blob: c01802eae8d66b6a788b2db2d9b355f7dce72481 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Swift
import Foundation
// MARK: - Test Suite
import XCTest
class TestJSONEncoderSuper : XCTestCase { }
import StdlibUnittest
class TestJSONEncoderSuper { }
class TestJSONEncoder : TestJSONEncoderSuper {
// MARK: - Encoding Top-Level Empty Types
func testEncodingTopLevelEmptyStruct() {
let empty = EmptyStruct()
_testRoundTrip(of: empty, expectedJSON: _jsonEmptyDictionary)
func testEncodingTopLevelEmptyClass() {
let empty = EmptyClass()
_testRoundTrip(of: empty, expectedJSON: _jsonEmptyDictionary)
// MARK: - Encoding Top-Level Single-Value Types
func testEncodingTopLevelSingleValueEnum() {
_testEncodeFailure(of: Switch.on)
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(Switch.on))
func testEncodingTopLevelSingleValueStruct() {
_testEncodeFailure(of: Timestamp(3141592653))
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(Timestamp(3141592653)))
func testEncodingTopLevelSingleValueClass() {
_testEncodeFailure(of: Counter())
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(Counter()))
// MARK: - Encoding Top-Level Structured Types
func testEncodingTopLevelStructuredStruct() {
// Address is a struct type with multiple fields.
let address = Address.testValue
_testRoundTrip(of: address)
func testEncodingTopLevelStructuredClass() {
// Person is a class with multiple fields.
let expectedJSON = "{\"name\":\"Johnny Appleseed\",\"email\":\"\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let person = Person.testValue
_testRoundTrip(of: person, expectedJSON: expectedJSON)
func testEncodingTopLevelStructuredSingleStruct() {
// Numbers is a struct which encodes as an array through a single value container.
let numbers = Numbers.testValue
_testRoundTrip(of: numbers)
func testEncodingTopLevelStructuredSingleClass() {
// Mapping is a class which encodes as a dictionary through a single value container.
let mapping = Mapping.testValue
_testRoundTrip(of: mapping)
func testEncodingTopLevelDeepStructuredType() {
// Company is a type with fields which are Codable themselves.
let company = Company.testValue
_testRoundTrip(of: company)
func testEncodingClassWhichSharesEncoderWithSuper() {
// Employee is a type which shares its encoder & decoder with its superclass, Person.
let employee = Employee.testValue
_testRoundTrip(of: employee)
func testEncodingTopLevelNullableType() {
// EnhancedBool is a type which encodes either as a Bool or as nil.
_testEncodeFailure(of: EnhancedBool.true)
_testEncodeFailure(of: EnhancedBool.false)
_testEncodeFailure(of: EnhancedBool.fileNotFound)
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(EnhancedBool.true), expectedJSON: "{\"value\":true}".data(using: .utf8)!)
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(EnhancedBool.false), expectedJSON: "{\"value\":false}".data(using: .utf8)!)
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(EnhancedBool.fileNotFound), expectedJSON: "{\"value\":null}".data(using: .utf8)!)
// MARK: - Output Formatting Tests
func testEncodingOutputFormattingDefault() {
let expectedJSON = "{\"name\":\"Johnny Appleseed\",\"email\":\"\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let person = Person.testValue
_testRoundTrip(of: person, expectedJSON: expectedJSON)
func testEncodingOutputFormattingPrettyPrinted() {
let expectedJSON = "{\n \"name\" : \"Johnny Appleseed\",\n \"email\" : \"\"\n}".data(using: .utf8)!
let person = Person.testValue
_testRoundTrip(of: person, expectedJSON: expectedJSON, outputFormatting: [.prettyPrinted])
func testEncodingOutputFormattingSortedKeys() {
if #available(OSX 10.13, iOS 11.0, watchOS 4.0, tvOS 11.0, *) {
let expectedJSON = "{\"email\":\"\",\"name\":\"Johnny Appleseed\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let person = Person.testValue
_testRoundTrip(of: person, expectedJSON: expectedJSON, outputFormatting: [.sortedKeys])
func testEncodingOutputFormattingPrettyPrintedSortedKeys() {
if #available(OSX 10.13, iOS 11.0, watchOS 4.0, tvOS 11.0, *) {
let expectedJSON = "{\n \"email\" : \"\",\n \"name\" : \"Johnny Appleseed\"\n}".data(using: .utf8)!
let person = Person.testValue
_testRoundTrip(of: person, expectedJSON: expectedJSON, outputFormatting: [.prettyPrinted, .sortedKeys])
// MARK: - Date Strategy Tests
func testEncodingDate() {
// We can't encode a top-level Date, so it'll be wrapped in a dictionary.
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(Date()))
// Optional dates should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(Date()))
func testEncodingDateSecondsSince1970() {
// Cannot encode an arbitrary number of seconds since we've lost precision since 1970.
let seconds = 1000.0
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":1000}".data(using: .utf8)!
// We can't encode a top-level Date, so it'll be wrapped in a dictionary.
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(Date(timeIntervalSince1970: seconds)),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .secondsSince1970,
dateDecodingStrategy: .secondsSince1970)
// Optional dates should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(Date(timeIntervalSince1970: seconds)),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .secondsSince1970,
dateDecodingStrategy: .secondsSince1970)
func testEncodingDateMillisecondsSince1970() {
// Cannot encode an arbitrary number of seconds since we've lost precision since 1970.
let seconds = 1000.0
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":1000000}".data(using: .utf8)!
// We can't encode a top-level Date, so it'll be wrapped in a dictionary.
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(Date(timeIntervalSince1970: seconds)),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .millisecondsSince1970,
dateDecodingStrategy: .millisecondsSince1970)
// Optional dates should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(Date(timeIntervalSince1970: seconds)),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .millisecondsSince1970,
dateDecodingStrategy: .millisecondsSince1970)
func testEncodingDateISO8601() {
if #available(OSX 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *) {
let formatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
formatter.formatOptions = .withInternetDateTime
let timestamp = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1000)
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":\"\(formatter.string(from: timestamp))\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
// We can't encode a top-level Date, so it'll be wrapped in a dictionary.
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(timestamp),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .iso8601,
dateDecodingStrategy: .iso8601)
// Optional dates should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(timestamp),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .iso8601,
dateDecodingStrategy: .iso8601)
func testEncodingDateFormatted() {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateStyle = .full
formatter.timeStyle = .full
let timestamp = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1000)
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":\"\(formatter.string(from: timestamp))\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
// We can't encode a top-level Date, so it'll be wrapped in a dictionary.
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(timestamp),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .formatted(formatter),
dateDecodingStrategy: .formatted(formatter))
// Optional dates should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(timestamp),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .formatted(formatter),
dateDecodingStrategy: .formatted(formatter))
func testEncodingDateCustom() {
let timestamp = Date()
// We'll encode a number instead of a date.
let encode = { (_ data: Date, _ encoder: Encoder) throws -> Void in
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(42)
let decode = { (_: Decoder) throws -> Date in return timestamp }
// We can't encode a top-level Date, so it'll be wrapped in a dictionary.
