blob: d9b7eb4a2b7e2316a7adaca4c8ecbad5e77efbb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift-swift3 | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
struct Guts {
var internalValue = 42
var value: Int {
get {
return internalValue
class Target : NSString {
// This dynamic property is observed by KVO
dynamic var objcValue: String
// This Swift-typed property causes vtable usage on this class.
var swiftValue: Guts
override init() {
self.swiftValue = Guts()
self.objcValue = ""
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
self.swiftValue = Guts()
self.objcValue = ""
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
required init(itemProviderData data: Data, typeIdentifier: String) throws {
fatalError("don't call this initializer")
func print() {
Swift.print("swiftValue \(self.swiftValue.value), objcValue \(objcValue)")
class Observer : NSObject {
var target: Target?
override init() { target = nil; super.init() }
func observeTarget(_ t: Target) {
target = t
target!.addObserver(self, forKeyPath:"objcValue",
options: [.new, .old],
context: nil)
override func observeValue(forKeyPath: String?,
of obj: Any?,
change: Dictionary<NSKeyValueChangeKey, Any>?,
context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
var t = Target()
var o = Observer()
// CHECK: unobserved
t.objcValue = "one"
t.objcValue = "two"
print("registering observer")
// CHECK-NEXT: registering observer
print("Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational panopticon!")
// CHECK-NEXT: panopticon
t.objcValue = "three"
// CHECK-NEXT: swiftValue 42, objcValue three
t.objcValue = "four"
// CHECK-NEXT: swiftValue 42, objcValue four
// Test using a proper global context reference.
var kvoContext = Int()
class ObserverKVO : NSObject {
var target: Target?
override init() { target = nil; super.init() }
func observeTarget(_ target: Target) { = target!.addObserver(self,
forKeyPath: "objcValue",
options: [.new, .old],
context: &kvoContext)
func removeTarget() {!.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath:"objcValue",
context: &kvoContext)
override func observeValue(forKeyPath: String?,
of obj: Any?,
change: Dictionary<NSKeyValueChangeKey, Any>?,
context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
if context == &kvoContext {
var t2 = Target()
var o2 = ObserverKVO()
print("unobserved 2")
t2.objcValue = "one"
t2.objcValue = "two"
print("registering observer 2")
print("Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational panopticon!")
t2.objcValue = "three"
t2.objcValue = "four"
print("target removed")
// CHECK: registering observer 2
// CHECK-NEXT: Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational panopticon!
// CHECK-NEXT: swiftValue 42, objcValue three
// CHECK-NEXT: swiftValue 42, objcValue four
// CHECK-NEXT: target removed