blob: 7440b157bd2af3251a4d2593e9ddd480707bf107 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Single extraneous keyword argument (tuple-to-scalar)
func f1(_ a: Int) { }
f1(a: 5) // expected-error{{extraneous argument label 'a:' in call}}{{4-7=}}
struct X1 {
init(_ a: Int) { }
func f1(_ a: Int) {}
X1(a: 5).f1(b: 5)
// expected-error@-1 {{extraneous argument label 'a:' in call}} {{4-7=}}
// expected-error@-2 {{extraneous argument label 'b:' in call}} {{13-16=}}
// <rdar://problem/16801056>
enum Policy {
case Head(Int)
func extra2(x: Int, y: Int) { }
func testExtra2(_ policy : Policy) {
switch (policy)
case .Head(let count):
extra2(x: 0, y: count)
// Single missing keyword argument (scalar-to-tuple)
func f2(a: Int) { }
f2(5) // expected-error{{missing argument label 'a:' in call}}{{4-4=a: }}
struct X2 {
init(a: Int) { }
func f2(b: Int) { }
// expected-error@-1 {{missing argument label 'a:' in call}} {{4-4=a: }}
// expected-error@-2 {{missing argument label 'b:' in call}} {{10-10=b: }}
// -------------------------------------------
// Missing keywords
// -------------------------------------------
func allkeywords1(x: Int, y: Int) { }
// Missing keywords.
allkeywords1(1, 2) // expected-error{{missing argument labels}} {{14-14=x: }} {{17-17=y: }}
allkeywords1(x: 1, 2) // expected-error{{missing argument label 'y:' in call}} {{20-20=y: }}
allkeywords1(1, y: 2) // expected-error{{missing argument label 'x:' in call}} {{14-14=x: }}
// If keyword is reserved, make sure to quote it. rdar://problem/21392294
func reservedLabel(_ x: Int, `repeat`: Bool) {}
reservedLabel(1, true) // expected-error{{missing argument label 'repeat:' in call}}{{18-18=repeat: }}
// Insert missing keyword before initial backtick. rdar://problem/21392294 part 2
func reservedExpr(_ x: Int, y: Int) {}
let `do` = 2
reservedExpr(1, `do`) // expected-error{{missing argument label 'y:' in call}}{{17-17=y: }}
reservedExpr(1, y: `do`)
class GenericCtor<U> {
init<T>(t : T) {} // expected-note {{'init(t:)' declared here}}
GenericCtor<Int>() // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter 't' in call}}
// -------------------------------------------
// Extraneous keywords
// -------------------------------------------
func nokeywords1(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) { }
nokeywords1(x: 1, y: 1) // expected-error{{extraneous argument labels 'x:y:' in call}}{{13-16=}}{{19-22=}}
// -------------------------------------------
// Some missing, some extraneous keywords
// -------------------------------------------
func somekeywords1(_ x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) { }
somekeywords1(x: 1, y: 2, z: 3) // expected-error{{extraneous argument label 'x:' in call}}{{15-18=}}
somekeywords1(1, 2, 3) // expected-error{{missing argument labels 'y:z:' in call}}{{18-18=y: }}{{21-21=z: }}
somekeywords1(x: 1, 2, z: 3) // expected-error{{incorrect argument labels in call (have 'x:_:z:', expected '_:y:z:')}}{{15-18=}}{{21-21=y: }}
// -------------------------------------------
// Out-of-order keywords
// -------------------------------------------
allkeywords1(y: 1, x: 2) // expected-error{{argument 'x' must precede argument 'y'}} {{14-14=x: 2, }} {{18-24=}}
// -------------------------------------------
// Default arguments
// -------------------------------------------
func defargs1(x: Int = 1, y: Int = 2, z: Int = 3) {}
// Using defaults (in-order)
defargs1(x: 1)
defargs1(x: 1, y: 2)
// Using defaults (in-order, some missing)
defargs1(y: 2)
defargs1(y: 2, z: 3)
defargs1(z: 3)
defargs1(x: 1, z: 3)
// Using defaults (out-of-order, error by SE-0060)
defargs1(z: 3, y: 2, x: 1) // expected-error{{argument 'x' must precede argument 'z'}} {{10-10=x: 1, }} {{20-26=}}
defargs1(x: 1, z: 3, y: 2) // expected-error{{argument 'y' must precede argument 'z'}} {{16-16=y: 2, }} {{20-26=}}
defargs1(y: 2, x: 1) // expected-error{{argument 'x' must precede argument 'y'}} {{10-10=x: 1, }} {{14-20=}}
// Default arguments "boxed in".
