blob: 56d3646a13bbac55609d503646e6a3098ed34cad [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -emit-sil -I %S/Inputs/custom-modules %s -verify
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import AppKit
import AVFoundation
import Newtype
import objc_ext
import TestProtocols
import TypeAndValue
import ObjCParseExtras
import ObjCParseExtrasToo
import ObjCParseExtrasSystem
func markUsed<T>(_ t: T) {}
func testAnyObject(_ obj: AnyObject) {
_ = obj.nsstringProperty
// Construction
func construction() {
_ = B()
// Subtyping
func treatBAsA(_ b: B) -> A {
return b
// Instance method invocation
func instanceMethods(_ b: B) {
var i = b.method(1, with: 2.5 as Float)
i = i + b.method(1, with: 2.5 as Double)
// SEL
b.perform(#selector(NSObject.isEqual(_:)), with: b)
if let result = b.perform(#selector(B.getAsProto), with: nil) {
_ = result.takeUnretainedValue()
// Renaming of redundant parameters.
b.performAdd(1, withValue:2, withValue2:3, withValue:4) // expected-error{{argument 'withValue' must precede argument 'withValue2'}} {{32-32=withValue:4, }} {{44-57=}}
b.performAdd(1, withValue:2, withValue:4, withValue2: 3)
b.performAdd(1, 2, 3, 4) // expected-error{{missing argument labels 'withValue:withValue:withValue2:' in call}} {{19-19=withValue: }} {{22-22=withValue: }} {{25-25=withValue2: }}
// Both class and instance methods exist.
_ = b.description
// Instance methods with keyword components
var obj = NSObject()
var prot = NSObjectProtocol.self
b.`protocol`(prot, hasThing:obj)
b.doThing(obj, protocol: prot)
// Class method invocation
func classMethods(_ b: B, other: NSObject) {
var i = B.classMethod()
i += B.classMethod(1)
i += B.classMethod(1, with: 2)
i += b.classMethod() // expected-error{{static member 'classMethod' cannot be used on instance of type 'B'}}
// Both class and instance methods exist.
B.instanceTakesObjectClassTakesFloat(other) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'NSObject' to expected argument type 'Float'}}
// Call an instance method of NSObject.
var c: AnyClass = B.myClass() // no-warning
c = b.myClass() // no-warning
// Instance method invocation on extensions
func instanceMethodsInExtensions(_ b: B) {
b.method(1, onCat1:2.5)
b.method(1, onExtA:2.5)
b.method(1, onExtB:2.5)
b.method(1, separateExtMethod:3.5)
let m1 = b.method(_:onCat1:)
_ = m1(1, 2.5)
let m2 = b.method(_:onExtA:)
_ = m2(1, 2.5)
let m3 = b.method(_:onExtB:)
_ = m3(1, 2.5)
let m4 = b.method(_:separateExtMethod:)
_ = m4(1, 2.5)
func dynamicLookupMethod(_ b: AnyObject) {
if let m5 = b.method(_:separateExtMethod:) {
_ = m5(1, 2.5)
// Properties
func properties(_ b: B) {
var i = b.counter
b.counter = i + 1
i = i + b.readCounter
b.readCounter = i + 1 // expected-error{{cannot assign to property: 'readCounter' is a get-only property}}
b.setCounter(5) // expected-error{{value of type 'B' has no member 'setCounter'}}
// Informal properties in Objective-C map to methods, not variables.
// An informal property cannot be made formal in a subclass. The
// formal property is simply ignored.
b.informalMadeFormal = i // expected-error{{cannot assign to value: 'informalMadeFormal' is a method}}
b.overriddenProp = 17
// Dynamic properties.
var obj : AnyObject = b
var optStr = obj.nsstringProperty // optStr has type String??
if optStr != nil {
var s : String = optStr! // expected-error{{value of optional type 'String?' must be unwrapped}}
// expected-note@-1{{coalesce}}
// expected-note@-2{{force-unwrap}}
var t : String = optStr!!
// Properties that are Swift keywords
var prot = b.`protocol`
// Properties whose accessors run afoul of selector splitting.
