blob: dd9e979e4f2d9b6d5a83bb2baf4acf576734eb48 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILModule.cpp - SILModule implementation -------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-module"
#include "swift/SIL/SILModule.h"
#include "Linker.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/ClangImporter/ClangModule.h"
#include "swift/SIL/FormalLinkage.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Notifications.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILDebugScope.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILValue.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILVisitor.h"
#include "swift/Serialization/SerializedSILLoader.h"
#include "swift/Strings.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
#include <functional>
using namespace swift;
using namespace Lowering;
class SILModule::SerializationCallback final
: public DeserializationNotificationHandler {
void didDeserialize(ModuleDecl *M, SILFunction *fn) override {
void didDeserialize(ModuleDecl *M, SILGlobalVariable *var) override {
// For globals we currently do not support available_externally.
// In the interpreter it would result in two instances for a single global:
// one in the imported module and one in the main module.
void didDeserialize(ModuleDecl *M, SILVTable *vtable) override {
// TODO: should vtables get linkage?
void didDeserialize(ModuleDecl *M, SILWitnessTable *wt) override {
template <class T> void updateLinkage(T *decl) {
switch (decl->getLinkage()) {
case SILLinkage::Public:
case SILLinkage::PublicNonABI:
// PublicNonABI functions receive SharedExternal linkage, so that
// they have "link once" semantics when deserialized by multiple
// translation units in the same Swift module.
case SILLinkage::Hidden:
case SILLinkage::Shared:
case SILLinkage::Private:
case SILLinkage::PublicExternal:
case SILLinkage::HiddenExternal:
case SILLinkage::SharedExternal:
case SILLinkage::PrivateExternal:
StringRef getName() const override {
return "SILModule::SerializationCallback";
SILModule::SILModule(ModuleDecl *SwiftModule, SILOptions &Options,
const DeclContext *associatedDC, bool wholeModule)
: TheSwiftModule(SwiftModule), AssociatedDeclContext(associatedDC),
Stage(SILStage::Raw), wholeModule(wholeModule), Options(Options),
serialized(false), SerializeSILAction(), Types(*this) {
// We always add the base SILModule serialization callback.
std::unique_ptr<DeserializationNotificationHandler> callback(
new SILModule::SerializationCallback());
SILModule::~SILModule() {
// Decrement ref count for each SILGlobalVariable with static initializers.
for (SILGlobalVariable &v : silGlobals)
// Drop everything functions in this module reference.
// This is necessary since the functions may reference each other. We don't
// need to worry about sil_witness_tables since witness tables reference each
// other via protocol conformances and sil_vtables don't reference each other
// at all.
for (SILFunction &F : *this)
SILModule::createEmptyModule(ModuleDecl *M, SILOptions &Options,
bool WholeModule) {
return std::unique_ptr<SILModule>(
new SILModule(M, Options, M, WholeModule));
ASTContext &SILModule::getASTContext() const {
return TheSwiftModule->getASTContext();
void *SILModule::allocate(unsigned Size, unsigned Align) const {
if (getASTContext().LangOpts.UseMalloc)
return AlignedAlloc(Size, Align);
return BPA.Allocate(Size, Align);
void *SILModule::allocateInst(unsigned Size, unsigned Align) const {
return AlignedAlloc(Size, Align);
void SILModule::deallocateInst(SILInstruction *I) {
SILWitnessTable *
SILModule::createWitnessTableDeclaration(ProtocolConformance *C,
SILLinkage linkage) {
// If we are passed in a null conformance (a valid value), just return nullptr
// since we cannot map a witness table to it.
if (!C)
return nullptr;
// Extract the base NormalProtocolConformance.
