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//===--- DiagnosticConsumer.h - Diagnostic Consumer Interface ---*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file declares the DiagnosticConsumer class, which receives callbacks
// whenever the front end emits a diagnostic and is responsible for presenting
// or storing that diagnostic (whatever is appropriate).
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceLoc.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
namespace swift {
class DiagnosticArgument;
class DiagnosticEngine;
class SourceManager;
enum class DiagID : uint32_t;
/// \brief Describes the kind of diagnostic.
enum class DiagnosticKind : uint8_t {
/// \brief Extra information carried along with a diagnostic, which may or
/// may not be of interest to a given diagnostic consumer.
struct DiagnosticInfo {
DiagID ID = DiagID(0);
/// Represents a fix-it, a replacement of one range of text with another.
class FixIt {
CharSourceRange Range;
std::string Text;
FixIt(CharSourceRange R, StringRef Str)
: Range(R), Text(Str) {}
CharSourceRange getRange() const { return Range; }
StringRef getText() const { return Text; }
/// \brief Extra source ranges that are attached to the diagnostic.
ArrayRef<CharSourceRange> Ranges;
/// \brief Extra source ranges that are attached to the diagnostic.
ArrayRef<FixIt> FixIts;
/// \brief Abstract interface for classes that present diagnostics to the user.
class DiagnosticConsumer {
static llvm::SMLoc getRawLoc(SourceLoc Loc);
static llvm::SMRange getRawRange(SourceManager &SM, CharSourceRange R) {
return llvm::SMRange(getRawLoc(R.getStart()), getRawLoc(R.getEnd()));
static llvm::SMFixIt getRawFixIt(SourceManager &SM, DiagnosticInfo::FixIt F) {
// FIXME: It's unfortunate that we have to copy the replacement text.
return llvm::SMFixIt(getRawRange(SM, F.getRange()), F.getText());
virtual ~DiagnosticConsumer();
/// \brief Invoked whenever the frontend emits a diagnostic.
/// \param SM The source manager associated with the source locations in
/// this diagnostic.
/// \param Loc The source location associated with this diagnostic. This
/// location may be invalid, if the diagnostic is not directly related to
/// the source (e.g., if it comes from command-line parsing).
/// \param Kind The severity of the diagnostic (error, warning, note).
/// \param FormatArgs The diagnostic format string arguments.
/// \param Info Extra information associated with the diagnostic.
virtual void handleDiagnostic(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc,
DiagnosticKind Kind,
StringRef FormatString,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> FormatArgs,
const DiagnosticInfo &Info) = 0;
/// \returns true if an error occurred while finishing-up.
virtual bool finishProcessing() { return false; }
/// In batch mode, any error causes failure for all primary files, but
/// anyone consulting .dia files will only see an error for a particular
/// primary in that primary's serialized diagnostics file. For other
/// primaries' serialized diagnostics files, do something to signal the driver
/// what happened. This is only meaningful for SerializedDiagnosticConsumers,
/// so here's a placeholder.
virtual void informDriverOfIncompleteBatchModeCompilation() {}
/// \brief DiagnosticConsumer that discards all diagnostics.
class NullDiagnosticConsumer : public DiagnosticConsumer {
void handleDiagnostic(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc,
DiagnosticKind Kind,
StringRef FormatString,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> FormatArgs,
const DiagnosticInfo &Info) override;
/// \brief DiagnosticConsumer that forwards diagnostics to the consumers of
// another DiagnosticEngine.
class ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer : public DiagnosticConsumer {
DiagnosticEngine &TargetEngine;
ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer(DiagnosticEngine &Target);
void handleDiagnostic(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc,
DiagnosticKind Kind,
StringRef FormatString,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> FormatArgs,
const DiagnosticInfo &Info) override;
/// \brief DiagnosticConsumer that funnels diagnostics in certain files to
/// particular sub-consumers.
/// The intended use case for such a consumer is "batch mode" compilations,
/// where we want to record diagnostics for each file as if they were compiled
/// separately. This is important for incremental builds, so that if a file has
/// warnings but doesn't get recompiled in the next build, the warnings persist.
/// Diagnostics that are not in one of the special files are emitted into every
/// sub-consumer. This is necessary to deal with, for example, diagnostics in a
/// bridging header imported from Objective-C, which isn't really about the
/// current file.
class FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer : public DiagnosticConsumer {
class Subconsumer;
/// Given a vector of subconsumers, return the most specific
/// DiagnosticConsumer for that vector. That will be a
/// FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer if the vector has > 1 subconsumer, the
/// subconsumer itself if the vector has just one, or a null pointer if there
/// are no subconsumers. Takes ownership of the DiagnosticConsumers specified
/// in \p subconsumers.
static std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer>
consolidateSubconsumers(SmallVectorImpl<Subconsumer> &subconsumers);
/// A diagnostic consumer, along with the name of the buffer that it should
/// be associated with.
class Subconsumer {
friend std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer>
SmallVectorImpl<Subconsumer> &subconsumers);
/// The name of the input file that a consumer and diagnostics should
/// be associated with. An empty string means that a consumer is not
/// associated with any particular buffer, and should only receive
/// diagnostics that are not in any of the other consumers' files.
std::string inputFileName;
/// The consumer (if any) for diagnostics associated with the inputFileName.