_ = SelectorSplittingAccessors()
// Construction.
func newConstruction(_ a: A, aproxy: AProxy) {
var b : B = B()
b = B(int: 17)
b = B(int:17)
b = B(double:17.5, 3.14159)
b = B(bbb:b)
b = B(forWorldDomination:())
b = B(int: 17, andDouble : 3.14159)
b = a)
// init methods are not imported by themselves.
b.initWithInt(17) // expected-error{{value of type 'B' has no member 'initWithInt'}}
// init methods on non-NSObject-rooted classes
AProxy(int: 5) // expected-warning{{unused}}
// Indexed subscripting
func indexedSubscripting(_ b: B, idx: Int, a: A) {
b[idx] = a
_ = b[idx] as! A
// Keyed subscripting
func keyedSubscripting(_ b: B, idx: A, a: A) {
b[a] = a
var a2 = b[a] as! A
let dict = NSMutableDictionary()
dict[NSString()] = a
let value = dict[NSString()]
dict[nil] = a // expected-error {{cannot assign value of type 'A' to type 'Any?'}}
let q = dict[nil] // expected-error {{ambiguous subscript}}
_ = q
// Typed indexed subscripting
func checkHive(_ hive: Hive, b: Bee) {
let b2 = hive.bees[5] as Bee
// Protocols
func testProtocols(_ b: B, bp: BProto) {
var bp2 : BProto = b
var b2 : B = bp // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'BProto' to specified type 'B'}}
bp.method(1, with: 2.5 as Float)
bp.method(1, withFoo: 2.5) // expected-error{{incorrect argument label in call (have '_:withFoo:', expected '_:with:')}}
bp2 = b.getAsProto()
var c1 : Cat1Proto = b
var bcat1 = b.getAsProtoWithCat()!
c1 = bcat1
bcat1 = c1 // expected-error{{value of type 'Cat1Proto' does not conform to 'BProto & Cat1Proto' in assignment}}
// Methods only defined in a protocol
func testProtocolMethods(_ b: B, p2m: P2.Type) {
b.otherMethod(1, with: 3.14159)
b.initViaP2(3.14159, second: 3.14159) // expected-error{{value of type 'B' has no member 'initViaP2'}}
// Imported constructor.
var b2 = B(viaP2: 3.14159, second: 3.14159)
_ = p2m.init(viaP2:3.14159, second: 3.14159)
func testId(_ x: AnyObject) {
x.perform!("foo:", with: x) // expected-warning{{no method declared with Objective-C selector 'foo:'}}
// expected-warning @-1 {{result of call to function returning 'Unmanaged<AnyObject>?' is unused}}
_ = x.performAdd(1, withValue: 2, withValue: 3, withValue2: 4)
_ = x.performAdd!(1, withValue: 2, withValue: 3, withValue2: 4)
_ = x.performAdd?(1, withValue: 2, withValue: 3, withValue2: 4)
class MySubclass : B {
// Override a regular method.
override func anotherMethodOnB() {}
// Override a category method
override func anotherCategoryMethod() {}
func getDescription(_ array: NSArray) {
_ = array.description
// Method overriding with unfortunate ordering.
func overridingTest(_ srs: SuperRefsSub) {
let rs : RefedSub
func almostSubscriptableValueMismatch(_ as1: AlmostSubscriptable, a: A) {
as1[a] // expected-error{{value of type 'AlmostSubscriptable' has no subscripts}}
func almostSubscriptableKeyMismatch(_ bc: BadCollection, key: NSString) {
// FIXME: We end up importing this as read-only due to the mismatch between
// getter/setter element types.
var _ : Any = bc[key]
func almostSubscriptableKeyMismatchInherited(_ bc: BadCollectionChild,
key: String) {
var value : Any = bc[key]
bc[key] = value // expected-error{{cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only}}
func almostSubscriptableKeyMismatchInherited(_ roc: ReadOnlyCollectionChild,
key: String) {
var value : Any = roc[key]
roc[key] = value // expected-error{{cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only}}
// Use of 'Class' via dynamic lookup.
