blob: bbd6737b1f2718a756cc81ebe0ea1a5f28e427ed [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -typecheck -verify %s -swift-version 4 -enable-source-import -I %S/Inputs -enable-swift3-objc-inference
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -skip-deinit=false -print-ast-typechecked -source-filename %s -function-definitions=true -prefer-type-repr=false -print-implicit-attrs=true -explode-pattern-binding-decls=true -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -swift-version 4 -enable-source-import -I %S/Inputs -enable-swift3-objc-inference | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -dump-ast -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module %s -swift-version 4 -enable-source-import -I %S/Inputs -enable-swift3-objc-inference 2> %t.dump
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK-DUMP %s < %t.dump
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
class PlainClass {}
struct PlainStruct {}
enum PlainEnum {}
protocol PlainProtocol {} // expected-note {{protocol 'PlainProtocol' declared here}}
enum ErrorEnum : Error {
case failed
@objc class Class_ObjC1 {}
protocol Protocol_Class1 : class {} // expected-note {{protocol 'Protocol_Class1' declared here}}
protocol Protocol_Class2 : class {}
@objc protocol Protocol_ObjC1 {}
@objc protocol Protocol_ObjC2 {}
//===--- Subjects of @objc attribute.
@objc extension PlainStruct { } // expected-error{{'@objc' can only be applied to an extension of a class}}{{1-7=}}
class FáncyName {}
@objc (FancyName) extension FáncyName {}
var subject_globalVar: Int // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
var subject_getterSetter: Int {
get { // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
return 0
set { // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
var subject_global_observingAccessorsVar1: Int = 0 {
willSet { // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-9=}}
didSet { // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-9=}}
class subject_getterSetter1 {
var instanceVar1: Int {
get { // expected-error {{'@objc' getter for non-'@objc' property}}
return 0
var instanceVar2: Int {
get {
return 0
set { // expected-error {{'@objc' setter for non-'@objc' property}}
var instanceVar3: Int {
get { // expected-error {{'@objc' getter for non-'@objc' property}}
return 0
set { // expected-error {{'@objc' setter for non-'@objc' property}}
var observingAccessorsVar1: Int = 0 {
willSet { // expected-error {{observing accessors are not allowed to be marked @objc}} {{5-10=}}
didSet { // expected-error {{observing accessors are not allowed to be marked @objc}} {{5-10=}}
class subject_staticVar1 {
class var staticVar1: Int = 42 // expected-error {{class stored properties not supported}}
class var staticVar2: Int { return 42 }
func subject_freeFunc() { // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{1-6=}}
var subject_localVar: Int // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
func subject_nestedFreeFunc() { // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
func subject_genericFunc<T>(t: T) { // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{1-6=}}
var subject_localVar: Int // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
func subject_instanceFunc() {} // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
func subject_funcParam(a: @objc Int) { // expected-error {{attribute can only be applied to declarations, not types}} {{1-1=@objc }} {{27-33=}}
@objc // expected-error {{'@objc' attribute cannot be applied to this declaration}} {{1-7=}}
struct subject_struct {
var subject_instanceVar: Int // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
init() {} // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
func subject_instanceFunc() {} // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
@objc // expected-error {{'@objc' attribute cannot be applied to this declaration}} {{1-7=}}
struct subject_genericStruct<T> {
var subject_instanceVar: Int // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
init() {} // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
func subject_instanceFunc() {} // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
class subject_class1 { // no-error
var subject_instanceVar: Int // no-error
init() {} // no-error
func subject_instanceFunc() {} // no-error
class subject_class2 : Protocol_Class1, PlainProtocol { // no-error
@objc // expected-error{{generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc' because they are not directly visible from Objective-C}} {{1-7=}}
class subject_genericClass<T> {
var subject_instanceVar: Int // no-error
init() {} // no-error
func subject_instanceFunc() {} // no_error
@objc // expected-error{{generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc'}} {{1-7=}}
class subject_genericClass2<T> : Class_ObjC1 {
var subject_instanceVar: Int // no-error
init(foo: Int) {} // no-error
func subject_instanceFunc() {} // no_error
extension subject_genericClass where T : Hashable {
@objc var prop: Int { return 0 } // expected-error{{members of constrained extensions cannot be declared @objc}}
extension subject_genericClass {
@objc var extProp: Int { return 0 } // expected-error{{@objc is not supported within extensions of generic classes}}
@objc func extFoo() {} // expected-error{{@objc is not supported within extensions of generic classes}}
enum subject_enum: Int {
@objc // expected-error {{attribute has no effect; cases within an '@objc' enum are already exposed to Objective-C}} {{3-9=}}
case subject_enumElement1
case subject_enumElement2
case subject_enumElement3, subject_enumElement4 // expected-error {{'@objc' enum case declaration defines multiple enum cases with the same Objective-C name}}{{3-30=}}
@objc // expected-error {{attribute has no effect; cases within an '@objc' enum are already exposed to Objective-C}} {{3-9=}}
case subject_enumElement5, subject_enumElement6
@nonobjc // expected-error {{'@nonobjc' attribute cannot be applied to this declaration}}
case subject_enumElement7
init() {} // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-9=}}
func subject_instanceFunc() {} // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}} {{3-8=}}
enum subject_enum2 {
case subject_enumElement1 // expected-error{{'@objc' enum case is not allowed outside of an '@objc' enum}}{{3-31=}}
protocol subject_protocol1 {
var subject_instanceVar: Int { get }
func subject_instanceFunc()
@objc protocol subject_protocol2 {} // no-error
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc protocol subject_protocol2 {
@objc protocol subject_protocol3 {} // no-error
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc protocol subject_protocol3 {
protocol subject_protocol4 : PlainProtocol {} // expected-error {{@objc protocol 'subject_protocol4' cannot refine non-@objc protocol 'PlainProtocol'}}
protocol subject_protocol5 : Protocol_Class1 {} // expected-error {{@objc protocol 'subject_protocol5' cannot refine non-@objc protocol 'Protocol_Class1'}}
protocol subject_protocol6 : Protocol_ObjC1 {}
protocol subject_containerProtocol1 {
var subject_instanceVar: Int { get } // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
func subject_instanceFunc() // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
static func subject_staticFunc() // expected-error {{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
protocol subject_containerObjCProtocol1 {
func func_FunctionReturn1() -> PlainStruct
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be a member of an @objc protocol because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-3 {{inferring '@objc' because the declaration is a member of an '@objc' protocol}}
func func_FunctionParam1(a: PlainStruct)
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be a member of an @objc protocol because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-3 {{inferring '@objc' because the declaration is a member of an '@objc' protocol}}
func func_Variadic(_: AnyObject...)