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":42}".data(using: .utf8)!
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(timestamp),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .custom(encode),
dateDecodingStrategy: .custom(decode))
// Optional dates should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(timestamp),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .custom(encode),
dateDecodingStrategy: .custom(decode))
func testEncodingDateCustomEmpty() {
let timestamp = Date()
// Encoding nothing should encode an empty keyed container ({}).
let encode = { (_: Date, _: Encoder) throws -> Void in }
let decode = { (_: Decoder) throws -> Date in return timestamp }
// We can't encode a top-level Date, so it'll be wrapped in a dictionary.
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":{}}".data(using: .utf8)!
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(timestamp),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .custom(encode),
dateDecodingStrategy: .custom(decode))
// Optional dates should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(timestamp),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dateEncodingStrategy: .custom(encode),
dateDecodingStrategy: .custom(decode))
// MARK: - Data Strategy Tests
func testEncodingData() {
let data = Data(bytes: [0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF])
// We can't encode a top-level Data, so it'll be wrapped in a dictionary.
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":[222,173,190,239]}".data(using: .utf8)!
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(data),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dataEncodingStrategy: .deferredToData,
dataDecodingStrategy: .deferredToData)
// Optional data should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(data),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dataEncodingStrategy: .deferredToData,
dataDecodingStrategy: .deferredToData)
func testEncodingDataBase64() {
let data = Data(bytes: [0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF])
// We can't encode a top-level Data, so it'll be wrapped in a dictionary.
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":\"3q2+7w==\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(data), expectedJSON: expectedJSON)
// Optional data should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(data), expectedJSON: expectedJSON)
func testEncodingDataCustom() {
// We'll encode a number instead of data.
let encode = { (_ data: Data, _ encoder: Encoder) throws -> Void in
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(42)
let decode = { (_: Decoder) throws -> Data in return Data() }
// We can't encode a top-level Data, so it'll be wrapped in a dictionary.
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":42}".data(using: .utf8)!
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(Data()),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dataEncodingStrategy: .custom(encode),
dataDecodingStrategy: .custom(decode))
// Optional data should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(Data()),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dataEncodingStrategy: .custom(encode),
dataDecodingStrategy: .custom(decode))
func testEncodingDataCustomEmpty() {
// Encoding nothing should encode an empty keyed container ({}).
let encode = { (_: Data, _: Encoder) throws -> Void in }
let decode = { (_: Decoder) throws -> Data in return Data() }
// We can't encode a top-level Data, so it'll be wrapped in a dictionary.
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":{}}".data(using: .utf8)!
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(Data()),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dataEncodingStrategy: .custom(encode),
dataDecodingStrategy: .custom(decode))
// Optional Data should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(Data()),
expectedJSON: expectedJSON,
dataEncodingStrategy: .custom(encode),
dataDecodingStrategy: .custom(decode))
// MARK: - Non-Conforming Floating Point Strategy Tests
func testEncodingNonConformingFloats() {
_testEncodeFailure(of: TopLevelWrapper(Float.infinity))
_testEncodeFailure(of: TopLevelWrapper(-Float.infinity))
_testEncodeFailure(of: TopLevelWrapper(Float.nan))
_testEncodeFailure(of: TopLevelWrapper(Double.infinity))
_testEncodeFailure(of: TopLevelWrapper(-Double.infinity))
_testEncodeFailure(of: TopLevelWrapper(Double.nan))
// Optional Floats/Doubles should encode the same way.
_testEncodeFailure(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(Float.infinity))
_testEncodeFailure(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(-Float.infinity))
_testEncodeFailure(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(Float.nan))
_testEncodeFailure(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(Double.infinity))
_testEncodeFailure(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(-Double.infinity))
_testEncodeFailure(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(Double.nan))
func testEncodingNonConformingFloatStrings() {
let encodingStrategy: JSONEncoder.NonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy = .convertToString(positiveInfinity: "INF", negativeInfinity: "-INF", nan: "NaN")
let decodingStrategy: JSONDecoder.NonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy = .convertFromString(positiveInfinity: "INF", negativeInfinity: "-INF", nan: "NaN")
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(Float.infinity),
expectedJSON: "{\"value\":\"INF\"}".data(using: .utf8)!,
nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: encodingStrategy,
nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy: decodingStrategy)
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(-Float.infinity),
expectedJSON: "{\"value\":\"-INF\"}".data(using: .utf8)!,
nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: encodingStrategy,
nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy: decodingStrategy)
// Since Float.nan != Float.nan, we have to use a placeholder that'll encode NaN but actually round-trip.
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(FloatNaNPlaceholder()),
expectedJSON: "{\"value\":\"NaN\"}".data(using: .utf8)!,
nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: encodingStrategy,
nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy: decodingStrategy)
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(Double.infinity),
expectedJSON: "{\"value\":\"INF\"}".data(using: .utf8)!,
nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: encodingStrategy,
nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy: decodingStrategy)
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(-Double.infinity),
expectedJSON: "{\"value\":\"-INF\"}".data(using: .utf8)!,
nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: encodingStrategy,
nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy: decodingStrategy)
// Since Double.nan != Double.nan, we have to use a placeholder that'll encode NaN but actually round-trip.
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(DoubleNaNPlaceholder()),
expectedJSON: "{\"value\":\"NaN\"}".data(using: .utf8)!,
nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: encodingStrategy,
nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy: decodingStrategy)
// Optional Floats and Doubles should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(Float.infinity),
expectedJSON: "{\"value\":\"INF\"}".data(using: .utf8)!,
nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: encodingStrategy,
nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy: decodingStrategy)
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(-Float.infinity),
expectedJSON: "{\"value\":\"-INF\"}".data(using: .utf8)!,
nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: encodingStrategy,
nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy: decodingStrategy)
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(Double.infinity),
expectedJSON: "{\"value\":\"INF\"}".data(using: .utf8)!,
nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: encodingStrategy,
nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy: decodingStrategy)
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(-Double.infinity),
expectedJSON: "{\"value\":\"-INF\"}".data(using: .utf8)!,
nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: encodingStrategy,
nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy: decodingStrategy)
// MARK: - Key Strategy Tests
private struct EncodeMe : Encodable {
var keyName: String
func encode(to coder: Encoder) throws {
var c = coder.container(keyedBy: _TestKey.self)
try c.encode("test", forKey: _TestKey(stringValue: keyName)!)
func testEncodingKeyStrategySnake() {
let toSnakeCaseTests = [
("simpleOneTwo", "simple_one_two"),
("myURL", "my_url"),
("singleCharacterAtEndX", "single_character_at_end_x"),
("thisIsAnXMLProperty", "this_is_an_xml_property"),
("single", "single"), // no underscore
("", ""), // don't die on empty string
("a", "a"), // single character
("aA", "a_a"), // two characters
("version4Thing", "version4_thing"), // numerics
("partCAPS", "part_caps"), // only insert underscore before first all caps
("partCAPSLowerAGAIN", "part_caps_lower_again"), // switch back and forth caps.
