blob: d63f4cb5fab3903d5a70eb635d0961c0f9726e84 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -swift-version 4 %s -verify
func testPopFirst() {
var str = "abc"
_ = str.popFirst() // expected-error{{'popFirst()' is unavailable: Please use 'first', 'dropFirst()', or 'Substring.popFirst()'}}
_ = str.characters.popFirst() // expected-warning{{'characters' is deprecated: Please use String directly}}
// expected-error@-1{{'popFirst()' is unavailable: Please use 'first', 'dropFirst()', or 'Substring.popFirst()'}}
_ = str.popFirst() // expected-error{{'popFirst()' is unavailable: Please use 'first', 'dropFirst()', or 'Substring.popFirst()'}}
_ = str.unicodeScalars.popFirst() // expected-error{{'popFirst()' is unavailable: Please use 'first', 'dropFirst()', or 'Substring.UnicodeScalarView.popFirst()'}}
var charView: String.CharacterView // expected-warning{{'CharacterView' is deprecated: Please use String directly}}
charView = str.characters // expected-warning{{'characters' is deprecated: Please use String directly}}
var substr = str[...]
_ = substr.popFirst() // ok
_ = substr.characters.popFirst() // expected-warning{{'characters' is deprecated: Please use Substring directly}}
_ = substr.unicodeScalars.popFirst() // ok
var charSubView: Substring.CharacterView // expected-warning{{'CharacterView' is deprecated: Please use Substring directly}}
charSubView = substr.characters // expected-warning{{'characters' is deprecated: Please use Substring directly}}
var _ = String(str.utf8) ?? "" // expected-warning{{left side of nil coalescing operator '??' has non-optional type 'String', so the right side is never used}}
var _: String = String(str.utf8)! // expected-error{{'init' is unavailable: Please use non-failable String.init(_:UTF8View) instead}}
var _: String = String(str.utf8) // ok