// expected-error @-1{{method cannot be a member of an @objc protocol because it has a variadic parameter}}
// expected-note @-2{{inferring '@objc' because the declaration is a member of an '@objc' protocol}}
subscript(a: PlainStruct) -> Int { get }
// expected-error@-1 {{subscript cannot be a member of an @objc protocol because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-3 {{inferring '@objc' because the declaration is a member of an '@objc' protocol}}
var varNonObjC1: PlainStruct { get }
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be a member of an @objc protocol because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-3 {{inferring '@objc' because the declaration is a member of an '@objc' protocol}}
protocol subject_containerObjCProtocol2 {
init(a: Int)
@objc init(a: Double)
func func1() -> Int
@objc func func1_() -> Int
var instanceVar1: Int { get set }
@objc var instanceVar1_: Int { get set }
subscript(i: Int) -> Int { get set }
@objc subscript(i: String) -> Int { get set}
protocol nonObjCProtocol {
@objc func objcRequirement() // expected-error{{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
func concreteContext1() {
class subject_inConcreteContext {}
class ConcreteContext2 {
class subject_inConcreteContext {}
class ConcreteContext3 {
func dynamicSelf1() -> Self { return self }
@objc func dynamicSelf1_() -> Self { return self }
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func genericParams<T: NSObject>() -> [T] { return [] }
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because it has generic parameters}}
@objc func returnObjCProtocolMetatype() -> NSCoding.Protocol { return NSCoding.self }
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
typealias AnotherNSCoding = NSCoding
typealias MetaNSCoding1 = NSCoding.Protocol
typealias MetaNSCoding2 = AnotherNSCoding.Protocol
@objc func returnObjCAliasProtocolMetatype1() -> AnotherNSCoding.Protocol { return NSCoding.self }
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func returnObjCAliasProtocolMetatype2() -> MetaNSCoding1 { return NSCoding.self }
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func returnObjCAliasProtocolMetatype3() -> MetaNSCoding2 { return NSCoding.self }
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
typealias Composition = NSCopying & NSCoding
@objc func returnCompositionMetatype1() -> Composition.Protocol { return Composition.self }
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func returnCompositionMetatype2() -> (NSCopying & NSCoding).Protocol { return (NSCopying & NSCoding).self }
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
typealias NSCodingExistential = NSCoding.Type
@objc func inoutFunc(a: inout Int) {}
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because inout parameters cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func metatypeOfExistentialMetatypePram1(a: NSCodingExistential.Protocol) {}
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func metatypeOfExistentialMetatypePram2(a: NSCoding.Type.Protocol) {}
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func genericContext1<T>(_: T) {
@objc // expected-error{{generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc' because they are not directly visible from Objective-C}} {{3-9=}}
class subject_inGenericContext {} // expected-error{{type 'subject_inGenericContext' cannot be nested in generic function 'genericContext1'}}
@objc // expected-error{{generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc'}} {{3-9=}}
class subject_inGenericContext2 : Class_ObjC1 {} // expected-error{{type 'subject_inGenericContext2' cannot be nested in generic function 'genericContext1'}}
class subject_constructor_inGenericContext { // expected-error{{type 'subject_constructor_inGenericContext' cannot be nested in generic function 'genericContext1'}}
init() {} // no-error
class subject_var_inGenericContext { // expected-error{{type 'subject_var_inGenericContext' cannot be nested in generic function 'genericContext1'}}
var subject_instanceVar: Int = 0 // no-error
class subject_func_inGenericContext { // expected-error{{type 'subject_func_inGenericContext' cannot be nested in generic function 'genericContext1'}}
func f() {} // no-error
class GenericContext2<T> {
@objc // expected-error{{generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc' because they are not directly visible from Objective-C}} {{3-9=}}
class subject_inGenericContext {}
@objc // expected-error{{generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc'}} {{3-9=}}
class subject_inGenericContext2 : Class_ObjC1 {}
func f() {} // no-error
class GenericContext3<T> {
class MoreNested {
@objc // expected-error{{generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc' because they are not directly visible from Objective-C}} {{5-11=}}
class subject_inGenericContext {}
@objc // expected-error{{generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc'}} {{5-11=}}
class subject_inGenericContext2 : Class_ObjC1 {}
func f() {} // no-error
@objc // expected-error{{generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc' because they are not directly visible from Objective-C}} {{1-7=}}
class ConcreteSubclassOfGeneric : GenericContext3<Int> {}
extension ConcreteSubclassOfGeneric {
@objc func foo() {} // expected-error {{@objc is not supported within extensions of generic classes}}
@objc // expected-error{{generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc'}} {{1-7=}}
class ConcreteSubclassOfGeneric2 : subject_genericClass2<Int> {}
extension ConcreteSubclassOfGeneric2 {
@objc func foo() {} // expected-error {{@objc is not supported within extensions of generic classes}}
@objc(CustomNameForSubclassOfGeneric) // okay
class ConcreteSubclassOfGeneric3 : GenericContext3<Int> {}
extension ConcreteSubclassOfGeneric3 {
@objc func foo() {} // expected-error {{@objc is not supported within extensions of generic classes}}
class subject_subscriptIndexed1 {
subscript(a: Int) -> Int { // no-error
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptIndexed2 {
subscript(a: Int8) -> Int { // no-error
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptIndexed3 {
subscript(a: UInt8) -> Int { // no-error
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptKeyed1 {
subscript(a: String) -> Int { // no-error
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptKeyed2 {
subscript(a: Class_ObjC1) -> Int { // no-error
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptKeyed3 {
subscript(a: Class_ObjC1.Type) -> Int { // no-error
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptKeyed4 {
subscript(a: Protocol_ObjC1) -> Int { // no-error
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptKeyed5 {
subscript(a: Protocol_ObjC1.Type) -> Int { // no-error
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptKeyed6 {
subscript(a: Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2) -> Int { // no-error
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptKeyed7 {
subscript(a: (Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2).Type) -> Int { // no-error
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptBridgedFloat {
subscript(a: Float32) -> Int {
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptGeneric<T> {
subscript(a: Int) -> Int { // no-error
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptInvalid2 {
subscript(a: PlainClass) -> Int {
// expected-error@-1 {{subscript cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{classes not annotated with @objc cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptInvalid3 {
subscript(a: PlainClass.Type) -> Int { // expected-error {{subscript cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptInvalid4 {
subscript(a: PlainStruct) -> Int { // expected-error {{subscript cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-1{{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptInvalid5 {
subscript(a: PlainEnum) -> Int { // expected-error {{subscript cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-1{{enums cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptInvalid6 {
subscript(a: PlainProtocol) -> Int { // expected-error {{subscript cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-1{{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'PlainProtocol' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptInvalid7 {
subscript(a: Protocol_Class1) -> Int { // expected-error {{subscript cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-1{{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'Protocol_Class1' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
get { return 0 }
class subject_subscriptInvalid8 {
subscript(a: Protocol_Class1 & Protocol_Class2) -> Int { // expected-error {{subscript cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-1{{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'Protocol_Class1' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
get { return 0 }
class subject_propertyInvalid1 {
let plainStruct = PlainStruct() // expected-error {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-1{{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
//===--- Tests for @objc inference.
class infer_instanceFunc1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc class infer_instanceFunc1 {
func func1() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func1() {
@objc func func1_() {} // no-error
func func2(a: Int) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func2(a: Int) {
@objc func func2_(a: Int) {} // no-error
func func3(a: Int) -> Int {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func3(a: Int) -> Int {
@objc func func3_(a: Int) -> Int {} // no-error
func func4(a: Int, b: Double) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func4(a: Int, b: Double) {
@objc func func4_(a: Int, b: Double) {} // no-error
func func5(a: String) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func5(a: String) {
@objc func func5_(a: String) {} // no-error
func func6() -> String {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func6() -> String {
@objc func func6_() -> String {} // no-error
func func7(a: PlainClass) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func func7(a: PlainClass) {
@objc func func7_(a: PlainClass) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{classes not annotated with @objc cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func func7m(a: PlainClass.Type) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func func7m(a: PlainClass.Type) {
@objc func func7m_(a: PlainClass.Type) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func func8() -> PlainClass {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func func8() -> PlainClass {
@objc func func8_() -> PlainClass {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{classes not annotated with @objc cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func func8m() -> PlainClass.Type {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func func8m() -> PlainClass.Type {
@objc func func8m_() -> PlainClass.Type {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func func9(a: PlainStruct) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func func9(a: PlainStruct) {
@objc func func9_(a: PlainStruct) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func func10() -> PlainStruct {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func func10() -> PlainStruct {
@objc func func10_() -> PlainStruct {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func func11(a: PlainEnum) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func func11(a: PlainEnum) {
@objc func func11_(a: PlainEnum) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{non-'@objc' enums cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func func12(a: PlainProtocol) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func func12(a: PlainProtocol) {
@objc func func12_(a: PlainProtocol) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'PlainProtocol' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func func13(a: Class_ObjC1) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func13(a: Class_ObjC1) {
@objc func func13_(a: Class_ObjC1) {} // no-error
func func14(a: Protocol_Class1) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func func14(a: Protocol_Class1) {
@objc func func14_(a: Protocol_Class1) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'Protocol_Class1' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func func15(a: Protocol_ObjC1) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func15(a: Protocol_ObjC1) {
@objc func func15_(a: Protocol_ObjC1) {} // no-error
func func16(a: AnyObject) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func16(a: AnyObject) {
@objc func func16_(a: AnyObject) {} // no-error
func func17(a: @escaping () -> ()) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func func17(a: @escaping () -> ()) {
@objc func func17_(a: @escaping () -> ()) {}
func func18(a: @escaping (Int) -> (), b: Int) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func func18(a: @escaping (Int) -> (), b: Int)
@objc func func18_(a: @escaping (Int) -> (), b: Int) {}
func func19(a: @escaping (String) -> (), b: Int) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func func19(a: @escaping (String) -> (), b: Int) {
@objc func func19_(a: @escaping (String) -> (), b: Int) {}
func func_FunctionReturn1() -> () -> () {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func func_FunctionReturn1() -> () -> () {
@objc func func_FunctionReturn1_() -> () -> () {}
func func_FunctionReturn2() -> (Int) -> () {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func func_FunctionReturn2() -> (Int) -> () {
@objc func func_FunctionReturn2_() -> (Int) -> () {}
func func_FunctionReturn3() -> () -> Int {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func func_FunctionReturn3() -> () -> Int {
@objc func func_FunctionReturn3_() -> () -> Int {}
func func_FunctionReturn4() -> (String) -> () {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func func_FunctionReturn4() -> (String) -> () {
@objc func func_FunctionReturn4_() -> (String) -> () {}
func func_FunctionReturn5() -> () -> String {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func func_FunctionReturn5() -> () -> String {
@objc func func_FunctionReturn5_() -> () -> String {}
func func_ZeroParams1() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func_ZeroParams1() {
@objc func func_ZeroParams1a() {} // no-error
func func_OneParam1(a: Int) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func_OneParam1(a: Int) {
@objc func func_OneParam1a(a: Int) {} // no-error
func func_TupleStyle1(a: Int, b: Int) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func func_TupleStyle1(a: Int, b: Int) {
@objc func func_TupleStyle1a(a: Int, b: Int) {}
func func_TupleStyle2(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func func_TupleStyle2(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) {
@objc func func_TupleStyle2a(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) {}
// Check that we produce diagnostics for every parameter and return type.