func classAnyObject(_ obj: NSObject) {
_ = obj.myClass().description!()
// Protocol conformances
class Wobbler : NSWobbling { // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '()'}}
@objc func wobble() { }
func returnMyself() -> Self { return self } // expected-error{{non-'@objc' method 'returnMyself()' does not satisfy requirement of '@objc' protocol 'NSWobbling'}}{{none}}
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be an implementation of an @objc requirement because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
extension Wobbler : NSMaybeInitWobble { // expected-error{{type 'Wobbler' does not conform to protocol 'NSMaybeInitWobble'}}
@objc class Wobbler2 : NSObject, NSWobbling { // expected-note{{candidate has non-matching type '()'}}
func wobble() { }
func returnMyself() -> Self { return self }
extension Wobbler2 : NSMaybeInitWobble { // expected-error{{type 'Wobbler2' does not conform to protocol 'NSMaybeInitWobble'}}
func optionalMemberAccess(_ w: NSWobbling) {
w.wibble() // expected-error{{value of optional type '(() -> Void)?' must be unwrapped}}
// expected-note@-1{{coalesce}}
// expected-note@-2{{force-unwrap}}
let x = w[5]!!
_ = x
func protocolInheritance(_ s: NSString) {
var _: NSCoding = s
func ivars(_ hive: Hive) {
var d = hive.bees.description
hive.queen.description() // expected-error{{value of type 'Hive' has no member 'queen'}}
class NSObjectable : NSObjectProtocol {
@objc var description : String { return "" }
@objc(conformsToProtocol:) func conforms(to _: Protocol) -> Bool { return false }
@objc(isKindOfClass:) func isKind(of aClass: AnyClass) -> Bool { return false }
// Properties with custom accessors
func customAccessors(_ hive: Hive, bee: Bee) {
markUsed(hive.makingHoney()) // expected-error{{cannot call value of non-function type 'Bool'}}{{28-30=}}
hive.setMakingHoney(true) // expected-error{{value of type 'Hive' has no member 'setMakingHoney'}}
_ = (hive.`guard` as AnyObject).description // okay
_ = (hive.`guard` as AnyObject).description! // no-warning
hive.`guard` = bee // no-warning
// instancetype/Dynamic Self invocation.
func testDynamicSelf(_ queen: Bee, wobbler: NSWobbling) {
var hive = Hive()
// Factory method with instancetype result.
var hive1 = Hive(queen: queen)
hive1 = hive
hive = hive1
// Instance method with instancetype result.
var hive2 = hive!.visit()
hive2 = hive
hive = hive2
// Instance method on a protocol with instancetype result.
var wobbler2 = wobbler.returnMyself()!
var wobbler: NSWobbling = wobbler2
wobbler2 = wobbler
// Instance method on a base class with instancetype result, called on the
// class itself.
// FIXME: This should be accepted.
let baseClass: ObjCParseExtras.Base.Type = ObjCParseExtras.Base.returnMyself()
// expected-error@-1 {{instance member 'returnMyself' cannot be used on type 'Base'}}
func testRepeatedProtocolAdoption(_ w: NSWindow) {
_ = w.description
class ProtocolAdopter1 : FooProto {
@objc var bar: CInt // no-warning
init() { bar = 5 }
class ProtocolAdopter2 : FooProto {
@objc var bar: CInt {
get { return 42 }
set { /* do nothing! */ }
class ProtocolAdopterBad1 : FooProto { // expected-error {{type 'ProtocolAdopterBad1' does not conform to protocol 'FooProto'}}
@objc var bar: Int = 0 // expected-note {{candidate has non-matching type 'Int'}}
class ProtocolAdopterBad2 : FooProto { // expected-error {{type 'ProtocolAdopterBad2' does not conform to protocol 'FooProto'}}
let bar: CInt = 0 // expected-note {{candidate is not settable, but protocol requires it}}
class ProtocolAdopterBad3 : FooProto { // expected-error {{type 'ProtocolAdopterBad3' does not conform to protocol 'FooProto'}}
var bar: CInt { // expected-note {{candidate is not settable, but protocol requires it}}
return 42
@objc protocol RefinedFooProtocol : FooProto {}
func testPreferClassMethodToCurriedInstanceMethod(_ obj: NSObject) {
// FIXME: We shouldn't need the ": Bool" type annotation here.
