blob: 7651a2df81ac6bb1bbd2e072e3f5223c8dd40d9d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IRGenFunction.h - IR Generation for Swift Functions ----*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the structure used to generate the IR body of a
// function.
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/AST/Type.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILLocation.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILType.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/IR/CallingConv.h"
#include "IRBuilder.h"
#include "LocalTypeDataKind.h"
#include "DominancePoint.h"
namespace llvm {
class AllocaInst;
class CallSite;
class Constant;
class Function;
namespace swift {
class ArchetypeType;
class IRGenOptions;
class SILDebugScope;
class SILType;
class SourceLoc;
enum class MetadataState : size_t;
namespace Lowering {
class TypeConverter;
namespace irgen {
class DynamicMetadataRequest;
class Explosion;
class FunctionRef;
class HeapLayout;
class HeapNonFixedOffsets;
class IRGenModule;
class LinkEntity;
class LocalTypeDataCache;
class MetadataResponse;
class Scope;
class TypeInfo;
enum class ValueWitness : unsigned;
/// IRGenFunction - Primary class for emitting LLVM instructions for a
/// specific function.
class IRGenFunction {
IRGenModule &IGM;
IRBuilder Builder;
/// If != OptimizationMode::NotSet, the optimization mode specified with an
/// function attribute.
OptimizationMode OptMode;
llvm::Function *CurFn;
ModuleDecl *getSwiftModule() const;
SILModule &getSILModule() const;
Lowering::TypeConverter &getSILTypes() const;
const IRGenOptions &getOptions() const;
IRGenFunction(IRGenModule &IGM, llvm::Function *fn,
OptimizationMode Mode = OptimizationMode::NotSet,
const SILDebugScope *DbgScope = nullptr,
Optional<SILLocation> DbgLoc = None);
void unimplemented(SourceLoc Loc, StringRef Message);
friend class Scope;
//--- Function prologue and epilogue -------------------------------------------
Explosion collectParameters();
void emitScalarReturn(SILType resultTy, Explosion &scalars,
bool isSwiftCCReturn, bool isOutlined);
void emitScalarReturn(llvm::Type *resultTy, Explosion &scalars);
void emitBBForReturn();
bool emitBranchToReturnBB();
/// Return the error result slot, given an error type. There's
/// always only one error type.
Address getErrorResultSlot(SILType errorType);
/// Return the error result slot provided by the caller.
Address getCallerErrorResultSlot();
/// Set the error result slot.
void setErrorResultSlot(llvm::Value *address);
/// Are we currently emitting a coroutine?
bool isCoroutine() {
return CoroutineHandle != nullptr;
llvm::Value *getCoroutineHandle() {
return CoroutineHandle;
void setCoroutineHandle(llvm::Value *handle) {
assert(CoroutineHandle == nullptr && "already set handle");
assert(handle != nullptr && "setting a null handle");
CoroutineHandle = handle;
void emitPrologue();
void emitEpilogue();
Address ReturnSlot;
llvm::BasicBlock *ReturnBB;
llvm::Value *ErrorResultSlot = nullptr;
llvm::Value *CoroutineHandle = nullptr;
//--- Helper methods -----------------------------------------------------------
/// Returns the optimization mode for the function. If no mode is set for the
/// function, returns the global mode, i.e. the mode in IRGenOptions.
OptimizationMode getEffectiveOptimizationMode() const;
/// Returns true if this function should be optimized for size.