NormalProtocolConformance *NormalC = C->getRootNormalConformance();
return SILWitnessTable::create(*this, linkage, NormalC);
SILWitnessTable *
SILModule::lookUpWitnessTable(ProtocolConformanceRef C,
bool deserializeLazily) {
// If we have an abstract conformance passed in (a legal value), just return
// nullptr.
if (!C.isConcrete())
return nullptr;
return lookUpWitnessTable(C.getConcrete());
SILWitnessTable *
SILModule::lookUpWitnessTable(const ProtocolConformance *C,
bool deserializeLazily) {
assert(C && "null conformance passed to lookUpWitnessTable");
const NormalProtocolConformance *NormalC = C->getRootNormalConformance();
// Attempt to lookup the witness table from the table.
auto found = WitnessTableMap.find(NormalC);
if (found == WitnessTableMap.end()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Make sure that all witness tables are in the witness table lookup
// cache.
// This code should not be hit normally since we add witness tables to the
// lookup cache when we create them. We don't just assert here since there
// is the potential for a conformance without a witness table to be passed
// to this function.
for (SILWitnessTable &WT : witnessTables)
assert(WT.getConformance() != NormalC &&
"Found witness table that is not"
" in the witness table lookup cache.");
return nullptr;
SILWitnessTable *wtable = found->second;
assert(wtable != nullptr && "Should never map a conformance to a null witness"
" table.");
// If we have a definition, return it.
if (wtable->isDefinition())
return wtable;
// If the module is at or past the Lowered stage, then we can't do any
// further deserialization, since pre-IRGen SIL lowering changes the types
// of definitions to make them incompatible with canonical serialized SIL.
switch (getStage()) {
case SILStage::Canonical:
case SILStage::Raw:
case SILStage::Lowered:
return wtable;
// Otherwise try to deserialize it. If we succeed return the deserialized
// function.
// *NOTE* In practice, wtable will be deserializedTable, but I do not want to rely
// on that behavior for now.
if (deserializeLazily)
if (auto deserialized = getSILLoader()->lookupWitnessTable(wtable))
return deserialized;
// If we fail, just return the declaration.
return wtable;
SILDefaultWitnessTable *
SILModule::lookUpDefaultWitnessTable(const ProtocolDecl *Protocol,
bool deserializeLazily) {
// Note: we only ever look up default witness tables in the translation unit
// that is currently being compiled, since they SILGen generates them when it
// visits the protocol declaration, and IRGen emits them when emitting the
// protocol descriptor metadata for the protocol.
auto found = DefaultWitnessTableMap.find(Protocol);
if (found == DefaultWitnessTableMap.end()) {
if (deserializeLazily) {
SILLinkage linkage =
getSILLinkage(getDeclLinkage(Protocol), ForDefinition);
SILDefaultWitnessTable *wtable =
SILDefaultWitnessTable::create(*this, linkage, Protocol);
wtable = getSILLoader()->lookupDefaultWitnessTable(wtable);
if (wtable)
DefaultWitnessTableMap[Protocol] = wtable;
return wtable;
return nullptr;
return found->second;
SILDefaultWitnessTable *
SILModule::createDefaultWitnessTableDeclaration(const ProtocolDecl *Protocol,
SILLinkage Linkage) {
return SILDefaultWitnessTable::create(*this, Linkage, Protocol);
void SILModule::deleteWitnessTable(SILWitnessTable *Wt) {
NormalProtocolConformance *Conf = Wt->getConformance();
assert(lookUpWitnessTable(Conf, false) == Wt);
const IntrinsicInfo &SILModule::getIntrinsicInfo(Identifier ID) {
unsigned OldSize = IntrinsicIDCache.size();
IntrinsicInfo &Info = IntrinsicIDCache[ID];
// If the element was is in the cache, return it.
if (OldSize == IntrinsicIDCache.size())
return Info;
// Otherwise, lookup the ID and Type and store them in the map.
StringRef NameRef = getBuiltinBaseName(getASTContext(), ID.str(), Info.Types);
Info.ID = (llvm::Intrinsic::ID)getLLVMIntrinsicID(NameRef);
return Info;
const BuiltinInfo &SILModule::getBuiltinInfo(Identifier ID) {
unsigned OldSize = BuiltinIDCache.size();
BuiltinInfo &Info = BuiltinIDCache[ID];
// If the element was is in the cache, return it.
if (OldSize == BuiltinIDCache.size())
return Info;
// Otherwise, lookup the ID and Type and store them in the map.
