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//===--- LinearLifetimeChecker.cpp ----------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// This file defines a linear lifetime checker for SIL. A value with a linear
/// lifetime is defined as a value that is guaranteed to be consuming exactly
/// once along any path through the program and has a guarantee that all
/// non-consuming uses and the initial value are joint-postdominated by the set
/// of consuming uses.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-linear-lifetime-checker"
#include "swift/SIL/BasicBlockUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/BranchPropagatedUser.h"
#include "swift/SIL/OwnershipUtils.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBasicBlock.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::ownership;
// Declarations
namespace {
using BrPropUserAndBlockPair = std::pair<BranchPropagatedUser, SILBasicBlock *>;
struct State {
/// The value that we are checking.
SILValue value;
/// The behavior of the checker when we detect an error. Can either be
/// returning false, returning false with a message emitted to stderr, or an
/// assert.
ErrorBehaviorKind errorBehavior;
/// The blocks that we have already visited.
SmallPtrSetImpl<SILBasicBlock *> &visitedBlocks;
/// The set of blocks with consuming uses.
SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock *, 8> blocksWithConsumingUses;
/// The set of blocks with non-consuming uses and the associated
/// non-consuming use SILInstruction.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<SILBasicBlock *, BranchPropagatedUser, 8>
/// The worklist that we use when performing our block dataflow.
SmallVector<SILBasicBlock *, 32> worklist;
/// A list of successor blocks that we must visit by the time the algorithm
/// terminates.
SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock *, 8> successorBlocksThatMustBeVisited;
State(SILValue value, SmallPtrSetImpl<SILBasicBlock *> &visitedBlocks,
ErrorBehaviorKind errorBehavior)
: value(value), errorBehavior(errorBehavior),
visitedBlocks(visitedBlocks) {}
void initializeAllNonConsumingUses(
ArrayRef<BranchPropagatedUser> nonConsumingUsers);
bool initializeAllConsumingUses(
ArrayRef<BranchPropagatedUser> consumingUsers,
SmallVectorImpl<BrPropUserAndBlockPair> &predsToAddToWorklist);
/// Initializes state for a consuming use. Returns true if we have not yet
/// seen a consuming use in the same block yet. Returns false if detect such a
/// condition so users know that a use-after-free was detected.
bool initializeConsumingUse(BranchPropagatedUser consumingUser,
SILBasicBlock *userBlock);
/// Returns true if the given block contains a non-consuming use that is
/// strictly later in the block than a consuming use. If all
/// non-consuming uses are before the consuming use, the block is
/// removed from the blocksWithNonConsumingUses map to show that the uses
/// were found to properly be post-dominated by a consuming use.
bool checkForSameBlockUseAfterFree(BranchPropagatedUser consumingUser,
SILBasicBlock *userBlock);
/// Once we have marked all of our producing blocks.
bool checkPredsForDoubleConsume(BranchPropagatedUser consumingUser,
SILBasicBlock *userBlock);
bool checkPredsForDoubleConsume(SILBasicBlock *userBlock);
/// Once we have setup all of our consuming/non-consuming blocks and have
/// validated that all intra-block dataflow is safe, perform the inter-block
/// dataflow.
bool performDataflow(DeadEndBlocks &deBlocks);
/// After we have performed the dataflow, check the end state of our dataflow
/// for validity. If this is a linear typed value, return true. Return false
/// otherwise.
bool checkDataflowEndState(DeadEndBlocks &deBlocks);
/// Depending on our initialization, either return false or call Func and
/// throw an error.
bool handleError(llvm::function_ref<void()> &&messagePrinterFunc) const {
if (errorBehavior.shouldPrintMessage()) {
if (errorBehavior.shouldReturnFalse()) {
return false;
assert(errorBehavior.shouldAssert() && "At this point, we should assert");
llvm_unreachable("triggering standard assertion failure routine");
} // end anonymous namespace
// Non Consuming Use Initialization
void State::initializeAllNonConsumingUses(
ArrayRef<BranchPropagatedUser> nonConsumingUsers) {
for (BranchPropagatedUser user : nonConsumingUsers) {
auto *userBlock = user.getParent();
// First try to associate User with User->getParent().
auto result =
blocksWithNonConsumingUses.insert(std::make_pair(userBlock, user));
// If the insertion succeeds, then we know that there is no more work to
// be done, so process the next use.
if (result.second)
// If the insertion fails, then we have at least two non-consuming
// uses in the same block. Since we are performing a liveness type of
// dataflow, we only need the last non-consuming use to show that all
// consuming uses post dominate both.
