blob: 83633397c23bc3d228911ff225bf12558e064b87 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------------- SwiftLanguage.swift - Swift Syntax Library -----------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides main entry point into the Syntax library.
import Foundation
#if os(macOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux)
import Glibc
/// A list of possible errors that could be encountered while parsing a
/// Syntax tree.
public enum ParserError: Error, CustomStringConvertible {
case swiftcFailed(Int, String)
case invalidFile
public var description: String {
switch self{
case let .swiftcFailed(exitCode, stderr):
let stderrLines = stderr.split(separator: "\n")
return """
swiftc returned with non-zero exit code \(exitCode)
\(stderrLines.joined(separator: "\n "))
case .invalidFile:
return "swiftc created an invalid syntax file"
/// Deserializes the syntax tree from its serialized form to an object tree in
/// Swift. To deserialize incrementally transferred syntax trees, the same
/// instance of the deserializer must be used for all subsequent
/// deserializations.
public final class SyntaxTreeDeserializer {
// FIXME: This lookup table just accumulates nodes, we should invalidate nodes
// that are no longer used at some point and remove them from the table
/// Syntax nodes that have already been parsed and are able to be reused if
/// they were omitted in an incremental syntax tree transfer
private var nodeLookupTable: [SyntaxNodeId: RawSyntax] = [:]
/// The IDs of the nodes that were reused as part of incremental syntax
/// parsing during the last deserialization
public var reusedNodeIds: Set<SyntaxNodeId> = []
public init() {
/// Decode a serialized form of SourceFileSyntax to a syntax tree.
/// - Parameter data: The UTF-8 represenation of the serialized syntax tree
/// - Returns: A top-level Syntax node representing the contents of the tree,
/// if the parse was successful.
public func deserialize(_ data: Data) throws -> SourceFileSyntax {
reusedNodeIds = []
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.userInfo[.rawSyntaxDecodedCallback] = self.addToLookupTable
decoder.userInfo[.omittedNodeLookupFunction] = self.lookupNode
let raw = try decoder.decode(RawSyntax.self, from: data)
guard let file = makeSyntax(raw) as? SourceFileSyntax else {
throw ParserError.invalidFile
return file
// MARK: Incremental deserialization helper functions
private func lookupNode(id: SyntaxNodeId) -> RawSyntax? {
return nodeLookupTable[id]
private func addToLookupTable(_ node: RawSyntax) {
nodeLookupTable[] = node
/// Namespace for functions to retrieve a syntax tree from the swift compiler
/// and deserializing it.
public enum SyntaxTreeParser {
/// Parses the Swift file at the provided URL into a full-fidelity Syntax tree
/// - Parameter url: The URL you wish to parse.
/// - Returns: A top-level Syntax node representing the contents of the tree,
/// if the parse was successful.
/// - Throws: `ParseError.couldNotFindSwiftc` if `swiftc` could not be
/// located, `ParseError.invalidFile` if the file is invalid.
/// FIXME: Fill this out with all error cases.
public static func parse(_ url: URL) throws -> SourceFileSyntax {
let swiftcRunner = try SwiftcRunner(sourceFile: url)
let result = try swiftcRunner.invoke()
let syntaxTreeData = result.stdoutData
let deserializer = SyntaxTreeDeserializer()
return try deserializer.deserialize(syntaxTreeData)