("manyWordsInThisThing", "many_words_in_this_thing"), // simple lowercase + underscore + more
("asdfĆqer", "asdf_ćqer"),
("already_snake_case", "already_snake_case"),
("dataPoint22", "data_point22"),
("dataPoint22Word", "data_point22_word"),
("_oneTwoThree", "_one_two_three"),
("oneTwoThree_", "one_two_three_"),
("__oneTwoThree", "__one_two_three"),
("oneTwoThree__", "one_two_three__"),
("_oneTwoThree_", "_one_two_three_"),
("__oneTwoThree", "__one_two_three"),
("__oneTwoThree__", "__one_two_three__"),
("_test", "_test"),
("_test_", "_test_"),
("__test", "__test"),
("test__", "test__"),
("m͉̟̹y̦̳G͍͚͎̳r̤͉̤͕ͅea̲͕t͇̥̼͖U͇̝̠R͙̻̥͓̣L̥̖͎͓̪̫ͅR̩͖̩eq͈͓u̞e̱s̙t̤̺ͅ", "m͉̟̹y̦̳_g͍͚͎̳r̤͉̤͕ͅea̲͕t͇̥̼͖_u͇̝̠r͙̻̥͓̣l̥̖͎͓̪̫ͅ_r̩͖̩eq͈͓u̞e̱s̙t̤̺ͅ"), // because Itai wanted to test this
("🐧🐟", "🐧🐟") // fishy emoji example?
for test in toSnakeCaseTests {
let expected = "{\"\(test.1)\":\"test\"}"
let encoded = EncodeMe(keyName: test.0)
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .convertToSnakeCase
let resultData = try! encoder.encode(encoded)
let resultString = String(bytes: resultData, encoding: .utf8)
expectEqual(expected, resultString)
func testEncodingKeyStrategyCustom() {
let expected = "{\"QQQhello\":\"test\"}"
let encoded = EncodeMe(keyName: "hello")
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
let customKeyConversion = { (_ path : [CodingKey]) -> CodingKey in
let key = _TestKey(stringValue: "QQQ" + path.last!.stringValue)!
return key
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .custom(customKeyConversion)
let resultData = try! encoder.encode(encoded)
let resultString = String(bytes: resultData, encoding: .utf8)
expectEqual(expected, resultString)
func testEncodingDictionaryStringKeyConversionUntouched() {
let expected = "{\"leaveMeAlone\":\"test\"}"
let toEncode: [String: String] = ["leaveMeAlone": "test"]
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .convertToSnakeCase
let resultData = try! encoder.encode(toEncode)
let resultString = String(bytes: resultData, encoding: .utf8)
expectEqual(expected, resultString)
private struct EncodeFailure : Encodable {
var someValue: Double
private struct EncodeFailureNested : Encodable {
var nestedValue: EncodeFailure
func testEncodingDictionaryFailureKeyPath() {
let toEncode: [String: EncodeFailure] = ["key": EncodeFailure(someValue: Double.nan)]
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .convertToSnakeCase
do {
_ = try encoder.encode(toEncode)
} catch EncodingError.invalidValue(let (_, context)) {
expectEqual(2, context.codingPath.count)
expectEqual("key", context.codingPath[0].stringValue)
expectEqual("someValue", context.codingPath[1].stringValue)
} catch {
expectUnreachable("Unexpected error: \(String(describing: error))")
func testEncodingDictionaryFailureKeyPathNested() {
let toEncode: [String: [String: EncodeFailureNested]] = ["key": ["sub_key": EncodeFailureNested(nestedValue: EncodeFailure(someValue: Double.nan))]]
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .convertToSnakeCase
do {
_ = try encoder.encode(toEncode)
} catch EncodingError.invalidValue(let (_, context)) {
expectEqual(4, context.codingPath.count)
expectEqual("key", context.codingPath[0].stringValue)
expectEqual("sub_key", context.codingPath[1].stringValue)
expectEqual("nestedValue", context.codingPath[2].stringValue)
expectEqual("someValue", context.codingPath[3].stringValue)
} catch {
expectUnreachable("Unexpected error: \(String(describing: error))")
private struct EncodeNested : Encodable {
let nestedValue: EncodeMe
private struct EncodeNestedNested : Encodable {
let outerValue: EncodeNested
func testEncodingKeyStrategyPath() {
// Make sure a more complex path shows up the way we want
// Make sure the path reflects keys in the Swift, not the resulting ones in the JSON
let expected = "{\"QQQouterValue\":{\"QQQnestedValue\":{\"QQQhelloWorld\":\"test\"}}}"
let encoded = EncodeNestedNested(outerValue: EncodeNested(nestedValue: EncodeMe(keyName: "helloWorld")))
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
var callCount = 0
let customKeyConversion = { (_ path : [CodingKey]) -> CodingKey in
// This should be called three times:
// 1. to convert 'outerValue' to something
// 2. to convert 'nestedValue' to something
// 3. to convert 'helloWorld' to something
callCount = callCount + 1
if path.count == 0 {
expectUnreachable("The path should always have at least one entry")
} else if path.count == 1 {
expectEqual(["outerValue"], { $0.stringValue })
} else if path.count == 2 {
expectEqual(["outerValue", "nestedValue"], { $0.stringValue })
} else if path.count == 3 {
expectEqual(["outerValue", "nestedValue", "helloWorld"], { $0.stringValue })
} else {
expectUnreachable("The path mysteriously had more entries")
let key = _TestKey(stringValue: "QQQ" + path.last!.stringValue)!
return key
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .custom(customKeyConversion)
let resultData = try! encoder.encode(encoded)
let resultString = String(bytes: resultData, encoding: .utf8)
expectEqual(expected, resultString)
expectEqual(3, callCount)
private struct DecodeMe : Decodable {
let found: Bool
init(from coder: Decoder) throws {
let c = try coder.container(keyedBy: _TestKey.self)
// Get the key that we expect to be passed in (camel case)
let camelCaseKey = try c.decode(String.self, forKey: _TestKey(stringValue: "camelCaseKey")!)
