blob: 9e9b0e067507a38f08d5890e9c86b078e439b176 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DriverUtils.swift ------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#if os(Linux)
import Glibc
import Darwin
import TestsUtils
struct BenchResults {
let sampleCount, min, max, mean, sd, median, maxRSS: UInt64
public var registeredBenchmarks: [BenchmarkInfo] = []
enum TestAction {
case run
case listTests
struct TestConfig {
/// The delimiter to use when printing output.
let delim: String
/// Duration of the test measurement in seconds.
/// Used to compute the number of iterations, if no fixed amount is specified.
/// This is useful when one wishes for a test to run for a
/// longer amount of time to perform performance analysis on the test in
/// instruments.
let sampleTime: Double
/// If we are asked to have a fixed number of iterations, the number of fixed
/// iterations. The default value of 0 means: automatically compute the
/// number of iterations to measure the test for a specified sample time.
let fixedNumIters: UInt
/// The number of samples we should take of each test.
let numSamples: Int
/// Is verbose output enabled?
let verbose: Bool
// Should we log the test's memory usage?
let logMemory: Bool
/// After we run the tests, should the harness sleep to allow for utilities
/// like leaks that require a PID to run on the test harness.
let afterRunSleep: Int?
/// The list of tests to run.
let tests: [(index: String, info: BenchmarkInfo)]
let action: TestAction
init(_ registeredBenchmarks: [BenchmarkInfo]) {
struct PartialTestConfig {
var delim: String?
var tags, skipTags: Set<BenchmarkCategory>?
var numSamples, afterRunSleep: Int?
var fixedNumIters: UInt?
var sampleTime: Double?
var verbose: Bool?
var logMemory: Bool?
var action: TestAction?
var tests: [String]?
// Custom value type parsers
func tags(tags: String) throws -> Set<BenchmarkCategory> {
// We support specifying multiple tags by splitting on comma, i.e.:
// --tags=Array,Dictionary
// --skip-tags=Array,Set,unstable,skip
return Set(
try tags.split(separator: ",").map(String.init).map {
try checked({ BenchmarkCategory(rawValue: $0) }, $0) })
func finiteDouble(value: String) -> Double? {
return Double(value).flatMap { $0.isFinite ? $0 : nil }
// Configure the command line argument parser
let p = ArgumentParser(into: PartialTestConfig())
p.addArgument("--num-samples", \.numSamples,
help: "number of samples to take per benchmark; default: 1",
parser: { Int($0) })
p.addArgument("--num-iters", \.fixedNumIters,
help: "number of iterations averaged in the sample;\n" +
"default: auto-scaled to measure for `sample-time`",
parser: { UInt($0) })
p.addArgument("--sample-time", \.sampleTime,
help: "duration of test measurement in seconds\ndefault: 1",
parser: finiteDouble)
p.addArgument("--verbose", \.verbose, defaultValue: true,
help: "increase output verbosity")
p.addArgument("--memory", \.logMemory, defaultValue: true,
help: "log the change in maximum resident set size (MAX_RSS)")
p.addArgument("--delim", \.delim,
help:"value delimiter used for log output; default: ,",
parser: { $0 })
p.addArgument("--tags", \PartialTestConfig.tags,
help: "run tests matching all the specified categories",
parser: tags)
p.addArgument("--skip-tags", \PartialTestConfig.skipTags, defaultValue: [],
help: "don't run tests matching any of the specified\n" +
"categories; default: unstable,skip",
parser: tags)
p.addArgument("--sleep", \.afterRunSleep,
help: "number of seconds to sleep after benchmarking",
parser: { Int($0) })
p.addArgument("--list", \.action, defaultValue: .listTests,
help: "don't run the tests, just log the list of test \n" +
"numbers, names and tags (respects specified filters)")
p.addArgument(nil, \.tests) // positional arguments
let c = p.parse()
// Configure from the command line arguments, filling in the defaults.
delim = c.delim ?? ","
sampleTime = c.sampleTime ?? 1.0
fixedNumIters = c.fixedNumIters ?? 0
numSamples = c.numSamples ?? 1
verbose = c.verbose ?? false
logMemory = c.logMemory ?? false
afterRunSleep = c.afterRunSleep
action = c.action ?? .run
tests = TestConfig.filterTests(registeredBenchmarks,
specifiedTests: Set(c.tests ?? []),
tags: c.tags ?? [],
skipTags: c.skipTags ?? [.unstable, .skip])
if logMemory && tests.count > 1 {
warning: The memory usage of a test, reported as the change in MAX_RSS,
is based on measuring the peak memory used by the whole process.
