blob: de728a0bcbaefb227646c6cf17660feba6acf6ca [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: for x in %platform-sdk-overlay-dir/*.swiftinterface; do [[ $(basename "$x") = Swift.swiftinterface || $(basename "$x") = simd.swiftinterface || $(basename "$x") = SwiftLang.swiftinterface ]] && continue; %target-swift-frontend "$x" -emit-module -o %t/$(basename "$x" .swiftinterface).swiftmodule -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -enable-resilience -Fsystem %sdk/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ -swift-version 4 || echo '%target-os:' $(basename "$x") >> %t/failures.txt; done
// RUN: diff <(grep '%target-os:' %s) <(sort -f %t/failures.txt)
// REQUIRES: nonexecutable_test
// The following parseable interfaces (in alphabetical order) are known not to
// work with these settings.
// Needs to be built as Swift 4.2.
macosx: CloudKit.swiftinterface
ios: CloudKit.swiftinterface
tvos: CloudKit.swiftinterface
watchos: CloudKit.swiftinterface
// Needs to be built as Swift 4.2.
ios: UIKit.swiftinterface
tvos: UIKit.swiftinterface
watchos: UIKit.swiftinterface
// Missing search path for XCTest.framework.
macosx: XCTest.swiftinterface
ios: XCTest.swiftinterface
tvos: XCTest.swiftinterface