@objc func func_MultipleDiags(a: PlainStruct, b: PlainEnum) -> Any {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter 1 cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-error@-3 {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter 2 cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-4 {{non-'@objc' enums cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func func_UnnamedParam1(_: Int) {} // no-error
@objc func func_UnnamedParam2(_: PlainStruct) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func func_varParam1(a: AnyObject) {
var a = a
let b = a; a = b
func func_varParam2(a: AnyObject) {
var a = a
let b = a; a = b
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func_varParam2(a: AnyObject) {
class infer_constructor1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc class infer_constructor1
init() {}
// CHECK: @objc init()
init(a: Int) {}
// CHECK: @objc init(a: Int)
init(a: PlainStruct) {}
// CHECK: {{^}} init(a: PlainStruct)
init(malice: ()) {}
// CHECK: @objc init(malice: ())
init(forMurder _: ()) {}
// CHECK: @objc init(forMurder _: ())
class infer_destructor1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc class infer_destructor1
deinit {}
// CHECK: @objc deinit
// @!objc
class infer_destructor2 {
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}class infer_destructor2
deinit {}
// CHECK: @objc deinit
class infer_instanceVar1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc class infer_instanceVar1 {
init() {}
var instanceVar1: Int
// CHECK: @objc var instanceVar1: Int
var (instanceVar2, instanceVar3): (Int, PlainProtocol)
// CHECK: @objc var instanceVar2: Int
// CHECK: {{^}} var instanceVar3: PlainProtocol
@objc var (instanceVar1_, instanceVar2_): (Int, PlainProtocol)
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'PlainProtocol' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var intstanceVar4: Int {
// CHECK: @objc var intstanceVar4: Int {
get {}
// CHECK-NEXT: @objc get {}
var intstanceVar5: Int {
// CHECK: @objc var intstanceVar5: Int {
get {}
// CHECK-NEXT: @objc get {}
set {}
// CHECK-NEXT: @objc set {}
@objc var instanceVar5_: Int {
// CHECK: @objc var instanceVar5_: Int {
get {}
// CHECK-NEXT: @objc get {}
set {}
// CHECK-NEXT: @objc set {}
var observingAccessorsVar1: Int {
// CHECK: @objc var observingAccessorsVar1: Int {
willSet {}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}} final willSet {}
didSet {}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}} final didSet {}
@objc var observingAccessorsVar1_: Int {
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc var observingAccessorsVar1_: Int {
willSet {}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}} final willSet {}
didSet {}
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}} final didSet {}
var var_Int: Int
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Int: Int
var var_Bool: Bool
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Bool: Bool
var var_CBool: CBool
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_CBool: CBool
var var_String: String
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_String: String
var var_Float: Float
var var_Double: Double
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Float: Float
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Double: Double
var var_Char: Unicode.Scalar
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Char: Unicode.Scalar
//===--- Tuples.
var var_tuple1: ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @_hasInitialValue var var_tuple1: ()
@objc var var_tuple1_: ()
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{empty tuple type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_tuple2: Void
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @_hasInitialValue var var_tuple2: Void
@objc var var_tuple2_: Void
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{empty tuple type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_tuple3: (Int)
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_tuple3: (Int)
@objc var var_tuple3_: (Int) // no-error
var var_tuple4: (Int, Int)
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_tuple4: (Int, Int)
@objc var var_tuple4_: (Int, Int)
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{tuples cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
//===--- Stdlib integer types.
var var_Int8: Int8
var var_Int16: Int16
var var_Int32: Int32
var var_Int64: Int64
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Int8: Int8
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Int16: Int16
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Int32: Int32
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Int64: Int64
var var_UInt8: UInt8
var var_UInt16: UInt16
var var_UInt32: UInt32
var var_UInt64: UInt64
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_UInt8: UInt8
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_UInt16: UInt16
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_UInt32: UInt32
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_UInt64: UInt64
var var_OpaquePointer: OpaquePointer
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_OpaquePointer: OpaquePointer
var var_PlainClass: PlainClass
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_PlainClass: PlainClass
@objc var var_PlainClass_: PlainClass
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{classes not annotated with @objc cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_PlainStruct: PlainStruct
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_PlainStruct: PlainStruct
@objc var var_PlainStruct_: PlainStruct
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_PlainEnum: PlainEnum
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_PlainEnum: PlainEnum
@objc var var_PlainEnum_: PlainEnum
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{non-'@objc' enums cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_PlainProtocol: PlainProtocol
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_PlainProtocol: PlainProtocol
@objc var var_PlainProtocol_: PlainProtocol
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'PlainProtocol' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_ClassObjC: Class_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_ClassObjC: Class_ObjC1
@objc var var_ClassObjC_: Class_ObjC1 // no-error
var var_ProtocolClass: Protocol_Class1
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ProtocolClass: Protocol_Class1
@objc var var_ProtocolClass_: Protocol_Class1
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'Protocol_Class1' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_ProtocolObjC: Protocol_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_ProtocolObjC: Protocol_ObjC1
@objc var var_ProtocolObjC_: Protocol_ObjC1 // no-error
var var_PlainClassMetatype: PlainClass.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_PlainClassMetatype: PlainClass.Type
@objc var var_PlainClassMetatype_: PlainClass.Type
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_PlainStructMetatype: PlainStruct.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_PlainStructMetatype: PlainStruct.Type
@objc var var_PlainStructMetatype_: PlainStruct.Type
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_PlainEnumMetatype: PlainEnum.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_PlainEnumMetatype: PlainEnum.Type
@objc var var_PlainEnumMetatype_: PlainEnum.Type
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_PlainExistentialMetatype: PlainProtocol.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_PlainExistentialMetatype: PlainProtocol.Type
@objc var var_PlainExistentialMetatype_: PlainProtocol.Type
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_ClassObjCMetatype: Class_ObjC1.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_ClassObjCMetatype: Class_ObjC1.Type
@objc var var_ClassObjCMetatype_: Class_ObjC1.Type // no-error
var var_ProtocolClassMetatype: Protocol_Class1.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ProtocolClassMetatype: Protocol_Class1.Type
@objc var var_ProtocolClassMetatype_: Protocol_Class1.Type
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_ProtocolObjCMetatype1: Protocol_ObjC1.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_ProtocolObjCMetatype1: Protocol_ObjC1.Type
@objc var var_ProtocolObjCMetatype1_: Protocol_ObjC1.Type // no-error
var var_ProtocolObjCMetatype2: Protocol_ObjC2.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_ProtocolObjCMetatype2: Protocol_ObjC2.Type
@objc var var_ProtocolObjCMetatype2_: Protocol_ObjC2.Type // no-error
var var_AnyObject1: AnyObject
var var_AnyObject2: AnyObject.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_AnyObject1: AnyObject
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_AnyObject2: AnyObject.Type
var var_Existential0: Any
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Existential0: Any
@objc var var_Existential0_: Any
var var_Existential1: PlainProtocol
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_Existential1: PlainProtocol
@objc var var_Existential1_: PlainProtocol
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'PlainProtocol' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_Existential2: PlainProtocol & PlainProtocol
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_Existential2: PlainProtocol
@objc var var_Existential2_: PlainProtocol & PlainProtocol
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'PlainProtocol' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_Existential3: PlainProtocol & Protocol_Class1
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_Existential3: PlainProtocol & Protocol_Class1
@objc var var_Existential3_: PlainProtocol & Protocol_Class1
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'PlainProtocol' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_Existential4: PlainProtocol & Protocol_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_Existential4: PlainProtocol & Protocol_ObjC1
@objc var var_Existential4_: PlainProtocol & Protocol_ObjC1
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'PlainProtocol' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_Existential5: Protocol_Class1
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_Existential5: Protocol_Class1
@objc var var_Existential5_: Protocol_Class1
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'Protocol_Class1' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_Existential6: Protocol_Class1 & Protocol_Class2
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_Existential6: Protocol_Class1 & Protocol_Class2
@objc var var_Existential6_: Protocol_Class1 & Protocol_Class2
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'Protocol_Class1' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_Existential7: Protocol_Class1 & Protocol_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_Existential7: Protocol_Class1 & Protocol_ObjC1
@objc var var_Existential7_: Protocol_Class1 & Protocol_ObjC1
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{protocol-constrained type containing protocol 'Protocol_Class1' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_Existential8: Protocol_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Existential8: Protocol_ObjC1
@objc var var_Existential8_: Protocol_ObjC1 // no-error
var var_Existential9: Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_Existential9: Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2
@objc var var_Existential9_: Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2 // no-error
var var_ExistentialMetatype0: Any.Type
var var_ExistentialMetatype1: PlainProtocol.Type
var var_ExistentialMetatype2: (PlainProtocol & PlainProtocol).Type
var var_ExistentialMetatype3: (PlainProtocol & Protocol_Class1).Type
var var_ExistentialMetatype4: (PlainProtocol & Protocol_ObjC1).Type
var var_ExistentialMetatype5: (Protocol_Class1).Type
var var_ExistentialMetatype6: (Protocol_Class1 & Protocol_Class2).Type
var var_ExistentialMetatype7: (Protocol_Class1 & Protocol_ObjC1).Type
var var_ExistentialMetatype8: Protocol_ObjC1.Type
var var_ExistentialMetatype9: (Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2).Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ExistentialMetatype0: Any.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ExistentialMetatype1: PlainProtocol.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ExistentialMetatype2: (PlainProtocol).Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ExistentialMetatype3: (PlainProtocol & Protocol_Class1).Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ExistentialMetatype4: (PlainProtocol & Protocol_ObjC1).Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ExistentialMetatype5: (Protocol_Class1).Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ExistentialMetatype6: (Protocol_Class1 & Protocol_Class2).Type
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ExistentialMetatype7: (Protocol_Class1 & Protocol_ObjC1).Type
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_ExistentialMetatype8: Protocol_ObjC1.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_ExistentialMetatype9: (Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2).Type
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer1: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer2: UnsafeMutablePointer<Bool>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer3: UnsafeMutablePointer<CBool>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer4: UnsafeMutablePointer<String>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer5: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer6: UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer7: UnsafeMutablePointer<OpaquePointer>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer8: UnsafeMutablePointer<PlainClass>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer9: UnsafeMutablePointer<PlainStruct>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer10: UnsafeMutablePointer<PlainEnum>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer11: UnsafeMutablePointer<PlainProtocol>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer12: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer13: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject.Type>
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer100: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer101: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
var var_UnsafeMutablePointer102: UnsafeMutablePointer<(Int, Int)>
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_UnsafeMutablePointer1: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_UnsafeMutablePointer2: UnsafeMutablePointer<Bool>
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_UnsafeMutablePointer3: UnsafeMutablePointer<CBool>
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_UnsafeMutablePointer4: UnsafeMutablePointer<String>
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_UnsafeMutablePointer5: UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_UnsafeMutablePointer6: UnsafeMutablePointer<Double>
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_UnsafeMutablePointer7: UnsafeMutablePointer<OpaquePointer>
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_UnsafeMutablePointer8: UnsafeMutablePointer<PlainClass>
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_UnsafeMutablePointer9: UnsafeMutablePointer<PlainStruct>
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_UnsafeMutablePointer10: UnsafeMutablePointer<PlainEnum>
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_UnsafeMutablePointer11: UnsafeMutablePointer<PlainProtocol>
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_UnsafeMutablePointer12: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>
// CHECK-LABEL: var var_UnsafeMutablePointer13: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject.Type>
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_UnsafeMutablePointer100: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_UnsafeMutablePointer101: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_UnsafeMutablePointer102: UnsafeMutablePointer<(Int, Int)>
var var_Optional1: Class_ObjC1?