func defargs2(first: Int, x: Int = 1, y: Int = 2, z: Int = 3, last: Int) { }
// Using defaults in the middle (in-order, some missing)
defargs2(first: 1, x: 1, z: 3, last: 4)
defargs2(first: 1, x: 1, last: 4)
defargs2(first: 1, y: 2, z: 3, last: 4)
defargs2(first: 1, last: 4)
// Using defaults in the middle (out-of-order, error by SE-0060)
defargs2(first: 1, z: 3, x: 1, last: 4) // expected-error{{argument 'x' must precede argument 'z'}} {{20-20=x: 1, }} {{24-30=}}
defargs2(first: 1, z: 3, y: 2, last: 4) // expected-error{{argument 'y' must precede argument 'z'}} {{20-20=y: 2, }} {{24-30=}}
// Using defaults that have moved past a non-defaulted parameter
defargs2(x: 1, first: 1, last: 4) // expected-error{{argument 'first' must precede argument 'x'}} {{10-10=first: 1, }} {{14-24=}}
defargs2(first: 1, last: 4, x: 1) // expected-error{{argument 'x' must precede argument 'last'}} {{20-20=x: 1, }} {{27-33=}}
// -------------------------------------------
// Variadics
// -------------------------------------------
func variadics1(x: Int, y: Int, _ z: Int...) { }
// Using variadics (in-order, complete)
variadics1(x: 1, y: 2)
variadics1(x: 1, y: 2, 1)
variadics1(x: 1, y: 2, 1, 2)
variadics1(x: 1, y: 2, 1, 2, 3)
// Using various (out-of-order)
variadics1(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, x: 6, y: 7) // expected-error {{incorrect argument labels in call (have '_:_:_:_:_:x:y:', expected 'x:y:_:')}} {{12-12=x: }} {{15-15=y: }} {{27-30=}} {{33-36=}}
func variadics2(x: Int, y: Int = 2, z: Int...) { } // expected-note {{'variadics2(x:y:z:)' declared here}}
// Using variadics (in-order, complete)
variadics2(x: 1, y: 2, z: 1)
variadics2(x: 1, y: 2, z: 1, 2)
variadics2(x: 1, y: 2, z: 1, 2, 3)
// Using variadics (in-order, some missing)
variadics2(x: 1, z: 1, 2, 3)
variadics2(x: 1)
// Using variadics (out-of-order)
variadics2(z: 1, 2, 3, y: 2) // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter 'x' in call}}
variadics2(z: 1, 2, 3, x: 1) // expected-error{{argument 'x' must precede argument 'z'}} {{12-12=x: 1, }} {{22-28=}}
func variadics3(_ x: Int..., y: Int = 2, z: Int = 3) { }
// Using variadics (in-order, complete)
variadics3(1, 2, 3, y: 0, z: 1)
variadics3(1, y: 0, z: 1)
variadics3(y: 0, z: 1)
// Using variadics (in-order, some missing)
variadics3(1, 2, 3, y: 0)
variadics3(1, z: 1)
variadics3(z: 1)
variadics3(1, 2, 3, z: 1)
variadics3(1, z: 1)
variadics3(z: 1)
variadics3(1, 2, 3)
// Using variadics (out-of-order)
variadics3(y: 0, 1, 2, 3) // expected-error{{unnamed argument #2 must precede argument 'y'}} {{12-12=1, 2, 3, }} {{16-25=}}
variadics3(z: 1, 1) // expected-error{{unnamed argument #2 must precede argument 'z'}} {{12-12=1, }} {{16-19=}}
func variadics4(x: Int..., y: Int = 2, z: Int = 3) { }
// Using variadics (in-order, complete)
variadics4(x: 1, 2, 3, y: 0, z: 1)
variadics4(x: 1, y: 0, z: 1)