// Use the camel case key to decode from the JSON. The decoder should convert it to snake case to find it.
found = try c.decode(Bool.self, forKey: _TestKey(stringValue: camelCaseKey)!)
func testDecodingKeyStrategyCamel() {
let fromSnakeCaseTests = [
("", ""), // don't die on empty string
("a", "a"), // single character
("ALLCAPS", "ALLCAPS"), // If no underscores, we leave the word as-is
("ALL_CAPS", "allCaps"), // Conversion from screaming snake case
("single", "single"), // do not capitalize anything with no underscore
("snake_case", "snakeCase"), // capitalize a character
("one_two_three", "oneTwoThree"), // more than one word
("one_2_three", "one2Three"), // numerics
("one2_three", "one2Three"), // numerics, part 2
("snake_Ćase", "snakeĆase"), // do not further modify a capitalized diacritic
("snake_ćase", "snakeĆase"), // capitalize a diacritic
("alreadyCamelCase", "alreadyCamelCase"), // do not modify already camel case
("__this_and_that", "__thisAndThat"),
("_this_and_that", "_thisAndThat"),
("this__and__that", "thisAndThat"),
("this_and_that__", "thisAndThat__"),
("this_aNd_that", "thisAndThat"),
("_one_two_three", "_oneTwoThree"),
("one_two_three_", "oneTwoThree_"),
("__one_two_three", "__oneTwoThree"),
("one_two_three__", "oneTwoThree__"),
("_one_two_three_", "_oneTwoThree_"),
("__one_two_three", "__oneTwoThree"),
("__one_two_three__", "__oneTwoThree__"),
("_test", "_test"),
("_test_", "_test_"),
("__test", "__test"),
("test__", "test__"),
("_", "_"),
("__", "__"),
("___", "___"),
("m͉̟̹y̦̳G͍͚͎̳r̤͉̤͕ͅea̲͕t͇̥̼͖U͇̝̠R͙̻̥͓̣L̥̖͎͓̪̫ͅR̩͖̩eq͈͓u̞e̱s̙t̤̺ͅ", "m͉̟̹y̦̳G͍͚͎̳r̤͉̤͕ͅea̲͕t͇̥̼͖U͇̝̠R͙̻̥͓̣L̥̖͎͓̪̫ͅR̩͖̩eq͈͓u̞e̱s̙t̤̺ͅ"), // because Itai wanted to test this
("🐧_🐟", "🐧🐟") // fishy emoji example?
for test in fromSnakeCaseTests {
// This JSON contains the camel case key that the test object should decode with, then it uses the snake case key (test.0) as the actual key for the boolean value.
let input = "{\"camelCaseKey\":\"\(test.1)\",\"\(test.0)\":true}".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let result = try! decoder.decode(DecodeMe.self, from: input)
private struct DecodeMe2 : Decodable { var hello: String }
func testDecodingKeyStrategyCustom() {
let input = "{\"----hello\":\"test\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let customKeyConversion = { (_ path: [CodingKey]) -> CodingKey in
// This converter removes the first 4 characters from the start of all string keys, if it has more than 4 characters
let string = path.last!.stringValue
guard string.count > 4 else { return path.last! }
let newString = String(string.dropFirst(4))
return _TestKey(stringValue: newString)!
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .custom(customKeyConversion)
let result = try! decoder.decode(DecodeMe2.self, from: input)
expectEqual("test", result.hello)
func testDecodingDictionaryStringKeyConversionUntouched() {
let input = "{\"leave_me_alone\":\"test\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let result = try! decoder.decode([String: String].self, from: input)
expectEqual(["leave_me_alone": "test"], result)
func testDecodingDictionaryFailureKeyPath() {
let input = "{\"leave_me_alone\":\"test\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
do {
_ = try decoder.decode([String: Int].self, from: input)
} catch DecodingError.typeMismatch(let (_, context)) {
expectEqual(1, context.codingPath.count)
expectEqual("leave_me_alone", context.codingPath[0].stringValue)
} catch {
expectUnreachable("Unexpected error: \(String(describing: error))")
private struct DecodeFailure : Decodable {
var intValue: Int
private struct DecodeFailureNested : Decodable {
var nestedValue: DecodeFailure
func testDecodingDictionaryFailureKeyPathNested() {
let input = "{\"top_level\": {\"sub_level\": {\"nested_value\": {\"int_value\": \"not_an_int\"}}}}".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
do {
_ = try decoder.decode([String: [String : DecodeFailureNested]].self, from: input)
} catch DecodingError.typeMismatch(let (_, context)) {
expectEqual(4, context.codingPath.count)
expectEqual("top_level", context.codingPath[0].stringValue)
expectEqual("sub_level", context.codingPath[1].stringValue)
expectEqual("nestedValue", context.codingPath[2].stringValue)
expectEqual("intValue", context.codingPath[3].stringValue)
} catch {
expectUnreachable("Unexpected error: \(String(describing: error))")
private struct DecodeMe3 : Codable {
var thisIsCamelCase : String
func testEncodingKeyStrategySnakeGenerated() {
// Test that this works with a struct that has automatically generated keys
let input = "{\"this_is_camel_case\":\"test\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let result = try! decoder.decode(DecodeMe3.self, from: input)
expectEqual("test", result.thisIsCamelCase)
func testDecodingKeyStrategyCamelGenerated() {
let encoded = DecodeMe3(thisIsCamelCase: "test")
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .convertToSnakeCase
let resultData = try! encoder.encode(encoded)
let resultString = String(bytes: resultData, encoding: .utf8)
expectEqual("{\"this_is_camel_case\":\"test\"}", resultString)
func testKeyStrategySnakeGeneratedAndCustom() {
// Test that this works with a struct that has automatically generated keys
struct DecodeMe4 : Codable {
var thisIsCamelCase : String
var thisIsCamelCaseToo : String
private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case thisIsCamelCase = "fooBar"
case thisIsCamelCaseToo
// Decoding
let input = "{\"foo_bar\":\"test\",\"this_is_camel_case_too\":\"test2\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let decodingResult = try! decoder.decode(DecodeMe4.self, from: input)
expectEqual("test", decodingResult.thisIsCamelCase)
expectEqual("test2", decodingResult.thisIsCamelCaseToo)
// Encoding
let encoded = DecodeMe4(thisIsCamelCase: "test", thisIsCamelCaseToo: "test2")
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .convertToSnakeCase
let encodingResultData = try! encoder.encode(encoded)
let encodingResultString = String(bytes: encodingResultData, encoding: .utf8)
expectEqual("{\"foo_bar\":\"test\",\"this_is_camel_case_too\":\"test2\"}", encodingResultString)
func testKeyStrategyDuplicateKeys() {
// This test is mostly to make sure we don't assert on duplicate keys
struct DecodeMe5 : Codable {
var oneTwo : String
var numberOfKeys : Int
enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case oneTwo
case oneTwoThree
init() {
oneTwo = "test"
numberOfKeys = 0
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
oneTwo = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .oneTwo)
numberOfKeys = container.allKeys.count
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(oneTwo, forKey: .oneTwo)
try container.encode("test2", forKey: .oneTwoThree)
let customKeyConversion = { (_ path: [CodingKey]) -> CodingKey in
// All keys are the same!
return _TestKey(stringValue: "oneTwo")!
