blob: 36597c1d3fbdac656352daafa945f82c15c008d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift -swift-version 5 -g %s -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
var keyPath = TestSuite("key paths")
final class C<T> {
var x: Int
var y: LifetimeTracked?
var z: T
let immutable: String
private(set) var secretlyMutable: String
var computed: T {
get {
return z
set {
z = newValue
init(x: Int, y: LifetimeTracked?, z: T) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.z = z
self.immutable = "\(x) \(y) \(z)"
self.secretlyMutable = immutable
struct Point: Equatable {
var x: Double
var y: Double
var trackLifetime = LifetimeTracked(123)
let hypotenuse: Double
private(set) var secretlyMutableHypotenuse: Double
init(x: Double, y: Double) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
hypotenuse = x*x + y*y
secretlyMutableHypotenuse = x*x + y*y
static func ==(a: Point, b: Point) -> Bool {
return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y
struct S<T: Equatable>: Equatable {
var x: Int
var y: LifetimeTracked?
var z: T
var p: Point
var c: C<T>
static func ==(a: S, b: S) -> Bool {
return a.x == b.x
&& a.y === b.y
&& a.z == b.z
&& a.p == b.p
&& a.c === b.c
final class ComputedA {
var readOnly: ComputedB { fatalError() }
var nonmutating: ComputedB {
get { fatalError() }
set { fatalError() }
var reabstracted: () -> () = {}
struct ComputedB {
var readOnly: ComputedA { fatalError() }
var mutating: ComputedA {
get { fatalError() }
set { fatalError() }
var nonmutating: ComputedA {
get { fatalError() }
nonmutating set { fatalError() }
var reabstracted: () -> () = {}
keyPath.test("key path in-place instantiation") {
for _ in 1...2 {
let s_x = (\S<Int>.x as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<Int>, Int>
let s_y = (\S<Int>.y as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<Int>, LifetimeTracked?>
let s_z = (\S<Int>.z as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<Int>, Int>
let s_p = (\S<Int>.p as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<Int>, Point>
let s_p_x = (\S<Int>.p.x as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<Int>, Double>
let s_p_y = (\S<Int>.p.y as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<Int>, Double>
let s_c = (\S<Int>.c as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<Int>, C<Int>>
let s_c_x = (\S<Int>.c.x as AnyKeyPath) as! ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<Int>, Int>
let c_x = (\C<Int>.x as AnyKeyPath) as! ReferenceWritableKeyPath<C<Int>, Int>
let s_c_x_2 = s_c.appending(path: c_x)
expectEqual(s_c_x, s_c_x_2)
expectEqual(s_c_x_2, s_c_x)
expectEqual(s_c_x.hashValue, s_c_x_2.hashValue)
let point_x = (\Point.x as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<Point, Double>
let point_y = (\Point.y as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<Point, Double>
let s_p_x_2 = s_p.appending(path: point_x)
let s_p_y_2 = s_p.appending(path: point_y)
expectEqual(s_p_x, s_p_x_2)
expectEqual(s_p_x_2, s_p_x)
expectEqual(s_p_x_2.hashValue, s_p_x.hashValue)
expectEqual(s_p_y, s_p_y_2)
expectEqual(s_p_y_2, s_p_y)
expectEqual(s_p_y_2.hashValue, s_p_y.hashValue)
let ca_readOnly = (\ComputedA.readOnly as AnyKeyPath) as! KeyPath<ComputedA, ComputedB>
let ca_nonmutating = (\ComputedA.nonmutating as AnyKeyPath) as! ReferenceWritableKeyPath<ComputedA, ComputedB>
let ca_reabstracted = (\ComputedA.reabstracted as AnyKeyPath) as! ReferenceWritableKeyPath<ComputedA, () -> ()>
let cb_readOnly = (\ComputedB.readOnly as AnyKeyPath) as! KeyPath<ComputedB, ComputedA>
let cb_mutating = (\ComputedB.mutating as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<ComputedB, ComputedA>