variadics4(y: 0, z: 1)
// Using variadics (in-order, some missing)
variadics4(x: 1, 2, 3, y: 0)
variadics4(x: 1, z: 1)
variadics4(z: 1)
variadics4(x: 1, 2, 3, z: 1)
variadics4(x: 1, z: 1)
variadics4(z: 1)
variadics4(x: 1, 2, 3)
variadics4(x: 1)
// Using variadics (in-order, some missing)
variadics4(y: 0, x: 1, 2, 3) // expected-error{{argument 'x' must precede argument 'y'}} {{12-12=x: 1, 2, 3, }} {{16-28=}}
variadics4(z: 1, x: 1) // expected-error{{argument 'x' must precede argument 'z'}} {{12-12=x: 1, }} {{16-22=}}
func variadics5(_ x: Int, y: Int, _ z: Int...) { }
// Using variadics (in-order, complete)
variadics5(1, y: 2)
variadics5(1, y: 2, 1)
variadics5(1, y: 2, 1, 2)
variadics5(1, y: 2, 1, 2, 3)
// Using various (out-of-order)
variadics5(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, y: 7) // expected-error{{argument 'y' must precede unnamed argument #2}} {{15-15=y: 7, }} {{28-34=}}
variadics5(y: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) // expected-error{{unnamed argument #2 must precede argument 'y'}} {{12-12=2, }} {{16-19=}}
func variadics6(x: Int..., y: Int = 2, z: Int) { } // expected-note 4 {{'variadics6(x:y:z:)' declared here}}
// Using variadics (in-order, complete)
variadics6(x: 1, 2, 3, y: 0, z: 1)
variadics6(x: 1, y: 0, z: 1)
variadics6(y: 0, z: 1)
// Using variadics (in-order, some missing)
variadics6(x: 1, 2, 3, y: 0) // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter 'z' in call}}
variadics6(x: 1, z: 1)
variadics6(z: 1)
variadics6(x: 1, 2, 3, z: 1)
variadics6(x: 1, z: 1)
variadics6(z: 1)
variadics6(x: 1, 2, 3) // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter 'z' in call}}
variadics6(x: 1) // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter 'z' in call}}
variadics6() // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter 'z' in call}}
func outOfOrder(_ a : Int, b: Int) {
outOfOrder(b: 42, 52) // expected-error {{unnamed argument #2 must precede argument 'b'}} {{14-14=52, }} {{19-23=}}
// -------------------------------------------
// Missing arguments
// -------------------------------------------
// FIXME: Diagnostics could be improved with all missing names, or
// simply # of arguments required.
func missingargs1(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) {} // expected-note {{'missingargs1(x:y:z:)' declared here}}
missingargs1(x: 1, y: 2) // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter 'z' in call}}
func missingargs2(x: Int, y: Int, _ z: Int) {} // expected-note {{'missingargs2(x:y:_:)' declared here}}
missingargs2(x: 1, y: 2) // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter #3 in call}}
// -------------------------------------------
// Extra arguments
// -------------------------------------------
// FIXME: Diagnostics could be improved with all extra arguments and
// note pointing to the declaration being called.
