blob: 1f93558e1621daf43df64f56e9b9a55695fe376d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DiverseStack.h - Stack of variably-sized objects -------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// This file defines a data structure for representing a stack of
/// variably-sized objects. It is a requirement that the object type
/// be trivially movable, meaning that it has a trivial move
/// constructor and a trivial destructor.
#include "swift/Basic/Malloc.h"
#include "llvm/Support/PointerLikeTypeTraits.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>
namespace swift {
template <class T> class DiverseStackImpl;
/// DiverseStack - A stack of heterogeneously-typed objects.
/// \tparam T - A common base class of the objects on the stack; must
/// provide an allocated_size() const method.
/// \tparam InlineCapacity - the amount of inline storage to provide, in bytes.
template <class T, unsigned InlineCapacity>
class DiverseStack : public DiverseStackImpl<T> {
char InlineStorage[InlineCapacity];
DiverseStack() : DiverseStackImpl<T>(InlineStorage + InlineCapacity) {}
DiverseStack(const DiverseStack &other)
: DiverseStackImpl<T>(other, InlineStorage + InlineCapacity) {}
DiverseStack(const DiverseStackImpl<T> &other)
: DiverseStackImpl<T>(other, InlineStorage + InlineCapacity) {}
DiverseStack(DiverseStack<T, InlineCapacity> &&other)
: DiverseStackImpl<T>(std::move(other), InlineStorage + InlineCapacity) {}
DiverseStack(DiverseStackImpl<T> &&other)
: DiverseStackImpl<T>(std::move(other), InlineStorage + InlineCapacity) {}
/// A base class for DiverseStackImpl.
class DiverseStackBase {
/// The top of the stack.
char *Begin;
/// The bottom of the stack, i.e. the end of the allocation.
char *End;
/// The beginning of the allocation.
char *Allocated;
bool isAllocatedInline() const {
return (Allocated == reinterpret_cast<const char *>(this + 1));
void checkValid() const {
assert(Allocated <= Begin);
assert(Begin <= End);
void initialize(char *end) {
Begin = End = end;
Allocated = reinterpret_cast<char*>(this + 1);
void copyFrom(const DiverseStackBase &other) {
// Ensure that we're large enough to store all the data.
std::size_t size = static_cast<std::size_t>(other.End - other.Begin);
std::memcpy(Begin, other.Begin, size);
void pushNewStorage(std::size_t needed) {
if (std::size_t(Begin - Allocated) >= needed) {
Begin -= needed;
} else {
void pushNewStorageSlow(std::size_t needed);
/// A stable iterator is the equivalent of an index into the stack.
/// It's an iterator that stays stable across modification of the
/// stack.
class stable_iterator {
std::size_t Depth;
friend class DiverseStackBase;
template <class T> friend class DiverseStackImpl;
stable_iterator(std::size_t depth) : Depth(depth) {}
stable_iterator() = default;
friend bool operator==(stable_iterator a, stable_iterator b) {
return a.Depth == b.Depth;
friend bool operator!=(stable_iterator a, stable_iterator b) {
return !operator==(a, b);
static stable_iterator invalid() {
return stable_iterator((std::size_t) -1);
bool isValid() const {
return Depth != (std::size_t) -1;
std::size_t getDepth() const { return Depth; }
/// A helper class that wraps a stable_iterator as something that
/// pretends to be a non-null pointer.
/// This allows stable_iterators to be placed in TinyPtrVector.
/// A wrapper is needed because we don't want to give stable_iterator
/// a null inhabitant, an operator bool, conversions from nullptr_t, or
/// any similar features that TinyPtrVector reasonably requires of its
/// element types.
class AsPointer {
void *EncodedValue;
explicit AsPointer(void *encodedValue) : EncodedValue(encodedValue) {}
enum { NumLowBitsAvailable = 3 };
/// Allow a null AsPointer to be created with either 'nullptr' or
/// 'AsPointer()'.
/*implicit*/ AsPointer(std::nullptr_t _ = nullptr)
: EncodedValue(nullptr) {}
/// Allow an AsPointer to be tested as a boolean value.
explicit operator bool() const { return EncodedValue != nullptr; }
/// Allow an AsPointer to be compared for equality with a void*.
friend bool operator==(AsPointer lhs, void *rhs) {
return lhs.EncodedValue == rhs;
/// Allow an implicit conversion from stable_iterator.
/*implicit*/ AsPointer(stable_iterator it) {
assert(it.isValid() && "can't encode invalid stable_iterator");
auto encodedDepth = (it.Depth + 1) << NumLowBitsAvailable;
EncodedValue = reinterpret_cast<void*>(encodedDepth);
assert(EncodedValue && "encoded pointer was null");
/// Allow an implicit conversion to stable_iterator.
