blob: 3e68d9aa9f3d431a74b18770d96968cc538c6b5f [file] [log] [blame]
import StdlibUnittest
public struct A {
public var x: Int { return 0 }
// NB: These declarations intentionally do not constrain the index type
// to be Hashable, to ensure that we get the Hashable conformance from
// the context where the key path was formed for equality while using the
// property descriptor's accessors.
public subscript<T>(withGeneric index: T) -> T {
return index
public private(set) subscript<T>(withGenericPrivateSet index: T) -> T {
get {
return index
set { }
public subscript<T>(withGenericSettable index: T) -> T {
get {
return index
set { }
public var storedA: B<Int>
public private(set) var storedB: Double
public var y: Int {
get { return 0 }
set { }
public private(set) var z: Int {
get { return 0 }
set { }
public let immutable: Int = 1738
public struct B<U> {
public var x: Int { return 0 }
public var y: Int {
get { return 0 }
set { }
public private(set) var z: Int {
get { return 0 }
set { }
public subscript(withInt i: Int) -> Int {
return i
// NB: These declarations intentionally do not constrain the index type
// to be Hashable, to ensure that we get the Hashable conformance from
// the context where the key path was formed for equality while using the
// property descriptor's accessors.
public subscript<T>(withGeneric i: T) -> T {
return i
public private(set) subscript<T>(withGenericPrivateSet index: T) -> T {
get {
return index
set { }
public subscript<T>(withGenericSettable index: T) -> T {
get {
return index
set { }
public var storedA: U
public internal(set) var storedB: U
public func A_x_keypath() -> KeyPath<A, Int> {
return \A.x
public func A_y_keypath() -> KeyPath<A, Int> {
return \A.y
public func A_z_keypath() -> KeyPath<A, Int> {
return \A.z
public func A_immutable_keypath() -> KeyPath<A, Int> {
return \A.immutable
public func A_subscript_withGeneric_keypath<T: Hashable>(index: T)
-> KeyPath<A, T> {
return \A.[withGeneric: index]
public func A_subscript_withGenericSettable_keypath<T: Hashable>(index: T)
-> KeyPath<A, T> {
return \A.[withGenericSettable: index]
public func A_subscript_withGenericPrivateSet_keypath<T: Hashable>(index: T)
-> KeyPath<A, T> {
return \A.[withGenericPrivateSet: index]
public func A_subscript_withGeneric_butt_keypath()
-> KeyPath<A, String> {
return \A.[withGeneric: "pomeranian's big butt"]
public func B_subscript_withInt_keypath<T>(_: T.Type, index: Int)
-> KeyPath<B<T>, Int> {
return \B<T>.[withInt: index]
public func B_Double_subscript_withInt_0_keypath()
-> KeyPath<B<Double>, Int> {
return \B<Double>.[withInt: 0]
public func B_subscript_withGeneric_keypath<T, U: Hashable>(
_: T.Type, index: U
) -> KeyPath<B<T>, U> {
return \B<T>.[withGeneric: index]
public func B_subscript_withGenericSettable_keypath<T, U: Hashable>(
_: T.Type, index: U
) -> KeyPath<B<T>, U> {
return \B<T>.[withGenericSettable: index]
public func B_subscript_withGenericPrivateSet_keypath<T, U: Hashable>(
_: T.Type, index: U
) -> KeyPath<B<T>, U> {
return \B<T>.[withGenericPrivateSet: index]
public func B_Double_subscript_withGeneric_butt_keypath()
-> KeyPath<B<Double>, String> {
return \B<Double>.[withGeneric: "Never is the universal butt type"]
public func A_storedA_keypath() -> KeyPath<A, B<Int>> {
return \A.storedA
public func A_storedA_storedB_keypath() -> KeyPath<A, Int> {
return \A.storedA.storedB
public func A_storedB_keypath() -> KeyPath<A, Double> {
return \A.storedB
public func B_x_keypath<T>(_: T.Type) -> KeyPath<B<T>, Int> {
return \B<T>.x
public func B_y_keypath<T>(_: T.Type) -> KeyPath<B<T>, Int> {
return \B<T>.y
public func B_z_keypath<T>(_: T.Type) -> KeyPath<B<T>, Int> {
return \B<T>.z
public func B_Int_x_keypath() -> KeyPath<B<Int>, Int> {
return \B<Int>.x
public func B_Int_y_keypath() -> KeyPath<B<Int>, Int> {
return \B<Int>.y
public func B_Int_z_keypath() -> KeyPath<B<Int>, Int> {
return \B<Int>.z
public func B_storedA_keypath<T>(_: T.Type) -> KeyPath<B<T>, T> {
return \B<T>.storedA
public func B_storedB_keypath<T>(_: T.Type) -> KeyPath<B<T>, T> {
return \B<T>.storedB
public func B_Int_storedA_keypath() -> KeyPath<B<Int>, Int> {
return \B<Int>.storedA
public func B_Int_storedB_keypath() -> KeyPath<B<Int>, Int> {
return \B<Int>.storedB
open class ResilientRoot {
open var storedA = "a"
open var storedB = "b"
public let storedLet = "c"
open var virtual: String {
get { return "foo" }
set { }
open var virtualRO: String {
get { return "foo" }
final public var final: String {
get { return "foo" }
set { }
open class ResilientSub: ResilientRoot {
open var storedC = "c"
override open var virtual: String {
get { return "bar" }
set { }
open var sub: String {
get { return "bar" }
set { }
open var subRO: String {
get { return "foo" }
public func ResilientRoot_storedA_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientRoot, String> {
return \ResilientRoot.storedA
public func ResilientRoot_storedB_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientRoot, String> {
return \ResilientRoot.storedB
public func ResilientRoot_storedLet_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientRoot, String> {
return \ResilientRoot.storedLet
public func ResilientRoot_virtual_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientRoot, String> {
return \ResilientRoot.virtual
public func ResilientRoot_virtualRO_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientRoot, String> {
return \ResilientRoot.virtualRO
public func ResilientRoot_final_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientRoot, String> {
return \
public func ResilientSub_storedA_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientSub, String> {
return \ResilientSub.storedA
public func ResilientSub_storedB_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientSub, String> {
return \ResilientSub.storedB
public func ResilientSub_storedC_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientSub, String> {
return \ResilientSub.storedC
public func ResilientSub_virtual_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientSub, String> {
return \ResilientSub.virtual
public func ResilientSub_virtualRO_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientSub, String> {
return \ResilientSub.virtualRO
public func ResilientSub_final_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientSub, String> {
return \
public func ResilientSub_sub_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientSub, String> {
return \ResilientSub.sub
public func ResilientSub_subRO_keypath() -> KeyPath<ResilientSub, String> {
return \ResilientSub.subRO
public protocol ResilientRootProto {
var root: String { get }
public protocol ResilientSubProto: ResilientRootProto {
var sub: String { get }
extension Int: ResilientSubProto {
public var root: String { return "root" }
public var sub: String { return "sub" }
public func ResilientRootProto_root_keypath<T: ResilientRootProto>(_: T.Type) -> KeyPath<T, String> {
return \T.root
public func ResilientSubProto_sub_keypath<T: ResilientSubProto>(_: T.Type) -> KeyPath<T, String> {
return \T.sub
extension Int {
public var appendTest: Int { return self }
extension String {
public var appendTest: String { return self }
extension LifetimeTracked {
public var appendTest: LifetimeTracked { return self }