func extraargs1(x: Int) {}
extraargs1(x: 1, y: 2) // expected-error{{extra argument 'y' in call}}
extraargs1(x: 1, 2, 3) // expected-error{{extra argument in call}}
// -------------------------------------------
// Argument name mismatch
// -------------------------------------------
func mismatch1(thisFoo: Int = 0, bar: Int = 0, wibble: Int = 0) { }
mismatch1(foo: 5) // expected-error {{extra argument 'foo' in call}}
mismatch1(baz: 1, wobble: 2) // expected-error{{incorrect argument labels in call (have 'baz:wobble:', expected 'bar:wibble:')}} {{11-14=bar}} {{19-25=wibble}}
mismatch1(food: 1, zap: 2) // expected-error{{extra argument 'food' in call}}
// -------------------------------------------
// Subscript keyword arguments
// -------------------------------------------
struct Sub1 {
subscript (i: Int) -> Int {
get { return i }
var sub1 = Sub1()
var i: Int = 0
i = sub1[i]
i = sub1[i: i] // expected-error{{extraneous argument label 'i:' in subscript}} {{10-13=}}
struct Sub2 {
subscript (d d: Double) -> Double {
get { return d }
var sub2 = Sub2()
var d: Double = 0.0
d = sub2[d] // expected-error{{missing argument label 'd:' in subscript}} {{10-10=d: }}
d = sub2[d: d]
d = sub2[f: d] // expected-error{{incorrect argument label in subscript (have 'f:', expected 'd:')}} {{10-11=d}}
// -------------------------------------------
// Closures
// -------------------------------------------
func intToInt(_ i: Int) -> Int { return i }
func testClosures() {
let c0 = { (x: Int, y: Int) in x + y }
_ = c0(1, 2)
let c1 = { x, y in intToInt(x + y) }
_ = c1(1, 2)
let c2 = { intToInt($0 + $1) }
_ = c2(1, 2)
func acceptAutoclosure(f: @autoclosure () -> Int) { }
func produceInt() -> Int { }
acceptAutoclosure(f: produceInt) // expected-error{{function produces expected type 'Int'; did you mean to call it with '()'?}} {{32-32=()}}
// -------------------------------------------
// Trailing closures
// -------------------------------------------
func trailingclosure1(x: Int, f: () -> Int) {}
trailingclosure1(x: 1) { return 5 }
trailingclosure1(1) { return 5 } // expected-error{{missing argument label 'x:' in call}}{{18-18=x: }}
trailingclosure1(x: 1, { return 5 }) // expected-error{{missing argument label 'f:' in call}} {{24-24=f: }}
func trailingclosure2(x: Int, f: (() -> Int)?...) {}
trailingclosure2(x: 5) { return 5 }
func trailingclosure3(x: Int, f: (() -> Int)!) {
var f = f
f = nil
_ = f
trailingclosure3(x: 5) { return 5 }
func trailingclosure4(f: () -> Int) {}
trailingclosure4 { 5 }
func trailingClosure5<T>(_ file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line, expression: () -> T?) { }
func trailingClosure6<T>(value: Int, expression: () -> T?) { }
trailingClosure5(file: "hello", line: 17) { return Optional.Some(5) } // expected-error{{extraneous argument label 'file:' in call}}{{18-24=}}
trailingClosure6(5) { return Optional.Some(5) } // expected-error{{missing argument label 'value:' in call}}{{18-18=value: }}
class MismatchOverloaded1 {
func method1(_ x: Int!, arg: ((Int) -> Int)!) { }
func method1(_ x: Int!, secondArg: ((Int) -> Int)!) { }
@available(*, unavailable)
func method2(_ x: Int!, arg: ((Int) -> Int)!) { }
func method2(_ x: Int!, secondArg: ((Int) -> Int)!) { }
var mismatchOverloaded1 = MismatchOverloaded1()
mismatchOverloaded1.method1(5, arg: nil)
mismatchOverloaded1.method1(5, secondArg: nil)
// Prefer available to unavailable declaration, if it comes up.
mismatchOverloaded1.method2(5) { $0 }
// -------------------------------------------
// Values of function type
// -------------------------------------------
func testValuesOfFunctionType(_ f1: (_: Int, _ arg: Int) -> () ) {
f1(3, arg: 5) // expected-error{{extraneous argument label 'arg:' in call}}{{9-14=}}
f1(x: 3, 5) // expected-error{{extraneous argument label 'x:' in call}} {{6-9=}}
f1(3, 5)
// -------------------------------------------
// Literals
// -------------------------------------------
func string_literals1(x: String) { }
string_literals1(x: "hello")
func int_literals1(x: Int) { }
int_literals1(x: 1)
func float_literals1(x: Double) { }
float_literals1(x: 5)
// -------------------------------------------
// Tuples as arguments
// -------------------------------------------
func produceTuple1() -> (Int, Bool) { return (1, true) }
func acceptTuple1<T>(_ x: (T, Bool)) { }
acceptTuple1((1, false))
acceptTuple1(1, false) // expected-error {{global function 'acceptTuple1' expects a single parameter of type '(T, Bool)'}} {{14-14=(}} {{22-22=)}}
func acceptTuple2<T>(_ input : T) -> T { return input }
var tuple1 = (1, "hello")
_ = acceptTuple2(tuple1)
_ = acceptTuple2((1, "hello", 3.14159))
func generic_and_missing_label(x: Int) {}
func generic_and_missing_label<T>(x: T) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{missing argument label 'x:' in call}} {{27-27=x: }}