var var_Optional2: Protocol_ObjC1?
var var_Optional3: Class_ObjC1.Type?
var var_Optional4: Protocol_ObjC1.Type?
var var_Optional5: AnyObject?
var var_Optional6: AnyObject.Type?
var var_Optional7: String?
var var_Optional8: Protocol_ObjC1?
var var_Optional9: Protocol_ObjC1.Type?
var var_Optional10: (Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2)?
var var_Optional11: (Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2).Type?
var var_Optional12: OpaquePointer?
var var_Optional13: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?
var var_Optional14: UnsafeMutablePointer<Class_ObjC1>?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional1: Class_ObjC1?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional2: Protocol_ObjC1?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional3: Class_ObjC1.Type?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional4: Protocol_ObjC1.Type?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional5: AnyObject?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional6: AnyObject.Type?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional7: String?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional8: Protocol_ObjC1?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional9: Protocol_ObjC1.Type?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional10: (Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2)?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional11: (Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2).Type?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional12: OpaquePointer?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional13: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_Optional14: UnsafeMutablePointer<Class_ObjC1>?
var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional1: Class_ObjC1!
var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional2: Protocol_ObjC1!
var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional3: Class_ObjC1.Type!
var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional4: Protocol_ObjC1.Type!
var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional5: AnyObject!
var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional6: AnyObject.Type!
var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional7: String!
var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional8: Protocol_ObjC1!
var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional9: (Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2)!
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional1: Class_ObjC1!
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional2: Protocol_ObjC1!
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional3: Class_ObjC1.Type!
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional4: Protocol_ObjC1.Type!
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional5: AnyObject!
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional6: AnyObject.Type!
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional7: String!
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional8: Protocol_ObjC1!
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var var_ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional9: (Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2)!
var var_Optional_fail1: PlainClass?
var var_Optional_fail2: PlainClass.Type?
var var_Optional_fail3: PlainClass!
var var_Optional_fail4: PlainStruct?
var var_Optional_fail5: PlainStruct.Type?
var var_Optional_fail6: PlainEnum?
var var_Optional_fail7: PlainEnum.Type?
var var_Optional_fail8: PlainProtocol?
var var_Optional_fail10: PlainProtocol?
var var_Optional_fail11: (PlainProtocol & Protocol_ObjC1)?
var var_Optional_fail12: Int?
var var_Optional_fail13: Bool?
var var_Optional_fail14: CBool?
var var_Optional_fail20: AnyObject??
var var_Optional_fail21: AnyObject.Type??
var var_Optional_fail22: ComparisonResult? // a non-bridged imported value type
var var_Optional_fail23: NSRange? // a bridged struct imported from C
// CHECK-NOT: @objc{{.*}}Optional_fail
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_CFunctionPointer_1: @convention(c) () -> ()
var var_CFunctionPointer_1: @convention(c) () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_CFunctionPointer_invalid_1: Int
var var_CFunctionPointer_invalid_1: @convention(c) Int // expected-error {{@convention attribute only applies to function types}}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_CFunctionPointer_invalid_2: @convention(c) (PlainStruct) -> Int
var var_CFunctionPointer_invalid_2: @convention(c) (PlainStruct) -> Int // expected-error {{'(PlainStruct) -> Int' is not representable in Objective-C, so it cannot be used with '@convention(c)'}}
// <rdar://problem/20918869> Confusing diagnostic for @convention(c) throws
var var_CFunctionPointer_invalid_3 : @convention(c) (Int) throws -> Int // expected-error {{'(Int) throws -> Int' is not representable in Objective-C, so it cannot be used with '@convention(c)'}}
weak var var_Weak1: Class_ObjC1?
weak var var_Weak2: Protocol_ObjC1?
// <rdar://problem/16473062> weak and unowned variables of metatypes are rejected
//weak var var_Weak3: Class_ObjC1.Type?
//weak var var_Weak4: Protocol_ObjC1.Type?
weak var var_Weak5: AnyObject?
//weak var var_Weak6: AnyObject.Type?
weak var var_Weak7: Protocol_ObjC1?
weak var var_Weak8: (Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2)?
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue weak var var_Weak1: @sil_weak Class_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue weak var var_Weak2: @sil_weak Protocol_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue weak var var_Weak5: @sil_weak AnyObject
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue weak var var_Weak7: @sil_weak Protocol_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue weak var var_Weak8: @sil_weak (Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2)?
weak var var_Weak_fail1: PlainClass?
weak var var_Weak_bad2: PlainStruct?
// expected-error@-1 {{'weak' may only be applied to class and class-bound protocol types, not 'PlainStruct'}}
weak var var_Weak_bad3: PlainEnum?
// expected-error@-1 {{'weak' may only be applied to class and class-bound protocol types, not 'PlainEnum'}}
weak var var_Weak_bad4: String?
// expected-error@-1 {{'weak' may only be applied to class and class-bound protocol types, not 'String'}}
// CHECK-NOT: @objc{{.*}}Weak_fail
unowned var var_Unowned1: Class_ObjC1
unowned var var_Unowned2: Protocol_ObjC1
// <rdar://problem/16473062> weak and unowned variables of metatypes are rejected
//unowned var var_Unowned3: Class_ObjC1.Type
//unowned var var_Unowned4: Protocol_ObjC1.Type
unowned var var_Unowned5: AnyObject
//unowned var var_Unowned6: AnyObject.Type
unowned var var_Unowned7: Protocol_ObjC1
unowned var var_Unowned8: Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc unowned var var_Unowned1: @sil_unowned Class_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc unowned var var_Unowned2: @sil_unowned Protocol_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc unowned var var_Unowned5: @sil_unowned AnyObject
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc unowned var var_Unowned7: @sil_unowned Protocol_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc unowned var var_Unowned8: @sil_unowned Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2
unowned var var_Unowned_fail1: PlainClass
unowned var var_Unowned_bad2: PlainStruct
// expected-error@-1 {{'unowned' may only be applied to class and class-bound protocol types, not 'PlainStruct'}}
unowned var var_Unowned_bad3: PlainEnum
// expected-error@-1 {{'unowned' may only be applied to class and class-bound protocol types, not 'PlainEnum'}}
unowned var var_Unowned_bad4: String
// expected-error@-1 {{'unowned' may only be applied to class and class-bound protocol types, not 'String'}}
// CHECK-NOT: @objc{{.*}}Unowned_fail
var var_FunctionType1: () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType1: () -> ()
var var_FunctionType2: (Int) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType2: (Int) -> ()
var var_FunctionType3: (Int) -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType3: (Int) -> Int
var var_FunctionType4: (Int, Double) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType4: (Int, Double) -> ()
var var_FunctionType5: (String) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType5: (String) -> ()
var var_FunctionType6: () -> String
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType6: () -> String
var var_FunctionType7: (PlainClass) -> ()
// CHECK-NOT: @objc var var_FunctionType7: (PlainClass) -> ()
var var_FunctionType8: () -> PlainClass
// CHECK-NOT: @objc var var_FunctionType8: () -> PlainClass
var var_FunctionType9: (PlainStruct) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_FunctionType9: (PlainStruct) -> ()
var var_FunctionType10: () -> PlainStruct
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_FunctionType10: () -> PlainStruct
var var_FunctionType11: (PlainEnum) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_FunctionType11: (PlainEnum) -> ()
var var_FunctionType12: (PlainProtocol) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_FunctionType12: (PlainProtocol) -> ()
var var_FunctionType13: (Class_ObjC1) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType13: (Class_ObjC1) -> ()
var var_FunctionType14: (Protocol_Class1) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_FunctionType14: (Protocol_Class1) -> ()
var var_FunctionType15: (Protocol_ObjC1) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType15: (Protocol_ObjC1) -> ()
var var_FunctionType16: (AnyObject) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType16: (AnyObject) -> ()
var var_FunctionType17: (() -> ()) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType17: (() -> ()) -> ()
var var_FunctionType18: ((Int) -> (), Int) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType18: ((Int) -> (), Int) -> ()
var var_FunctionType19: ((String) -> (), Int) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionType19: ((String) -> (), Int) -> ()
var var_FunctionTypeReturn1: () -> () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionTypeReturn1: () -> () -> ()
@objc var var_FunctionTypeReturn1_: () -> () -> () // no-error
var var_FunctionTypeReturn2: () -> (Int) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionTypeReturn2: () -> (Int) -> ()
@objc var var_FunctionTypeReturn2_: () -> (Int) -> () // no-error