// Decoding
// This input has a dictionary with two keys, but only one will end up in the container
let input = "{\"unused key 1\":\"test1\",\"unused key 2\":\"test2\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .custom(customKeyConversion)
let decodingResult = try! decoder.decode(DecodeMe5.self, from: input)
// There will be only one result for oneTwo (the second one in the json)
expectEqual(1, decodingResult.numberOfKeys)
// Encoding
let encoded = DecodeMe5()
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .custom(customKeyConversion)
let decodingResultData = try! encoder.encode(encoded)
let decodingResultString = String(bytes: decodingResultData, encoding: .utf8)
// There will be only one value in the result (the second one encoded)
expectEqual("{\"oneTwo\":\"test2\"}", decodingResultString)
// MARK: - Encoder Features
func testNestedContainerCodingPaths() {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
do {
let _ = try encoder.encode(NestedContainersTestType())
} catch let error as NSError {
expectUnreachable("Caught error during encoding nested container types: \(error)")
func testSuperEncoderCodingPaths() {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
do {
let _ = try encoder.encode(NestedContainersTestType(testSuperEncoder: true))
} catch let error as NSError {
expectUnreachable("Caught error during encoding nested container types: \(error)")
func testInterceptDecimal() {
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}".data(using: .utf8)!
// Want to make sure we write out a JSON number, not the keyed encoding here.
// 1e127 is too big to fit natively in a Double, too, so want to make sure it's encoded as a Decimal.
let decimal = Decimal(sign: .plus, exponent: 127, significand: Decimal(1))
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(decimal), expectedJSON: expectedJSON)
// Optional Decimals should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(decimal), expectedJSON: expectedJSON)
func testInterceptURL() {
// Want to make sure JSONEncoder writes out single-value URLs, not the keyed encoding.
let expectedJSON = "{\"value\":\"http:\\/\\/\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let url = URL(string: "")!
_testRoundTrip(of: TopLevelWrapper(url), expectedJSON: expectedJSON)
// Optional URLs should encode the same way.
_testRoundTrip(of: OptionalTopLevelWrapper(url), expectedJSON: expectedJSON)
// MARK: - Type coercion
func testTypeCoercion() {
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [Int].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [Int8].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [Int16].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [Int32].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [Int64].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [UInt].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [UInt8].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [UInt16].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [UInt32].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [UInt64].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [Float].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [false, true], as: [Double].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0, 1] as [Int], as: [Bool].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0, 1] as [Int8], as: [Bool].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0, 1] as [Int16], as: [Bool].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0, 1] as [Int32], as: [Bool].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0, 1] as [Int64], as: [Bool].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0, 1] as [UInt], as: [Bool].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0, 1] as [UInt8], as: [Bool].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0, 1] as [UInt16], as: [Bool].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0, 1] as [UInt32], as: [Bool].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0, 1] as [UInt64], as: [Bool].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0.0, 1.0] as [Float], as: [Bool].self)
_testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure(of: [0.0, 1.0] as [Double], as: [Bool].self)
func testDecodingConcreteTypeParameter() {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
guard let json = try? encoder.encode(Employee.testValue) else {
expectUnreachable("Unable to encode Employee.")
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
guard let decoded = try? decoder.decode(Employee.self as Person.Type, from: json) else {
expectUnreachable("Failed to decode Employee as Person from JSON.")
expectEqual(type(of: decoded), Employee.self, "Expected decoded value to be of type Employee; got \(type(of: decoded)) instead.")
// MARK: - Encoder State
// SR-6078
func testEncoderStateThrowOnEncode() {
struct ReferencingEncoderWrapper<T : Encodable> : Encodable {
let value: T
init(_ value: T) { self.value = value }
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
// This approximates a subclass calling into its superclass, where the superclass encodes a value that might throw.
// The key here is that getting the superEncoder creates a referencing encoder.
var container = encoder.unkeyedContainer()
let superEncoder = container.superEncoder()
// Pushing a nested container on leaves the referencing encoder with multiple containers.
var nestedContainer = superEncoder.unkeyedContainer()
try nestedContainer.encode(value)
// The structure that would be encoded here looks like
// [[[Float.infinity]]]
// The wrapper asks for an unkeyed container ([^]), gets a super encoder, and creates a nested container into that ([[^]]).
// We then encode an array into that ([[[^]]]), which happens to be a value that causes us to throw an error.
// The issue at hand reproduces when you have a referencing encoder (superEncoder() creates one) that has a container on the stack (unkeyedContainer() adds one) that encodes a value going through box_() (Array does that) that encodes something which throws (Float.infinity does that).
// When reproducing, this will cause a test failure via fatalError().
_ = try? JSONEncoder().encode(ReferencingEncoderWrapper([Float.infinity]))
func testEncoderStateThrowOnEncodeCustomDate() {
// This test is identical to testEncoderStateThrowOnEncode, except throwing via a custom Date closure.
struct ReferencingEncoderWrapper<T : Encodable> : Encodable {
let value: T
init(_ value: T) { self.value = value }
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.unkeyedContainer()
let superEncoder = container.superEncoder()
var nestedContainer = superEncoder.unkeyedContainer()
try nestedContainer.encode(value)
// The closure needs to push a container before throwing an error to trigger.
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .custom({ _, encoder in
let _ = encoder.unkeyedContainer()
enum CustomError : Error { case foo }
_ = try? encoder.encode(ReferencingEncoderWrapper(Date()))
func testEncoderStateThrowOnEncodeCustomData() {
// This test is identical to testEncoderStateThrowOnEncode, except throwing via a custom Data closure.
struct ReferencingEncoderWrapper<T : Encodable> : Encodable {
let value: T
init(_ value: T) { self.value = value }
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.unkeyedContainer()
let superEncoder = container.superEncoder()
var nestedContainer = superEncoder.unkeyedContainer()
try nestedContainer.encode(value)
// The closure needs to push a container before throwing an error to trigger.
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.dataEncodingStrategy = .custom({ _, encoder in
let _ = encoder.unkeyedContainer()
enum CustomError : Error { case foo }
_ = try? encoder.encode(ReferencingEncoderWrapper(Data()))
// MARK: - Decoder State
// SR-6048
func testDecoderStateThrowOnDecode() {
// The container stack here starts as [[1,2,3]]. Attempting to decode as [String] matches the outer layer (Array), and begins decoding the array.
// Once Array decoding begins, 1 is pushed onto the container stack ([[1,2,3], 1]), and 1 is attempted to be decoded as String. This throws a .typeMismatch, but the container is not popped off the stack.
// When attempting to decode [Int], the container stack is still ([[1,2,3], 1]), and 1 fails to decode as [Int].
let json = "[1,2,3]".data(using: .utf8)!
let _ = try! JSONDecoder().decode(EitherDecodable<[String], [Int]>.self, from: json)
func testDecoderStateThrowOnDecodeCustomDate() {
// This test is identical to testDecoderStateThrowOnDecode, except we're going to fail because our closure throws an error, not because we hit a type mismatch.
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .custom({ decoder in
enum CustomError : Error { case foo }
let json = "{\"value\": 1}".data(using: .utf8)!
let _ = try! decoder.decode(EitherDecodable<TopLevelWrapper<Date>, TopLevelWrapper<Int>>.self, from: json)
func testDecoderStateThrowOnDecodeCustomData() {
// This test is identical to testDecoderStateThrowOnDecode, except we're going to fail because our closure throws an error, not because we hit a type mismatch.