let cb_nonmutating = (\ComputedB.nonmutating as AnyKeyPath) as! ReferenceWritableKeyPath<ComputedB, ComputedA>
let cb_reabstracted = (\ComputedB.reabstracted as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<ComputedB, () -> ()>
let ca_readOnly_mutating = (\ComputedA.readOnly.mutating as AnyKeyPath) as! KeyPath<ComputedA, ComputedA>
let cb_mutating_readOnly = (\ComputedB.mutating.readOnly as AnyKeyPath) as! KeyPath<ComputedB, ComputedB>
let ca_readOnly_nonmutating = (\ComputedA.readOnly.nonmutating as AnyKeyPath) as! ReferenceWritableKeyPath<ComputedA, ComputedA>
let cb_readOnly_reabstracted = (\ComputedB.readOnly.reabstracted as AnyKeyPath) as! ReferenceWritableKeyPath<ComputedB, () -> ()>
let ca_readOnly_mutating2 = ca_readOnly.appending(path: cb_mutating)
expectEqual(ca_readOnly_mutating, ca_readOnly_mutating2)
expectEqual(ca_readOnly_mutating2, ca_readOnly_mutating)
expectEqual(ca_readOnly_mutating.hashValue, ca_readOnly_mutating2.hashValue)
let cb_mutating_readOnly2 = cb_mutating.appending(path: ca_readOnly)
expectEqual(cb_mutating_readOnly, cb_mutating_readOnly2)
expectEqual(cb_mutating_readOnly2, cb_mutating_readOnly)
expectEqual(cb_mutating_readOnly.hashValue, cb_mutating_readOnly2.hashValue)
let ca_readOnly_nonmutating2 = ca_readOnly.appending(path: cb_nonmutating)
expectEqual(ca_readOnly_nonmutating, ca_readOnly_nonmutating2)
expectEqual(ca_readOnly_nonmutating2, ca_readOnly_nonmutating)
let cb_readOnly_reabstracted2 = cb_readOnly.appending(path: ca_reabstracted)
keyPath.test("key path generic instantiation") {
func testWithGenericParam<T: Equatable>(_: T.Type) -> ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<T>, Int> {
for i in 1...2 {
let s_x = (\S<T>.x as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<T>, Int>
let s_y = (\S<T>.y as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<T>, LifetimeTracked?>
let s_z = (\S<T>.z as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<T>, T>
let s_p = (\S<T>.p as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<T>, Point>
let s_p_x = (\S<T>.p.x as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<T>, Double>
let s_p_y = (\S<T>.p.y as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<T>, Double>
let s_c = (\S<T>.c as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<S<T>, C<T>>
let s_c_x = (\S<T>.c.x as AnyKeyPath) as! ReferenceWritableKeyPath<S<T>, Int>
let c_x = (\C<T>.x as AnyKeyPath) as! ReferenceWritableKeyPath<C<T>, Int>
let s_c_x_2 = s_c.appending(path: c_x)
expectEqual(s_c_x, s_c_x_2)
expectEqual(s_c_x_2, s_c_x)
expectEqual(s_c_x.hashValue, s_c_x_2.hashValue)
let point_x = (\Point.x as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<Point, Double>
let point_y = (\Point.y as AnyKeyPath) as! WritableKeyPath<Point, Double>
let s_p_x_2 = s_p.appending(path: point_x)
let s_p_y_2 = s_p.appending(path: point_y)
expectEqual(s_p_x, s_p_x_2)
expectEqual(s_p_x_2, s_p_x)
expectEqual(s_p_x_2.hashValue, s_p_x.hashValue)
expectEqual(s_p_y, s_p_y_2)
expectEqual(s_p_y_2, s_p_y)
expectEqual(s_p_y_2.hashValue, s_p_y.hashValue)
if i == 2 { return s_c_x }
let s_c_x_int = testWithGenericParam(Int.self)
let s_c_x_int2 = \S<Int>.c.x
expectEqual(s_c_x_int, s_c_x_int2)
let s_c_x_string = testWithGenericParam(String.self)
let s_c_x_string2 = \S<String>.c.x
expectEqual(s_c_x_string, s_c_x_string2)
let s_c_x_lt = testWithGenericParam(LifetimeTracked.self)
let s_c_x_lt2 = \S<LifetimeTracked>.c.x
expectEqual(s_c_x_lt, s_c_x_lt2)
protocol P {}
struct TestComputed: P {
static var numNonmutatingSets = 0
static var numMutatingSets = 0
static func resetCounts() {
numNonmutatingSets = 0
numMutatingSets = 0