// We begin by checking if the first use is a cond_br use from the previous
// block. In such a case, we always use the already stored value and
// continue.
if (user.isCondBranchUser()) {
// Then, we check if Use is after Result.first->second in the use list. If
// Use is not later, then we wish to keep the already mapped value, not use,
// so continue.
if (std::find_if(result.first->second.getIterator(), userBlock->end(),
[&user](const SILInstruction &i) -> bool {
return user == &i;
}) == userBlock->end()) {
// At this point, we know that user is later in the Block than
// result.first->second, so store user instead.
result.first->second = user;
// Consuming Use Initialization
bool State::initializeAllConsumingUses(
ArrayRef<BranchPropagatedUser> consumingUses,
SmallVectorImpl<std::pair<BranchPropagatedUser, SILBasicBlock *>>
&predsToAddToWorklist) {
for (BranchPropagatedUser user : consumingUses) {
SILBasicBlock *userBlock = user.getParent();
// First initialize our state for the consuming user. This returns false if
// we found another consuming instruction associated with userBlock and true
// if we successfully associated user with userBlock.
if (!initializeConsumingUse(user, userBlock)) {
// We already handled the error.
return handleError([] {});
// Then check if the given block has a use after free.
if (checkForSameBlockUseAfterFree(user, userBlock)) {
// We already handled the error.
return handleError([] {});
// If this user is in the same block as the value, do not visit
// predecessors. We must be extra tolerant here since we allow for
// unreachable code.
if (userBlock == value->getParentBlock())
// Then for each predecessor of this block...
for (auto *pred : userBlock->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
// If this block is not a block that we have already put on the list, add
// it to the worklist.
predsToAddToWorklist.push_back({user, pred});
return true;
bool State::initializeConsumingUse(BranchPropagatedUser consumingUser,
SILBasicBlock *userBlock) {
// Map this user to the block. If we already have a value for the block, then
// we have a double consume and need to fail.
if (blocksWithConsumingUses.insert(userBlock).second)
return true;
return handleError([&] {
llvm::errs() << "Function: '" << value->getFunction()->getName() << "'\n"
<< "Found over consume?!\n"
<< "Value: " << *value << "User: " << *consumingUser
<< "Block: bb" << userBlock->getDebugID() << "\n\n";
bool State::checkForSameBlockUseAfterFree(BranchPropagatedUser consumingUser,
SILBasicBlock *userBlock) {
// If we do not have any consuming uses in the same block as our
// consuming user, then we can not have a same block use-after-free.
auto iter = blocksWithNonConsumingUses.find(userBlock);
if (iter == blocksWithNonConsumingUses.end())
return false;
BranchPropagatedUser nonConsumingUser = iter->second;
// Make sure that the non-consuming use is before the consuming
// use. Otherwise, we have a use after free.
// First check if our consuming user is a cond_br. In such a case, we
// always consider the non-consuming use to be a use after free since
// the cond branch user is in a previous block. So just bail early.
if (consumingUser.isCondBranchUser()) {
return !handleError([&]() {
llvm::errs() << "Function: '" << value->getFunction()->getName() << "'\n"
<< "Found use after free?!\n"
<< "Value: " << *value
<< "Consuming User: " << *consumingUser
<< "Non Consuming User: " << *iter->second << "Block: bb"
<< userBlock->getDebugID() << "\n\n";
// Ok. At this point, we know that our consuming user is not a cond branch
// user. Check if our non-consuming user is. In such a case, we know that our
// non-consuming user is properly post-dominated so we can ignore the
// consuming use. and continue.