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.dataDecodingStrategy = .custom({ decoder in
enum CustomError : Error { case foo }
let json = "{\"value\": 1}".data(using: .utf8)!
let _ = try! decoder.decode(EitherDecodable<TopLevelWrapper<Data>, TopLevelWrapper<Int>>.self, from: json)
// MARK: - Helper Functions
private var _jsonEmptyDictionary: Data {
return "{}".data(using: .utf8)!
private func _testEncodeFailure<T : Encodable>(of value: T) {
do {
let _ = try JSONEncoder().encode(value)
expectUnreachable("Encode of top-level \(T.self) was expected to fail.")
} catch {}
private func _testRoundTrip<T>(of value: T,
expectedJSON json: Data? = nil,
outputFormatting: JSONEncoder.OutputFormatting = [],
dateEncodingStrategy: JSONEncoder.DateEncodingStrategy = .deferredToDate,
dateDecodingStrategy: JSONDecoder.DateDecodingStrategy = .deferredToDate,
dataEncodingStrategy: JSONEncoder.DataEncodingStrategy = .base64,
dataDecodingStrategy: JSONDecoder.DataDecodingStrategy = .base64,
keyEncodingStrategy: JSONEncoder.KeyEncodingStrategy = .useDefaultKeys,
keyDecodingStrategy: JSONDecoder.KeyDecodingStrategy = .useDefaultKeys,
nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy: JSONEncoder.NonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy = .throw,
nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy: JSONDecoder.NonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy = .throw) where T : Codable, T : Equatable {
var payload: Data! = nil
do {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = outputFormatting
encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = dateEncodingStrategy
encoder.dataEncodingStrategy = dataEncodingStrategy
encoder.nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy = nonConformingFloatEncodingStrategy
encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = keyEncodingStrategy
payload = try encoder.encode(value)
} catch {
expectUnreachable("Failed to encode \(T.self) to JSON: \(error)")
if let expectedJSON = json {
expectEqual(expectedJSON, payload, "Produced JSON not identical to expected JSON.")
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = dateDecodingStrategy
decoder.dataDecodingStrategy = dataDecodingStrategy
decoder.nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy = nonConformingFloatDecodingStrategy
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = keyDecodingStrategy
let decoded = try decoder.decode(T.self, from: payload)
expectEqual(decoded, value, "\(T.self) did not round-trip to an equal value.")
} catch {
expectUnreachable("Failed to decode \(T.self) from JSON: \(error)")
private func _testRoundTripTypeCoercionFailure<T,U>(of value: T, as type: U.Type) where T : Codable, U : Codable {
do {
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(value)
let _ = try JSONDecoder().decode(U.self, from: data)
expectUnreachable("Coercion from \(T.self) to \(U.self) was expected to fail.")
} catch {}
// MARK: - Helper Global Functions
func expectEqualPaths(_ lhs: [CodingKey], _ rhs: [CodingKey], _ prefix: String) {
if lhs.count != rhs.count {
expectUnreachable("\(prefix) [CodingKey].count mismatch: \(lhs.count) != \(rhs.count)")
for (key1, key2) in zip(lhs, rhs) {
switch (key1.intValue, key2.intValue) {
case (.none, .none): break
case (.some(let i1), .none):
expectUnreachable("\(prefix) CodingKey.intValue mismatch: \(type(of: key1))(\(i1)) != nil")
case (.none, .some(let i2)):
expectUnreachable("\(prefix) CodingKey.intValue mismatch: nil != \(type(of: key2))(\(i2))")
case (.some(let i1), .some(let i2)):
guard i1 == i2 else {
expectUnreachable("\(prefix) CodingKey.intValue mismatch: \(type(of: key1))(\(i1)) != \(type(of: key2))(\(i2))")
expectEqual(key1.stringValue, key2.stringValue, "\(prefix) CodingKey.stringValue mismatch: \(type(of: key1))('\(key1.stringValue)') != \(type(of: key2))('\(key2.stringValue)')")
// MARK: - Test Types
/* FIXME: Import from %S/Inputs/Coding/SharedTypes.swift somehow. */
// MARK: - Empty Types
fileprivate struct EmptyStruct : Codable, Equatable {
static func ==(_ lhs: EmptyStruct, _ rhs: EmptyStruct) -> Bool {
return true
fileprivate class EmptyClass : Codable, Equatable {
static func ==(_ lhs: EmptyClass, _ rhs: EmptyClass) -> Bool {
return true
// MARK: - Single-Value Types
/// A simple on-off switch type that encodes as a single Bool value.
fileprivate enum Switch : Codable {
case off
case on
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
switch try container.decode(Bool.self) {
case false: self = .off
case true: self = .on
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
switch self {
case .off: try container.encode(false)
case .on: try container.encode(true)
/// A simple timestamp type that encodes as a single Double value.
fileprivate struct Timestamp : Codable, Equatable {
let value: Double
init(_ value: Double) {
self.value = value
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
value = try container.decode(Double.self)
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(self.value)
static func ==(_ lhs: Timestamp, _ rhs: Timestamp) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
/// A simple referential counter type that encodes as a single Int value.
fileprivate final class Counter : Codable, Equatable {
var count: Int = 0
init() {}
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
count = try container.decode(Int.self)
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(self.count)
static func ==(_ lhs: Counter, _ rhs: Counter) -> Bool {
return lhs === rhs || lhs.count == rhs.count
// MARK: - Structured Types
/// A simple address type that encodes as a dictionary of values.
fileprivate struct Address : Codable, Equatable {
let street: String
let city: String
let state: String
let zipCode: Int
let country: String
init(street: String, city: String, state: String, zipCode: Int, country: String) {
self.street = street = city
self.state = state
self.zipCode = zipCode = country
static func ==(_ lhs: Address, _ rhs: Address) -> Bool {
return lhs.street == rhs.street && == &&
lhs.state == rhs.state &&
lhs.zipCode == rhs.zipCode && ==
static var testValue: Address {
return Address(street: "1 Infinite Loop",
city: "Cupertino",
state: "CA",
zipCode: 95014,
country: "United States")
/// A simple person class that encodes as a dictionary of values.
fileprivate class Person : Codable, Equatable {
let name: String
let email: String
let website: URL?
init(name: String, email: String, website: URL? = nil) { = name = email = website
private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case name
case email
case website
// FIXME: Remove when subclasses (Employee) are able to override synthesized conformance.