operator stable_iterator() const {
assert(EncodedValue && "can't decode null pointer");
auto encodedDepth = reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(EncodedValue);
auto depth = (encodedDepth >> NumLowBitsAvailable) - 1;
auto it = stable_iterator(depth);
assert(it.isValid() && "decoded stable_iterator was invalid");
return it;
void *getAsVoidPointer() const { return EncodedValue; }
static AsPointer getFromVoidPointer(void *ptr) { return AsPointer(ptr); }
AsPointer asPointer() const { return *this; }
stable_iterator stable_begin() const {
return stable_iterator(End - Begin);
static stable_iterator stable_end() {
return stable_iterator(0);
void checkIterator(stable_iterator it) const {
assert(it.isValid() && "checking an invalid iterator");
assert(it.Depth <= size_t(End - Begin));
template <class T> class DiverseStackImpl : private DiverseStackBase {
DiverseStackImpl(const DiverseStackImpl<T> &other) = delete;
DiverseStackImpl(DiverseStackImpl<T> &&other) = delete;
DiverseStackImpl(char *end) {
DiverseStackImpl(const DiverseStackImpl<T> &other, char *end) {
DiverseStackImpl(DiverseStackImpl<T> &&other, char *end) {
// If the other is allocated inline, just initialize and copy.
if (other.isAllocatedInline()) {
// Otherwise, steal its allocations.
Begin = other.Begin;
End = other.End;
Allocated = other.Allocated;
other.Begin = other.End = other.Allocated = (char*) (&other + 1);
~DiverseStackImpl() {
if (!isAllocatedInline())
delete[] Allocated;
/// Query whether the stack is empty.
bool empty() const {
return Begin == End;
/// Return a reference to the top element on the stack.
T &top() {
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(Begin);
/// Return a reference to the top element on the stack.
const T &top() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(Begin);
using DiverseStackBase::stable_iterator;
using DiverseStackBase::stable_begin;
using DiverseStackBase::stable_end;
class const_iterator;
class iterator {
char *Ptr;
friend class DiverseStackImpl;
friend class const_iterator;
iterator(char *ptr) : Ptr(ptr) {}
iterator() = default;
T &operator*() const { return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(Ptr); }
T *operator->() const { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(Ptr); }
iterator &operator++() {
Ptr += (*this)->allocated_size();
return *this;
iterator operator++(int _) {
auto copy = *this;
return copy;
/// advancePast - Like operator++, but asserting that the current
/// object has a known type.
template <class U> void advancePast() {
assert((*this)->allocated_size() == sizeof(U));
Ptr += sizeof(U);
friend bool operator==(iterator a, iterator b) { return a.Ptr == b.Ptr; }
friend bool operator!=(iterator a, iterator b) { return !operator==(a, b); }
using DiverseStackBase::checkIterator;
void checkIterator(iterator it) const {
assert(Begin <= it.Ptr && it.Ptr <= End);
iterator begin() { checkValid(); return iterator(Begin); }
iterator end() { checkValid(); return iterator(End); }
iterator find(stable_iterator it) {
return iterator(End - it.Depth);
stable_iterator stabilize(iterator it) const {
return stable_iterator(End - it.Ptr);
class const_iterator {
const char *Ptr;
friend class DiverseStackImpl;
const_iterator(const char *ptr) : Ptr(ptr) {}
const_iterator() = default;
const_iterator(iterator it) : Ptr(it.Ptr) {}
const T &operator*() const { return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(Ptr); }
const T *operator->() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(Ptr); }
const_iterator &operator++() {
Ptr += (*this)->allocated_size();
return *this;
const_iterator operator++(int _) {
auto copy = *this;
return copy;
/// advancePast - Like operator++, but asserting that the current
/// object has a known type.
template <class U> void advancePast() {
assert((*this)->allocated_size() == sizeof(U));
Ptr += sizeof(U);
friend bool operator==(const_iterator a, const_iterator b) {
return a.Ptr == b.Ptr;
friend bool operator!=(const_iterator a, const_iterator b) {
return !operator==(a, b);
const_iterator begin() const { checkValid(); return const_iterator(Begin); }
const_iterator end() const { checkValid(); return const_iterator(End); }
void checkIterator(const_iterator it) const {
assert(Begin <= it.Ptr && it.Ptr <= End);
const_iterator find(stable_iterator it) const {
return const_iterator(End - it.Depth);
stable_iterator stabilize(const_iterator it) const {
return stable_iterator(End - it.Ptr);
/// Push a new object onto the stack.
template <class U, class... A> U &push(A && ...args) {
return *::new (Begin) U(::std::forward<A>(args)...);
/// Pop an object off the stack.
void pop() {
Begin += top().allocated_size();
/// Pop an object of known type off the stack.
template <class U> void pop() {
assert(sizeof(U) == top().allocated_size());
Begin += sizeof(U);
/// Pop objects off of the stack until \p the object pointed to by stable_iter
/// is the top element of the stack.
void pop(stable_iterator stable_iter) {
iterator iter = find(stable_iter);
#ifndef NDEBUG
while (Begin != iter.Ptr) {
Begin = iter.Ptr;
} // end namespace swift
/// Allow stable_iterators to be put in things like TinyPtrVectors.
namespace llvm {
template <>
struct PointerLikeTypeTraits<
swift::DiverseStackBase::stable_iterator::AsPointer> {
using AsPointer = swift::DiverseStackBase::stable_iterator::AsPointer;
static inline void *getAsVoidPointer(AsPointer ptr) {
return ptr.getAsVoidPointer();
static inline AsPointer getFromVoidPointer(void *ptr) {
return AsPointer::getFromVoidPointer(ptr);
enum {
NumLowBitsAvailable = AsPointer::NumLowBitsAvailable