if (nonConsumingUser.isCondBranchUser()) {
return false;
// Otherwise, we know that both of our users are non-cond branch users and
// thus must be instructions in the given block. Make sure that the non
// consuming user is strictly before the consuming user.
if (std::find_if(consumingUser.getIterator(), userBlock->end(),
[&nonConsumingUser](const SILInstruction &i) -> bool {
return nonConsumingUser == &i;
}) != userBlock->end()) {
return !handleError([&] {
llvm::errs() << "Function: '" << value->getFunction()->getName() << "'\n"
<< "Found use after free?!\n"
<< "Value: " << *value
<< "Consuming User: " << *consumingUser
<< "Non Consuming User: " << *iter->second << "Block: bb"
<< userBlock->getDebugID() << "\n\n";
// Erase the use since we know that it is properly joint post-dominated.
return false;
bool State::checkPredsForDoubleConsume(BranchPropagatedUser consumingUser,
SILBasicBlock *userBlock) {
if (!blocksWithConsumingUses.count(userBlock))
return false;
return !handleError([&] {
llvm::errs() << "Function: '" << value->getFunction()->getName() << "'\n"
<< "Found over consume?!\n"
<< "Value: " << *value << "User: " << *consumingUser
<< "Block: bb" << userBlock->getDebugID() << "\n\n";
bool State::checkPredsForDoubleConsume(SILBasicBlock *userBlock) {
if (!blocksWithConsumingUses.count(userBlock))
return false;
return !handleError([&] {
llvm::errs() << "Function: '" << value->getFunction()->getName() << "'\n"
<< "Found over consume?!\n"
<< "Value: " << *value << "Block: bb"
<< userBlock->getDebugID() << "\n\n";
// Dataflow
bool State::performDataflow(DeadEndBlocks &deBlocks) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Beginning to check dataflow constraints\n");
// Until the worklist is empty...
while (!worklist.empty()) {
// Grab the next block to visit.
SILBasicBlock *block = worklist.pop_back_val();
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Visiting Block: bb" << block->getDebugID()
<< '\n');
// Since the block is on our worklist, we know already that it is not a
// block with lifetime ending uses, due to the invariants of our loop.
// First remove BB from the SuccessorBlocksThatMustBeVisited list. This
// ensures that when the algorithm terminates, we know that BB was not the
// beginning of a non-covered path to the exit.
// Then remove BB from BlocksWithNonLifetimeEndingUses so we know that
// this block was properly joint post-dominated by our lifetime ending
// users.
// Ok, now we know that we do not have an overconsume. If this block does
// not end in a no return function, we need to update our state for our
// successors to make sure by the end of the traversal we visit them.
// We must consider such no-return blocks since we may be running during
// SILGen before NoReturn folding has run.
for (auto *succBlock : block->getSuccessorBlocks()) {
// If we already visited the successor, there is nothing to do since we
// already visited the successor.
if (visitedBlocks.count(succBlock))
// Then check if the successor is a transitively unreachable block. In
// such a case, we ignore it since we are going to leak along that path.
if (deBlocks.isDeadEnd(succBlock))
// Otherwise, add the successor to our SuccessorBlocksThatMustBeVisited
// set to ensure that we assert if we do not visit it by the end of the
// algorithm.
// If we are at the dominating block of our walk, continue. There is nothing
// further to do since we do not want to visit the predecessors of our
// dominating block. On the other hand, we do want to add its successors to
// the successorBlocksThatMustBeVisited set.
if (block == value->getParentBlock())
// Then for each predecessor of this block:
// 1. If we have visited the predecessor already, then it is not a block
// with lifetime ending uses. If it is a block with uses, then we have a
// double release... so assert. If not, we continue.
