blob: 6cd371fc461032415b60f6bc0a28f0f5c97fd964 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Generic Signature Changes */
Func Substring.replaceSubrange(_:with:) has generic signature change from <C where C : Collection, C.Element == Character> to <C where C : Collection, C.Element == Substring.Iterator.Element>
Protocol BinaryInteger has generic signature change from <Self : CustomStringConvertible, Self : Hashable, Self : Numeric, Self : Strideable, Self.Magnitude : BinaryInteger, Self.Magnitude == Self.Magnitude.Magnitude, Self.Words : Sequence, Self.Words.Element == UInt> to <Self : CustomStringConvertible, Self : Hashable, Self : Numeric, Self : Strideable, Self.Magnitude : BinaryInteger, Self.Magnitude == Self.Magnitude.Magnitude, Self.Words : RandomAccessCollection, Self.Words.Element == UInt, Self.Words.Index == Int>
/* RawRepresentable Changes */
/* Removed Decls */
Constructor Int.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor Int16.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor Int32.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor Int8.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor String.init(_:obsoletedInSwift4:) has been removed
Constructor UInt.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor UInt16.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor UInt32.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Constructor UInt8.init(truncatingBitPattern:) has been removed
Func BinaryInteger.toIntMax() has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.addWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.divideWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.multiplyWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.remainderWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func FixedWidthInteger.subtractWithOverflow(_:_:) has been removed
Func FloatingPoint.abs(_:) has been removed (deprecated)
Func FloatingPoint.add(_:) has been removed
Func FloatingPoint.adding(_:) has been removed
Func FloatingPoint.divide(by:) has been removed
Func FloatingPoint.divided(by:) has been removed
Func FloatingPoint.multiplied(by:) has been removed
Func FloatingPoint.multiply(by:) has been removed
Func FloatingPoint.negated() has been removed
Func FloatingPoint.subtract(_:) has been removed
Func FloatingPoint.subtracting(_:) has been removed
Func Int.toUIntMax() has been removed
Func Int16.toUIntMax() has been removed
Func Int32.toUIntMax() has been removed
Func Int64.toUIntMax() has been removed
Func Int8.toUIntMax() has been removed
Func Sequence.flatMap(_:) has been removed
Func SignedNumeric.abs(_:) has been removed
Func String.UTF16View.distance(from:to:) has been removed
Func String.UTF16View.index(_:offsetBy:) has been removed
Func String.UTF16View.index(after:) has been removed
Func String.UTF8View.distance(from:to:) has been removed
Func String.UTF8View.index(_:offsetBy:) has been removed
Func String.UTF8View.index(after:) has been removed
Func String.UnicodeScalarView.distance(from:to:) has been removed
Func String.UnicodeScalarView.index(_:offsetBy:) has been removed
Func String.UnicodeScalarView.index(after:) has been removed
Func String.UnicodeScalarView.popFirst() has been removed (deprecated)
Func String.popFirst() has been removed (deprecated)
Func UInt.toIntMax() has been removed
Func UInt16.toIntMax() has been removed
Func UInt32.toIntMax() has been removed
Func UInt64.toIntMax() has been removed
Func UInt8.toIntMax() has been removed
Func UnsignedInteger.toUIntMax() has been removed
TypeAlias AbsoluteValuable has been removed
TypeAlias BitwiseOperations has been removed (deprecated)
TypeAlias IntMax has been removed
TypeAlias Integer has been removed
TypeAlias IntegerArithmetic has been removed
TypeAlias SignedNumber has been removed
TypeAlias StringProtocol.UTF16Index has been removed (deprecated)
TypeAlias StringProtocol.UTF8Index has been removed (deprecated)
TypeAlias StringProtocol.UnicodeScalarIndex has been removed (deprecated)
TypeAlias UIntMax has been removed
Var FixedWidthInteger.allZeros has been removed (deprecated)
/* Moved Decls */
/* Renamed Decls */
Func Dictionary.filter(_:obsoletedInSwift4:) has been renamed to Func Dictionary.filter(_:)
Func Set.filter(_:obsoletedInSwift4:) has been renamed to Func Set.filter(_:)
/* Type Changes */
Constructor Mirror.init(_:children:displayStyle:ancestorRepresentation:) has parameter 1 type change from DictionaryLiteral<String, Any> to KeyValuePairs<String, Any>
Constructor String.init(_:) has return type change from String? to String
Func Dictionary.filter(_:obsoletedInSwift4:) has return type change from [Dictionary<Key, Value>.Element] to [Dictionary<Key, Value>.Key : Dictionary<Key, Value>.Value]
Func Dictionary.makeIterator() has return type change from DictionaryIterator<Dictionary<Key, Value>.Key, Dictionary<Key, Value>.Value> to Dictionary<Key, Value>.Iterator
Func Set.filter(_:obsoletedInSwift4:) has return type change from [Set<Element>.Element] to Set<Element>
Func Set.makeIterator() has return type change from SetIterator<Element> to Set<Element>.Iterator
Var Dictionary.keys has declared type change from LazyMapCollection<[Key : Value], Key> to Dictionary<Key, Value>.Keys
Var Dictionary.values has declared type change from LazyMapCollection<[Key : Value], Value> to Dictionary<Key, Value>.Values
/* Decl Attribute changes */