// <rdar://problem/18006008>
let _: Bool = NSObject.isEqual(obj)
_ = NSObject.isEqual(obj) as (NSObject?) -> Bool // no-warning
func testPropertyAndMethodCollision(_ obj: PropertyAndMethodCollision,
rev: PropertyAndMethodReverseCollision) {
obj.object = nil
obj.object(obj, doSomething:#selector(getter: NSMenuItem.action))
type(of: obj).classRef = nil
type(of: obj).classRef(obj, doSomething:#selector(getter: NSMenuItem.action))
rev.object = nil
rev.object(rev, doSomething:#selector(getter: NSMenuItem.action))
type(of: rev).classRef = nil
type(of: rev).classRef(rev, doSomething:#selector(getter: NSMenuItem.action))
var value: Any
value = obj.protoProp()
value = obj.protoPropRO()
value = type(of: obj).protoClassProp()
value = type(of: obj).protoClassPropRO()
_ = value
func testPropertyAndMethodCollisionInOneClass(
obj: PropertyAndMethodCollisionInOneClass,
rev: PropertyAndMethodReverseCollisionInOneClass
) {
obj.object = nil
type(of: obj).classRef = nil
type(of: obj).classRef()
rev.object = nil
type(of: rev).classRef = nil
type(of: rev).classRef()
func testSubscriptAndPropertyRedeclaration(_ obj: SubscriptAndProperty) {
_ = obj.x
obj.x = 5
_ = obj.objectAtIndexedSubscript(5) // expected-error{{'objectAtIndexedSubscript' is unavailable: use subscripting}}
obj.setX(5) // expected-error{{value of type 'SubscriptAndProperty' has no member 'setX'}}
_ = obj[0]
obj[1] = obj
obj.setObject(obj, atIndexedSubscript: 2) // expected-error{{'setObject(_:atIndexedSubscript:)' is unavailable: use subscripting}}
func testSubscriptAndPropertyWithProtocols(_ obj: SubscriptAndPropertyWithProto) {
_ = obj.x
obj.x = 5
obj.setX(5) // expected-error{{value of type 'SubscriptAndPropertyWithProto' has no member 'setX'}}
_ = obj[0]
obj[1] = obj
obj.setObject(obj, atIndexedSubscript: 2) // expected-error{{'setObject(_:atIndexedSubscript:)' is unavailable: use subscripting}}
func testProtocolMappingSameModule(_ obj: AVVideoCompositionInstruction, p: AVVideoCompositionInstructionProtocol) {
_ = obj.backgroundColor
func testProtocolMappingDifferentModules(_ obj: ObjCParseExtrasToo.ProtoOrClass, p: ObjCParseExtras.ProtoOrClass) {
let _: ProtoOrClass? // expected-error{{'ProtoOrClass' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context}}
_ = ObjCParseExtrasToo.ClassInHelper() // expected-error{{'ClassInHelper' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers}}
_ = ObjCParseExtrasToo.ProtoInHelper()
_ = ObjCParseExtrasTooHelper.ClassInHelper()
_ = ObjCParseExtrasTooHelper.ProtoInHelper() // expected-error{{'ProtoInHelper' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers}}
func testProtocolClassShadowing(_ obj: ClassInHelper, p: ProtoInHelper) {
let _: ObjCParseExtrasToo.ClassInHelper = obj
let _: ObjCParseExtrasToo.ProtoInHelper = p
func testDealloc(_ obj: NSObject) {
// dealloc is subsumed by deinit.