// 2. We add the predecessor to the worklist if we have not visited it yet.
for (auto *predBlock : block->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
if (checkPredsForDoubleConsume(predBlock)) {
return handleError([] {});
if (visitedBlocks.count(predBlock)) {
return true;
bool State::checkDataflowEndState(DeadEndBlocks &deBlocks) {
// Make sure that we visited all successor blocks that we needed to visit to
// make sure we didn't leak.
if (!successorBlocksThatMustBeVisited.empty()) {
return handleError([&] {
<< "Function: '" << value->getFunction()->getName() << "'\n"
<< "Error! Found a leak due to a consuming post-dominance failure!\n"
<< " Value: " << *value << " Post Dominating Failure Blocks:\n";
for (auto *succBlock : successorBlocksThatMustBeVisited) {
llvm::errs() << " bb" << succBlock->getDebugID();
llvm::errs() << '\n';
// Make sure that we do not have any lifetime ending uses left to visit that
// are not transitively unreachable blocks.... so return early.
if (blocksWithNonConsumingUses.empty()) {
return true;
// If we do have remaining blocks, then these non lifetime ending uses must be
// outside of our "alive" blocks implying a use-after free.
for (auto &pair : blocksWithNonConsumingUses) {
if (deBlocks.isDeadEnd(pair.first)) {
return handleError([&] {
llvm::errs() << "Function: '" << value->getFunction()->getName() << "'\n"
<< "Found use after free due to unvisited non lifetime "
"ending uses?!\n"
<< "Value: " << *value << " Remaining Users:\n";
for (auto &pair : blocksWithNonConsumingUses) {
llvm::errs() << "User:" << *pair.second << "Block: bb"
<< pair.first->getDebugID() << "\n";
llvm::errs() << "\n";
// If all of our remaining blocks were dead uses, then return true. We are
// good.
return true;
// Top Level Entrypoints
bool swift::valueHasLinearLifetime(
SILValue value, ArrayRef<BranchPropagatedUser> consumingUses,
ArrayRef<BranchPropagatedUser> nonConsumingUses,
SmallPtrSetImpl<SILBasicBlock *> &visitedBlocks, DeadEndBlocks &deBlocks,
ErrorBehaviorKind errorBehavior) {
assert(!consumingUses.empty() && "Must have at least one consuming user?!");
State state(value, visitedBlocks, errorBehavior);
// First add our non-consuming uses and their blocks to the
// blocksWithNonConsumingUses map. While we do this, if we have multiple uses
// in the same block, we only accept the last use since from a liveness
// perspective that is all we care about.
// Then, we go through each one of our consuming users performing the
// following operation:
// 1. Verifying that no two consuming users are in the same block. This
// is accomplished by adding the user blocks to the blocksWithConsumingUsers
// list. This avoids double consumes.
// 2. Verifying that no predecessor is a block with a consuming use. The
// reason why this is necessary is because we wish to not add elements to the
// worklist twice. Thus we want to check if we have already visited a
// predecessor.
SmallVector<BrPropUserAndBlockPair, 32> predsToAddToWorklist;
state.initializeAllConsumingUses(consumingUses, predsToAddToWorklist);
// If we have a singular consuming use and it is in the same block as value's
// def, we bail early. Any use-after-frees due to non-consuming uses would
// have been detected by initializing our consuming uses. So we are done.
if (consumingUses.size() == 1 &&
consumingUses[0].getParent() == value->getParentBlock()) {
return true;
// Ok, we may have multiple consuming uses. Add the user block of each of our
// consuming users to the visited list since we do not want them to be added
// to the successors to visit set.
for (const auto &i : consumingUses) {
// Now that we have marked all of our producing blocks, we go through our
// predsToAddToWorklist list and add our preds, making sure that none of these
// preds are in blocksWithConsumingUses. This is important so that we do not
// need to re-process.
for (auto pair : predsToAddToWorklist) {
BranchPropagatedUser user = pair.first;
SILBasicBlock *predBlock = pair.second;
// Make sure that the predecessor is not in our blocksWithConsumingUses
// list.
if (state.checkPredsForDoubleConsume(user, predBlock)) {
return state.handleError([] {});
if (!state.visitedBlocks.insert(predBlock).second)
// Now that our algorithm is completely prepared, run the
// dataflow... If we find a failure, return false.
if (!state.performDataflow(deBlocks))
return false;
// ...and then check that the end state shows that we have a valid linear
// typed value.
return state.checkDataflowEndState(deBlocks);