// Find the matching ID.
StringRef OperationName =
getBuiltinBaseName(getASTContext(), ID.str(), Info.Types);
// Several operation names have suffixes and don't match the name from
// Builtins.def, so handle those first.
if (OperationName.startswith("fence_"))
Info.ID = BuiltinValueKind::Fence;
else if (OperationName.startswith("cmpxchg_"))
Info.ID = BuiltinValueKind::CmpXChg;
else if (OperationName.startswith("atomicrmw_"))
Info.ID = BuiltinValueKind::AtomicRMW;
else if (OperationName.startswith("atomicload_"))
Info.ID = BuiltinValueKind::AtomicLoad;
else if (OperationName.startswith("atomicstore_"))
Info.ID = BuiltinValueKind::AtomicStore;
else if (OperationName.startswith("allocWithTailElems_"))
Info.ID = BuiltinValueKind::AllocWithTailElems;
else {
// Switch through the rest of builtins.
#define BUILTIN(Id, Name, Attrs) \
if (OperationName == Name) { Info.ID = BuiltinValueKind::Id; } else
#include "swift/AST/Builtins.def"
/* final "else" */ { Info.ID = BuiltinValueKind::None; }
return Info;
SILFunction *SILModule::lookUpFunction(SILDeclRef fnRef) {
auto name = fnRef.mangle();
return lookUpFunction(name);
bool SILModule::loadFunction(SILFunction *F) {
SILFunction *NewF = getSILLoader()->lookupSILFunction(F);
if (!NewF)
return false;
assert(F == NewF);
return true;
bool SILModule::linkFunction(SILFunction *F, SILModule::LinkingMode Mode) {
return SILLinkerVisitor(*this, Mode).processFunction(F);
SILFunction *SILModule::findFunction(StringRef Name, SILLinkage Linkage) {
assert((Linkage == SILLinkage::Public ||
Linkage == SILLinkage::PublicExternal) &&
"Only a lookup of public functions is supported currently");
SILFunction *F = nullptr;
// First, check if there is a function with a required name in the
// current module.
SILFunction *CurF = lookUpFunction(Name);
// Nothing to do if the current module has a required function
// with a proper linkage already.
if (CurF && CurF->getLinkage() == Linkage) {
F = CurF;
} else {
assert((!CurF || CurF->getLinkage() != Linkage) &&
"hasFunction should be only called for functions that are not "
"contained in the SILModule yet or do not have a required linkage");
if (!F) {
if (CurF) {
// Perform this lookup only if a function with a given
// name is present in the current module.
// This is done to reduce the amount of IO from the
// swift module file.
if (!getSILLoader()->hasSILFunction(Name, Linkage))
return nullptr;
// The function in the current module will be changed.
F = CurF;
// If function with a given name wasn't seen anywhere yet
// or if it is known to exist, perform a lookup.
if (!F) {
// Try to load the function from other modules.
F = getSILLoader()->lookupSILFunction(Name, /*declarationOnly*/ true,
// Bail if nothing was found and we are not sure if
// this function exists elsewhere.
if (!F)
return nullptr;
assert(F && "SILFunction should be present in one of the modules");
assert(F->getLinkage() == Linkage && "SILFunction has a wrong linkage");
// If a function exists already and it is a non-optimizing
// compilation, simply convert it into an external declaration,
// so that a compiled version from the shared library is used.
if (F->isDefinition() &&
!F->getModule().getOptions().shouldOptimize()) {
if (F->isExternalDeclaration())
return F;
bool SILModule::hasFunction(StringRef Name) {
if (lookUpFunction(Name))
return true;
return getSILLoader()->hasSILFunction(Name);
void SILModule::linkAllFromCurrentModule() {
void SILModule::invalidateSILLoaderCaches() {
void SILModule::removeFromZombieList(StringRef Name) {
if (auto *Zombie = ZombieFunctionTable.lookup(Name)) {
/// Erase a function from the module.
void SILModule::eraseFunction(SILFunction *F) {
assert(!F->isZombie() && "zombie function is in list of alive functions");
// The owner of the function's Name is the FunctionTable key. As we remove
// the function from the table we have to store the name string elsewhere:
// in zombieFunctionNames.