/// A null pointer for the DiagnosticConsumer means that diagnostics for
/// this file should not be emitted.
std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer> consumer;
// Has this subconsumer ever handled a diagnostic that is an error?
bool hasAnErrorBeenConsumed = false;
std::string getInputFileName() const { return inputFileName; }
DiagnosticConsumer *getConsumer() const { return consumer.get(); }
Subconsumer(std::string inputFileName,
std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer> consumer)
: inputFileName(inputFileName), consumer(std::move(consumer)) {}
void handleDiagnostic(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc,
DiagnosticKind Kind,
StringRef FormatString,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> FormatArgs,
const DiagnosticInfo &Info) {
if (!getConsumer())
hasAnErrorBeenConsumed |= Kind == DiagnosticKind::Error;
getConsumer()->handleDiagnostic(SM, Loc, Kind, FormatString, FormatArgs,
void informDriverOfIncompleteBatchModeCompilation() {
if (!hasAnErrorBeenConsumed && getConsumer())
/// All consumers owned by this FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer.
SmallVector<Subconsumer, 4> Subconsumers;
class ConsumerAndRange {
/// The range of SourceLoc's for which diagnostics should be directed to
/// this subconsumer.
/// Should be const but then the sort won't compile.
/*const*/ CharSourceRange range;
/// Index into Subconsumers vector for this subconsumer.
/// Should be const but then the sort won't compile.
/*const*/ unsigned subconsumerIndex;
unsigned getSubconsumerIndex() const { return subconsumerIndex; }
ConsumerAndRange(const CharSourceRange range, unsigned subconsumerIndex)
: range(range), subconsumerIndex(subconsumerIndex) {}
/// Compare according to range:
bool operator<(const ConsumerAndRange &right) const {
auto compare = std::less<const char *>();
return compare(getRawLoc(range.getEnd()).getPointer(),
/// Overlaps by range:
bool overlaps(const ConsumerAndRange &other) const {
return range.overlaps(other.range);
/// Does my range end after \p loc?
bool endsAfter(const SourceLoc loc) const {
auto compare = std::less<const char *>();
return compare(getRawLoc(range.getEnd()).getPointer(),
bool contains(const SourceLoc loc) const { return range.contains(loc); }
Subconsumer &operator[](const ConsumerAndRange &consumerAndRange) {
return Subconsumers[consumerAndRange.getSubconsumerIndex()];
/// The consumers owned by this FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer, sorted by
/// the end locations of each file so that a lookup by position can be done
/// using binary search.
/// Generated and cached when the first diagnostic with a location is emitted.
/// This allows diagnostics to be emitted before files are actually opened,
/// as long as they don't have source locations.
/// \see #subconsumerForLocation
SmallVector<ConsumerAndRange, 4> ConsumersOrderedByRange;
/// Indicates which consumer to send Note diagnostics too.
/// Notes are always considered attached to the error, warning, or remark
/// that was most recently emitted.
/// If None, Note diagnostics are sent to every consumer.
/// If null, diagnostics are suppressed.
Optional<Subconsumer *> SubconsumerForSubsequentNotes = None;
bool HasAnErrorBeenConsumed = false;
/// Takes ownership of the DiagnosticConsumers specified in \p consumers.
/// There must not be two consumers for the same file (i.e., having the same
/// buffer name).
explicit FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer(
SmallVectorImpl<Subconsumer> &consumers);
void handleDiagnostic(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc,
DiagnosticKind Kind,
StringRef FormatString,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> FormatArgs,
const DiagnosticInfo &Info) override;
bool finishProcessing() override;
/// In batch mode, any error causes failure for all primary files, but
/// Xcode will only see an error for a particular primary in that primary's
/// serialized diagnostics file. So, tell the subconsumers to inform the
/// driver of incomplete batch mode compilation.
void tellSubconsumersToInformDriverOfIncompleteBatchModeCompilation();
void computeConsumersOrderedByRange(SourceManager &SM);
/// Returns nullptr if diagnostic is to be suppressed,
/// None if diagnostic is to be distributed to every consumer,
/// a particular consumer if diagnostic goes there.
Optional<FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer::Subconsumer *>
subconsumerForLocation(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc loc);
} // end namespace swift