blob: 02e19ebac0e6e438dbefc8c42a831bd03a2ccc1c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
struct Value: Hashable {
let v: Int
struct Pair<T: Hashable, U: Hashable>: Hashable {
let a: T
let b: U
typealias PSI = Pair<String, Int>
var StructSynthesisTests = TestSuite("StructSynthesis")
StructSynthesisTests.test("BasicEquatability/Hashability") {
checkHashable([Value(v: 1), Value(v: 2)], equalityOracle: { $0 == $1 })
// Not guaranteed by the semantics of Hashable, but we sanity check that the
// synthesized hash function is good enough to not let nearby values collide.
StructSynthesisTests.test("CloseValuesDoNotCollide") {
expectNotEqual(Value(v: 1).hashValue, Value(v: 2).hashValue)
StructSynthesisTests.test("GenericEquatability/Hashability") {
PSI(a: "foo", b: 0),
PSI(a: "bar", b: 0),
PSI(a: "foo", b: 5),
PSI(a: "bar", b: 5),
], equalityOracle: { $0 == $1 })
StructSynthesisTests.test("CloseGenericValuesDoNotCollide") {
expectNotEqual(PSI(a: "foo", b: 0).hashValue, PSI(a: "goo", b: 0).hashValue)
expectNotEqual(PSI(a: "foo", b: 0).hashValue, PSI(a: "foo", b: 1).hashValue)
expectNotEqual(PSI(a: "foo", b: 0).hashValue, PSI(a: "goo", b: 1).hashValue)
// Make sure that if the user overrides the synthesized member, that one gets
// used instead.
struct Overrides: Hashable {
let a: Int
var hashValue: Int { return 2 }
static func == (lhs: Overrides, rhs: Overrides) -> Bool { return true }
StructSynthesisTests.test("ExplicitOverridesSynthesized") {
checkHashable(expectedEqual: true, Overrides(a: 4), Overrides(a: 5))
expectEqual(Overrides(a: 4).hashValue, 2)
// ...even in an extension.
struct OverridesInExtension: Hashable {
let a: Int
extension OverridesInExtension {
var hashValue: Int { return 2 }
static func == (lhs: OverridesInExtension, rhs: OverridesInExtension) -> Bool { return true }
StructSynthesisTests.test("ExplicitOverridesSynthesizedInExtension") {
checkHashable(expectedEqual: true, OverridesInExtension(a: 4), OverridesInExtension(a: 5))
expectEqual(OverridesInExtension(a: 4).hashValue, 2)