blob: d6d3ab4b1bb48f0ab0f0bd10a0a934067567cab8 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-sil -verify %s
// Integration test to ensure that `type(of: self)` keeps working in
// class convenience initializers, even though they are now implemented as
// allocating entry points.
class C {
init() { }
init(throwingDesignated: ()) throws {}
convenience init(normal: ()) {
_ = (type(of: self), type(of: self))
_ = (type(of: self), type(of: self))
convenience init(throwing: ()) throws {
do {
_ = (type(of: self), type(of: self))
try self.init(throwingDesignated: ())
_ = (type(of: self), type(of: self))
} catch {
_ = (type(of: self), type(of: self))
throw error
_ = (type(of: self), type(of: self))
convenience init?(optional: Bool) {
_ = (type(of: self), type(of: self))
if optional {
_ = (type(of: self), type(of: self))
} else {
_ = (type(of: self), type(of: self))
return nil
_ = (type(of: self), type(of: self))