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
name = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .name)
email = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .email)
website = try container.decodeIfPresent(URL.self, forKey: .website)
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(name, forKey: .name)
try container.encode(email, forKey: .email)
try container.encodeIfPresent(website, forKey: .website)
func isEqual(_ other: Person) -> Bool {
return == && == && ==
static func ==(_ lhs: Person, _ rhs: Person) -> Bool {
return lhs.isEqual(rhs)
class var testValue: Person {
return Person(name: "Johnny Appleseed", email: "")
/// A class which shares its encoder and decoder with its superclass.
fileprivate class Employee : Person {
let id: Int
init(name: String, email: String, website: URL? = nil, id: Int) { = id
super.init(name: name, email: email, website: website)
enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case id
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
id = try container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .id)
try super.init(from: decoder)
override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(id, forKey: .id)
try super.encode(to: encoder)
override func isEqual(_ other: Person) -> Bool {
if let employee = other as? Employee {
guard == else { return false }
return super.isEqual(other)
override class var testValue: Employee {
return Employee(name: "Johnny Appleseed", email: "", id: 42)
/// A simple company struct which encodes as a dictionary of nested values.
fileprivate struct Company : Codable, Equatable {
let address: Address
var employees: [Employee]
init(address: Address, employees: [Employee]) {
self.address = address
self.employees = employees
static func ==(_ lhs: Company, _ rhs: Company) -> Bool {
return lhs.address == rhs.address && lhs.employees == rhs.employees
static var testValue: Company {
return Company(address: Address.testValue, employees: [Employee.testValue])
/// An enum type which decodes from Bool?.
fileprivate enum EnhancedBool : Codable {
case `true`
case `false`
case fileNotFound
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
if container.decodeNil() {
self = .fileNotFound
} else {
let value = try container.decode(Bool.self)
self = value ? .true : .false
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
switch self {
case .true: try container.encode(true)
case .false: try container.encode(false)
case .fileNotFound: try container.encodeNil()
/// A type which encodes as an array directly through a single value container.
struct Numbers : Codable, Equatable {
let values = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42]
init() {}
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
let decodedValues = try container.decode([Int].self)
guard decodedValues == values else {
throw DecodingError.dataCorrupted(DecodingError.Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "The Numbers are wrong!"))
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(values)
static func ==(_ lhs: Numbers, _ rhs: Numbers) -> Bool {
return lhs.values == rhs.values
static var testValue: Numbers {
return Numbers()
/// A type which encodes as a dictionary directly through a single value container.
fileprivate final class Mapping : Codable, Equatable {
let values: [String : URL]
init(values: [String : URL]) {
self.values = values
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
values = try container.decode([String : URL].self)
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(values)
static func ==(_ lhs: Mapping, _ rhs: Mapping) -> Bool {
return lhs === rhs || lhs.values == rhs.values
static var testValue: Mapping {
return Mapping(values: ["Apple": URL(string: "")!,
"localhost": URL(string: "")!])
struct NestedContainersTestType : Encodable {
let testSuperEncoder: Bool
init(testSuperEncoder: Bool = false) {
self.testSuperEncoder = testSuperEncoder
enum TopLevelCodingKeys : Int, CodingKey {
case a
case b
case c
enum IntermediateCodingKeys : Int, CodingKey {
case one
case two
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
if self.testSuperEncoder {
var topLevelContainer = encoder.container(keyedBy: TopLevelCodingKeys.self)
expectEqualPaths(encoder.codingPath, [], "Top-level Encoder's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(topLevelContainer.codingPath, [], "New first-level keyed container has non-empty codingPath.")
let superEncoder = topLevelContainer.superEncoder(forKey: .a)
expectEqualPaths(encoder.codingPath, [], "Top-level Encoder's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(topLevelContainer.codingPath, [], "First-level keyed container's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(superEncoder.codingPath, [TopLevelCodingKeys.a], "New superEncoder had unexpected codingPath.")
_testNestedContainers(in: superEncoder, baseCodingPath: [TopLevelCodingKeys.a])
} else {
_testNestedContainers(in: encoder, baseCodingPath: [])
func _testNestedContainers(in encoder: Encoder, baseCodingPath: [CodingKey]) {
expectEqualPaths(encoder.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "New encoder has non-empty codingPath.")
// codingPath should not change upon fetching a non-nested container.
var firstLevelContainer = encoder.container(keyedBy: TopLevelCodingKeys.self)
expectEqualPaths(encoder.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "Top-level Encoder's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(firstLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "New first-level keyed container has non-empty codingPath.")
// Nested Keyed Container
do {
// Nested container for key should have a new key pushed on.
var secondLevelContainer = firstLevelContainer.nestedContainer(keyedBy: IntermediateCodingKeys.self, forKey: .a)
expectEqualPaths(encoder.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "Top-level Encoder's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(firstLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "First-level keyed container's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(secondLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [TopLevelCodingKeys.a], "New second-level keyed container had unexpected codingPath.")
// Inserting a keyed container should not change existing coding paths.
let thirdLevelContainerKeyed = secondLevelContainer.nestedContainer(keyedBy: IntermediateCodingKeys.self, forKey: .one)
expectEqualPaths(encoder.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "Top-level Encoder's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(firstLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "First-level keyed container's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(secondLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [TopLevelCodingKeys.a], "Second-level keyed container's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(thirdLevelContainerKeyed.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [TopLevelCodingKeys.a,], "New third-level keyed container had unexpected codingPath.")
// Inserting an unkeyed container should not change existing coding paths.
let thirdLevelContainerUnkeyed = secondLevelContainer.nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: .two)
expectEqualPaths(encoder.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [], "Top-level Encoder's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(firstLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [], "First-level keyed container's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(secondLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [TopLevelCodingKeys.a], "Second-level keyed container's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(thirdLevelContainerUnkeyed.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [TopLevelCodingKeys.a, IntermediateCodingKeys.two], "New third-level unkeyed container had unexpected codingPath.")
// Nested Unkeyed Container
do {
// Nested container for key should have a new key pushed on.
var secondLevelContainer = firstLevelContainer.nestedUnkeyedContainer(forKey: .b)
expectEqualPaths(encoder.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "Top-level Encoder's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(firstLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "First-level keyed container's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(secondLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [TopLevelCodingKeys.b], "New second-level keyed container had unexpected codingPath.")
// Appending a keyed container should not change existing coding paths.
let thirdLevelContainerKeyed = secondLevelContainer.nestedContainer(keyedBy: IntermediateCodingKeys.self)
expectEqualPaths(encoder.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "Top-level Encoder's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(firstLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "First-level keyed container's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(secondLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [TopLevelCodingKeys.b], "Second-level unkeyed container's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(thirdLevelContainerKeyed.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [TopLevelCodingKeys.b, _TestKey(index: 0)], "New third-level keyed container had unexpected codingPath.")
// Appending an unkeyed container should not change existing coding paths.
let thirdLevelContainerUnkeyed = secondLevelContainer.nestedUnkeyedContainer()
expectEqualPaths(encoder.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "Top-level Encoder's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(firstLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath, "First-level keyed container's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(secondLevelContainer.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [TopLevelCodingKeys.b], "Second-level unkeyed container's codingPath changed.")
expectEqualPaths(thirdLevelContainerUnkeyed.codingPath, baseCodingPath + [TopLevelCodingKeys.b, _TestKey(index: 1)], "New third-level unkeyed container had unexpected codingPath.")
// MARK: - Helper Types
/// A key type which can take on any string or integer value.
