType(nullptr))
auto bindings = cs.getPotentialBindings(typeVar);
if (bindings.InvolvesTypeVariables || bindings.Bindings.size() != 1)
auto conversionType = bindings.Bindings[0].BindingType;
llvm::SetVector<Constraint *> constraints;
cs.CG.gatherConstraints(typeVar, constraints,
[](Constraint *constraint) -> bool {
switch (constraint->getKind()) {
case ConstraintKind::Conversion:
case ConstraintKind::Defaultable:
case ConstraintKind::ConformsTo:
case ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo:
return false;
return true;
if (constraints.empty())
cs.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, typeVar, conversionType,