var canary = LifetimeTracked(0)
var readonly: LifetimeTracked {
return LifetimeTracked(1)
var nonmutating: LifetimeTracked {
get {
return LifetimeTracked(2)
nonmutating set { TestComputed.numNonmutatingSets += 1 }
var mutating: LifetimeTracked {
get {
return LifetimeTracked(3)
set {
canary = newValue
extension P {
var readonlyProtoExt: Self { return self }
var mutatingProtoExt: Self {
get { return self }
set { self = newValue }
keyPath.test("computed properties") {
var test = TestComputed()
do {
let tc_readonly = \TestComputed.readonly
expectTrue(test[keyPath: tc_readonly] !== test[keyPath: tc_readonly])
expectEqual(test[keyPath: tc_readonly].value,
test[keyPath: tc_readonly].value)
do {
let tc_nonmutating = \TestComputed.nonmutating
expectTrue(test[keyPath: tc_nonmutating] !== test[keyPath: tc_nonmutating])
expectEqual(test[keyPath: tc_nonmutating].value,
test[keyPath: tc_nonmutating].value)
test[keyPath: tc_nonmutating] = LifetimeTracked(4)
expectEqual(TestComputed.numNonmutatingSets, 1)
do {
let tc_mutating = \TestComputed.mutating
expectTrue(test[keyPath: tc_mutating] !== test[keyPath: tc_mutating])
expectEqual(test[keyPath: tc_mutating].value,
test[keyPath: tc_mutating].value)
let newObject = LifetimeTracked(5)
test[keyPath: tc_mutating] = newObject
expectTrue(test.canary === newObject)
do {
let tc_readonlyProtoExt = \TestComputed.readonlyProtoExt
expectTrue(test.canary === test[keyPath: tc_readonlyProtoExt].canary)
do {
let tc_mutatingProtoExt = \TestComputed.mutatingProtoExt
expectTrue(test.canary === test[keyPath: tc_mutatingProtoExt].canary)
let oldTest = test
test[keyPath: tc_mutatingProtoExt] = TestComputed()
expectTrue(oldTest.canary !== test.canary)
expectTrue(test.canary === test[keyPath: tc_mutatingProtoExt].canary)
class AB {
class ABC: AB, ABCProtocol {
var a = LifetimeTracked(1)
var b = LifetimeTracked(2)
var c = LifetimeTracked(3)
protocol ABCProtocol {
var a: LifetimeTracked { get }
var b: LifetimeTracked { get set }
var c: LifetimeTracked { get nonmutating set }
keyPath.test("dynamically-typed application") {
let cPaths = [\ABC.a, \ABC.b, \ABC.c]
let subject = ABC()
do {
let fields = { subject[keyPath: $0] }
expectTrue(fields[0] as! AnyObject === subject.a)
expectTrue(fields[1] as! AnyObject === subject.b)
expectTrue(fields[2] as! AnyObject === subject.c)
let erasedSubject: AB = subject
let erasedPaths: [AnyKeyPath] = cPaths
let wrongSubject = AB()
do {
let fields = { erasedSubject[keyPath: $0] }
expectTrue(fields[0]! as! AnyObject === subject.a)
expectTrue(fields[1]! as! AnyObject === subject.b)
expectTrue(fields[2]! as! AnyObject === subject.c)
let wrongFields = { wrongSubject[keyPath: $0] }
expectTrue(wrongFields[0] == nil)
expectTrue(wrongFields[1] == nil)
expectTrue(wrongFields[2] == nil)
var protoErasedSubject: ABCProtocol = subject
let protoErasedPathA = \ABCProtocol.a
let protoErasedPathB = \ABCProtocol.b
let protoErasedPathC = \ABCProtocol.c
do {
expectTrue(protoErasedSubject.a ===
protoErasedSubject[keyPath: protoErasedPathA])
let newB = LifetimeTracked(4)
expectTrue(protoErasedSubject.b ===
protoErasedSubject[keyPath: protoErasedPathB])
protoErasedSubject[keyPath: protoErasedPathB] = newB
expectTrue(protoErasedSubject.b ===
protoErasedSubject[keyPath: protoErasedPathB])
expectTrue(protoErasedSubject.b === newB)
let newC = LifetimeTracked(5)
expectTrue(protoErasedSubject.c ===
protoErasedSubject[keyPath: protoErasedPathC])
protoErasedSubject[keyPath: protoErasedPathC] = newC
expectTrue(protoErasedSubject.c ===
protoErasedSubject[keyPath: protoErasedPathC])
expectTrue(protoErasedSubject.c === newC)
struct TestOptional {
var origin: Point?