var var_FunctionTypeReturn3: () -> () -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionTypeReturn3: () -> () -> Int
@objc var var_FunctionTypeReturn3_: () -> () -> Int // no-error
var var_FunctionTypeReturn4: () -> (String) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionTypeReturn4: () -> (String) -> ()
@objc var var_FunctionTypeReturn4_: () -> (String) -> () // no-error
var var_FunctionTypeReturn5: () -> () -> String
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_FunctionTypeReturn5: () -> () -> String
@objc var var_FunctionTypeReturn5_: () -> () -> String // no-error
var var_BlockFunctionType1: @convention(block) () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_BlockFunctionType1: @convention(block) () -> ()
@objc var var_BlockFunctionType1_: @convention(block) () -> () // no-error
var var_ArrayType1: [AnyObject]
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_ArrayType1: [AnyObject]
@objc var var_ArrayType1_: [AnyObject] // no-error
var var_ArrayType2: [@convention(block) (AnyObject) -> AnyObject] // no-error
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_ArrayType2: [@convention(block) (AnyObject) -> AnyObject]
@objc var var_ArrayType2_: [@convention(block) (AnyObject) -> AnyObject] // no-error
var var_ArrayType3: [PlainStruct]
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ArrayType3: [PlainStruct]
@objc var var_ArrayType3_: [PlainStruct]
// expected-error @-1{{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_ArrayType4: [(AnyObject) -> AnyObject] // no-error
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ArrayType4: [(AnyObject) -> AnyObject]
@objc var var_ArrayType4_: [(AnyObject) -> AnyObject]
// expected-error @-1{{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_ArrayType5: [Protocol_ObjC1]
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_ArrayType5: [Protocol_ObjC1]
@objc var var_ArrayType5_: [Protocol_ObjC1] // no-error
var var_ArrayType6: [Class_ObjC1]
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_ArrayType6: [Class_ObjC1]
@objc var var_ArrayType6_: [Class_ObjC1] // no-error
var var_ArrayType7: [PlainClass]
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ArrayType7: [PlainClass]
@objc var var_ArrayType7_: [PlainClass]
// expected-error @-1{{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_ArrayType8: [PlainProtocol]
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ArrayType8: [PlainProtocol]
@objc var var_ArrayType8_: [PlainProtocol]
// expected-error @-1{{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_ArrayType9: [Protocol_ObjC1 & PlainProtocol]
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ArrayType9: [PlainProtocol & Protocol_ObjC1]
@objc var var_ArrayType9_: [Protocol_ObjC1 & PlainProtocol]
// expected-error @-1{{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_ArrayType10: [Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2]
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_ArrayType10: [Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2]
@objc var var_ArrayType10_: [Protocol_ObjC1 & Protocol_ObjC2]
// no-error
var var_ArrayType11: [Any]
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var var_ArrayType11: [Any]
@objc var var_ArrayType11_: [Any]
var var_ArrayType13: [Any?]
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ArrayType13: [Any?]
@objc var var_ArrayType13_: [Any?]
// expected-error @-1{{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_ArrayType15: [AnyObject?]
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ArrayType15: [AnyObject?]
@objc var var_ArrayType15_: [AnyObject?]
// expected-error @-1{{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_ArrayType16: [[@convention(block) (AnyObject) -> AnyObject]] // no-error
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc var var_ArrayType16: {{\[}}[@convention(block) (AnyObject) -> AnyObject]]
@objc var var_ArrayType16_: [[@convention(block) (AnyObject) -> AnyObject]] // no-error
var var_ArrayType17: [[(AnyObject) -> AnyObject]] // no-error
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_ArrayType17: {{\[}}[(AnyObject) -> AnyObject]]
@objc var var_ArrayType17_: [[(AnyObject) -> AnyObject]]
// expected-error @-1{{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
class ObjCBase {}
class infer_instanceVar2<
GP_PlainClass : PlainClass,
GP_PlainProtocol : PlainProtocol,
GP_Class_ObjC : Class_ObjC1,
GP_Protocol_Class : Protocol_Class1,
GP_Protocol_ObjC : Protocol_ObjC1> : ObjCBase {
// CHECK-LABEL: class infer_instanceVar2<{{.*}}> : ObjCBase where {{.*}} {
override init() {}
var var_GP_Unconstrained: GP_Unconstrained
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_GP_Unconstrained: GP_Unconstrained
@objc var var_GP_Unconstrained_: GP_Unconstrained
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{generic type parameters cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_GP_PlainClass: GP_PlainClass
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_GP_PlainClass: GP_PlainClass
@objc var var_GP_PlainClass_: GP_PlainClass
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{generic type parameters cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_GP_PlainProtocol: GP_PlainProtocol
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_GP_PlainProtocol: GP_PlainProtocol
@objc var var_GP_PlainProtocol_: GP_PlainProtocol
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{generic type parameters cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_GP_Class_ObjC: GP_Class_ObjC
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_GP_Class_ObjC: GP_Class_ObjC
@objc var var_GP_Class_ObjC_: GP_Class_ObjC
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{generic type parameters cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_GP_Protocol_Class: GP_Protocol_Class
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_GP_Protocol_Class: GP_Protocol_Class
@objc var var_GP_Protocol_Class_: GP_Protocol_Class
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{generic type parameters cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
var var_GP_Protocol_ObjC: GP_Protocol_ObjC
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} var var_GP_Protocol_ObjC: GP_Protocol_ObjC
@objc var var_GP_Protocol_ObjCa: GP_Protocol_ObjC
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @objc because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{generic type parameters cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
func func_GP_Unconstrained(a: GP_Unconstrained) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} func func_GP_Unconstrained(a: GP_Unconstrained) {
@objc func func_GP_Unconstrained_(a: GP_Unconstrained) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{generic type parameters cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func func_GP_Unconstrained_() -> GP_Unconstrained {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{generic type parameters cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc func func_GP_Class_ObjC__() -> GP_Class_ObjC {}
// expected-error@-1 {{method cannot be marked @objc because its result type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{generic type parameters cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
class infer_instanceVar3 : Class_ObjC1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc class infer_instanceVar3 : Class_ObjC1 {
var v1: Int = 0
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc @_hasInitialValue var v1: Int
protocol infer_instanceVar4 {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc protocol infer_instanceVar4 {
var v1: Int { get }
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc var v1: Int { get }
// @!objc
class infer_instanceVar5 {
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}class infer_instanceVar5 {
var intstanceVar1: Int {
// CHECK: @objc var intstanceVar1: Int
get {}
// CHECK: @objc get {}
set {}
// CHECK: @objc set {}
class infer_staticVar1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc class infer_staticVar1 {
class var staticVar1: Int = 42 // expected-error {{class stored properties not supported}}
// CHECK: @objc @_hasInitialValue class var staticVar1: Int
// @!objc
class infer_subscript1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: class infer_subscript1
subscript(i: Int) -> Int {
// CHECK: @objc subscript(i: Int) -> Int
get {}
// CHECK: @objc get {}
set {}
// CHECK: @objc set {}
protocol infer_throughConformanceProto1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc protocol infer_throughConformanceProto1 {
func funcObjC1()
var varObjC1: Int { get }
var varObjC2: Int { get set }
// CHECK: @objc func funcObjC1()
// CHECK: @objc var varObjC1: Int { get }
// CHECK: @objc var varObjC2: Int { get set }
class infer_class1 : PlainClass {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}class infer_class1 : PlainClass {
class infer_class2 : Class_ObjC1 {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc class infer_class2 : Class_ObjC1 {
class infer_class3 : infer_class2 {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc class infer_class3 : infer_class2 {
class infer_class4 : Protocol_Class1 {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}class infer_class4 : Protocol_Class1 {
class infer_class5 : Protocol_ObjC1 {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}class infer_class5 : Protocol_ObjC1 {
// If a protocol conforms to an @objc protocol, this does not infer @objc on
// the protocol itself, or on the newly introduced requirements. Only the
// inherited @objc requirements get @objc.
// Same rule applies to classes.
protocol infer_protocol1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}protocol infer_protocol1 {
func nonObjC1()
// CHECK: {{^}} func nonObjC1()
protocol infer_protocol2 : Protocol_Class1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}protocol infer_protocol2 : Protocol_Class1 {
func nonObjC1()
// CHECK: {{^}} func nonObjC1()
protocol infer_protocol3 : Protocol_ObjC1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}protocol infer_protocol3 : Protocol_ObjC1 {
func nonObjC1()
// CHECK: {{^}} func nonObjC1()
protocol infer_protocol4 : Protocol_Class1, Protocol_ObjC1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}protocol infer_protocol4 : Protocol_Class1, Protocol_ObjC1 {
func nonObjC1()
// CHECK: {{^}} func nonObjC1()
protocol infer_protocol5 : Protocol_ObjC1, Protocol_Class1 {
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}protocol infer_protocol5 : Protocol_Class1, Protocol_ObjC1 {
func nonObjC1()
// CHECK: {{^}} func nonObjC1()
class C {
// Don't crash.
