blob: f2e650b63037695e8dce863f6813e65e6dc52335 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -sdk %S/Inputs -I %S/Inputs -enable-source-import %s -enable-sil-ownership -enable-objc-interop | %FileCheck %s
import gizmo
// Importing the Clang module alone should not force the witness tables of
// the imported types' conformances.
// CHECK-NOT: sil_witness_table shared NSRuncingOptions: RawRepresentable module gizmo
// CHECK-NOT: sil_witness_table shared NSRuncingOptions: Equatable module gizmo
// CHECK-NOT: sil_witness_table shared NSRuncingOptions: Hashable module gizmo
// CHECK-NOT: sil_witness_table shared NSFungingMask: RawRepresentable module gizmo
// CHECK-NOT: sil_witness_table hidden NSRuncingOptions: Bub module objc_enum