bool optimizeForSize() const {
return getEffectiveOptimizationMode() == OptimizationMode::ForSize;
Address createAlloca(llvm::Type *ty, Alignment align,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
Address createAlloca(llvm::Type *ty, llvm::Value *arraySize, Alignment align,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
Address createFixedSizeBufferAlloca(const llvm::Twine &name);
StackAddress emitDynamicAlloca(SILType type, const llvm::Twine &name = "");
StackAddress emitDynamicAlloca(llvm::Type *eltTy, llvm::Value *arraySize,
Alignment align,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
void emitDeallocateDynamicAlloca(StackAddress address);
llvm::BasicBlock *createBasicBlock(const llvm::Twine &Name);
const TypeInfo &getTypeInfoForUnlowered(Type subst);
const TypeInfo &getTypeInfoForUnlowered(AbstractionPattern orig, Type subst);
const TypeInfo &getTypeInfoForUnlowered(AbstractionPattern orig,
CanType subst);
const TypeInfo &getTypeInfoForLowered(CanType T);
const TypeInfo &getTypeInfo(SILType T);
void emitMemCpy(llvm::Value *dest, llvm::Value *src,
Size size, Alignment align);
void emitMemCpy(llvm::Value *dest, llvm::Value *src,
llvm::Value *size, Alignment align);
void emitMemCpy(Address dest, Address src, Size size);
void emitMemCpy(Address dest, Address src, llvm::Value *size);
llvm::Value *emitByteOffsetGEP(llvm::Value *base, llvm::Value *offset,
llvm::Type *objectType,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
Address emitByteOffsetGEP(llvm::Value *base, llvm::Value *offset,
const TypeInfo &type,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
Address emitAddressAtOffset(llvm::Value *base, Offset offset,
llvm::Type *objectType,
Alignment objectAlignment,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
llvm::Value *emitInvariantLoad(Address address,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
void emitStoreOfRelativeIndirectablePointer(llvm::Value *value,
Address addr,
bool isFar);
llvm::Value *
emitLoadOfRelativeIndirectablePointer(Address addr, bool isFar,
llvm::PointerType *expectedType,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
llvm::Value *emitAllocObjectCall(llvm::Value *metadata, llvm::Value *size,
llvm::Value *alignMask,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
llvm::Value *emitInitStackObjectCall(llvm::Value *metadata,
llvm::Value *object,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
llvm::Value *emitInitStaticObjectCall(llvm::Value *metadata,
llvm::Value *object,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
llvm::Value *emitVerifyEndOfLifetimeCall(llvm::Value *object,
const llvm::Twine &name = "");
llvm::Value *emitAllocRawCall(llvm::Value *size, llvm::Value *alignMask,
const llvm::Twine &name ="");
void emitDeallocRawCall(llvm::Value *pointer, llvm::Value *size,
llvm::Value *alignMask);
void emitAllocBoxCall(llvm::Value *typeMetadata,
llvm::Value *&box,
llvm::Value *&valueAddress);
void emitMakeBoxUniqueCall(llvm::Value *box, llvm::Value *typeMetadata,
llvm::Value *alignMask, llvm::Value *&outBox,
llvm::Value *&outValueAddress);
void emitDeallocBoxCall(llvm::Value *box, llvm::Value *typeMetadata);
void emitTSanInoutAccessCall(llvm::Value *address);
llvm::Value *emitProjectBoxCall(llvm::Value *box, llvm::Value *typeMetadata);
llvm::Value *emitAllocEmptyBoxCall();
// Emit a call to the given generic type metadata access function.
MetadataResponse emitGenericTypeMetadataAccessFunctionCall(
llvm::Function *accessFunction,
ArrayRef<llvm::Value *> args,
DynamicMetadataRequest request);
// Emit a reference to the canonical type metadata record for the given AST
// type. This can be used to identify the type at runtime. For types with
// abstraction difference, the metadata contains the layout information for
// values in the maximally-abstracted representation of the type; this is
// correct for all uses of reabstractable values in opaque contexts.
llvm::Value *emitTypeMetadataRef(CanType type);
/// Emit a reference to the canonical type metadata record for the given
/// formal type. The metadata is only required to be abstract; that is,
/// you cannot use the result for layout.
llvm::Value *emitAbstractTypeMetadataRef(CanType type);
MetadataResponse emitTypeMetadataRef(CanType type,
DynamicMetadataRequest request);
// Emit a reference to a metadata object that can be used for layout, but
// cannot be used to identify a type. This will produce a layout appropriate
// to the abstraction level of the given type. It may be able to avoid runtime
// calls if there is a standard metadata object with the correct layout for
// the type.
