blob: 11bbde4b3efd7c408a9c85ce71a71ef69a066e03 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IRGen.h - Common Declarations for IR Generation --------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines some types that are generically useful in IR
// Generation.
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include "clang/AST/CharUnits.h"
#include "clang/CodeGen/ConstantInitFuture.h"
#include "swift/AST/ResilienceExpansion.h"
#include "swift/SIL/AbstractionPattern.h"
#include <cassert>
namespace llvm {
class Value;
namespace swift {
class CanType;
class ClusteredBitVector;
enum ForDefinition_t : bool;
namespace irgen {
using Lowering::AbstractionPattern;
using clang::CodeGen::ConstantInitFuture;
class IRGenFunction;
/// In IRGen, we use Swift's ClusteredBitVector data structure to
/// store vectors of spare bits.
using SpareBitVector = ClusteredBitVector;
class Size;
enum IsPOD_t : bool { IsNotPOD, IsPOD };
inline IsPOD_t operator&(IsPOD_t l, IsPOD_t r) {
return IsPOD_t(unsigned(l) & unsigned(r));
inline IsPOD_t &operator&=(IsPOD_t &l, IsPOD_t r) {
return (l = (l & r));
enum IsFixedSize_t : bool { IsNotFixedSize, IsFixedSize };
inline IsFixedSize_t operator&(IsFixedSize_t l, IsFixedSize_t r) {
return IsFixedSize_t(unsigned(l) & unsigned(r));
inline IsFixedSize_t &operator&=(IsFixedSize_t &l, IsFixedSize_t r) {
return (l = (l & r));
enum IsLoadable_t : bool { IsNotLoadable, IsLoadable };
inline IsLoadable_t operator&(IsLoadable_t l, IsLoadable_t r) {
return IsLoadable_t(unsigned(l) & unsigned(r));
inline IsLoadable_t &operator&=(IsLoadable_t &l, IsLoadable_t r) {
return (l = (l & r));
enum IsBitwiseTakable_t : bool { IsNotBitwiseTakable, IsBitwiseTakable };
inline IsBitwiseTakable_t operator&(IsBitwiseTakable_t l, IsBitwiseTakable_t r) {
return IsBitwiseTakable_t(unsigned(l) & unsigned(r));
inline IsBitwiseTakable_t &operator&=(IsBitwiseTakable_t &l, IsBitwiseTakable_t r) {
return (l = (l & r));
enum IsABIAccessible_t : bool {
IsNotABIAccessible = false,
IsABIAccessible = true
/// The atomicity of a reference counting operation to be used.
enum class Atomicity : bool {
/// Atomic reference counting operations should be used.
/// Non-atomic reference counting operations can be used.
/// Whether or not an object should be emitted on the heap.
enum OnHeap_t : unsigned char {
/// Whether a function requires extra data.
enum class ExtraData : uint8_t {
/// The function requires no extra data.
/// The function requires a retainable object pointer of extra data.
/// The function takes its block object as extra data.
Last_ExtraData = Block
/// Given that we have metadata for a type, is it for exactly the
/// specified type, or might it be a subtype?
enum IsExact_t : bool {
IsInexact = false,
IsExact = true
/// Ways in which an object can be referenced.
/// See the comment in RelativePointer.h.
enum class SymbolReferenceKind : uint8_t {
/// An absolute reference to the object, i.e. an ordinary pointer.
/// Generally well-suited for when C compatibility is a must, dynamic
/// initialization is the dominant case, or the runtime performance
/// of accesses is an overriding concern.
/// A direct relative reference to the object, i.e. the offset of the
/// object from the address at which the relative reference is stored.
/// Generally well-suited for when the reference is always statically
/// initialized and will always refer to another object within the
/// same linkage unit.
/// A direct relative reference that is guaranteed to be as wide as a
/// pointer.
/// Generally well-suited for when the reference may be dynamically
/// initialized, but will only refer to objects within the linkage unit
/// when statically initialized.