// FIXME: Special-case diagnostic in the type checker?
obj.dealloc() // expected-error{{value of type 'NSObject' has no member 'dealloc'}}
func testConstantGlobals() {
MAX = 5 // expected-error{{cannot assign to value: 'MAX' is a 'let' constant}}
SomeImageName = "abc" // expected-error{{cannot assign to value: 'SomeImageName' is a 'let' constant}}
SomeNumber = nil // expected-error{{cannot assign to value: 'SomeNumber' is a 'let' constant}}
func testWeakVariable() {
let _: AnyObject = globalWeakVar
class IncompleteProtocolAdopter : Incomplete, IncompleteOptional { // expected-error {{type 'IncompleteProtocolAdopter' cannot conform to protocol 'Incomplete' because it has requirements that cannot be satisfied}}
@objc func getObject() -> AnyObject { return self }
func testNullarySelectorPieces(_ obj: AnyObject) {, bar: 2, 3) // no-warning, 2, bar: 3) // expected-error{{cannot invoke 'foo' with an argument list of type '(Int, Int, bar: Int)'}}
func testFactoryMethodAvailability() {
_ = DeprecatedFactoryMethod() // expected-warning{{'init()' is deprecated: use something newer}}
func testRepeatedMembers(_ obj: RepeatedMembers) {
// rdar://problem/19726164
class FooDelegateImpl : NSObject, FooDelegate {
var _started = false
var isStarted: Bool {
get { return _started }
@objc(setStarted:) set { _started = newValue }
class ProtoAdopter : NSObject, ExplicitSetterProto, OptionalSetterProto {
var foo: Any? // no errors about conformance
var bar: Any? // no errors about conformance
func testUnusedResults(_ ur: UnusedResults) {
_ = ur.producesResult()
ur.producesResult() // expected-warning{{result of call to 'producesResult()' is unused}}
func testStrangeSelectors(obj: StrangeSelectors) {
StrangeSelectors.cStyle(0, 1, 2) // expected-error{{type 'StrangeSelectors' has no member 'cStyle'}}
_ = StrangeSelectors(a: 0, b: 0) // okay
obj.empty(1, 2) // okay
func testProtocolQualified(_ obj: CopyableNSObject, cell: CopyableSomeCell,
plainObj: NSObject, plainCell: SomeCell) {
_ = obj as NSObject // expected-error {{'CopyableNSObject' (aka 'NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol') is not convertible to 'NSObject'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?}} {{11-13=as!}}
_ = obj as NSObjectProtocol
_ = obj as NSCopying
_ = obj as SomeCell // expected-error {{'CopyableNSObject' (aka 'NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol') is not convertible to 'SomeCell'; did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?}} {{11-13=as!}}
_ = cell as NSObject
_ = cell as NSObjectProtocol
_ = cell as NSCopying
_ = cell as SomeCell
_ = plainObj as CopyableNSObject // expected-error {{'NSObject' is not convertible to 'CopyableNSObject' (aka 'NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol'); did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?}} {{16-18=as!}}
_ = plainCell as CopyableSomeCell // expected-error {{'SomeCell' is not convertible to 'CopyableSomeCell' (aka 'SomeCell & NSCopying'); did you mean to use 'as!' to force downcast?}}
extension Printing {
func testImplicitWarnUnqualifiedAccess() {
print() // expected-warning {{use of 'print' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'Printing'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{5-5=self.}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use 'Swift.' to reference the global function}} {{5-5=Swift.}}
print(self) // expected-warning {{use of 'print' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'Printing'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{5-5=self.}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use 'Swift.' to reference the global function}} {{5-5=Swift.}}
print(self, options: self) // no-warning
static func testImplicitWarnUnqualifiedAccess() {
print() // expected-warning {{use of 'print' treated as a reference to class method in class 'Printing'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{5-5=self.}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use 'Swift.' to reference the global function}} {{5-5=Swift.}}
print(self) // expected-warning {{use of 'print' treated as a reference to class method in class 'Printing'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{use 'self.' to silence this warning}} {{5-5=self.}}
// expected-note@-2 {{use 'Swift.' to reference the global function}} {{5-5=Swift.}}
print(self, options: self) // no-warning
// <rdar://problem/21979968> The "with array" initializers for NSCountedSet and NSMutable set should be properly disambiguated.