/// This needs to mirror _JSONKey.
fileprivate struct _TestKey : CodingKey {
var stringValue: String
var intValue: Int?
init?(stringValue: String) {
self.stringValue = stringValue
self.intValue = nil
init?(intValue: Int) {
self.stringValue = "\(intValue)"
self.intValue = intValue
init(index: Int) {
self.stringValue = "Index \(index)"
self.intValue = index
/// Wraps a type T so that it can be encoded at the top level of a payload.
fileprivate struct TopLevelWrapper<T> : Codable, Equatable where T : Codable, T : Equatable {
let value: T
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
static func ==(_ lhs: TopLevelWrapper<T>, _ rhs: TopLevelWrapper<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
/// Wraps a type T (as T?) so that it can be encoded at the top level of a payload.
fileprivate struct OptionalTopLevelWrapper<T> : Codable, Equatable where T : Codable, T : Equatable {
let value: T?
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
// Provide an implementation of Codable to encode(forKey:) instead of encodeIfPresent(forKey:).
private enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey {
case value
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
value = try container.decode(T?.self, forKey: .value)
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(value, forKey: .value)
static func ==(_ lhs: OptionalTopLevelWrapper<T>, _ rhs: OptionalTopLevelWrapper<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
fileprivate struct FloatNaNPlaceholder : Codable, Equatable {
init() {}
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(Float.nan)
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
let float = try container.decode(Float.self)
if !float.isNaN {
throw DecodingError.dataCorrupted(DecodingError.Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Couldn't decode NaN."))
static func ==(_ lhs: FloatNaNPlaceholder, _ rhs: FloatNaNPlaceholder) -> Bool {
return true
fileprivate struct DoubleNaNPlaceholder : Codable, Equatable {
init() {}
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try container.encode(Double.nan)
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
let double = try container.decode(Double.self)
if !double.isNaN {
throw DecodingError.dataCorrupted(DecodingError.Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Couldn't decode NaN."))
static func ==(_ lhs: DoubleNaNPlaceholder, _ rhs: DoubleNaNPlaceholder) -> Bool {
return true
fileprivate enum EitherDecodable<T : Decodable, U : Decodable> : Decodable {
case t(T)
case u(U)
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
do {
self = .t(try container.decode(T.self))
} catch {
self = .u(try container.decode(U.self))
// MARK: - Run Tests
var JSONEncoderTests = TestSuite("TestJSONEncoder")
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingTopLevelEmptyStruct") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingTopLevelEmptyStruct() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingTopLevelEmptyClass") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingTopLevelEmptyClass() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingTopLevelSingleValueEnum") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingTopLevelSingleValueEnum() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingTopLevelSingleValueStruct") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingTopLevelSingleValueStruct() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingTopLevelSingleValueClass") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingTopLevelSingleValueClass() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingTopLevelStructuredStruct") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingTopLevelStructuredStruct() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingTopLevelStructuredClass") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingTopLevelStructuredClass() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingTopLevelStructuredSingleStruct") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingTopLevelStructuredSingleStruct() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingTopLevelStructuredSingleClass") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingTopLevelStructuredSingleClass() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingTopLevelDeepStructuredType") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingTopLevelDeepStructuredType()}
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingClassWhichSharesEncoderWithSuper") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingClassWhichSharesEncoderWithSuper() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingTopLevelNullableType") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingTopLevelNullableType() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingOutputFormattingDefault") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingOutputFormattingDefault() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingOutputFormattingPrettyPrinted") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingOutputFormattingPrettyPrinted() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingOutputFormattingSortedKeys") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingOutputFormattingSortedKeys() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingOutputFormattingPrettyPrintedSortedKeys") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingOutputFormattingPrettyPrintedSortedKeys() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDate") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDate() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDateSecondsSince1970") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDateSecondsSince1970() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDateMillisecondsSince1970") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDateMillisecondsSince1970() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDateISO8601") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDateISO8601() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDateFormatted") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDateFormatted() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDateCustom") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDateCustom() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDateCustomEmpty") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDateCustomEmpty() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingData") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingData() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDataBase64") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDataBase64() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDataCustom") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDataCustom() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDataCustomEmpty") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDataCustomEmpty() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingNonConformingFloats") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingNonConformingFloats() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingNonConformingFloatStrings") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingNonConformingFloatStrings() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingKeyStrategySnake") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingKeyStrategySnake() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingKeyStrategyCustom") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingKeyStrategyCustom() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDictionaryStringKeyConversionUntouched") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDictionaryStringKeyConversionUntouched() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingKeyStrategyPath") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingKeyStrategyPath() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testDecodingKeyStrategyCamel") { TestJSONEncoder().testDecodingKeyStrategyCamel() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testDecodingKeyStrategyCustom") { TestJSONEncoder().testDecodingKeyStrategyCustom() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testDecodingDictionaryStringKeyConversionUntouched") { TestJSONEncoder().testDecodingDictionaryStringKeyConversionUntouched() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingKeyStrategySnakeGenerated") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingKeyStrategySnakeGenerated() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testDecodingKeyStrategyCamelGenerated") { TestJSONEncoder().testDecodingKeyStrategyCamelGenerated() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testKeyStrategySnakeGeneratedAndCustom") { TestJSONEncoder().testKeyStrategySnakeGeneratedAndCustom() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testKeyStrategyDuplicateKeys") { TestJSONEncoder().testKeyStrategyDuplicateKeys() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testNestedContainerCodingPaths") { TestJSONEncoder().testNestedContainerCodingPaths() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testSuperEncoderCodingPaths") { TestJSONEncoder().testSuperEncoderCodingPaths() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testInterceptDecimal") { TestJSONEncoder().testInterceptDecimal() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testInterceptURL") { TestJSONEncoder().testInterceptURL() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testTypeCoercion") { TestJSONEncoder().testTypeCoercion() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testDecodingConcreteTypeParameter") { TestJSONEncoder().testDecodingConcreteTypeParameter() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncoderStateThrowOnEncode") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncoderStateThrowOnEncode() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncoderStateThrowOnEncodeCustomDate") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncoderStateThrowOnEncodeCustomDate() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncoderStateThrowOnEncodeCustomData") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncoderStateThrowOnEncodeCustomData() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testDecoderStateThrowOnDecode") { TestJSONEncoder().testDecoderStateThrowOnDecode() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testDecoderStateThrowOnDecodeCustomDate") { TestJSONEncoder().testDecoderStateThrowOnDecodeCustomDate() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testDecoderStateThrowOnDecodeCustomData") { TestJSONEncoder().testDecoderStateThrowOnDecodeCustomData() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDictionaryFailureKeyPath") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDictionaryFailureKeyPath() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testEncodingDictionaryFailureKeyPathNested") { TestJSONEncoder().testEncodingDictionaryFailureKeyPathNested() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testDecodingDictionaryFailureKeyPath") { TestJSONEncoder().testDecodingDictionaryFailureKeyPath() }
JSONEncoderTests.test("testDecodingDictionaryFailureKeyPathNested") { TestJSONEncoder().testDecodingDictionaryFailureKeyPathNested() }