blob: a30c25a797ab75657ef2815babfb68a2524412b1 [file] [log] [blame]
import SwiftSyntax
import Foundation
import TestUtils
/// Print the given message to stderr
func printerr(_ message: String, terminator: String = "\n") {
FileHandle.standardError.write((message + terminator).data(using: .utf8)!)
/// Print the help message
func printHelp() {
Utility to test SwiftSyntax syntax tree deserialization.
Actions (must specify one):
Deserialize a full pre-edit syntax tree (-pre-edit-tree), parse an
incrementally transferred post-edit syntax tree (-incr-tree) and
write the source representation of the post-edit syntax tree to an
out file (-out).
Parse the given source file (-source-file) and output it with
tokens classified for syntax colouring.
Print this help message
-source-file FILENAME
The path to a Swift source file to parse
-pre-edit-tree FILENAME
The path to a JSON serialized pre-edit syntax tree
-incr-tree FILENAME
The path to a JSON serialized incrementally transferred post-edit
syntax tree
The file to which the source representation of the post-edit syntax
tree shall be written.
func performRoundTrip(args: CommandLineArguments) throws {
let preEditTreeURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: try args.getRequired("-pre-edit-tree"))
let incrTreeURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: try args.getRequired("-incr-tree"))
let outURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: try args.getRequired("-out"))
let preEditTreeData = try Data(contentsOf: preEditTreeURL)
let incrTreeData = try Data(contentsOf: incrTreeURL)
let deserializer = SyntaxTreeDeserializer()
_ = try deserializer.deserialize(preEditTreeData)
let tree = try deserializer.deserialize(incrTreeData)
let sourceRepresenation = tree.description
try sourceRepresenation.write(to: outURL, atomically: false, encoding: .utf8)
func performClassifySyntax(args: CommandLineArguments) throws {
let treeURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: try args.getRequired("-source-file"))
let tree = try SyntaxTreeParser.parse(treeURL)
let classifications = SyntaxClassifier.classifyTokensInTree(tree)
let printer = ClassifiedSyntaxTreePrinter(classifications: classifications)
let result = printer.print(tree: tree)
if let outURL = args["-out"].map(URL.init(fileURLWithPath:)) {
try result.write(to: outURL, atomically: false, encoding: .utf8)
} else {
do {
let args = try CommandLineArguments.parse(CommandLine.arguments.dropFirst())
if args.has("-deserialize-incremental") {
try performRoundTrip(args: args)
} else if args.has("-classify-syntax") {
try performClassifySyntax(args: args)
} else if args.has("-help") {
} else {
No action specified.
See -help for information about available actions
} catch {
printerr("Run swift-swiftsyntax-test -help for more help.")