var questionableCanary: LifetimeTracked? = LifetimeTracked(123)
init(origin: Point?) {
self.origin = origin
keyPath.test("optional force-unwrapping") {
let origin_x = \TestOptional.origin!.x
let canary = \TestOptional.questionableCanary!
var value = TestOptional(origin: Point(x: 3, y: 4))
expectEqual(value[keyPath: origin_x], 3)
expectEqual(value.origin!.x, 3)
value[keyPath: origin_x] = 5
expectEqual(value[keyPath: origin_x], 5)
expectEqual(value.origin!.x, 5)
expectTrue(value[keyPath: canary] === value.questionableCanary)
let newCanary = LifetimeTracked(456)
value[keyPath: canary] = newCanary
expectTrue(value[keyPath: canary] === newCanary)
expectTrue(value.questionableCanary === newCanary)
keyPath.test("optional force-unwrapping trap") {
let origin_x = \TestOptional.origin!.x
var value = TestOptional(origin: nil)
_ = value[keyPath: origin_x]
struct TestOptional2 {
var optional: TestOptional?
keyPath.test("optional chaining") {
let origin_x = \TestOptional.origin?.x
let canary = \TestOptional.questionableCanary?.value
let withPoint = TestOptional(origin: Point(x: 3, y: 4))
expectEqual(withPoint[keyPath: origin_x]!, 3)
expectEqual(withPoint[keyPath: canary]!, 123)
let withoutPoint = TestOptional(origin: nil)
expectNil(withoutPoint[keyPath: origin_x])
let optional2: TestOptional2? = TestOptional2(optional: withPoint)
let optional2_optional = \TestOptional2?.?.optional
expectEqual(optional2[keyPath: optional2_optional]!.origin!.x, 3)
expectEqual(optional2[keyPath: optional2_optional]!.origin!.y, 4)
func makeKeyPathInGenericContext<T>(of: T.Type)
-> ReferenceWritableKeyPath<C<T>, T> {
return \C<T>.computed
keyPath.test("computed generic key paths") {
let path = makeKeyPathInGenericContext(of: LifetimeTracked.self)
let z = LifetimeTracked(456)
let c = C(x: 42, y: LifetimeTracked(123), z: z)
expectTrue(c[keyPath: path] === z)
let z2 = LifetimeTracked(789)
c[keyPath: path] = z2
expectTrue(c[keyPath: path] === z2)
expectTrue(c.z === z2)
let path2 = makeKeyPathInGenericContext(of: LifetimeTracked.self)
expectEqual(path, path2)
expectEqual(path.hashValue, path2.hashValue)
let pathNonGeneric = \C<LifetimeTracked>.computed
expectEqual(path, pathNonGeneric)
expectEqual(path.hashValue, pathNonGeneric.hashValue)
let valuePath = path.appending(path: \LifetimeTracked.value)
expectEqual(c[keyPath: valuePath], 789)
let valuePathNonGeneric = pathNonGeneric.appending(path: \LifetimeTracked.value)
expectEqual(valuePath, valuePathNonGeneric)
expectEqual(valuePath.hashValue, valuePathNonGeneric.hashValue)
var numberOfMutatingWritebacks = 0
var numberOfNonmutatingWritebacks = 0
struct NoisyWriteback {
var canary = LifetimeTracked(246)
var mutating: LifetimeTracked {
get { return canary }
set { numberOfMutatingWritebacks += 1 }
var nonmutating: LifetimeTracked {
get { return canary }
nonmutating set { numberOfNonmutatingWritebacks += 1 }
keyPath.test("read-only accesses don't trigger writebacks") {
var x = NoisyWriteback()
x = NoisyWriteback() // suppress "never mutated" warnings