func testSetInitializers() {
let a: [AnyObject] = [NSObject()]
let _ = NSCountedSet(array: a)
let _ = NSMutableSet(array: a)
func testNSUInteger(_ obj: NSUIntegerTests, uint: UInt, int: Int) {
obj.consumeUnsigned(uint) // okay
obj.consumeUnsigned(int) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'UInt'}}
obj.consumeUnsigned(0, withTheNSUIntegerHere: uint) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'UInt' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
obj.consumeUnsigned(0, withTheNSUIntegerHere: int) // okay
obj.consumeUnsigned(uint, andAnother: uint) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'UInt' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
obj.consumeUnsigned(uint, andAnother: int) // okay
do {
let x = obj.unsignedProducer()
let _: String = x // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'UInt' to specified type 'String'}}
do {
obj.unsignedProducer(uint, fromCount: uint) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'UInt' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
obj.unsignedProducer(int, fromCount: int) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'UInt'}}
let x = obj.unsignedProducer(uint, fromCount: int) // okay
let _: String = x // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'UInt' to specified type 'String'}}
do {
obj.normalProducer(uint, fromUnsigned: uint) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'UInt' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
obj.normalProducer(int, fromUnsigned: int) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'UInt'}}
let x = obj.normalProducer(int, fromUnsigned: uint)
let _: String = x // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to specified type 'String'}}
let _: String = obj.normalProp // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to specified type 'String'}}
let _: String = obj.unsignedProp // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'UInt' to specified type 'String'}}
do {
testUnsigned(int, uint) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'UInt'}}
testUnsigned(uint, int) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'UInt'}}
let x = testUnsigned(uint, uint) // okay
let _: String = x // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'UInt' to specified type 'String'}}
// NSNumber
let num = NSNumber(value: uint)
let _: String = num.uintValue // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'UInt' to specified type 'String'}}
class NewtypeUser {
@objc func stringNewtype(a: SNTErrorDomain) {} // expected-error {{'SNTErrorDomain' has been renamed to 'ErrorDomain'}}{{31-45=ErrorDomain}}
@objc func stringNewtypeOptional(a: SNTErrorDomain?) {} // expected-error {{'SNTErrorDomain' has been renamed to 'ErrorDomain'}}{{39-53=ErrorDomain}}
@objc func intNewtype(a: MyInt) {}
@objc func intNewtypeOptional(a: MyInt?) {} // expected-error {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func intNewtypeArray(a: [MyInt]) {} // expected-error {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func intNewtypeDictionary(a: [MyInt: NSObject]) {} // expected-error {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func cfNewtype(a: CFNewType) {}
@objc func cfNewtypeArray(a: [CFNewType]) {} // expected-error {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
typealias MyTuple = (Int, AnyObject?)
typealias MyNamedTuple = (a: Int, b: AnyObject?)
@objc func blockWithTypealias(_ input: @escaping (MyTuple) -> MyInt) {}
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2{{function types cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func blockWithTypealiasWithNames(_ input: (MyNamedTuple) -> MyInt) {}
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2{{function types cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func testTypeAndValue() {
_ = testStruct()
_ = testStruct(value: 0)
let _: (testStruct) -> Void = testStruct
let _: () -> testStruct = testStruct.init
let _: (CInt) -> testStruct = testStruct.init
// rdar://problem/34913507
func testBridgedTypedef(bt: BridgedTypedefs) {
let _: Int = bt.arrayOfArrayOfStrings // expected-error{{'[[String]]'}}
func testBridgeFunctionPointerTypedefs(fptrTypedef: FPTypedef) {
// See also print_clang_bool_bridging.swift.
let _: Int = fptrTypedef // expected-error{{'@convention(c) (String) -> String'}}
let _: Int = getFP() // expected-error{{'@convention(c) (String) -> String'}}
func testNonTrivialStructs() {
_ = NonTrivialToCopy() // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'NonTrivialToCopy'}}
_ = NonTrivialToCopyWrapper() // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'NonTrivialToCopyWrapper'}}
_ = TrivialToCopy() // okay
func testErrorNewtype() {
_ = ErrorNewType(3) // expected-error {{argument type 'Int' does not conform to expected type 'Error'}}
// Since we import NSError as Error, and Error is not Hashable...we end up
// losing the types for these functions, even though the above assignment
// works.
testErrorDictionary(3) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type '[AnyHashable : String]'}}
testErrorDictionaryNewtype(3) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type '[AnyHashable : String]'}}