StringRef copiedName = F->getName().copy(zombieFunctionNames);
F->Name = copiedName;
// The function is dead, but we need it later (at IRGen) for debug info
// or vtable stub generation. So we move it into the zombie list.
ZombieFunctionTable[copiedName] = F;
// This opens dead-function-removal opportunities for called functions.
// (References are not needed anymore.)
void SILModule::invalidateFunctionInSILCache(SILFunction *F) {
/// Erase a global SIL variable from the module.
void SILModule::eraseGlobalVariable(SILGlobalVariable *G) {
SILVTable *SILModule::lookUpVTable(const ClassDecl *C) {
if (!C)
return nullptr;
// First try to look up R from the lookup table.
auto R = VTableMap.find(C);
if (R != VTableMap.end())
return R->second;
// If that fails, try to deserialize it. If that fails, return nullptr.
SILVTable *Vtbl = getSILLoader()->lookupVTable(C);
if (!Vtbl)
return nullptr;
// If we succeeded, map C -> VTbl in the table and return VTbl.
VTableMap[C] = Vtbl;
return Vtbl;
SerializedSILLoader *SILModule::getSILLoader() {
// If the SILLoader is null, create it.
if (!SILLoader)
SILLoader = SerializedSILLoader::create(
getASTContext(), this, &deserializationNotificationHandlers);
// Return the SerializedSILLoader.
return SILLoader.get();
/// \brief Given a conformance \p C and a protocol requirement \p Requirement,
/// search the witness table for the conformance and return the witness thunk
/// for the requirement.
std::pair<SILFunction *, SILWitnessTable *>
SILModule::lookUpFunctionInWitnessTable(ProtocolConformanceRef C,
SILDeclRef Requirement) {
// Look up the witness table associated with our protocol conformance from the
// SILModule.
auto Ret = lookUpWitnessTable(C);
// If no witness table was found, bail.
if (!Ret) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Failed speculative lookup of "
"witness for: ";
C.dump(); Requirement.dump());
return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
// Okay, we found the correct witness table. Now look for the method.
for (auto &Entry : Ret->getEntries()) {
// Look at method entries only.
if (Entry.getKind() != SILWitnessTable::WitnessKind::Method)
SILWitnessTable::MethodWitness MethodEntry = Entry.getMethodWitness();
// Check if this is the member we were looking for.
if (MethodEntry.Requirement != Requirement)
return std::make_pair(MethodEntry.Witness, Ret);
return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
/// \brief Given a protocol \p Protocol and a requirement \p Requirement,
/// search the protocol's default witness table and return the default
/// witness thunk for the requirement.
std::pair<SILFunction *, SILDefaultWitnessTable *>
SILModule::lookUpFunctionInDefaultWitnessTable(const ProtocolDecl *Protocol,
SILDeclRef Requirement,
bool deserializeLazily) {
// Look up the default witness table associated with our protocol from the
// SILModule.
auto Ret = lookUpDefaultWitnessTable(Protocol, deserializeLazily);
// If no default witness table was found, bail.
// FIXME: Could be an assert if we fix non-single-frontend mode to link
// together serialized SIL emitted by each translation unit.
if (!Ret) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Failed speculative lookup of default "
"witness for " << Protocol->getName() << " ";
return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
// Okay, we found the correct default witness table. Now look for the method.
for (auto &Entry : Ret->getEntries()) {
// Ignore dummy entries semitted for non-method requirements, as well as
// requirements without default implementations.
if (!Entry.isValid())
// Check if this is the member we were looking for.
if (Entry.getRequirement() != Requirement)
return std::make_pair(Entry.getWitness(), Ret);
// This requirement doesn't have a default implementation.
return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
SILFunction *
lookUpFunctionInVTable(ClassDecl *Class, SILDeclRef Member) {
// Try to lookup a VTable for Class from the module...