/// A relative reference that may be indirect: the direct reference is
/// either directly to the object or to a variable holding an absolute
/// reference to the object.
/// The low bit of the target offset is used to mark an indirect reference,
/// and so the low bit of the target address must be zero. This means that,
/// in general, it is not possible to form this kind of reference to a
/// function (due to the THUMB bit) or unaligned data (such as a C string).
/// Generally well-suited for when the reference is always statically
/// initialized but may refer to something outside of the linkage unit.
/// An indirectable reference to the object; guaranteed to be as wide
/// as a pointer.
/// Generally well-suited for when the reference may be dynamically
/// initialized but may also statically refer outside of the linkage unit.
/// An initial value for a definition of an llvm::GlobalVariable.
class ConstantInit {
llvm::PointerUnion<ConstantInitFuture, llvm::Type*> Data;
/// No initializer is given. When this is used as an argument to
/// a getAddrOf... API, it means that only a declaration is being
/// requested.
ConstantInit() {}
/// Use a concrete value as a concrete initializer.
ConstantInit(llvm::Constant *initializer)
: Data(ConstantInitFuture(initializer)) {}
/// Use a ConstantInitBuilder future as a concrete initializer.
/*implicit*/ ConstantInit(ConstantInitFuture future) : Data(future) {
assert(future && "don't pass around null futures");
/// There will be a definition (with the given type), but we don't
/// have it yet.
static ConstantInit getDelayed(llvm::Type *type) {
auto result = ConstantInit();
result.Data = type;
return result;
explicit operator bool() const { return bool(Data); }
inline llvm::Type *getType() const {
assert(Data && "not a definition");
if (auto type = Data.dyn_cast<llvm::Type*>()) {
return type;
} else {
return Data.get<ConstantInitFuture>().getType();
bool hasInit() const {
ConstantInitFuture getInit() const {
return Data.get<ConstantInitFuture>();
/// An abstraction for computing the cost of an operation.
enum class OperationCost : unsigned {
Free = 0,
Arithmetic = 1,
Load = 3, // TODO: split into static- and dynamic-offset cases?
Call = 10
inline OperationCost operator+(OperationCost l, OperationCost r) {
return OperationCost(unsigned(l) + unsigned(r));
inline OperationCost &operator+=(OperationCost &l, OperationCost r) {
l = l + r;
return l;
inline bool operator<(OperationCost l, OperationCost r) {
return unsigned(l) < unsigned(r);
inline bool operator<=(OperationCost l, OperationCost r) {
return unsigned(l) <= unsigned(r);
/// An alignment value, in eight-bit units.
class Alignment {
using int_type = uint32_t;
constexpr Alignment() : Value(0) {}
constexpr explicit Alignment(int_type Value) : Value(Value) {}
constexpr int_type getValue() const { return Value; }
constexpr int_type getMaskValue() const { return Value - 1; }
bool isOne() const { return Value == 1; }
bool isZero() const { return Value == 0; }
Alignment alignmentAtOffset(Size S) const;
Size asSize() const;
unsigned log2() const {
return llvm::Log2_64(Value);
operator clang::CharUnits() const {
return asCharUnits();
clang::CharUnits asCharUnits() const {
return clang::CharUnits::fromQuantity(getValue());
explicit operator bool() const { return Value != 0; }
friend bool operator< (Alignment L, Alignment R){ return L.Value < R.Value; }
friend bool operator<=(Alignment L, Alignment R){ return L.Value <= R.Value; }
friend bool operator> (Alignment L, Alignment R){ return L.Value > R.Value; }
friend bool operator>=(Alignment L, Alignment R){ return L.Value >= R.Value; }
friend bool operator==(Alignment L, Alignment R){ return L.Value == R.Value; }
friend bool operator!=(Alignment L, Alignment R){ return L.Value != R.Value; }
int_type Value;
/// A size value, in eight-bit units.
