blob: 49f5a729732ffcc01ca919d5bb871ab254f094fa [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- FormalEvaluation.h -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "Cleanup.h"
#include "swift/Basic/DiverseStack.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILValue.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
namespace swift {
namespace Lowering {
class SILGenFunction;
class LogicalPathComponent;
class FormalAccess {
enum Kind { Shared, Exclusive, Owned, Unenforced };
unsigned allocatedSize;
Kind kind;
SILLocation loc;
CleanupHandle cleanup;
bool finished;
FormalAccess(unsigned allocatedSize, Kind kind, SILLocation loc,
CleanupHandle cleanup)
: allocatedSize(allocatedSize), kind(kind), loc(loc), cleanup(cleanup),
finished(false) {}
virtual ~FormalAccess() {}
// This anchor method serves three purposes: it aligns the class to
// a pointer boundary, it makes the class a primary base so that
// subclasses will be at offset zero, and it anchors the v-table
// to a specific file.
virtual void _anchor();
/// Return the allocated size of this object. This is required by
/// DiverseStack for iteration.
size_t allocated_size() const { return allocatedSize; }
CleanupHandle getCleanup() const { return cleanup; }
Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
void finish(SILGenFunction &SGF) { finishImpl(SGF); }
void setFinished() { finished = true; }
bool isFinished() const { return finished; }
void verify(SILGenFunction &SGF) const;
virtual void finishImpl(SILGenFunction &SGF) = 0;
// FIXME: Misnomer. This is not used for borrowing a formal memory location
// (ExclusiveBorrowFormalAccess is always used for that). This is only used for
// formal access from a +0 value, which requires producing a "borrowed"
// SILValue.
class SharedBorrowFormalAccess : public FormalAccess {
SILValue originalValue;
SILValue borrowedValue;
SharedBorrowFormalAccess(SILLocation loc, CleanupHandle cleanup,
SILValue originalValue, SILValue borrowedValue)
: FormalAccess(sizeof(*this), FormalAccess::Shared, loc, cleanup),
originalValue(originalValue), borrowedValue(borrowedValue) {}
SILValue getBorrowedValue() const { return borrowedValue; }
SILValue getOriginalValue() const { return originalValue; }
void finishImpl(SILGenFunction &SGF) override;
class OwnedFormalAccess : public FormalAccess {
SILValue value;
OwnedFormalAccess(SILLocation loc, CleanupHandle cleanup, SILValue value)
: FormalAccess(sizeof(*this), FormalAccess::Owned, loc, cleanup),
value(value) {}
SILValue getValue() const { return value; }
void finishImpl(SILGenFunction &SGF) override;
class FormalEvaluationContext {
DiverseStack<FormalAccess, 128> stack;
using stable_iterator = decltype(stack)::stable_iterator;
using iterator = decltype(stack)::iterator;
FormalEvaluationContext() : stack() {}
// This is a type that can only be embedded in other types, it can not be
// moved or copied.
FormalEvaluationContext(const FormalEvaluationContext &) = delete;
FormalEvaluationContext(FormalEvaluationContext &&) = delete;
FormalEvaluationContext &operator=(const FormalEvaluationContext &) = delete;
FormalEvaluationContext &operator=(FormalEvaluationContext &&) = delete;
~FormalEvaluationContext() {
assert(stack.empty() &&
"entries remaining on formal evaluation cleanup stack at end of function!");
iterator begin() { return stack.begin(); }
iterator end() { return stack.end(); }
stable_iterator stabilize(iterator iter) const {
return stack.stabilize(iter);
stable_iterator stable_begin() { return stabilize(begin()); }
iterator find(stable_iterator iter) { return stack.find(iter); }
template <class U, class... ArgTypes> void push(ArgTypes &&... args) {
void pop() { stack.pop(); }
/// Pop objects off of the stack until \p the object pointed to by stable_iter
/// is the top element of the stack.
void pop(stable_iterator stable_iter) { stack.pop(stable_iter); }
void dump(SILGenFunction &SGF);
/// A scope associated with the beginning of the evaluation of an lvalue.
/// The evaluation of an l-value is split into two stages: its formal
/// evaluation, which evaluates any independent r-values embedded in the l-value
/// expression (e.g. class references and subscript indices), and its formal
/// access duration, which delimits the span of time for which the referenced
/// storage is actually accessed.
/// Note that other evaluations can be interleaved between the formal evaluation
/// and the beginning of the formal access. For example, in a simple assignment
/// statement, the left-hand side of the assignment is first formally evaluated
/// as an l-value, then the right-hand side is evaluated as an r-value, and only
/// then does the write access begin to the l-value.
/// Note also that the formal evaluation of an l-value will sometimes require
/// its component l-values to be formally accessed. For example, the formal
/// access of the l-value `x?.prop` will initiate an access to `x` immediately
/// because the downstream evaluation must be skipped if `x` has no value, which
/// cannot be determined without beginning the access.
/// *NOTE* All formal access contain a pointer to a cleanup in the normal
/// cleanup stack. This is to ensure that when SILGen calls
/// Cleanups.emitBranchAndCleanups (and other special cleanup code along error
/// edges), writebacks are properly created. What is key to notice is that all
/// of these cleanup emission types are non-destructive. Contrast this with
/// normal scope popping. In such a case, the scope pop is destructive. This
/// means that any pointers from the formal access to the cleanup stack is now
/// invalid.
/// In order to avoid this issue, it is important to /never/ create a formal
/// access cleanup when the "top level" scope is not a formal evaluation scope.
class FormalEvaluationScope {
SILGenFunction &SGF;
llvm::Optional<FormalEvaluationContext::stable_iterator> savedDepth;
bool wasInFormalEvaluationScope;
bool wasInInOutConversionScope;
FormalEvaluationScope(SILGenFunction &SGF);
~FormalEvaluationScope() {
if (!savedDepth.hasValue())
bool isPopped() const { return !savedDepth.hasValue(); }
void pop() {
if (wasInInOutConversionScope)
assert(!isPopped() && "popping an already-popped scope!");
FormalEvaluationScope(const FormalEvaluationScope &) = delete;
FormalEvaluationScope &operator=(const FormalEvaluationScope &) = delete;
FormalEvaluationScope(FormalEvaluationScope &&o);
FormalEvaluationScope &operator=(FormalEvaluationScope &&o) = delete;
/// Verify that we can successfully access all of the inner lexical scopes
/// that would be popped by this scope.
void verify() const;
void popImpl();
} // namespace Lowering
} // namespace swift