auto *Vtbl = lookUpVTable(Class);
// Bail, if the lookup of VTable fails.
if (!Vtbl) {
return nullptr;
// Ok, we have a VTable. Try to lookup the SILFunction implementation from
// the VTable.
if (auto E = Vtbl->getEntry(*this, Member))
return E->Implementation;
return nullptr;
void SILModule::registerDeserializationNotificationHandler(
std::unique_ptr<DeserializationNotificationHandler> &&handler) {
void SILModule::registerDeleteNotificationHandler(
DeleteNotificationHandler *handler) {
// Ask the handler (that can be an analysis, a pass, or some other data
// structure) if it wants to receive delete notifications.
if (handler->needsNotifications()) {
void SILModule::
removeDeleteNotificationHandler(DeleteNotificationHandler* Handler) {
void SILModule::notifyDeleteHandlers(SILNode *node) {
for (auto *Handler : NotificationHandlers) {
// TODO: We should have an "isNoReturn" bit on Swift's BuiltinInfo, but for
// now, let's recognize noreturn intrinsics and builtins specially here.
bool SILModule::isNoReturnBuiltinOrIntrinsic(Identifier Name) {
const auto &IntrinsicInfo = getIntrinsicInfo(Name);
if (IntrinsicInfo.ID != llvm::Intrinsic::not_intrinsic) {
return IntrinsicInfo.hasAttribute(llvm::Attribute::NoReturn);
const auto &BuiltinInfo = getBuiltinInfo(Name);
switch (BuiltinInfo.ID) {
return false;
case BuiltinValueKind::Unreachable:
case BuiltinValueKind::CondUnreachable:
case BuiltinValueKind::UnexpectedError:
case BuiltinValueKind::ErrorInMain:
return true;
bool SILModule::
shouldSerializeEntitiesAssociatedWithDeclContext(const DeclContext *DC) const {
// Serialize entities associated with this module's associated context.
if (DC->isChildContextOf(getAssociatedContext())) {
return true;
// Serialize entities associated with clang modules, since other entities
// may depend on them, and someone who deserializes those entities may not
// have their own copy.
if (isa<ClangModuleUnit>(DC->getModuleScopeContext())) {
return true;
return false;
/// Returns true if it is the OnoneSupport module.
bool SILModule::isOnoneSupportModule() const {
return getSwiftModule()->getName().str() == SWIFT_ONONE_SUPPORT;
/// Returns true if it is the optimized OnoneSupport module.
bool SILModule::isOptimizedOnoneSupportModule() const {
return getOptions().shouldOptimize() && isOnoneSupportModule();
void SILModule::setSerializeSILAction(SILModule::ActionCallback Action) {
assert(!SerializeSILAction && "Serialization action can be set only once");
SerializeSILAction = Action;
SILModule::ActionCallback SILModule::getSerializeSILAction() const {
return SerializeSILAction;
void SILModule::serialize() {
assert(SerializeSILAction && "Serialization action should be set");
assert(!isSerialized() && "The module was serialized already");
void SILModule::setOptRecordStream(
std::unique_ptr<llvm::yaml::Output> &&Stream,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_ostream> &&RawStream) {
OptRecordStream = std::move(Stream);
OptRecordRawStream = std::move(RawStream);
SILProperty *SILProperty::create(SILModule &M,
bool Serialized,
AbstractStorageDecl *Decl,
Optional<KeyPathPatternComponent> Component) {
auto prop = new (M) SILProperty(Serialized, Decl, Component);;
return prop;
// Definition from SILLinkage.h.
SILLinkage swift::getDeclSILLinkage(const ValueDecl *decl) {
AccessLevel access = decl->getEffectiveAccess();
SILLinkage linkage;
switch (access) {
case AccessLevel::Private:
case AccessLevel::FilePrivate:
linkage = SILLinkage::Private;
case AccessLevel::Internal:
linkage = SILLinkage::Hidden;
case AccessLevel::Public:
case AccessLevel::Open:
linkage = SILLinkage::Public;
return linkage;