let wkp = \NoisyWriteback.mutating
let rkp = \NoisyWriteback.nonmutating
numberOfMutatingWritebacks = 0
numberOfNonmutatingWritebacks = 0
_ = x[keyPath: wkp]
_ = x[keyPath: rkp]
expectEqual(x[keyPath: wkp].value, 246)
expectEqual(x[keyPath: rkp].value, 246)
expectEqual(numberOfMutatingWritebacks, 0)
expectEqual(numberOfNonmutatingWritebacks, 0)
let y = x
_ = y[keyPath: wkp]
_ = y[keyPath: rkp]
expectEqual(y[keyPath: wkp].value, 246)
expectEqual(y[keyPath: rkp].value, 246)
expectEqual(numberOfMutatingWritebacks, 0)
expectEqual(numberOfNonmutatingWritebacks, 0)
var nestedWritebackLog = 0
struct NoisyNestingWriteback {
var value: Int
var nested: NoisyNestingWriteback {
get {
return NoisyNestingWriteback(value: value + 1)
set {
nestedWritebackLog = nestedWritebackLog << 8 | newValue.value
value = newValue.value - 1
keyPath.test("writebacks nest properly") {
var test = NoisyNestingWriteback(value: 0)
nestedWritebackLog = 0
test.nested.nested.nested.value = 0x38
expectEqual(nestedWritebackLog, 0x383736)
nestedWritebackLog = 0
let kp = \NoisyNestingWriteback.nested.nested.nested
test[keyPath: kp].value = 0x38
expectEqual(nestedWritebackLog, 0x383736)
struct IUOWrapper {
var wrapped: IUOWrapped!
struct IUOWrapped {
var value: Int
keyPath.test("IUO and key paths") {
var subject = IUOWrapper(wrapped: IUOWrapped(value: 1989))
let kp1 = \IUOWrapper.wrapped.value
expectEqual(subject[keyPath: kp1], 1989)
subject[keyPath: kp1] = 1738
expectEqual(subject[keyPath: kp1], 1738)
expectEqual(subject.wrapped.value, 1738)
let kp2 = \IUOWrapper.wrapped!.value
expectEqual(kp1, kp2)
expectEqual(kp1.hashValue, kp2.hashValue)
struct SubscriptResult<T: Hashable, U: Hashable> {
var canary = LifetimeTracked(3333)
var left: T
var right: U
init(left: T, right: U) {
self.left = left
self.right = right
subscript(left: T) -> Bool {
return self.left == left
subscript(right: U) -> Bool {
return self.right == right
struct Subscripts<T: Hashable> {
var canary = LifetimeTracked(4444)
subscript<U: Hashable>(x: T, y: U) -> SubscriptResult<T, U> {
return SubscriptResult(left: x, right: y)
subscript(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
return x + y
struct KeyA: Hashable {
var canary = LifetimeTracked(1111)
var value: String
init(value: String) { self.value = value }
static func ==(a: KeyA, b: KeyA) -> Bool { return a.value == b.value }
var hashValue: Int { return value.hashValue }
struct KeyB: Hashable {
var canary = LifetimeTracked(2222)
var value: Int
init(value: Int) { self.value = value }
static func ==(a: KeyB, b: KeyB) -> Bool { return a.value == b.value }
var hashValue: Int { return value.hashValue }
func fullGenericContext<T: Hashable, U: Hashable>(x: T, y: U) -> KeyPath<Subscripts<T>, SubscriptResult<T, U>> {
return \Subscripts<T>.[x, y]
func halfGenericContext<U: Hashable>(x: KeyA, y: U) -> KeyPath<Subscripts<KeyA>, SubscriptResult<KeyA, U>> {
return \Subscripts<KeyA>.[x, y]
func nonGenericContext(x: KeyA, y: KeyB) -> KeyPath<Subscripts<KeyA>, SubscriptResult<KeyA, KeyB>> {