@objc func foo(x: Undeclared) {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'Undeclared'}}
@IBAction func myAction(sender: Undeclared) {} // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'Undeclared'}}
//===--- @IBOutlet implies @objc
class HasIBOutlet {
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}class HasIBOutlet {
init() {}
@IBOutlet weak var goodOutlet: Class_ObjC1!
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc @IBOutlet @_implicitly_unwrapped_optional @_hasInitialValue weak var goodOutlet: @sil_weak Class_ObjC1!
@IBOutlet var badOutlet: PlainStruct
// expected-error@-1 {{@IBOutlet property cannot have non-object type 'PlainStruct'}} {{3-13=}}
// expected-error@-2 {{@IBOutlet property has non-optional type 'PlainStruct'}}
// expected-note@-3 {{add '?' to form the optional type 'PlainStruct?'}}
// expected-note@-4 {{add '!' to form an implicitly unwrapped optional}}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @IBOutlet var badOutlet: PlainStruct
//===--- @IBAction implies @objc
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}class HasIBAction {
class HasIBAction {
@IBAction func goodAction(_ sender: AnyObject?) { }
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc @IBAction func goodAction(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
@IBAction func badAction(_ sender: PlainStruct?) { }
// expected-error@-1{{argument to @IBAction method cannot have non-object type 'PlainStruct?'}}
//===--- @IBInspectable implies @objc
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}class HasIBInspectable {
class HasIBInspectable {
@IBInspectable var goodProperty: AnyObject?
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc @IBInspectable @_hasInitialValue var goodProperty: AnyObject?
//===--- @GKInspectable implies @objc
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}class HasGKInspectable {
class HasGKInspectable {
@GKInspectable var goodProperty: AnyObject?
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc @GKInspectable @_hasInitialValue var goodProperty: AnyObject?
//===--- @NSManaged implies @objc
class HasNSManaged {
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}class HasNSManaged {
init() {}
var goodManaged: Class_ObjC1
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc @NSManaged dynamic var goodManaged: Class_ObjC1
var badManaged: PlainStruct
// expected-error@-1 {{property cannot be marked @NSManaged because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-error@-3{{'dynamic' property 'badManaged' must also be '@objc'}}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @NSManaged var badManaged: PlainStruct
//===--- Pointer argument types
@objc class TakesCPointers {
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}}@objc class TakesCPointers {
func constUnsafeMutablePointer(p: UnsafePointer<Int>) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func constUnsafeMutablePointer(p: UnsafePointer<Int>) {
func constUnsafeMutablePointerToAnyObject(p: UnsafePointer<AnyObject>) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func constUnsafeMutablePointerToAnyObject(p: UnsafePointer<AnyObject>) {
func constUnsafeMutablePointerToClass(p: UnsafePointer<TakesCPointers>) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func constUnsafeMutablePointerToClass(p: UnsafePointer<TakesCPointers>) {
func mutableUnsafeMutablePointer(p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func mutableUnsafeMutablePointer(p: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) {
func mutableStrongUnsafeMutablePointerToAnyObject(p: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func mutableStrongUnsafeMutablePointerToAnyObject(p: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>) {
func mutableAutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointerToAnyObject(p: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @objc func mutableAutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointerToAnyObject(p: AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>) {
// @objc with nullary names
class Class_ObjC2 {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc(NSObjC2) class Class_ObjC2
init(foo: ()) { }
init(bar _: ()) { }
init() { }
func foo() -> Bool {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc(isFoo) func foo() -> Bool {
@objc() // expected-error{{expected name within parentheses of @objc attribute}}
class Class_ObjC3 {
// @objc with selector names
extension PlainClass {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc(setFoo:) dynamic func
func foo(b: Bool) { }
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc(setWithRed:green:blue:alpha:) dynamic func set
func set(_: Float, green: Float, blue: Float, alpha: Float) { }
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc(createWithRed:green:blue:alpha:) dynamic class func createWith
@objc(createWithRed:green blue:alpha)
class func createWithRed(_: Float, green: Float, blue: Float, alpha: Float) { }
// expected-error@-2{{missing ':' after selector piece in @objc attribute}}{{28-28=:}}
// expected-error@-3{{missing ':' after selector piece in @objc attribute}}{{39-39=:}}
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc(::) dynamic func badlyNamed
func badlyNamed(_: Int, y: Int) {}
@objc(Class:) // expected-error{{'@objc' class must have a simple name}}{{12-13=}}
class BadClass1 { }
@objc(Protocol:) // expected-error{{'@objc' protocol must have a simple name}}{{15-16=}}
protocol BadProto1 { }
@objc(Enum:) // expected-error{{'@objc' enum must have a simple name}}{{11-12=}}
enum BadEnum1: Int { case X }
enum BadEnum2: Int {
@objc(X:) // expected-error{{'@objc' enum case must have a simple name}}{{10-11=}}
case X
class BadClass2 {
@objc(realDealloc) // expected-error{{'@objc' deinitializer cannot have a name}}
deinit { }
@objc(badprop:foo:wibble:) // expected-error{{'@objc' property must have a simple name}}{{16-28=}}
var badprop: Int = 5
@objc(foo) // expected-error{{'@objc' subscript cannot have a name; did you mean to put the name on the getter or setter?}}
subscript (i: Int) -> Int {
get {
return i
@objc(foo) // expected-error{{'@objc' method name provides names for 0 arguments, but method has one parameter}}
func noArgNamesOneParam(x: Int) { }
@objc(foo) // expected-error{{'@objc' method name provides names for 0 arguments, but method has one parameter}}
func noArgNamesOneParam2(_: Int) { }
@objc(foo) // expected-error{{'@objc' method name provides names for 0 arguments, but method has 2 parameters}}
func noArgNamesTwoParams(_: Int, y: Int) { }
@objc(foo:) // expected-error{{'@objc' method name provides one argument name, but method has 2 parameters}}
func oneArgNameTwoParams(_: Int, y: Int) { }
@objc(foo:) // expected-error{{'@objc' method name provides one argument name, but method has 0 parameters}}
func oneArgNameNoParams() { }
@objc(foo:) // expected-error{{'@objc' initializer name provides one argument name, but initializer has 0 parameters}}
init() { }
var _prop = 5
@objc var prop: Int {
@objc(property) get { return _prop }
@objc(setProperty:) set { _prop = newValue }
var prop2: Int {
@objc(property) get { return _prop } // expected-error{{'@objc' getter for non-'@objc' property}}
@objc(setProperty:) set { _prop = newValue } // expected-error{{'@objc' setter for non-'@objc' property}}
var prop3: Int {
@objc(setProperty:) didSet { } // expected-error{{observing accessors are not allowed to be marked @objc}} {{5-25=}}
subscript (c: Class_ObjC1) -> Class_ObjC1 {
@objc(getAtClass:) get {
return c
@objc(setAtClass:class:) set {
// Swift overrides that aren't also @objc overrides.
class Super {
var foo: Int { get { return 3 } } // expected-note 2{{overridden declaration is here}}
@objc func process(i: Int) -> Int { } // expected-note {{overriding '@objc' method 'process(i:)' here}}
class Sub1 : Super {
@objc(foo) // expected-error{{Objective-C property has a different name from the property it overrides ('foo' vs. 'renamedFoo')}}{{9-12=renamedFoo}}
override var foo: Int { get { return 5 } }
override func process(i: Int?) -> Int { } // expected-error{{method cannot be an @objc override because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
class Sub2 : Super {
override var foo: Int { get { return 5 } }
class Sub3 : Super {
override var foo: Int { get { return 5 } }
class Sub4 : Super {
override var foo: Int { get { return 5 } }
class Sub5 : Super {
@objc(wrongFoo) // expected-error{{Objective-C property has a different name from the property it overrides ('wrongFoo' vs. 'renamedFoo')}} {{9-17=renamedFoo}}
override var foo: Int { get { return 5 } }
enum NotObjCEnum { case X }
struct NotObjCStruct {}
// Closure arguments can only be @objc if their parameters and returns are.