// TODO: It might be better to return just a value witness table reference
// here, since for some types it's easier to get a shared reference to one
// than a metadata reference, and it would be more type-safe.
llvm::Value *emitTypeMetadataRefForLayout(SILType type);
llvm::Value *emitTypeMetadataRefForLayout(SILType type,
DynamicMetadataRequest request);
llvm::Value *emitValueWitnessTableRef(SILType type,
llvm::Value **metadataSlot = nullptr);
llvm::Value *emitValueWitnessTableRef(SILType type,
DynamicMetadataRequest request,
llvm::Value **metadataSlot = nullptr);
llvm::Value *emitValueWitnessTableRefForMetadata(llvm::Value *metadata);
llvm::Value *emitValueWitnessValue(SILType type, ValueWitness index);
FunctionPointer emitValueWitnessFunctionRef(SILType type,
llvm::Value *&metadataSlot,
ValueWitness index);
/// Emit a load of a reference to the given Objective-C selector.
llvm::Value *emitObjCSelectorRefLoad(StringRef selector);
/// Return the SILDebugScope for this function.
const SILDebugScope *getDebugScope() const { return DbgScope; }
llvm::Value *coerceValue(llvm::Value *value, llvm::Type *toTy,
const llvm::DataLayout &);
/// Mark a load as invariant.
void setInvariantLoad(llvm::LoadInst *load);
/// Mark a load as dereferenceable to `size` bytes.
void setDereferenceableLoad(llvm::LoadInst *load, unsigned size);
/// Emit a non-mergeable trap call, optionally followed by a terminator.
void emitTrap(bool EmitUnreachable);
llvm::Instruction *AllocaIP;
const SILDebugScope *DbgScope;
//--- Reference-counting methods -----------------------------------------------
// Returns the default atomicity of the module.
Atomicity getDefaultAtomicity();
llvm::Value *emitUnmanagedAlloc(const HeapLayout &layout,
const llvm::Twine &name,
llvm::Constant *captureDescriptor,
const HeapNonFixedOffsets *offsets = 0);
// Functions that don't care about the reference-counting style.
void emitFixLifetime(llvm::Value *value);
// Routines that are generic over the reference-counting style:
// - strong references
void emitStrongRetain(llvm::Value *value, ReferenceCounting refcounting,
Atomicity atomicity);
void emitStrongRelease(llvm::Value *value, ReferenceCounting refcounting,
Atomicity atomicity);
llvm::Value *emitLoadRefcountedPtr(Address addr, ReferenceCounting style);
llvm::Value *getReferenceStorageExtraInhabitantIndex(Address src,
ReferenceOwnership ownership,
ReferenceCounting style);
void storeReferenceStorageExtraInhabitant(llvm::Value *index,
Address dest,
ReferenceOwnership ownership,
ReferenceCounting style);
void emit##Kind##Name##Init(llvm::Value *val, Address dest); \
void emit##Kind##Name##Assign(llvm::Value *value, Address dest); \
void emit##Kind##Name##CopyInit(Address destAddr, Address srcAddr); \
void emit##Kind##Name##TakeInit(Address destAddr, Address srcAddr); \
void emit##Kind##Name##CopyAssign(Address destAddr, Address srcAddr); \
void emit##Kind##Name##TakeAssign(Address destAddr, Address srcAddr); \
llvm::Value *emit##Kind##Name##LoadStrong(Address src, \
llvm::Type *resultType); \
llvm::Value *emit##Kind##Name##TakeStrong(Address src, \
llvm::Type *resultType); \
void emit##Kind##Name##Destroy(Address addr);
void emit##Kind##Name##Retain(llvm::Value *value, Atomicity atomicity); \
void emit##Kind##Name##Release(llvm::Value *value, Atomicity atomicity); \
void emit##Kind##StrongRetain##Name(llvm::Value *value, Atomicity atomicity);\
void emit##Kind##StrongRetainAnd##Name##Release(llvm::Value *value, \
Atomicity atomicity);
void emit##Name##Init(llvm::Value *val, Address dest, ReferenceCounting style); \
void emit##Name##Assign(llvm::Value *value, Address dest, \
ReferenceCounting style); \
void emit##Name##CopyInit(Address destAddr, Address srcAddr, \
ReferenceCounting style); \
void emit##Name##TakeInit(Address destAddr, Address srcAddr, \
ReferenceCounting style); \
void emit##Name##CopyAssign(Address destAddr, Address srcAddr, \
ReferenceCounting style); \
