blob: 2862c660ce7014b5d4a474daef8978b033e5727c [file] [log] [blame]
//===----- ByteTreeDeserialization.swift - Reading the ByteTree format ----===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Foundation
// MARK: - ByteTree decoder protocols
/// A type that can be deserialized from ByteTree into a scalar value that
/// doesn't have any child nodes
protocol ByteTreeScalarDecodable {
/// Construct the scalar value from the given serialized data
/// - Parameters:
/// - pointer: The pointer pointing to the start of the serialized data
/// - size: The length of the serialized data in bytes
/// - Returns: The deserialized value
static func read(from pointer: UnsafeRawPointer, size: Int) -> Self
/// A type that can be deserialized from ByteTree into an object with child
/// nodes
protocol ByteTreeObjectDecodable {
/// Construct a object from the serialized ByteTree object.
/// The fields can be read from `reader` using the corresponding `readField`
/// methods.
/// - Parameters:
/// - reader: The reader from which the object's field's values can be read
/// - numFields: The number of fields that are present in the serialized
/// object
/// - Returns: The deserialized object
static func read(from reader: ByteTreeObjectReader, numFields: Int) -> Self
// MARK: - Reader objects
/// Helper object for reading objects out a ByteTree. Keeps track that fields
/// are not read out of order and discards all trailing fields that were present
/// in the binary format but were not handled when reading the object.
class ByteTreeObjectReader {
/// The reader that holds a reference to the data from which the object is
/// read
private let reader: ByteTreeReader
/// The number of fields this object is expected to have
private let numFields: Int
/// The index of the field that is expected to be read next.
private var nextIndex: Int = 0
fileprivate init(reader: ByteTreeReader, numFields: Int) {
self.reader = reader
self.numFields = numFields
private func advanceAndValidateIndex(_ index: Int) {
assert(index == nextIndex, "Reading fields out of order")
assert(index < numFields)
nextIndex += 1
/// Read the field at the given index as the specified type. All indicies must
/// be read in order starting with 0. Skipping an index will result in a
/// runtime assertion error. To discard a field use `discardField(:)`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - objectType: The type as which this field should be read
/// - index: The index of this field
/// - Returns: The decoded field
func readField<FieldType: ByteTreeScalarDecodable>(
_ objectType: FieldType.Type, index: Int
) -> FieldType {
/// Read the field at the given index as the specified type. All indicies must
/// be read in order starting with 0. Skipping an index will result in a
/// runtime assertion error. To discard a field use `discardField(:)`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - objectType: The type as which this field should be read
/// - index: The index of this field
/// - Returns: The decoded field
func readField<FieldType: ByteTreeObjectDecodable>(
_ objectType: FieldType.Type, index: Int
) -> FieldType {
/// Read and immediately discard the field at the specified index. This
/// advances the reader by one field so that the next field can be read.
/// - Parameter index: The index of the field that shall be discarded
func discardField(index: Int) {
deinit {
// Discard all fields that have not been read
while nextIndex < numFields {
discardField(index: nextIndex)
/// Reader for reading the ByteTree format into Swift objects
class ByteTreeReader {
/// The type as which the protocol version is encoded in ByteTree
typealias ProtocolVersion = UInt32
/// A pointer pointing to the next byte of serialized data to be read
private var pointer: UnsafeRawPointer
private init(pointer: UnsafeRawPointer) {
self.pointer = pointer
// MARK: Public entrance function
/// Deserialize an object tree from the ByteTree data at the given memory
/// location.
/// - Parameters:
/// - rootObjectType: The type of the root object in the deserialized tree
/// - pointer: The memory location at which the serialized data resides
/// - protocolVerisonValidation: A callback to determine if the data can be
/// read, based on the format's protocol version. If the callback
/// returns `false`, `nil` will be returned and reading aborded.
/// - Returns: The deserialized tree or `nil` if protocol version validation
/// failed
static func read<T: ByteTreeObjectDecodable>(
_ rootObjectType: T.Type, from pointer: UnsafeRawPointer,
protocolVerisonValidation: (ProtocolVersion) -> Bool
) -> T? {
let reader = ByteTreeReader(pointer: pointer)
if !reader.readAndValidateProtocolVersion(protocolVerisonValidation) {
return nil
// MARK: Internal read functions
/// Cast the current pointer location to the given type and advance `pointer`
/// to point behind the just read bytes.
/// - Parameter type: The type as which the current data should be read
/// - Returns: The read value
private func readRaw<T>(_ type: T.Type) -> T {
let result = pointer.bindMemory(to: T.self, capacity: 1).pointee
pointer = pointer.advanced(by: MemoryLayout<T>.size)
return result
/// Read the number of fields in an object or the binary length of a scalar
/// field.
/// - Returns: The read value
private func readFieldLength() -> Int {
return Int(UInt32(littleEndian: readRaw(UInt32.self)))
/// Read the protocol version and validate that it can be read using the given
/// callback.
/// - Parameter validationCallback: A callback that determines if the given
/// protocol version can be read
private func readAndValidateProtocolVersion(
_ validationCallback: (ProtocolVersion) -> Bool
) -> Bool {
let protocolVersion = ProtocolVersion(littleEndian:
let result = validationCallback(protocolVersion)
pointer = pointer.advanced(by: MemoryLayout<ProtocolVersion>.size)
return result
/// Read the next field in the tree as an object of the specified type.
/// - Parameter objectType: The type as which the next field shall be read
/// - Returns: The deserialized object
fileprivate func read<T: ByteTreeObjectDecodable>(
_ objectType: T.Type
) -> T {
let numFields = readFieldLength()
let objectReader = ByteTreeObjectReader(reader: self,
numFields: numFields)
return objectReader, numFields: numFields)
/// Read the next field in the tree as a scalar of the specified type.
/// - Parameter scalarType: The type as which the field shall be read
/// - Returns: The deserialized scalar
fileprivate func read<T: ByteTreeScalarDecodable>(
_ scalarType: T.Type
) -> T {
let fieldSize = readFieldLength()
defer {
pointer = pointer.advanced(by: fieldSize)
return pointer, size: fieldSize)
/// Discard the next scalar field, advancing the pointer to the next field
fileprivate func discardField() {
// FIXME: This can currently only discard scalar fields. Object fields
// should also be discardable
let fieldSize = readFieldLength()
pointer = pointer.advanced(by: fieldSize)
// MARK: - Common scalar type conformances
// Implemenation for reading an integer from memory to be shared between
// multiple types
extension ByteTreeScalarDecodable where Self : FixedWidthInteger {
static func read(from pointer: UnsafeRawPointer, size: Int) -> Self {
assert(size == MemoryLayout<Self>.size)
return pointer.bindMemory(to: Self.self, capacity: 1).pointee
extension UInt8: ByteTreeScalarDecodable {}
extension UInt16: ByteTreeScalarDecodable {}
extension UInt32: ByteTreeScalarDecodable {}
extension String: ByteTreeScalarDecodable {
static func read(from pointer: UnsafeRawPointer, size: Int) -> String {
let data = Data(bytes: pointer, count: size)
return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!
extension Optional: ByteTreeObjectDecodable
Wrapped: ByteTreeObjectDecodable {
static func read(from reader: ByteTreeObjectReader, numFields: Int) ->
Optional<Wrapped> {
if numFields == 0 {
return nil
} else {
return reader, numFields: numFields)
extension Array: ByteTreeObjectDecodable
Element: ByteTreeObjectDecodable {
static func read(from reader: ByteTreeObjectReader, numFields: Int) ->
Array<Element> {
return (0..<numFields).map {
return reader.readField(Element.self, index: $0)