These results are meaningful only when running a single test,
not in the batch mode!
if verbose {
let testList ={ $ }).joined(separator: ", ")
--- CONFIG ---
NumSamples: \(numSamples)
Verbose: \(verbose)
LogMemory: \(logMemory)
SampleTime: \(sampleTime)
FixedIters: \(fixedNumIters)
Tests Filter: \(c.tests ?? [])
Tests to run: \(testList)
--- DATA ---\n
/// Returns the list of tests to run.
/// - Parameters:
/// - registeredBenchmarks: List of all performance tests to be filtered.
/// - specifiedTests: List of explicitly specified tests to run. These can be
/// specified either by a test name or a test number.
/// - tags: Run tests tagged with all of these categories.
/// - skipTags: Don't run tests tagged with any of these categories.
/// - Returns: An array of test number and benchmark info tuples satisfying
/// specified filtering conditions.
static func filterTests(
_ registeredBenchmarks: [BenchmarkInfo],
specifiedTests: Set<String>,
tags: Set<BenchmarkCategory>,
skipTags: Set<BenchmarkCategory>
) -> [(index: String, info: BenchmarkInfo)] {
let allTests = registeredBenchmarks.sorted()
let indices = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues:
zip( { $ },
(1...) { String($0) } ))
func byTags(b: BenchmarkInfo) -> Bool {
return b.tags.isSuperset(of: tags) &&
b.tags.isDisjoint(with: skipTags)
func byNamesOrIndices(b: BenchmarkInfo) -> Bool {
return specifiedTests.contains( ||
} // !! "`allTests` have been assigned an index"
return allTests
.filter(specifiedTests.isEmpty ? byTags : byNamesOrIndices)
.map { (index: indices[$]!, info: $0) }
func internalMeanSD(_ inputs: [UInt64]) -> (UInt64, UInt64) {
// If we are empty, return 0, 0.
if inputs.isEmpty {
return (0, 0)
// If we have one element, return elt, 0.
if inputs.count == 1 {
return (inputs[0], 0)
// Ok, we have 2 elements.
var sum1: UInt64 = 0
var sum2: UInt64 = 0
for i in inputs {
sum1 += i
let mean: UInt64 = sum1 / UInt64(inputs.count)
for i in inputs {
sum2 = sum2 &+ UInt64((Int64(i) &- Int64(mean))&*(Int64(i) &- Int64(mean)))
return (mean, UInt64(sqrt(Double(sum2)/(Double(inputs.count) - 1))))
func internalMedian(_ inputs: [UInt64]) -> UInt64 {
return inputs.sorted()[inputs.count / 2]
func startTrackingObjects(_: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> ()
func stopTrackingObjects(_: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> Int
#if os(Linux)
class Timer {
typealias TimeT = timespec
func getTime() -> TimeT {
var ticks = timespec(tv_sec: 0, tv_nsec: 0)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ticks)
return ticks
func diffTimeInNanoSeconds(from start_ticks: TimeT, to end_ticks: TimeT) -> UInt64 {
var elapsed_ticks = timespec(tv_sec: 0, tv_nsec: 0)
if end_ticks.tv_nsec - start_ticks.tv_nsec < 0 {
elapsed_ticks.tv_sec = end_ticks.tv_sec - start_ticks.tv_sec - 1
elapsed_ticks.tv_nsec = end_ticks.tv_nsec - start_ticks.tv_nsec + 1000000000
} else {
elapsed_ticks.tv_sec = end_ticks.tv_sec - start_ticks.tv_sec
elapsed_ticks.tv_nsec = end_ticks.tv_nsec - start_ticks.tv_nsec
return UInt64(elapsed_ticks.tv_sec) * UInt64(1000000000) + UInt64(elapsed_ticks.tv_nsec)
class Timer {
typealias TimeT = UInt64
var info = mach_timebase_info_data_t(numer: 0, denom: 0)
init() {
func getTime() -> TimeT {
return mach_absolute_time()
func diffTimeInNanoSeconds(from start_ticks: TimeT, to end_ticks: TimeT) -> UInt64 {
let elapsed_ticks = end_ticks - start_ticks
return elapsed_ticks * UInt64(info.numer) / UInt64(info.denom)
class SampleRunner {
let timer = Timer()
let baseline = SampleRunner.getResourceUtilization()
let c: TestConfig
init(_ config: TestConfig) {
self.c = config
private static func getResourceUtilization() -> rusage {
var u = rusage(); getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &u); return u
/// Returns maximum resident set size (MAX_RSS) delta in bytes
func measureMemoryUsage() -> Int {
var current = SampleRunner.getResourceUtilization()
let maxRSS = current.ru_maxrss - baseline.ru_maxrss
if c.verbose {
let pages = maxRSS / sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)
func deltaEquation(_ stat: KeyPath<rusage, Int>) -> String {
let b = baseline[keyPath: stat], c = current[keyPath: stat]
return "\(c) - \(b) = \(c - b)"
MAX_RSS \(deltaEquation(\rusage.ru_maxrss)) (\(pages) pages)
ICS \(deltaEquation(\rusage.ru_nivcsw))
VCS \(deltaEquation(\rusage.ru_nvcsw))
return maxRSS
func run(_ name: String, fn: (Int) -> Void, num_iters: UInt) -> UInt64 {
// Start the timer.