void emit##Name##TakeAssign(Address destAddr, Address srcAddr, \
ReferenceCounting style); \
llvm::Value *emit##Name##LoadStrong(Address src, llvm::Type *resultType, \
ReferenceCounting style); \
llvm::Value *emit##Name##TakeStrong(Address src, llvm::Type *resultType, \
ReferenceCounting style); \
void emit##Name##Destroy(Address addr, ReferenceCounting style);
void emit##Name##Retain(llvm::Value *value, ReferenceCounting style, \
Atomicity atomicity); \
void emit##Name##Release(llvm::Value *value, ReferenceCounting style, \
Atomicity atomicity); \
void emitStrongRetain##Name(llvm::Value *value, ReferenceCounting style, \
Atomicity atomicity); \
void emitStrongRetainAnd##Name##Release(llvm::Value *value, \
ReferenceCounting style, \
Atomicity atomicity);
void emit##Name##Retain(llvm::Value *value, ReferenceCounting style, \
Atomicity atomicity) { \
assert(style == ReferenceCounting::Native); \
emitNative##Name##Retain(value, atomicity); \
} \
void emit##Name##Release(llvm::Value *value, ReferenceCounting style, \
Atomicity atomicity) { \
assert(style == ReferenceCounting::Native); \
emitNative##Name##Release(value, atomicity); \
} \
void emitStrongRetain##Name(llvm::Value *value, ReferenceCounting style, \
Atomicity atomicity) { \
assert(style == ReferenceCounting::Native); \
emitNativeStrongRetain##Name(value, atomicity); \
} \
void emitStrongRetainAnd##Name##Release(llvm::Value *value, \
ReferenceCounting style, \
Atomicity atomicity) { \
assert(style == ReferenceCounting::Native); \
emitNativeStrongRetainAnd##Name##Release(value, atomicity); \
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
// Routines for the Swift native reference-counting style.
// - strong references
void emitNativeStrongAssign(llvm::Value *value, Address addr);
void emitNativeStrongInit(llvm::Value *value, Address addr);
void emitNativeStrongRetain(llvm::Value *value, Atomicity atomicity);
void emitNativeStrongRelease(llvm::Value *value, Atomicity atomicity);
void emitNativeSetDeallocating(llvm::Value *value);
// - other operations
llvm::Value *emitNativeTryPin(llvm::Value *object, Atomicity atomicity);
void emitNativeUnpin(llvm::Value *handle, Atomicity atomicity);
// Routines for the ObjC reference-counting style.
void emitObjCStrongRetain(llvm::Value *value);
llvm::Value *emitObjCRetainCall(llvm::Value *value);
llvm::Value *emitObjCAutoreleaseCall(llvm::Value *value);
void emitObjCStrongRelease(llvm::Value *value);
llvm::Value *emitBlockCopyCall(llvm::Value *value);
void emitBlockRelease(llvm::Value *value);
// Routines for an unknown reference-counting style (meaning,
// dynamically something compatible with either the ObjC or Swift styles).
// - strong references
void emitUnknownStrongRetain(llvm::Value *value, Atomicity atomicity);
void emitUnknownStrongRelease(llvm::Value *value, Atomicity atomicity);
// Routines for the Builtin.NativeObject reference-counting style.
void emitBridgeStrongRetain(llvm::Value *value, Atomicity atomicity);
void emitBridgeStrongRelease(llvm::Value *value, Atomicity atomicity);
// Routines for the ErrorType reference-counting style.
void emitErrorStrongRetain(llvm::Value *value);
void emitErrorStrongRelease(llvm::Value *value);
llvm::Value *emitIsUniqueCall(llvm::Value *value, SourceLoc loc,
bool isNonNull, bool checkPinned);
llvm::Value *emitIsEscapingClosureCall(llvm::Value *value, SourceLoc loc,
unsigned verificationType);
//--- Expression emission
void emitFakeExplosion(const TypeInfo &type, Explosion &explosion);
//--- Declaration emission -----------------------------------------------------
void bindArchetype(ArchetypeType *type,
llvm::Value *metadata,
MetadataState metadataState,
ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> wtables);
//--- Type emission ------------------------------------------------------------
/// Look up a local type metadata reference, returning a null response
/// if no entry was found which can satisfy the request. This may need
/// emit code to materialize the reference.