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc class ClosureArguments
@objc class ClosureArguments {
// CHECK: @objc func foo
@objc func foo(f: (Int) -> ()) {}
// CHECK: @objc func bar
@objc func bar(f: (NotObjCEnum) -> NotObjCStruct) {} // expected-error{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}} expected-note{{function types cannot be represented in Objective-C unless their parameters and returns can be}}
// CHECK: @objc func bas
@objc func bas(f: (NotObjCEnum) -> ()) {} // expected-error{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}} expected-note{{function types cannot be represented in Objective-C unless their parameters and returns can be}}
// CHECK: @objc func zim
@objc func zim(f: () -> NotObjCStruct) {} // expected-error{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}} expected-note{{function types cannot be represented in Objective-C unless their parameters and returns can be}}
// CHECK: @objc func zang
@objc func zang(f: (NotObjCEnum, NotObjCStruct) -> ()) {} // expected-error{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}} expected-note{{function types cannot be represented in Objective-C unless their parameters and returns can be}}
@objc func zangZang(f: (Int...) -> ()) {} // expected-error{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}} expected-note{{function types cannot be represented in Objective-C unless their parameters and returns can be}}
// CHECK: @objc func fooImplicit
func fooImplicit(f: (Int) -> ()) {}
// CHECK: {{^}} func barImplicit
func barImplicit(f: (NotObjCEnum) -> NotObjCStruct) {}
// CHECK: {{^}} func basImplicit
func basImplicit(f: (NotObjCEnum) -> ()) {}
// CHECK: {{^}} func zimImplicit
func zimImplicit(f: () -> NotObjCStruct) {}
// CHECK: {{^}} func zangImplicit
func zangImplicit(f: (NotObjCEnum, NotObjCStruct) -> ()) {}
// CHECK: {{^}} func zangZangImplicit
func zangZangImplicit(f: (Int...) -> ()) {}
typealias GoodBlock = @convention(block) (Int) -> ()
typealias BadBlock = @convention(block) (NotObjCEnum) -> () // expected-error{{'(NotObjCEnum) -> ()' is not representable in Objective-C, so it cannot be used with '@convention(block)'}}
@objc class AccessControl {
// CHECK: @objc func foo
func foo() {}
// CHECK: {{^}} private func bar
private func bar() {}
// CHECK: @objc private func baz
@objc private func baz() {}
//===--- Ban @objc +load methods
class Load1 {
// Okay: not @objc
class func load() { }
class func alloc() {}
class func allocWithZone(_: Int) {}
class func initialize() {}
@objc class Load2 {
class func load() { } // expected-error{{method 'load()' defines Objective-C class method 'load', which is not permitted by Swift}}
class func alloc() {} // expected-error{{method 'alloc()' defines Objective-C class method 'alloc', which is not permitted by Swift}}
class func allocWithZone(_: Int) {} // expected-error{{method 'allocWithZone' defines Objective-C class method 'allocWithZone:', which is not permitted by Swift}}
class func initialize() {} // expected-error{{method 'initialize()' defines Objective-C class method 'initialize', which is not permitted by Swift}}
@objc class Load3 {
class var load: Load3 {
get { return Load3() } // expected-error{{getter for 'load' defines Objective-C class method 'load', which is not permitted by Swift}}
set { }
@objc(alloc) class var prop: Int { return 0 } // expected-error{{getter for 'prop' defines Objective-C class method 'alloc', which is not permitted by Swift}}
@objc(allocWithZone:) class func fooWithZone(_: Int) {} // expected-error{{method 'fooWithZone' defines Objective-C class method 'allocWithZone:', which is not permitted by Swift}}
@objc(initialize) class func barnitialize() {} // expected-error{{method 'barnitialize()' defines Objective-C class method 'initialize', which is not permitted by Swift}}
// Members of protocol extensions cannot be @objc
extension PlainProtocol {
@objc var property: Int { return 5 } // expected-error{{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
@objc subscript(x: Int) -> Class_ObjC1 { return Class_ObjC1() } // expected-error{{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
@objc func fun() { } // expected-error{{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
extension Protocol_ObjC1 {
@objc var property: Int { return 5 } // expected-error{{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
@objc subscript(x: Int) -> Class_ObjC1 { return Class_ObjC1() } // expected-error{{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
@objc func fun() { } // expected-error{{@objc can only be used with members of classes, @objc protocols, and concrete extensions of classes}}
extension Protocol_ObjC1 {
// Don't infer @objc for extensions of @objc protocols.
// CHECK: {{^}} var propertyOK: Int
var propertyOK: Int { return 5 }
//===--- Error handling
class ClassThrows1 {
// CHECK: @objc func methodReturnsVoid() throws
@objc func methodReturnsVoid() throws { }
// CHECK: @objc func methodReturnsObjCClass() throws -> Class_ObjC1
@objc func methodReturnsObjCClass() throws -> Class_ObjC1 {
return Class_ObjC1()
// CHECK: @objc func methodReturnsBridged() throws -> String
@objc func methodReturnsBridged() throws -> String { return String() }
// CHECK: @objc func methodReturnsArray() throws -> [String]
@objc func methodReturnsArray() throws -> [String] { return [String]() }
// CHECK: @objc init(degrees: Double) throws
@objc init(degrees: Double) throws { }
// Errors
@objc func methodReturnsOptionalObjCClass() throws -> Class_ObjC1? { return nil } // expected-error{{throwing method cannot be marked @objc because it returns a value of optional type 'Class_ObjC1?'; 'nil' indicates failure to Objective-C}}
@objc func methodReturnsOptionalArray() throws -> [String]? { return nil } // expected-error{{throwing method cannot be marked @objc because it returns a value of optional type '[String]?'; 'nil' indicates failure to Objective-C}}
@objc func methodReturnsInt() throws -> Int { return 0 } // expected-error{{throwing method cannot be marked @objc because it returns a value of type 'Int'; return 'Void' or a type that bridges to an Objective-C class}}
@objc func methodAcceptsThrowingFunc(fn: (String) throws -> Int) { }
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2{{throwing function types cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
@objc init?(radians: Double) throws { } // expected-error{{a failable and throwing initializer cannot be marked @objc because 'nil' indicates failure to Objective-C}}
@objc init!(string: String) throws { } // expected-error{{a failable and throwing initializer cannot be marked @objc because 'nil' indicates failure to Objective-C}}
@objc func fooWithErrorEnum1(x: ErrorEnum) {}
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2{{non-'@objc' enums cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// CHECK: {{^}} func fooWithErrorEnum2(x: ErrorEnum)
func fooWithErrorEnum2(x: ErrorEnum) {}
@objc func fooWithErrorProtocolComposition1(x: Error & Protocol_ObjC1) { }
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be marked @objc because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2{{protocol-constrained type containing 'Error' cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// CHECK: {{^}} func fooWithErrorProtocolComposition2(x: Error & Protocol_ObjC1)
func fooWithErrorProtocolComposition2(x: Error & Protocol_ObjC1) { }
// CHECK-DUMP-LABEL: class_decl{{.*}}"ImplicitClassThrows1"
@objc class ImplicitClassThrows1 {
// CHECK: @objc func methodReturnsVoid() throws
// CHECK-DUMP: func_decl{{.*}}"methodReturnsVoid()"{{.*}}foreign_error=ZeroResult,unowned,param=0,paramtype=Optional<AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<NSError>>>,resulttype=ObjCBool
func methodReturnsVoid() throws { }
// CHECK: @objc func methodReturnsObjCClass() throws -> Class_ObjC1
// CHECK-DUMP: func_decl{{.*}}"methodReturnsObjCClass()" {{.*}}foreign_error=NilResult,unowned,param=0,paramtype=Optional<AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<NSError>>>
func methodReturnsObjCClass() throws -> Class_ObjC1 {
return Class_ObjC1()
// CHECK: @objc func methodReturnsBridged() throws -> String
func methodReturnsBridged() throws -> String { return String() }
// CHECK: @objc func methodReturnsArray() throws -> [String]
func methodReturnsArray() throws -> [String] { return [String]() }
// CHECK: {{^}} func methodReturnsOptionalObjCClass() throws -> Class_ObjC1?
