blob: 9cd435753b3cae98ffa7e0af36f69be6c0954085 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -assume-parsing-unqualified-ownership-sil -primary-file %s -emit-ir > %t.ll
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t.ll
// SR-6200: canonicalizing a conformance access path that was built
// without the requirement signature.
public struct Valid<V> {}
extension Valid where V: ValidationSuite {}
public protocol Validatable {}
extension Validatable {
public func tested() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{.*}}$s23conformance_access_path11ValidatablePAAE6tested2byyqd__m_t9InputTypeQyd__RszAA15ValidationSuiteRd__lF
public func tested<S: ValidationSuite>(by suite: S.Type) where S.InputType == Self {
// CHECK: [[S_AS_VALIDATION_SUITE_GEP:%[0-9]+]] = getelementptr inbounds i8*, i8** %S.ValidationSuite, i32 1
// CHECK: [[S_AS_VALIDATION_SUITE:%[0-9]+]] = load i8*, i8** [[S_AS_VALIDATION_SUITE_GEP]]
// CHECK-NEXT: [[S_VALIDATOR_BASE:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[S_AS_VALIDATION_SUITE]] to i8**
// CHECK-NEXT: call swiftcc i8** @swift_getAssociatedConformanceWitness(i8** %S.Validator, %swift.type* %S, %swift.type* %Self,
public protocol Validator {
associatedtype InputType: Validatable
public protocol ValidationSuite: Validator {
associatedtype InputType: Validatable