/// This does a look up for a formal ("AST") type. If you are looking for
/// type metadata that will work for working with a representation
/// ("lowered", "SIL") type, use getGetLocalTypeMetadataForLayout.
MetadataResponse tryGetLocalTypeMetadata(CanType type,
DynamicMetadataRequest request);
/// Look up a local type data reference, returning null if no entry was
/// found. This may need to emit code to materialize the reference.
/// The data kind cannot be for type metadata; use tryGetLocalTypeMetadata
/// for that.
llvm::Value *tryGetLocalTypeData(CanType type, LocalTypeDataKind kind);
/// The same as tryGetLocalTypeMetadata, but for representation-compatible
/// "layout" metadata. The returned metadata may not be for a type that
/// has anything to do with the formal type that was lowered to the given
/// type; however, it is guaranteed to have equivalent characteristics
/// in terms of layout, spare bits, POD-ness, and so on.
/// We use a separate function name for this to clarify that you should
/// only ever be looking for type metadata for a lowered SILType for the
/// purposes of local manipulation, such as the layout of a type or
/// emitting a value-copy.
MetadataResponse tryGetLocalTypeMetadataForLayout(SILType type,
DynamicMetadataRequest request);
/// The same as tryGetForLocalTypeData, but for representation-compatible
/// "layout" metadata. See the comment on tryGetLocalTypeMetadataForLayout.
/// The data kind cannot be for type metadata; use
/// tryGetLocalTypeMetadataForLayout for that.
llvm::Value *tryGetLocalTypeDataForLayout(SILType type,
LocalTypeDataKind kind);
/// Add a local type metadata reference at a point which definitely
/// dominates all of its uses.
void setUnscopedLocalTypeMetadata(CanType type,
MetadataResponse response);
/// Add a local type data reference at a point which definitely
/// dominates all of its uses.
/// The data kind cannot be for type metadata; use
/// setUnscopedLocalTypeMetadata for that.
void setUnscopedLocalTypeData(CanType type, LocalTypeDataKind kind,
llvm::Value *data);
/// Add a local type metadata reference that is valid at the current
/// insertion point.
void setScopedLocalTypeMetadata(CanType type, MetadataResponse value);
/// Add a local type data reference that is valid at the current
/// insertion point.
/// The data kind cannot be for type metadata; use setScopedLocalTypeMetadata
/// for that.
void setScopedLocalTypeData(CanType type, LocalTypeDataKind kind,
llvm::Value *data);
/// The same as setScopedLocalTypeMetadata, but for representation-compatible
/// "layout" metadata. See the comment on tryGetLocalTypeMetadataForLayout.
void setScopedLocalTypeMetadataForLayout(SILType type, MetadataResponse value);
/// The same as setScopedLocalTypeData, but for representation-compatible
/// "layout" metadata. See the comment on tryGetLocalTypeMetadataForLayout.
/// The data kind cannot be for type metadata; use
/// setScopedLocalTypeMetadataForLayout for that.
void setScopedLocalTypeDataForLayout(SILType type, LocalTypeDataKind kind,
llvm::Value *data);
// These are for the private use of the LocalTypeData subsystem.