func methodReturnsOptionalObjCClass() throws -> Class_ObjC1? { return nil }
// CHECK: @objc func methodWithTrailingClosures(_ s: String, fn1: @escaping ((Int) -> Int), fn2: @escaping (Int) -> Int, fn3: @escaping (Int) -> Int)
// CHECK-DUMP: func_decl{{.*}}"methodWithTrailingClosures(_:fn1:fn2:fn3:)"{{.*}}foreign_error=ZeroResult,unowned,param=1,paramtype=Optional<AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<NSError>>>,resulttype=ObjCBool
func methodWithTrailingClosures(_ s: String, fn1: (@escaping (Int) -> Int), fn2: @escaping (Int) -> Int, fn3: @escaping (Int) -> Int) throws { }
// CHECK: @objc init(degrees: Double) throws
// CHECK-DUMP: constructor_decl{{.*}}"init(degrees:)"{{.*}}foreign_error=NilResult,unowned,param=1,paramtype=Optional<AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<NSError>>>
init(degrees: Double) throws { }
// CHECK: {{^}} func methodReturnsBridgedValueType() throws -> NSRange
func methodReturnsBridgedValueType() throws -> NSRange { return NSRange() }
@objc func methodReturnsBridgedValueType2() throws -> NSRange {
return NSRange()
// expected-error@-3{{throwing method cannot be marked @objc because it returns a value of type 'NSRange' (aka '_NSRange'); return 'Void' or a type that bridges to an Objective-C class}}
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc func methodReturnsError() throws -> Error
func methodReturnsError() throws -> Error { return ErrorEnum.failed }
// CHECK: @objc func methodReturnStaticBridged() throws -> ((Int) -> (Int) -> Int)
func methodReturnStaticBridged() throws -> ((Int) -> (Int) -> Int) {
func add(x: Int) -> (Int) -> Int {
return { x + $0 }
// CHECK-DUMP-LABEL: class_decl{{.*}}"SubclassImplicitClassThrows1"
@objc class SubclassImplicitClassThrows1 : ImplicitClassThrows1 {
// CHECK: @objc override func methodWithTrailingClosures(_ s: String, fn1: @escaping ((Int) -> Int), fn2: @escaping ((Int) -> Int), fn3: @escaping ((Int) -> Int))
// CHECK-DUMP: func_decl{{.*}}"methodWithTrailingClosures(_:fn1:fn2:fn3:)"{{.*}}foreign_error=ZeroResult,unowned,param=1,paramtype=Optional<AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<NSError>>>,resulttype=ObjCBool
override func methodWithTrailingClosures(_ s: String, fn1: (@escaping (Int) -> Int), fn2: (@escaping (Int) -> Int), fn3: (@escaping (Int) -> Int)) throws { }
class ThrowsRedecl1 {
@objc func method1(_ x: Int, error: Class_ObjC1) { } // expected-note{{declared here}}
@objc func method1(_ x: Int) throws { } // expected-error{{with Objective-C selector 'method1:error:'}}
@objc func method2AndReturnError(_ x: Int) { } // expected-note{{declared here}}
@objc func method2() throws { } // expected-error{{with Objective-C selector 'method2AndReturnError:'}}
@objc func method3(_ x: Int, error: Int, closure: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-note{{declared here}}
@objc func method3(_ x: Int, closure: (Int) -> Int) throws { } // expected-error{{with Objective-C selector 'method3:error:closure:'}}
@objc(initAndReturnError:) func initMethod1(error: Int) { } // expected-note{{declared here}}
@objc init() throws { } // expected-error{{with Objective-C selector 'initAndReturnError:'}}
@objc(initWithString:error:) func initMethod2(string: String, error: Int) { } // expected-note{{declared here}}
@objc init(string: String) throws { } // expected-error{{with Objective-C selector 'initWithString:error:'}}
@objc(initAndReturnError:fn:) func initMethod3(error: Int, fn: @escaping (Int) -> Int) { } // expected-note{{declared here}}
@objc init(fn: (Int) -> Int) throws { } // expected-error{{with Objective-C selector 'initAndReturnError:fn:'}}
class ThrowsObjCName {
@objc(method4:closure:error:) func method4(x: Int, closure: @escaping (Int) -> Int) throws { }
@objc(method5AndReturnError:x:closure:) func method5(x: Int, closure: @escaping (Int) -> Int) throws { }
@objc(method6) func method6() throws { } // expected-error{{@objc' method name provides names for 0 arguments, but method has one parameter (the error parameter)}}
@objc(method7) func method7(x: Int) throws { } // expected-error{{@objc' method name provides names for 0 arguments, but method has 2 parameters (including the error parameter)}}
// CHECK-DUMP: func_decl{{.*}}"method8(_:fn1:fn2:)"{{.*}}foreign_error=ZeroResult,unowned,param=2,paramtype=Optional<AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<NSError>>>,resulttype=ObjCBool
func method8(_ s: String, fn1: (@escaping (Int) -> Int), fn2: @escaping (Int) -> Int) throws { }
// CHECK-DUMP: func_decl{{.*}}"method9(_:fn1:fn2:)"{{.*}}foreign_error=ZeroResult,unowned,param=0,paramtype=Optional<AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<NSError>>>,resulttype=ObjCBool
func method9(_ s: String, fn1: (@escaping (Int) -> Int), fn2: @escaping (Int) -> Int) throws { }
class SubclassThrowsObjCName : ThrowsObjCName {
// CHECK-DUMP: func_decl{{.*}}"method8(_:fn1:fn2:)"{{.*}}foreign_error=ZeroResult,unowned,param=2,paramtype=Optional<AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<NSError>>>,resulttype=ObjCBool
override func method8(_ s: String, fn1: (@escaping (Int) -> Int), fn2: @escaping (Int) -> Int) throws { }
// CHECK-DUMP: func_decl{{.*}}"method9(_:fn1:fn2:)"{{.*}}foreign_error=ZeroResult,unowned,param=0,paramtype=Optional<AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<NSError>>>,resulttype=ObjCBool
override func method9(_ s: String, fn1: (@escaping (Int) -> Int), fn2: @escaping (Int) -> Int) throws { }
@objc protocol ProtocolThrowsObjCName {
@objc optional func doThing(_ x: String) throws -> String // expected-note{{requirement 'doThing' declared here}}
class ConformsToProtocolThrowsObjCName1 : ProtocolThrowsObjCName {
@objc func doThing(_ x: String) throws -> String { return x } // okay
class ConformsToProtocolThrowsObjCName2 : ProtocolThrowsObjCName {
@objc func doThing(_ x: Int) throws -> String { return "" }
// expected-warning@-1{{instance method 'doThing' nearly matches optional requirement 'doThing' of protocol 'ProtocolThrowsObjCName'}}
// expected-note@-2{{move 'doThing' to an extension to silence this warning}}
// expected-note@-3{{make 'doThing' private to silence this warning}}{{9-9=private }}
// expected-note@-4{{candidate has non-matching type '(Int) throws -> String'}}
@objc class DictionaryTest {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func_dictionary1a(x: Dictionary<ObjC_Class1, ObjC_Class1>)
func func_dictionary1a(x: Dictionary<ObjC_Class1, ObjC_Class1>) { }
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc func func_dictionary1b(x: Dictionary<ObjC_Class1, ObjC_Class1>)
@objc func func_dictionary1b(x: Dictionary<ObjC_Class1, ObjC_Class1>) { }
func func_dictionary2a(x: Dictionary<String, Int>) { }
@objc func func_dictionary2b(x: Dictionary<String, Int>) { }
@objc extension PlainClass {
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc final func objc_ext_objc_okay(_: Int) {
final func objc_ext_objc_okay(_: Int) { }
final func objc_ext_objc_not_okay(_: PlainStruct) { }
// expected-error@-1{{method cannot be in an @objc extension of a class (without @nonobjc) because the type of the parameter cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// expected-note@-2 {{Swift structs cannot be represented in Objective-C}}
// CHECK-LABEL: {{^}} @nonobjc final func objc_ext_objc_explicit_nonobjc(_: PlainStruct) {
@nonobjc final func objc_ext_objc_explicit_nonobjc(_: PlainStruct) { }
@objc class ObjC_Class1 : Hashable {
var hashValue: Int { return 0 }
func ==(lhs: ObjC_Class1, rhs: ObjC_Class1) -> Bool {
return true
// CHECK-LABEL: @objc class OperatorInClass
@objc class OperatorInClass {
// CHECK: {{^}} static func == (lhs: OperatorInClass, rhs: OperatorInClass) -> Bool
static func ==(lhs: OperatorInClass, rhs: OperatorInClass) -> Bool {
return true
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc static func + (lhs: OperatorInClass, rhs: OperatorInClass) -> OperatorInClass
@objc static func +(lhs: OperatorInClass, rhs: OperatorInClass) -> OperatorInClass { // expected-error {{operator methods cannot be declared @objc}}
return lhs
} // CHECK: {{^}$}}
@objc protocol OperatorInProtocol {
static func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self // expected-error {{@objc protocols must not have operator requirements}}
class AdoptsOperatorInProtocol : OperatorInProtocol {
static func +(lhs: AdoptsOperatorInProtocol, rhs: AdoptsOperatorInProtocol) -> Self {}
// expected-error@-1 {{operator methods cannot be declared @objc}}
//===--- @objc inference for witnesses
@objc protocol InferFromProtocol {
optional func method1(value: Int)
// Infer when in the same declaration context.
// CHECK-LABEL: ClassInfersFromProtocol1
class ClassInfersFromProtocol1 : InferFromProtocol{
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc func method1(value: Int)
func method1(value: Int) { }
// Infer when in a different declaration context of the same class.
// CHECK-LABEL: ClassInfersFromProtocol2a
class ClassInfersFromProtocol2a {
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc func method1(value: Int)
func method1(value: Int) { }
extension ClassInfersFromProtocol2a : InferFromProtocol { }
// Infer when in a different declaration context of the same class.
class ClassInfersFromProtocol2b : InferFromProtocol { }
// CHECK-LABEL: ClassInfersFromProtocol2b
extension ClassInfersFromProtocol2b {
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc dynamic func method1(value: Int)
func method1(value: Int) { }
// Don't infer when there is a signature mismatch.
// CHECK-LABEL: ClassInfersFromProtocol3
class ClassInfersFromProtocol3 : InferFromProtocol {
extension ClassInfersFromProtocol3 {
// CHECK: {{^}} func method1(value: String)
func method1(value: String) { }
// Inference for subclasses.
class SuperclassImplementsProtocol : InferFromProtocol { }
class SubclassInfersFromProtocol1 : SuperclassImplementsProtocol {
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc func method1(value: Int)
func method1(value: Int) { }
class SubclassInfersFromProtocol2 : SuperclassImplementsProtocol {
extension SubclassInfersFromProtocol2 {
// CHECK: {{^}} @objc dynamic func method1(value: Int)
func method1(value: Int) { }
@objc class NeverReturningMethod {
@objc func doesNotReturn() -> Never {}
// SR-5025
class User: NSObject {
@objc extension User {
var name: String {
get {
return "No name"
set {
// Nothing
var other: String {
unsafeAddress { // expected-error{{addressors are not allowed to be marked @objc}}
// 'dynamic' methods cannot be @inlinable or @usableFromInline
class BadClass {
@inlinable @objc dynamic func badMethod1() {}
// expected-error@-1 {{'@inlinable' attribute cannot be applied to 'dynamic' declarations}}
@usableFromInline @objc dynamic func badMethod2() {}
// expected-error@-1 {{'@usableFromInline' attribute cannot be applied to 'dynamic' declarations}}
protocol ObjCProtocolWithWeakProperty {
weak var weakProp: AnyObject? { get set } // okay
protocol ObjCProtocolWithUnownedProperty {
unowned var unownedProp: AnyObject { get set } // okay