blob: 9a8e5471abd75ed4b87de0bf5f7efe7de1365473 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenThunk.cpp - IR Generation for Method Dispatch Thunks ----------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements IR generation for class and protocol method dispatch
// thunks, which are used in resilient builds to hide vtable and witness table
// offsets from clients.
#include "Callee.h"
#include "Explosion.h"
#include "GenDecl.h"
#include "GenClass.h"
#include "GenHeap.h"
#include "GenOpaque.h"
#include "GenProto.h"
#include "IRGenFunction.h"
#include "IRGenModule.h"
#include "MetadataLayout.h"
#include "ProtocolInfo.h"
#include "Signature.h"
#include "swift/IRGen/Linking.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace irgen;
/// Find the entry point for a method dispatch thunk.
llvm::Function *
IRGenModule::getAddrOfDispatchThunk(SILDeclRef declRef,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition) {
LinkEntity entity = LinkEntity::forDispatchThunk(declRef);
llvm::Function *&entry = GlobalFuncs[entity];
if (entry) {
if (forDefinition) updateLinkageForDefinition(*this, entry, entity);
return entry;
auto fnType = getSILModule().Types.getConstantFunctionType(declRef);
Signature signature = getSignature(fnType);
LinkInfo link = LinkInfo::get(*this, entity, forDefinition);
entry = createFunction(*this, link, signature);
return entry;
static FunctionPointer lookupMethod(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILDeclRef declRef) {
auto *decl = cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(declRef.getDecl());
// Protocol case.
if (isa<ProtocolDecl>(decl->getDeclContext())) {
// Find the witness table.
llvm::Value *wtable = (IGF.CurFn->arg_end() - 1);
// Find the witness we're interested in.
return emitWitnessMethodValue(IGF, wtable, declRef);
// Class case.
auto funcTy = IGF.IGM.getSILModule().Types.getConstantFunctionType(declRef);
// Load the metadata, or use the 'self' value if we have a static method.
llvm::Value *self;
// Non-throwing class methods always have the 'self' parameter at the end.
// Throwing class methods have 'self' right before the error parameter.
// FIXME: Should find a better way of expressing this.
if (funcTy->hasErrorResult())
self = (IGF.CurFn->arg_end() - 2);
self = (IGF.CurFn->arg_end() - 1);
auto selfTy = funcTy->getSelfParameter().getSILStorageType();
llvm::Value *metadata;
if (<MetatypeType>()) {
metadata = self;
} else {
metadata = emitHeapMetadataRefForHeapObject(IGF, self, selfTy,
/*suppress cast*/ true);
return emitVirtualMethodValue(IGF, metadata, declRef, funcTy);
void IRGenModule::emitDispatchThunk(SILDeclRef declRef) {
auto *f = getAddrOfDispatchThunk(declRef, ForDefinition);
IRGenFunction IGF(*this, f);
// Look up the method.
auto fn = lookupMethod(IGF, declRef);
// Call the witness, forwarding all of the parameters.
auto params = IGF.collectParameters();
auto result = IGF.Builder.CreateCall(fn, params.claimAll());
// Return the result, if we have one.
if (result->getType()->isVoidTy())
llvm::GlobalValue *IRGenModule::defineMethodDescriptor(SILDeclRef declRef,
NominalTypeDecl *nominalDecl,
llvm::Constant *definition) {
auto entity = LinkEntity::forMethodDescriptor(declRef);
return defineAlias(entity, definition);
/// Get or create a method descriptor variable.
llvm::Constant *
IRGenModule::getAddrOfMethodDescriptor(SILDeclRef declRef,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition) {
assert(forDefinition == NotForDefinition);
assert(declRef.getOverriddenWitnessTableEntry() == declRef &&
"Overriding protocol requirements do not have method descriptors");
LinkEntity entity = LinkEntity::forMethodDescriptor(declRef);
return getAddrOfLLVMVariable(entity, Alignment(4), forDefinition,
MethodDescriptorStructTy, DebugTypeInfo());
/// Fetch the method lookup function for a resilient class.
llvm::Function *
IRGenModule::getAddrOfMethodLookupFunction(ClassDecl *classDecl,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition) {
LinkEntity entity = LinkEntity::forMethodLookupFunction(classDecl);
llvm::Function *&entry = GlobalFuncs[entity];
if (entry) {
if (forDefinition) updateLinkageForDefinition(*this, entry, entity);
return entry;
llvm::Type *params[] = {
auto fnType = llvm::FunctionType::get(Int8PtrTy, params, false);
Signature signature(fnType, llvm::AttributeList(), SwiftCC);
LinkInfo link = LinkInfo::get(*this, entity, forDefinition);
entry = createFunction(*this, link, signature);
return entry;
void IRGenModule::emitMethodLookupFunction(ClassDecl *classDecl) {
auto *f = getAddrOfMethodLookupFunction(classDecl, ForDefinition);
IRGenFunction IGF(*this, f);
auto params = IGF.collectParameters();
auto *metadata = params.claimNext();
auto *method = params.claimNext();
auto *description = getAddrOfTypeContextDescriptor(classDecl,
auto *result = IGF.Builder.CreateCall(getLookUpClassMethodFn(),
{metadata, method, description});