MetadataResponse tryGetLocalTypeMetadata(LocalTypeDataKey key,
DynamicMetadataRequest request);
llvm::Value *tryGetLocalTypeData(LocalTypeDataKey key);
MetadataResponse tryGetConcreteLocalTypeData(LocalTypeDataKey key,
DynamicMetadataRequest request);
void setUnscopedLocalTypeData(LocalTypeDataKey key, MetadataResponse value);
void setScopedLocalTypeData(LocalTypeDataKey key, MetadataResponse value);
/// Given a concrete type metadata node, add all the local type data
/// that we can reach from it.
void bindLocalTypeDataFromTypeMetadata(CanType type, IsExact_t isExact,
llvm::Value *metadata,
MetadataState metadataState);
/// Given the witness table parameter, bind local type data for
/// the witness table itself and any conditional requirements.
void bindLocalTypeDataFromSelfWitnessTable(
const ProtocolConformance *conformance,
llvm::Value *selfTable,
llvm::function_ref<CanType (CanType)> mapTypeIntoContext);
void setDominanceResolver(DominanceResolverFunction resolver) {
assert(DominanceResolver == nullptr);
DominanceResolver = resolver;
bool isActiveDominancePointDominatedBy(DominancePoint point) {
// If the point is universal, it dominates.
if (point.isUniversal()) return true;
assert(!ActiveDominancePoint.isUniversal() &&
"active dominance point is universal but there exists a"
"non-universal point?");
// If we don't have a resolver, we're emitting a simple helper
// function; just assume dominance.
if (!DominanceResolver) return true;
// Otherwise, ask the resolver.
return DominanceResolver(*this, ActiveDominancePoint, point);
/// Is the current dominance point conditional in some way not
/// tracked by the active dominance point?
/// This should only be used by the local type data cache code.
bool isConditionalDominancePoint() const {
return ConditionalDominance != nullptr;
void registerConditionalLocalTypeDataKey(LocalTypeDataKey key) {
assert(ConditionalDominance != nullptr &&
"not in a conditional dominance scope");
/// Return the currently-active dominance point.
DominancePoint getActiveDominancePoint() const {
return ActiveDominancePoint;
/// A RAII object for temporarily changing the dominance of the active
/// definition point.
class DominanceScope {
IRGenFunction &IGF;
DominancePoint OldDominancePoint;
explicit DominanceScope(IRGenFunction &IGF, DominancePoint newPoint)
: IGF(IGF), OldDominancePoint(IGF.ActiveDominancePoint) {
IGF.ActiveDominancePoint = newPoint;
assert(!newPoint.isOrdinary() || IGF.DominanceResolver);
DominanceScope(const DominanceScope &other) = delete;
DominanceScope &operator=(const DominanceScope &other) = delete;
~DominanceScope() {
IGF.ActiveDominancePoint = OldDominancePoint;
/// A RAII object for temporarily suppressing type-data caching at the
/// active definition point. Do this if you're adding local control flow
/// that isn't modeled by the dominance system.
class ConditionalDominanceScope {
IRGenFunction &IGF;
ConditionalDominanceScope *OldScope;
SmallVector<LocalTypeDataKey, 2> RegisteredKeys;
explicit ConditionalDominanceScope(IRGenFunction &IGF)
: IGF(IGF), OldScope(IGF.ConditionalDominance) {
IGF.ConditionalDominance = this;
ConditionalDominanceScope(const ConditionalDominanceScope &other) = delete;
ConditionalDominanceScope &operator=(const ConditionalDominanceScope &other)
= delete;
void registerConditionalLocalTypeDataKey(LocalTypeDataKey key) {
/// The kind of value LocalSelf is.
enum LocalSelfKind {
/// An object reference.
/// A Swift metatype.
/// An ObjC metatype.
llvm::Value *getLocalSelfMetadata();
void setLocalSelfMetadata(llvm::Value *value, LocalSelfKind kind);
LocalTypeDataCache &getOrCreateLocalTypeData();
void destroyLocalTypeData();
LocalTypeDataCache *LocalTypeData = nullptr;
/// The dominance resolver. This can be set at most once; when it's not
/// set, this emission must never have a non-null active definition point.
DominanceResolverFunction DominanceResolver = nullptr;
DominancePoint ActiveDominancePoint = DominancePoint::universal();
ConditionalDominanceScope *ConditionalDominance = nullptr;
/// The value that satisfies metadata lookups for dynamic Self.
llvm::Value *LocalSelf = nullptr;
LocalSelfKind SelfKind;
using ConditionalDominanceScope = IRGenFunction::ConditionalDominanceScope;
} // end namespace irgen
} // end namespace swift