class Size {
using int_type = uint64_t;
constexpr Size() : Value(0) {}
explicit constexpr Size(int_type Value) : Value(Value) {}
static constexpr Size forBits(int_type bitSize) {
return Size((bitSize + 7U) / 8U);
/// An "invalid" size, equal to the maximum possible size.
static constexpr Size invalid() { return Size(~int_type(0)); }
/// Is this the "invalid" size value?
bool isInvalid() const { return *this == Size::invalid(); }
constexpr int_type getValue() const { return Value; }
int_type getValueInBits() const { return Value * 8; }
bool isZero() const { return Value == 0; }
friend Size operator+(Size L, Size R) {
return Size(L.Value + R.Value);
friend Size &operator+=(Size &L, Size R) {
L.Value += R.Value;
return L;
friend Size operator-(Size L, Size R) {
return Size(L.Value - R.Value);
friend Size &operator-=(Size &L, Size R) {
L.Value -= R.Value;
return L;
friend Size operator*(Size L, int_type R) {
return Size(L.Value * R);
friend Size operator*(int_type L, Size R) {
return Size(L * R.Value);
friend Size &operator*=(Size &L, int_type R) {
L.Value *= R;
return L;
friend int_type operator/(Size L, Size R) {
return L.Value / R.Value;
explicit operator bool() const { return Value != 0; }
Size roundUpToAlignment(Alignment align) const {
int_type value = getValue() + align.getValue() - 1;
return Size(value & ~int_type(align.getValue() - 1));
bool isPowerOf2() const {
auto value = getValue();
return ((value & -value) == value);
bool isMultipleOf(Size other) const {
return (Value % other.Value) == 0;
unsigned log2() const {
return llvm::Log2_64(Value);
operator clang::CharUnits() const {
return asCharUnits();
clang::CharUnits asCharUnits() const {
return clang::CharUnits::fromQuantity(getValue());
friend bool operator< (Size L, Size R) { return L.Value < R.Value; }
friend bool operator<=(Size L, Size R) { return L.Value <= R.Value; }
friend bool operator> (Size L, Size R) { return L.Value > R.Value; }
friend bool operator>=(Size L, Size R) { return L.Value >= R.Value; }
friend bool operator==(Size L, Size R) { return L.Value == R.Value; }
friend bool operator!=(Size L, Size R) { return L.Value != R.Value; }
friend Size operator%(Size L, Alignment R) {
return Size(L.Value % R.getValue());
int_type Value;
/// Compute the alignment of a pointer which points S bytes after a
/// pointer with this alignment.
inline Alignment Alignment::alignmentAtOffset(Size S) const {
assert(getValue() && "called on object with zero alignment");
// If the offset is zero, use the original alignment.
Size::int_type V = S.getValue();
if (!V) return *this;
// Find the offset's largest power-of-two factor.
V = V & -V;
// The alignment at the offset is then the min of the two values.
if (V < getValue())
return Alignment(static_cast<Alignment::int_type>(V));
return *this;
/// Get this alignment as a Size value.
inline Size Alignment::asSize() const {
return Size(getValue());
/// A static or dynamic offset.
class Offset {
enum Kind {
enum : uint64_t {
KindBits = 1,
KindMask = (1 << KindBits) - 1,
PayloadMask = ~uint64_t(KindMask)
uint64_t Data;
explicit Offset(llvm::Value *offset)
: Data(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(offset) | Dynamic) {}
explicit Offset(Size offset)
: Data((static_cast<uint64_t>(offset.getValue()) << KindBits) | Static) {
assert(getStatic() == offset && "overflow");
bool isStatic() const { return (Data & KindMask) == Static; }
bool isDynamic() const { return (Data & KindMask) == Dynamic; }
Size getStatic() const {
return Size(static_cast<int64_t>(Data) >> KindBits);
llvm::Value *getDynamic() const {
return reinterpret_cast<llvm::Value*>(Data & PayloadMask);
llvm::Value *getAsValue(IRGenFunction &IGF) const;
Offset offsetBy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Size other) const;
} // end namespace irgen
} // end namespace swift