name.withCString { p in startTrackingObjects(p) }
let start_ticks = timer.getTime()
// Stop the timer.
let end_ticks = timer.getTime()
name.withCString { p in stopTrackingObjects(p) }
// Compute the spent time and the scaling factor.
return timer.diffTimeInNanoSeconds(from: start_ticks, to: end_ticks)
/// Invoke the benchmark entry point and return the run time in milliseconds.
func runBench(_ test: BenchmarkInfo, _ c: TestConfig) -> BenchResults? {
var samples = [UInt64](repeating: 0, count: c.numSamples)
// Before we do anything, check that we actually have a function to
// run. If we don't it is because the benchmark is not supported on
// the platform and we should skip it.
guard let testFn = test.runFunction else {
if c.verbose {
print("Skipping unsupported benchmark \(!")
return nil
if c.verbose {
print("Running \( for \(c.numSamples) samples.")
let sampler = SampleRunner(c)
for s in 0..<c.numSamples {
let nsPerSecond = 1_000_000_000.0 // nanoseconds
let time_per_sample = UInt64(c.sampleTime * nsPerSecond)
var scale : UInt
var elapsed_time : UInt64 = 0
if c.fixedNumIters == 0 {
elapsed_time =, fn: testFn, num_iters: 1)
if elapsed_time > 0 {
scale = UInt(time_per_sample / elapsed_time)
} else {
if c.verbose {
print(" Warning: elapsed time is 0. This can be safely ignored if the body is empty.")
scale = 1
} else {
// Compute the scaling factor if a fixed c.fixedNumIters is not specified.
scale = c.fixedNumIters
if scale == 1 {
elapsed_time =, fn: testFn, num_iters: 1)
// Make integer overflow less likely on platforms where Int is 32 bits wide.
// FIXME: Switch BenchmarkInfo to use Int64 for the iteration scale, or fix
// benchmarks to not let scaling get off the charts.
scale = min(scale, UInt(Int.max) / 10_000)
// Rerun the test with the computed scale factor.
if scale > 1 {
if c.verbose {
print(" Measuring with scale \(scale).")
elapsed_time =, fn: testFn, num_iters: scale)
} else {
scale = 1
// save result in microseconds or k-ticks
samples[s] = elapsed_time / UInt64(scale) / 1000
if c.verbose {
print(" Sample \(s),\(samples[s])")
let (mean, sd) = internalMeanSD(samples)
// Return our benchmark results.
return BenchResults(sampleCount: UInt64(samples.count),
min: samples.min()!, max: samples.max()!,
mean: mean, sd: sd, median: internalMedian(samples),
maxRSS: UInt64(sampler.measureMemoryUsage()))
/// Execute benchmarks and continuously report the measurement results.
func runBenchmarks(_ c: TestConfig) {
let withUnit = {$0 + "(us)"}
let header = (
["#", "TEST", "SAMPLES"] +
["MIN", "MAX", "MEAN", "SD", "MEDIAN"].map(withUnit)
+ (c.logMemory ? ["MAX_RSS(B)"] : [])
).joined(separator: c.delim)
var testCount = 0
func report(_ index: String, _ t: BenchmarkInfo, results: BenchResults?) {
func values(r: BenchResults) -> [String] {
return ([r.sampleCount, r.min, r.max, r.mean,, r.median] +
(c.logMemory ? [r.maxRSS] : [])).map { String($0) }
let benchmarkStats = (
[index,] + ( ?? ["Unsupported"])
).joined(separator: c.delim)
if (results != nil) {
testCount += 1
for (index, test) in c.tests {
report(index, test, results:runBench(test, c))
public func main() {
let config = TestConfig(registeredBenchmarks)
switch (config.action) {
case .listTests:
for (index, t) in config.tests {
let testDescription = [String(index),, t.tags.sorted().description]
.joined(separator: config.delim)
case .run:
if let x = config.afterRunSleep {