return \Subscripts<KeyA>.[x, y]
keyPath.test("subscripts") {
let a = fullGenericContext(x: KeyA(value: "hey"), y: KeyB(value: 1738))
let b = halfGenericContext(x: KeyA(value: "hey"), y: KeyB(value: 1738))
let c = nonGenericContext(x: KeyA(value: "hey"), y: KeyB(value: 1738))
expectEqual(a, b)
expectEqual(a, c)
expectEqual(b, a)
expectEqual(b, c)
expectEqual(c, a)
expectEqual(c, b)
expectEqual(a.hashValue, b.hashValue)
expectEqual(a.hashValue, c.hashValue)
expectEqual(b.hashValue, a.hashValue)
expectEqual(b.hashValue, c.hashValue)
expectEqual(c.hashValue, a.hashValue)
expectEqual(c.hashValue, b.hashValue)
let base = Subscripts<KeyA>()
let kp2 = \SubscriptResult<KeyA, KeyB>.[KeyA(value: "hey")]
for kp in [a, b, c] {
let projected = base[keyPath: kp]
expectEqual(projected.left.value, "hey")
expectEqual(projected.right.value, 1738)
expectEqual(projected[keyPath: kp2], true)
let kp12 =
\Subscripts<KeyA>.[KeyA(value: "hey"), KeyB(value: 1738)][KeyA(value: "hey")]
let kp12a = kp.appending(path: kp2)
expectEqual(kp12, kp12a)
expectEqual(kp12a, kp12)
expectEqual(kp12.hashValue, kp12a.hashValue)
let ints = \Subscripts<KeyA>.[17, 38]
let ints2 = \Subscripts<KeyA>.[17, 38]
let ints3 = \Subscripts<KeyA>.[38, 17]
expectEqual(base[keyPath: ints], 17 + 38)
expectEqual(ints, ints2)
expectEqual(ints2, ints)
expectNotEqual(ints, ints3)
expectNotEqual(ints2, ints3)
expectNotEqual(ints3, ints)
expectNotEqual(ints3, ints2)
expectEqual(ints.hashValue, ints2.hashValue)
let ints_be = ints.appending(path: \Int.bigEndian)
expectEqual(base[keyPath: ints_be], (17 + 38).bigEndian)
struct NonOffsetableProperties {
// observers
var x: Int { didSet {} }
// reabstracted
var y: () -> ()
// computed
var z: Int { return 0 }
keyPath.test("offsets") {
let SLayout = MemoryLayout<S<Int>>.self
expectNotNil(SLayout.offset(of: \S<Int>.x))
expectNotNil(SLayout.offset(of: \S<Int>.y))
expectNotNil(SLayout.offset(of: \S<Int>.z))
expectNotNil(SLayout.offset(of: \S<Int>.p))
expectNotNil(SLayout.offset(of: \S<Int>.p.x))
expectNotNil(SLayout.offset(of: \S<Int>.p.y))
expectNotNil(SLayout.offset(of: \S<Int>.c))
expectNil(SLayout.offset(of: \S<Int>.c.x))
let NOPLayout = MemoryLayout<NonOffsetableProperties>.self
expectNil(NOPLayout.offset(of: \NonOffsetableProperties.x))
expectNil(NOPLayout.offset(of: \NonOffsetableProperties.y))
expectNil(NOPLayout.offset(of: \NonOffsetableProperties.z))
keyPath.test("let-ness") {
expectNil(\C<Int>.immutable as? ReferenceWritableKeyPath)
expectNotNil(\C<Int>.secretlyMutable as? ReferenceWritableKeyPath)
expectNil(\Point.hypotenuse as? WritableKeyPath)
expectNotNil(\Point.secretlyMutableHypotenuse as? WritableKeyPath)
// SR-6096
protocol Protocol6096 {}
struct Value6096<ValueType> {}
extension Protocol6096 {
var asString: String? {
return self as? String
extension Value6096 where ValueType: Protocol6096 {
func doSomething() {
_ = \ValueType.asString?.endIndex
extension Int: Protocol6096 {}
keyPath.test("optional chaining component that needs generic instantiation") {